The classification or category of "worker" is a meaningless social construct...

The classification or category of "worker" is a meaningless social construct. Its an arbitrary distinction between human beings that is not rooted in science and in fact does not exist. Who exactly is a "worker" in today's society? This idea is built on outdated and backward throwbacks to the industrial revolution. Its 2017. There is only one class, the human class. I mean if you try to divide people into these "classes" where exactly does one class end and another begin? At what point is someone not a worker anymore and labeled a capitalist? Seems like a really arbitrary and divisive thing to me. Lets all work together in a harmonious hierarchy of business owners and laborers towards a common goal and stop all of this conflict on this outdated and unscientific idea of "class."

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Your relationship to the means of production is a spook.

Class collaborationist bullshit

So who would you need to kill or enslave to get what you want? Where is the line drawn? Who is ok and who gets the gulag?

Society is stratified by genetics a lot more than you think.

Capitalist. Owns capital

Proletarian. Doesn't own capital

Wow was that fucking hard

We'll start with you, class traitor.

Clearly but right now, today in the real world who is a "worker" and who is a capitalist?

How do you define capital? A car? A house? Clothing? A printer? A microwave oven?

Capitalists own the means of production, workers work them, lumpen don't but are still lower class. Is this your first time on Holla Forums?

Literally none of those things.

Well actually if you're not using them personally and instead are holding them hostage for profit I guess they would be capital.

Maybe I'm drunk and getting my terms mixed up. OPs still a cunt.

That's pretty fucking broad. I'm glad you went with that. So then the Mexican immigrants that come and do landscaping own financial capital because they have the money to buy lawn mowers and weed eaters and the trailers and trucks they use to haul them. They own that means of production. These are not rich people by any stretch. Are you going to pile them into mass graves?

If you use your own means of production alone it doesn't really count as being a capitalist, you gotta be hiring poor shmucks to do all your work for you for a fraction of their own worth. (Say you own a bread shop, you pay them a slice's worth for every loaf.)

It's hilarious that you think these are "gotcha" points. Read Marx nigger.

You wanna know how I know you haven't read a fucking word of Marx?

Cause he's a tripfag?

Yes Holla Forums class is just like race, you got it all figured out.

You do realize you're doing the exact same thing that that Holla Forums does over race. Your identity and social mythos is that of the worker. And objectively if you fucking love science there is a lot more to race than some literally socially constructed relationship to a fucking steel mill.

People who own some form of capital on a smaller level and not enough to keep generating more typically fall under petty bourgeois. Capitalists own the means of production, distribution and get all the profits. Proles work for wages and sell their labour power to capitalists to be able to sustain themselves and their families.

How is your labor not a form of capital? Do you "own" it? How can your labor belong to you and only you if there is no such thing as property?

The classification or category of "thin" is a meaningless social construct. Its an arbitrary distinction between human beings that is not rooted in science and in fact does not exist. Who exactly is "thin" in today's society? This idea is built on outdated and backward throwbacks to Sumo. Its 2017. There is only one body type, the human one. I mean if you try to divide people into these "body types" where exactly does one type end and another begin? At what point is someone not thin anymore and labeled a fatty? Seems like a really arbitrary and divisive thing to me. Lets all work together in a harmonious hierarchy of business owners and laborers in this progressive burger company and stop all of this conflict on this outdated and unscientific idea of "body types."

I bet you thought that was really clever and original.

it's another


It's true. your relationship to the means of production does not exist outside of the conceptions of the human mind.

The Holla Forumsyps aren't post-modernists.