Was the mainstreaming of "The Patriarchy" shortly after the dismantling of Occupy Wall Street an Obama/Wall Street plot to divide men and women and stop them from organizing under a new Left?
Was the mainstreaming of "The Patriarchy" shortly after the dismantling of Occupy Wall Street an Obama/Wall Street plot...
Yes, and it was painfully obvious.
I'm not sure about turning COINTELPRO into this big other that is responsible for everything that goes bad like Holla Forums does with jews
I really want to believe it's true that OWS got hijacked like this but I'd like more proof
We will never get proof sadly. It all just feels… scripted.
you can talk about events like these (the promotion of a very specific brand of liberal idpol used to sell a very nasty type of neoliberalism as a distraction from leftism) without imputing that it was all scripted by the Globalists or the Feeb or cointelpro.
there are literal neoliberal shills (amanda marcotte, Dady Soyle) who promote and expand neoliberalism under the aegis of feminism and suppress leftism
Wasn't the spike due to all those Slut Walks?
It actually started before OWS and was the most lethal tool used to destroy OWS and refocus outrage on the "real" problems that porky approves of.
Correlation =/= causation, as much as all our grainy artifacts are inspiring. It's entirely possible that the failure of a left-wing economic revolt channeled a lot of latent/building energy into the social sphere instead. The same thing happened in the late 60s and 70s, where the failure of the '68 revolutionary wave led to the decline of the global left and the rise of either radical holdouts or secessionist hippie communes, environmentalism, and computer utopianism. The collapse of one great radical attempt will always see the frustrations kind of blow up and smear all over before going in a different and worse direction. Some of that might be consciously shaped by elites, but just as much has to be from general blowback. You'll notice in that dearly-beloved grainy jpeg that the social justice boom only really started after Zucotti Park was cleared and the whole revolutionary project was collapsing.
You can't seriously be alleging that the FBI invented feminism to destroy class movements - on the one hand, that's overestimating their intelligence, and on the other hand that's not the historical pattern. Historical cointelpro was more about exacerbating personal divides and character stuff, as well as provoking splits over a group's main ideology to promote splintering instead of hijacking it with a whole new set of goals as you seem to think they did. Of course they infiltrated Occupy Wall Street and probably fucked around, but the whole project by dint of how it was organized - IE non-hierarchically, and without any ideology or goals - was doomed to go down to the same forces as before.
I still have yet to see proof that there was government intervention to create or promote idpol. Idpol being bad and the government being present and possibly intervening do not a case make. Did idpol damage the movement? Heck yes. It was shittily structured to begin with, and therefore really vulnerable. But that final connection isn't strong enough to be convincing.
this user understands it and has the correct frame of analysis for this
The FBI probably didn't single handedly invent SJWs and use them to dismantle Occupy, but I don't doubt that in some instances they noticed the effect it had on organization. An interesting test would be to see if the associated rhetoric spiked in the mainstream media around that time, filtering from FBI exposure at the protests to weaponization at the hands of the media
No. Ideology is not some giant conspiracy, it's something people ACTUALLY believe. OWS being subverted by liberal idpol was a consequence of the prominance of that ideology among the masses, not something deliberately introduced by outside elements to destroy it.
I've not personally seen the cast iron proof you are demanding but comnsider it in loight of what we know about the FBI's MO. Consider as well how concerned they were about Occupy. I can't see them not at least attempting to infiltrate and subvert.
Some details of the FBI thinking re OWS from a wikileaks leak.
Given the severity of their concern I think it is fair to say they did at least attempt to subvert Occupy.
IDPol is clearly the perfect vehicle for this.
No. It was killed by lifestylists who came just to have an "experience". OWS became like burning man for stoner hippies. It's how every protest dies and we never learn
Be more wrong
I'm sorry that I won't answer OP's leading question exactly how he wanted me to. Let's blame every dismantling on IDPol because it's an easy spook to attack.
Really though, the best thing the media ever did to attack OWS was show the dirty hippies holed up in tents, getting henna tattoos. It made the whole thing seem like a social event. Nobody took it seriously anymore. And it was entirely on purpose. COINTELPRO wanted it to appeal to people like that and let the media eat them alive once it did.
interesting thread, I saw the graphics on leftypol here too and while I found it spurious, it did get me wondering.
this is not a bad answer at all, personally I don't think one can blame idpol for all of the left's failings, but it's definitely contributing.
by the way, do any other anons find it interesting that Gloria Steinem admitted to being part of a CIA-funded student politics front group?
aside from it being an internet story, I am slightly sceptical of this, since I notice white people forcing the idpol Kool-Aid down everyone's throats just as much as minorities do.
I've definitely felt annoyed at times that idpolers literally write off anything you have to say that doesn't 100% agree with them because you're a straight white dude. it doesn't mean I hold any ill-will towards people of any minority, or the left on the whole (and those who do should stop claiming to be left wing tbh), while this guy seems to be trying not to look like he's seething.
with that all said, idpol is a fucking cancer on the left's arsehole, and the most dangerous part of it is that it flips logic on its head and elevates the ad hominem statement to the status of an ideology.
You should be sorry about spreading bourgeois propaganda
al;j ,
CIA infiltrated tumblr with a list of kaomoji on hand
Its not that they invented Idpol but they actively attempt to make identity based movements as bourgeois and divisive as possible. The most famous case of this is Gloria Steinem and the women's lib movemnt. Steinem worked for the CIA dated Kissinger and a nixon era attorney general, and received extensive corporate support from the ford foundation and others. Unsurprisingly she's played a prominent role in moving the feminist movement away from class based analysis and towards misandrist bullshit.