All the liberals sucking CIA cock is driving me crazy...

All the liberals sucking CIA cock is driving me crazy. They even reject arguments pointing out it goes against the 4th amendment by saying the CIA only spies on "bad guys" and a FISA court probably signed off on it.

It makes me wish Stalin would rise from the grave and send all these Liberal fags into the gulag.

somewhat related, anyone else notice how many liberals are infiltrating and calling everyone who rejects idpol 'Holla Forums'?


Why have so many liberals become pro-establishment just to oppose another official figurehead they don't like?

Does it not defeat the whole purpose?

All we see today is the establishment having its own civil war, a struggle for control between two corrupt sides.

liberals and conservatives are the same

Marxism Leninism is the only legitimate and relevant socialist branch.


Liberals are brainwashed stooges of capital. They truly believe imperialism is for the greater good.

no its just ultra violent and hyper aggressive nationalism. That's why sociopathic leftypol users like it

Btw that movie the gif is taken from, "The Vow", is awesome and i'm going to rewatch it now and drown my sadness with alcohol.

Tankies are treated better than anarkiddies, they just post funnier stuff. Stop being so butthurt about it.

Fuck off, dumb cunt.

Oh my god


No one link this thread to Max. He'll have a fit.

The fuck did you think was going to happen when we let Reddit in?

I do that when people pretend right-wing idpol is anti-idpol.
That shit

I am an older guy, and it utterly astonishes me that the twenty-somethings do not give two shits about their own privacy. This shit would have been utterly unconscienable twenty-five years ago. Did 9/11 really spook people that badly?

same here. there always seems to be both an element of leddit idpol as well as crypto-Holla Forumsyps here.

Further proof that furries are cancer.

These are the same dumb asses that give Facebook and Google all their actual information upfront.

I obviously don't agree with the CIA part but I kind of agree with the Wikileaks one. As we shouldn't nttust the CIA, we also shouldn't trust Wikileaks that much. I'm not saying the info is fake, I'm saying they might be timing their leaks specifically to benefit the right, rather than for transparency or generating consciousness. The one who has the info is important, but if he also has an agenda he's dangerous.

yee ive definitely seen more of that then actual liberals and its just as annoying. either way its idpol infested bullshit masquerading as leftists. same thing as far as im concerned

I would rather have people who do not agree with me on the gay issue than those who disagree on the class issue.

We should also bear in mind that it does not matter whether one bourgeois party is in power or the other. Just having the information is a good thing.

No doubt. Of course, goddamn nobody beyond here seems to know what class actually is.

Most have been indoctrinated into not being sober egoists. The working class literally has no need for idealists, there is plenty of us if people were just more woke about their egoistic interests.

The big issue is nobody should the CIA, they have always been the jack booted enforcers of the US ruling class. Wikileaks motives is overshadowed by the CIA's (who's job is to murder democracy abroad) has now turned its attention inward.

Hi Holla Forums,
The "leaks" are fake and are distracting from the fact that we have a Russian plant in office, who's going to hurt millions.
Quick trying to gaslight us into being magatards

Hi Holla Forums

Which is why the liberals that do that shit all the time feel at home here.

Congratulations, fuckstick.





It's just called being normal mate.

Not an argument

report any people defending idpol you see so we can give them hot red text

If there's one thing we should take from the USSR into the future, it's gulags.

BTW anyone has the tumblr variant of this pic?

Kys reactionary

Is a reactionary IDpol?

Ffs everyone here is from a leftist subreddit

Please pay attention to me



No, fuck off to your cancerous shithole.


"Muh Reddit" is literally Holla Forums tier, I can't be the only one.(USER WAS EXILED TO THE REDDIT HORDES FOR THIS POST)

Gee, who could have seen that coming? I'm sure there's a couple decent comrades here from reddit, but the majority of them are indistinguishable from a right-wing parody of liberals.


It's just memes. Also, killing porkies is not Stalin exclusive.

You have to go back.


Fuck off, if anyone's Holla Forums here it's you

I see this buzzword a lot here, I guess I'm Le bourge porky if I don't want to toss gay men from buildings

That's absolutely correct.

I agree.
Imho, these leaks came from 2013-2016 (Obama admin), thus they all want to defend their precious democratic leader

Calm down

By allowing memes and offtopic threads you're allowing retards to completely kill any discourse tbh.


No, you'd be anti-orthodox islam :^)

But seriously, I don't see anyone calling for gays to be put to death that isn't clearly doing it in an ironic and provocative manner.

It's midnight lad.

I'm all for telling redditors to fuck off but posting reactionary bullshit """"""""""ironically"""""""""" is where I draw the line. It only helps Holla Forumstards feel at home and potential comrades to be turned off.

Good thing we've got the report button right comrade.


If they're genuinely shitting up a thread with nonsense (gas the kikes, kill all fags, helicopter rides XDDD), is right, just report it.

If they're just saying things you don't like, put on your big boy pants and debate them, or just ignore it.

I don't think it's reasonable to say that wikileaks is timing their leaks to benefit the right.

It's true that wikileaks has, through their somewhat inflammatory attitude, placed themselves in a political penumbra, but we should not take things for granted like "the vault 7 leak benefits the right" or even benefits Trump. Trump actually hates whistleblowers and nobody would reasonably think that he was going to be friends with Assange. We should try to understand where this thought even comes from. How could leaking CIA spy tools benefit the right? What about this leak requires measure or caution? I think it's only one thing: it restores the credibility of wikileaks and reaffirms its mission as a repository of secret information, and this is highly frustrating for democrats and opponents of Trump who have tied Trump, Wikileaks and Russia into a grand and fragile conspiracy.

I can't understand the mindset that leads people to care what harmless shit people do in private

Is there even a word for this? Self-spooking? Autocucking?


There's a two-part answer for that. The direct answer to that question is "religion", as specific flavors of sky daddy consider homosexuality an abomination, so it doesn't matter if you're doing it in private or not, any more than it would matter if you were murdering someone in private.

The other answer is that people care when it stops being something they do in private, especially when they do it around children. "Gay culture" is just as disgusting and unnecessary as "ghetto culture" or "skinhead culture".

Want to stand out as a gay guy? Be well-dressed and well-groomed. Be Neil Patrick Harris or Anderson Cooper. Don't put on a fake lisp, throw on the rainbows and women's jewelry, and mince around like a faggot for attention. Or, you know, just act like a normal dude who happens to like dicks.

It's called don't fuck with the Deep State when you're into shit like AB/DL or Baby Furs.