So what is the functional difference between state capitalism and war economy?

So what is the functional difference between state capitalism and war economy?

Other urls found in this thread:

all of these things are synonyms

For anarkkidies perhaps, but not to the 99.9% of general population

Holy fuck I hate anarchists who fetishize the spanish civil war.

Anarkiddies can't into theory?

Yeah, Occupy Wallstreet, BLM and the Women's march never happened. Those damned millennial don't do anything.

You could just not be a liberal.

Socdems proving they are politically illiterate as usual.

You dumb fuck, it wasn't idpol until the end which was what killed it.

BLM is a black separatist group, not an anti-police brutality one.

The comic was arguing that this generation sits on their ass and does nothing, yet there have been dozens of major protests throughout the west in just the past few years, don't fucking move the goalpost.

Protests that don`t have effect on policy.

BLM isn't about police brutality, or they wouldn't be outright fabricating things that never happened (hands up, don't shoot) which do nothing but discredit any potential anti-police brutality momentum they may have had. It's a porky-funded black supremacist movement used to mobilize non-white lumpen to divide and conquer the working class.
Not idpol, just toilet-paper degree liberals and homeless people engaging in ineffectual lifestylism and frankly, disgusting behavior.
Sure was.

Why are you repeating Fox news?

>>>Holla Forums

That must be why the only unifying factor across the various local movements is police reform.
BLM isn't a unified organization so I'm not sure how they fabricated anything. BLM is a sentiment more than anything. It's a hashtag. Some bad information taking root in a disparate group whose biggest unifying platform is twitter isn't anything spectacularly special.
Please show me where the more organized BLM activists are calling for black supremacy. You're literally regurgitating Rush Limbaugh-tier talking points.

You've gotta be one fashy lib if you're confusing real leftism with fox news.


Actually Lenin would say the same shit. He did say imperialism was the primary phase of capitalism.

You can't possibly prove that claim, and you're in need of a history lesson of what BLM is and why it started.
This is your escape hatch, where any example of black supremacy can be discarded as not being "organized" enough. You liberals are so fucking predictable.
Is this some liberal "y-you can't criticize t-this group because it has d-different chapters!!!" hand-waving? Sure looks like it. Hint: BLM was started when Zimmerman was acquitted.

Why was Zimmerman acquitted? Because innocent lil tray-tray (who had taken pictures of himself with stolen firearms, and had been caught numerous times with stolen jewelry and burglary tools) was walking through a neighborhood at night with his hoodie pulled up (as criminals do). This same neighborhood had been repeatedly burglarized, which is why Zimmerman was patrolling the streets. He follows tray-tray, and calls the police and informs them of a suspicious black male with his hand in his waistband. While he's talking to dispatch, trayvon gets a whiff of bacon and starts running, as criminal blacks tend to do. Zimmerman pursues, but as he's a doughy, out of shape mestizo, and trayvon is built like your average kenyan, he gets away. Zimmerman continues looking, when trayvon comes out of a bush and immediately confronts him. It is here where he transforms into trayboon, and goes into full glorious uprising mode, attacking zimmerman. Trayboon begins bashing zimmerman's head into the street (eye-witness testimony supports this), zimmerman draws his CCW, presses the barrel to trayboon's chest, and fires one shot into his heart.

It was a clear case of self defense, and that is what your beloved "movement" was founded on.

After that we had the Mike Brown shooting in Ferguson. This is where "hands up don't shoot" came from, and has been a key component of every BLM riot peaceful protest since. The hilarious thing? "Hands up don't shoot" was immediately proven to be a lie. The "Gentle Giant" was in the process of grappling for Wilson's gun when he was mag dumped.

Anyway, we're done here. Go regroup at /r/Socialism and see if they'll give you more bullshit non-arguments for me to blow the fuck out.

durruti did nothing wrong

Ayo hol up hol up hol up


"Hands up, don't shoot" was based on a lie
It doesn't have to be fabricated by some shadowy cabal of organizers when wishful thinking and mass self-delusion can do their job for them.
Wow how could such a thing happen, I'm sure the bourgeois-funded politics of professional victimhood and racial hatred had nothing to do with this, and on the other hand that this doesn't reveal them as such

No. I just don't think the people who are meeting with local politicians and community organizers to seriously combat police abuse should be represented by some dude who uses the hashtag on twitter.
It's not even a matter of having different chapters. The fact of the matter is that BLM is a sentiment. It's not some monolithic black supremacist group that follow a party line.

Not an argument.

Not sure if latent Holla Forums sentiments or just straight up Holla Forumsyp trash.

The facts of the case are not disputable you fuck

This is your last chance to provide a counter-argument with facts, reddit.


Funny, since that sums up the entirety of this post:

You blew your last chance at providing a counter-argument. This is your last (You), it's over.

Not at first but after the progressive stack idiocy that is what it became. Drove all the sane people away. Another successful d&c by porky.

Capitalism isn't some monolithic porky supremacist group that follows a party line.
But we can criticize it based on what we observe of it and its internal contradictions, which naturally includes tracing its various theoretical justifications.

If you a priori rule out the prospect that members of a movement reflect on their peers, and that a movement itself has an essential ideological character which we can observe, congratulations, you've just "disproved" police violence. Because "it would be unfair to generalize."

I can respect trying to address police violence. But BLM itself is quite solidly bifurcated from that. And necessarily, too, when you look at its funding sources. Malcolm X was right, the true emancipatory horizon for racial justice takes us beyond capitalism. It's therefore imperative that porky yet again corrupt and misdirect this, as with all social movements, to retain power.

Racial pathos is what hides the bait and switch

But it is.

Excellent post

Capitalism is a global economic system. This comparison is ridiculous.

In effect, not structure. Exactly like BLM.
It's a jumbled aggregate of individual porkies acting in their own rational self-interest, not some unified conspiracy.

No, Patrick, incredulity is not an argument.

The institutional structure that is the police isn't equivalent to a loose grouping of people who are rallying behind a sentiment. The police are an organized structure whose actions can be analyzed and interpreted to reflect it's day-to-day operation. Some guy with shit opinions on twitter or youtube or at a rally who happens to share the same sentiment as a bunch of other people isn't really a representative of any organization because there is no organization to speak of.

Yep. It's all just a big coincidence.

Well said.

Are you even literate?

The point is that it's not some top-down monolith directly expressing on the whole of society the idea in itself that porkies should rule, but that it takes on this effect as a result of more fundamental forces in society.
Literally all this says is some things can sometimes be emergent properties of other things.
Fucking lrn 2 dialectics homie g

You're conflating all rejection of your position with holding an untenable one. Literally nobody's critique of BLM identarianism is built on "some guy on twitter." That would be insane.

You have to be particularly retarded to read that pablum and come away with the impression that the bulk of the comment was rooted in "fact"


>>>Holla Forums take your race realism back where it belongs.

I cringed

which, in the case of BLM, this ideology seems to be against police violence. as the user already said, it seems to be the main unifying idea behind it. otherwise, I somewhat agree with your post.

I don't know what made me cringe more, the Holla Forumsesque rant about Trayvon Martin, lionizing the turboLARPer Zimmerman, or the fact that you write off anti-police brutality because one out of many shootings of unarmed blacks was misrepresented. kill yourself.

I agree with this comment

the most liberal comment I've ever seen

Holy shit this thread is full of reddit retards

gentooposter is based, alphabet soup please leave my board

Maybe you should fuck off back to pol with him


Maybe you should fuck off back to reddit

better yet, if you're the one who thinks capitalism is some grand conspiracy theory, you can join Holla Forums, youre only one step off from claiming the conspirators are all jews anyway

Not the guy you're replying to but I didn't say it was a grand conspiracy. What I meant was that capitalists have agency and actively participate in structuring society to favor their class interests.

A Kafkatrap, really, that acquittal is just further evidence of guilt and exactly those societal problems we're putting on trial in the first place.

Red and black thinks he's part of the solution, but he's really just a lifestylist Korean fag

Bookchin was right about everything

The first and last ones are the best.