#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Horsing Around Edition


Update:That Bill passed the house.
Suggested course of action:
2. Holla Forums is being infested by people from other websites. There also was fuzz DDOS attack on 28 February 2018.
Most affected boards by this are /sudo/, Holla Forums, /cow/, and Holla Forums.
archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 archive.is/8vwcE
>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games

A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: liberapay.com/archiveis/donate
B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices
C. OP DICKTIONAIRY: The Destruction of Words and Language

>U.S. Copyright Office is considering a rule change that would loosen the restrictions governing emulations and reproductions of abandoned online games (ESA not happy: archive.is/4GRJm ): www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/online-games-dmca-exemption/
>Net-juu's Director got into a bit of trouble thanks to the valiant efforts of (((ANN))): >>>/animu/14073
>"If you’re concerned about discussing conservative values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug" (Google Lawsuit): archive.fo/Oh2IW
>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: archive.is/QMEAF
>> KC:D delivering the salt. archive.is/FZ6yo#selection-327.0-327.259 || archive.fo/VIMpt || archive.fo/nsnAk || archive.fo/TmKre & archive.fo/k6PN9


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

>Reminders (important, READ THESE!):
•Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
•Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
•Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
•Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

•The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
•#GamerGate Wiki: ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page
•History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
•View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

•All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
•Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)
•An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

•GamerGate Wiki Support List: v.gd/0fOHO3
•GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/n6GPPt
•GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: v.gd/vzRsRb


•Current: ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP


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Other urls found in this thread:


Any germans here? What's been going on there?

Attached: german.png (1920x876, 1.14M)


Oh nooooooo! My board is being D&C by those meanies over at /vg/!

Attached: HelloCharlotte_Smug.png (375x385, 163.68K)


Attached: THIS IS WHY YOU ARCHIVE OR FUCK OFF.png (853x480 24.31 KB, 981.03K)

Archive of previous bread

Attached: Bread loli delivering bread super fast.jpg (1280x720, 264.44K)


Attached: mark_pengu.jpg (3264x2448, 1.47M)

Remember, no Gilda bullying allowed!

Attached: c50e3d37bbb94a42a81a6630724015c2fda8a78887298114fa729c0d7121c59d.png (800x1132, 955.72K)

These are the same incompetent fucks who made Celica a Marth clone too.

Attached: 29258258_1237620706371709_371405165422525309_n.jpg (856x483, 51.99K)

No Marku bullying as well.

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What's all of this about Mark and /vg/ d&c mentioned above?

Are the threads getting faster or is that just me playing vidya?

I'm textless.

Attached: 5ab13d5939415c5e12b0706de48454105e2a6363a3a313c5832281391e2a5c69.jpg (492x449, 44.28K)

OP TIMBER! Full Version

Injection Tips:
1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.
2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.
3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.
4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

Attached: timber-big-04.png (1241x1754 116.08 KB, 132.48K)

OP TIMBER! Social Media Friendly Version

Injection Tips:
1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.
2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.
3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.
4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

Attached: timber-sm-04.png (1200x1200 76.04 KB, 49.43K)

He seems to be doing a great job at making enemies somehow. He seems like a nice enough dude, no idea how he is making so many people lose sleep over him.

Attached: this nigga serious.jpg (460x459, 34.96K)

I think it's latter.

At least other games general threads won't be shat over by some retarded faggots again.

Look at meta thread in catalog.

Figure I should post it one more time because it's some great OC. Webm of an animation made by a drawfag in the last draw thread.

Attached: Windy Vivian (Half Moon Run - Throes)_16MB_600p_30fps_VP9(2390kbits)_Opus(126kbits).webm (720x600, 15.99M)

Attached: sankarea.mp4 (1280x720, 10.67M)

Another fucking legacy board alt. I don't think alts are good and just try to divide the communities of the legacy boards. It's best to try to improve the boards instead.

Posting OC from last bread.

I've been looking for that. Thanks, user.

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No idea what's going on

Attached: say what.webm (450x360, 786.83K)

It's a good thing I'm taking a Japanese class right now

I guess some other faggot wants to get gobbled by a thing that barely passes for a human.
Let's hope this one is smart enough to not film it.

SJWeebs need to be lynched tbh



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Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Making an ugly ass sweater
☑ Made Logan Paul level up
☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish
☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement
☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco
☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games
☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar
☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson
✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting
☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf
☑ Bought Mombot™ merch
☑ Was caught with weapons of mass destruction by Batwu but framed a GamerGazi mod for the crime
☑ Evolving across industries
☑ Saying that dyed hair is criminal
☑ Played To Catch a Predator with GGrevolt
☑ "ethics in gamming journalism."
☑ Review bombed Black Panther on Rotten Tomatoes to break it's perfect 100% score
☑ Kingdom Come shows #Gamergate has won in every sense of the word
☑ Used the GamerGate Time Machine to inspire a play about trolls, bots, and hactivists
☑ Dis-invited Anita from Trump's meetings with game industry executives
☑ Causing a 50% decline in viewership for the Oscars in 4 years
☑ Helped contribute to the rise of the alt-right
☑ Made ALL videogames inspire Alt-Right ideology
☑ Turned Reanon into gamergate's grim harvester of souls
☑ Death by Easy Cheese™


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Gas the cats

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The answer is: other autists. His enemies are other autists.

Mark is to brittle and capitulates to often. He should be stronger and braver, more confident in himself to not give others power they don't deserve.

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What did we do to deserve this?

Attached: horrified felix.png (413x351, 249.17K)

You only had to listen

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Are sharkgirls still ok?

Attached: ore.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

Get this filth out of here

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Please you be joking. I'm slightly worried now.

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Reminder he's doing it manually

For what purpose

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It only takes me 1 click to remove :^)

user do you want your tendies now?

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Here's a song like previous ones from the last thread,hope you like it! Sage for off topic.

Attached: Hive Minds Think Alike - Song【Electro】.mp4 (640x360, 13.46M)

Sher looks like Kathy Griffin


Attached: g654d7h9jot5esx431q3e8hno0.mp4 (640x360 9.7 MB, 303.26K)

But I just ate pizza

Are you thirsty for milk?

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That's gay

Attached: GhE5HoYvjuHZbnYr.mp4 (720x1280, 4.9M)

Attached: 【Aniki】gee ♂-ClZapfhWmhs.mp4 (852x480, 12.93M)

This is starting to make me feel ill. Her fake is making me nauseous.

Who is this confused carnivore?

Why was torrfag so mad?

Attached: bideo.jpg (1280x867, 847.38K)

So is the whole spam related to this /vg/ drama?

I think it's a bot or something, I don't know, filtering is easy.

Attached: Another speech from Gaybriel-ZRuXt2lIp3U.mp4 (1280x720, 1.68M)

I don't find "RPG Armor" and "Amazoness Armor" appealing myself, or at least not anywhere near like how I feel about the "cabaret" styles or their Phantom Thief attires. But Christ, these calls for censorship are getting way out of hand.

That is such a top tier fucking ED

Attached: 44387CAD-E161-4ACE-81BD-9E520C4706E3.jpeg (827x1200, 124.69K)

So can someone explain what the fuck is going on?

Attached: you wat nip.PNG (366x452, 150.69K)

Just report and ignore.

Section 230 protections for the first amendment are under attack

Well fuck.

Torfags have to fill a captcha for every post they make, unlike us who merely have to fill one a day. So it can't be bots. It was literally all done manually. One post at a time.

best girl from loli shogi

Attached: Ryuuou_no_Oshigoto2.jpg (1280x720 251.5 KB, 307.4K)

This animuh is so horridly bad. It's the blandest shit. I'm a massive lolicon and yet I keep feeling like this is boring as all hell, horrendously stupid and vapid as fuck. Why does it exist ? It forgets its own plot every minute.

What gets me is why must they come to this thread to whine over Mark?

Attached: autism levels.png (514x536, 375.8K)

I like this girl's look but yeah you're right. It's just one of those obvious generic moe blob shows where the only appeal is the loli harem. Who cares about Shogi?!

I don't wanna read through a meta thread. Is mark ok?
Is everything ok?

Attached: queston.png (240x255, 56.67K)

The question is where to begin.


Attached: mirror troi is fucking repulsed.PNG (256x223, 122.13K)

Haven't you ever seen a child throw a temper tantrum when he doesn't get his way?
It's literally the same thing here except it's probably not legally a child just has the mind of one.

Oh shit just found out she voices zero two
Yes it is garbage


You need the older girls to pump out new lolis to keep the harem well populated. If you wait for the lolis to come of age then you will go through loli droughts.

It will be interesting to see what nuclear negro has to say about it.

Wow, that thread has been blasted by goons and shills. Where the fuck do all these people come from?

He's been pretty quiet on his channel since the Superbowl, although his twitter has been more active apparently. He did post a new video today/yesterday, but it didn't have anything to do with games

There's been ideas going around but its generally agreed upon its the same people who've been fucking with the site since 2014.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-17 ILaughAsTheWorldSufffersMerelyBecauseIHaveSeenItAllBeforeItIsHardNotToSeeTheBitterHumorInTheGrimLife.png (1245x461, 35.36K)

Anyone know the original song to that?
I heard it a long time ago but I forgot what it was called.

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That was fast
Thank you anyways user have a cute anime girl in a bikini.

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Some post that stood out to me in that thread. It's been awhile since I've seen this kind of shit. Last one was probably one of us.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1771x141 40.94 KB, 39.29K)

Middle one is furrche

Last one. This one particularly bothered me. That whole thread is a clusterfuck. Reading through it it feels like cuckchan all over again. I feel all of this is being driven by that stupid bloodsports bullshit. The whole damn site is burning because of that shit.

Attached: akari sad.jpg (1743x106 174.11 KB, 26K)

At this point we need to put the entire site on quarantine, or at least get more people moderating the boards.

1-2 Sounds like faggots who successfully got D&Cd by Holla Forumsacks and revoltards.
4 sounds like a revoltard.

Why does that one in particular really bother you?

I fear it might have a ring of truth. I just don't know anymore. It all bothers me. I like our comfy little threads. I expect gamergate to be shit on everywhere else, but seeing people here who claim to have been here forever hate it bothers me.

Like fucking clockwork. Costume shows skin, it's haram.

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Partially, but spics aren't especially loved by the leftists. They'll defend the Illegals, but the moment they go against them, they'll simply be labeled them white and continue on business as usual. For an example, see George Zimmerman.

But he's right.

Here's an SJW article crying about freaking Doraemon, from Spain, posted a few months ago and poorly translated into english without any proofreading by yours truly. Some localization had to take place because the language used by the original article was anything but professional as expected from a feminist writing for some leftist rag. Can't post the full image because it's too large apparently

Attached: doraemon crop.jpg (1364x1904, 513.59K)

I guess you weren't around back when half/v/ turned into gee gee babby.

I don't understand how it rings true. Strategically it doesn't make sense for leftists to attack the groups that are fulfilling their goals E.G. Destroying enlightenment values.
It fulfills their narrative and furthers their goals to operate thus. It's not surprising in the least.
Similarly people on the far-right aren't going to attack groups that are furthering their goals of extreme exclusion and puritanism.

I'd advise reading up on broteam's feed
how does the cocksucker do it
where does he get all those sources
how does he know so much about big industry secrets like those holy shit

Dude's direct linking Kotaco.

God help whoever gets this man's liver

Attached: even in death, I still apologize.png (642x524, 107.52K)

Didn't he have around two thousand health issues?
Maybe he's preparing for death to finally join the skeletons.

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What Ys game do I start with?

Too bad that wasn't the American version. Don't get me started on the pointless edits.

Ys I.



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Ys Origins is the best game on the series.

How many zeros were in the paycheck?

Why? Wasn't Stilborn one of the biggest flops in gaming history and was put into clearance bins a month after release?

I knew they were cucked as the film's being made by Australians (Village Roadshow is based out of there), has references to Overwatch, and Battleborn (as shown just recently). I expect Pirates to get sued randomly following Ready Player Cuck's belly-flop.

several zeroes too many.

Did it come out already? Is the reference one guy saying I sure do love battleborn and he's played by Randy Pitchford?

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When did "nerd" shit become "REFERENCE THINGS I KNOW"

I mean one of the trailers way back with Tracer and the Battletoads in the lineup of characters running had the luchador from Battleborn. So that's not surprising.

They probably went all the way and used the "feminism is awesome" line from Battleborn.

I guess she's talking about the trailer, there's a purple black chick in it.
First thing I've seen about the movie, didn't they just steal the setting of the abortion that was lawnmower man 2 and made it even more wacky even thought that was what ruined the movie to begin with? Because that's what it looks like to me.

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I'll give you a hint.

Attached: why The Big Bang Theory is bullshit.webm (640x360, 1.91M)

Yeah, that fits. Fucking 2007.

These people come here to bitch about GG, constantly shill and shitpost these threads, whine when people defend GG, what's thw point? If GG were really so irrelevant and defeated why put so much effort into shilling a slow general?

Do you honestly think these faggots are self aware?
They constantly complain about "muh PR" while pretending to be Holla Forumsacks when fucking Trump is on the White House and the whole of the Internet is filled with facebook frogposting.

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GG is the eternal boogeyman to them. Their white whale. Anonymity has ensured that none of their slings or arrows can hit their target. While anons get a comfy general, shitpost against progressives and expose their bullshit and hypocrisy and sometimes their corruption. Gamers are determined but not obsessed like the burnouts or the antigamers. Gamers can hold their head high knowing that they have been true to themselves and others while the antigamers have exposed themselves as the sleazy corrupt people they claim to be fighting.

Remember: you are fighting kids. More specifically, the ones no one wanted to play with at school, because they kept making bullshit rules to win, and they throw a shitfit when you say something against it. This is what is going on, they kept saying "you guys are dead, lalala", but we stood against it, and now they throw their shitfit.

This movie is such a visual mess that I didn't even notice it.

My brother fucking loved Big Bang Theory for some reason. I watched it alongside him and really find it all that funny. Half of it was pure reference and the other was shit unlikable characters.


Are you ready for the most reddit movie all time?

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I can't take this shit seriously at all. It's a parody of what Hollywood has become by being a fucking eye-bleeding orgy of overwrought visual effects, overpacked scenes, repulsive character designs, and references, references, references!!! in place of substance. The book was a festering pile of shit to begin with, but this movie will be shit on a scale never before conceived by mortal minds.

Non, impossible, you don't make a game almost no one played and died mere months after its release appear in a movie without a paycheck, the normalfags in theaters will just look at the Stillborn characters and say "huh, who are they from, my dudes?" instead of laughing.

What game is she playing?

Attached: BULLSHIT.png (226x207, 120.63K)

That screams
Thank you for giving me cancer.

Something that surpasses Sword Art Online in terms of absolutely assbackwards fictional game design.

Considering that every single normalfag loved Wreck It Ralph because it was packed with references, I can see why someone would want to cash in on that. Remember that they want to turn this into a franchise.

Attached: shotself.JPG (891x488, 35.38K)

I want the "geek chic" meme to die already.

Technology and urbanization has reached a threshold where that is no longer happening unless something catastrophic happens.
Something which would separate us from vidya and the internets.
It's not happening user


Probably some homebrew DnD special snowflake chuuni as fuck edition.

When II updated the 2007 pic to add the "geek Chic" thing, I was unprepared for how cancerous the idea would turn out to be.

Attached: 2007AD.png (1513x2704, 1.69M)


I'm glad Steve is gone. He was another soul too good for this world and I bet he's partying with Iwata right now.

Generic RPG needed for nerdity to show #4

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Wreck it Ralph at least had the decency to keep the reference related to video games, and then keep those in a few side scenes and background shots. Zangief wasn't the main character. Bowser wasn't the villain of the movie. Sonic wasn't pivotal to resolving the plot… But this shit? Those references are the entire fucking story and without them, the movie ceases to exist.

No, "the Oasis" is an RPG, of some sort, with different sci-fi and fantasy zones and everyone's character literally levels up in a completely unexplained class-based system, that Cline threw in there because D&D is just yet another 80s reference that he needed to ram his micro-dick into.

Could we get boomers to make geek references to make the idea uncool? Look what Hillary did with PokemonGoToThePolls.

sociopathic manipulative self-important thief shithead

Excuse me?

Attached: do you have a single fact to back that up.png (600x693, 352.1K)

Something weird about Wreck it Ralph was that the references were absolutely unnecessary. The story didn't benefit them from them at all. The most useful reference was sonic saying "if you die in a game that's not your you die for real!".

What pisses me off the most about the whole geek chic thing is that they glorify science like it's some fun, explosion ridden adventure. It pisses me off because actual science is extremely tedious and sacrified. Most of these niggers would probably run at the mention of statistical analysis.

FTFY. Apple's only grace is their ergonomics, which are useless to most people anyway.

You goys do know that Apple plunged into debt when they kicked Jobs out of the company back in the 90's, and the only reason they're still around is because they brought him back?

The only reason they're around after they took him back is because Gates injected a shitton of money in exchange for temporary stocks as a favor to Jobs.

On the one hand, that would mean no Apple, but on the other, M$ would have had more market share, and those two sound equally shit. If only Wozniak stayed with Apple, then it wouldn't have been so cancerous.

Shit, I meant
Apple or no Apple, there'd still be Microsoft to contend with.

And ? Retarded dumbasses pushed a greedy bastard asshole out and realized they needed to bring his soulless bloodthirsty piece of shit back to make more money, and that somehow makes either apple or jobs good in any way ?
Can you please be kind enough to kill yourself please

Attached: Did that offend you.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

And, then Jobs also paid that money back (with interest).

Great shit. Still changes nothing.

If you aren't passionate about it, science will crush your soul.

Let me get this straight…

Attached: original.jpg (2000x1000 781.19 KB, 475.52K)

It's Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory with videogame references.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

Attached: SUPERIOR.gif (758x696, 101.86K)

No Bullying.

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Attached: 2799b83dda22903b356b4afbf1a4e9a3c679cb3584684542bcd933cd44fe1e39.webm (482x360, 5.58M)

No it doesn't. Iwata didn't steal other people's ideas and start pretending he was the most important man of the company. He didn't go on rage-rampages among his employees and didn't demand to be treated like a god. And when in hell did he get fired from Nintendo then rehired again anyway ? You defending anything close to apple in the first place makes you a bona fide major retard.

Attached: How fucking dare you.mp4 (200x270, 89.28K)


Never kid yourself user, they never feel the need to protect. What they feel is a need to look like they are doing the opposite of what they are actually doing behind the scenes which makes them worse than every tyrant of the past take your pick of tyrant, most of them did not actively harm their nations women and children

Not to mention that Nintendo was founded in the 1880's and later went into electronics under Yamauchi and not Iwata.


Isn't iwata one of the only ceo's/presidents of the past decades to actually admit to his errors, take a massive paycut to make sure his employees don't have to take one, and continue working despite having cancer?

End school violence by forcing people to disarm themselves, goys.

Attached: mass march.png (819x835, 135.82K)

Can't wait to see how many are composed of school kids that got to choose between protesting or suspension. All of them

It's on a Saturday

I wouldn't put them past them making it a mandatory school event.

Wasn't that march full of students that were forced to go there by their (((teachers))) and (((professors)))?

Wont stop them from punishing non participants. Liberals using kids for their own agendas, things never change I guess.

It hasn't even happened yet, they are planning another one untill everyone's disarmed dispite Florida being a fed fuckup.

Kinda want to counterprotest, but I'm going to be busy being a productive member of society that day.


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Wtf, Theres a miscarriage in the movie?

Attached: hL0m1wp.jpg (800x450, 106.5K)

I still see a ton of copies at my local dollar store, nobody wants it, even at, like, 5 bucks.

Surprisingly enough, i think there was a walkout at my college on wednesday, but i dont think i ever knew about it because the whole class was too busy doing work to care.

There was atleast 30 copies of stillborn at my 5below. They're all gone and have been replaced by movies. I dont think a single copy sold.

You must be a STEM student.

Oy vey, how dare you question CNN's gun grab shills.

Attached: David Hogg CNN.jpg (960x742, 119.91K)



I see.

Does anybody have any ideas what to do on GDC 2018 anyway?
Also could someone make archive of GDC 2018 schedule, I would do it myself but that page bricks itself with my crappy throttled ISP.

Not going to argue against that, but Ys Origin really should not be played before Ys I & II Chronicles.

Boy, sure is (((weird))) that they are doing this now, and not after any of the other shootings…

Happy Saint Patrick's day anons


Attached: BbK-3Kg8iHED3fGb.mp4 (607x687 7.95 MB, 90.93K)

Did the army finally realize the only way to attract young people nowadays is to shitpost?

Attached: f450c3893bef4ffa41a4c038b495c262d89351a4ff1ad7f681437fdd68bfa753.jpg (750x899, 82.71K)

Your tax dollars at work.

extremley well carved stone statue relic carved from a single marble stone that depicts passionate love while also taking into account the curves, pressure of touch and veins and muscles to a utterly accurate extent that almost perfectly captures reality in stone
Playing baseball with tomatoes and your cooch


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I curse them to lose the next war they fight.

I think he means the degenerate left. Aka the people who think about nothing but sex because everything else in their lives are ensured by their upbringing or pointless endeavors pursued because they know nothing of suffering.

>Child sex dolls are illegal to import into the United Kingdom, with Border Force officers reportedly seizing 123 dolls in just over a year, however, some therapists have advocated for the prescription of sex dolls to pedophiles in an attempt to lower offense rates.

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Attached: Punch Out!! Wii - Aran Ryan Full Theme.webm (480x360, 3.5M)

Have you ever noticed that when therapists or behavioral psychologists say something will lower the chances of bad things happening, governments tend to do the complete opposite of their advice?

Reading through that article, it's actually pretty clear that guy's on the Prisons-For-Profit payroll.

They need a problem to "solve" and if it's not done their way they can't exert control over it and therefore profit either monetarily or power wise.

I think the British deep state is trying to set up a sex offence system like during the Homosexuality days, using literal rape culture immigrants to incense the people to speak up to exert more government control. Although that doesn't make much sense if you consider that such actions in the wake of the new generation's mindset would only reduce the government's power since there are literal vigilante groups patrolling the streets to catch muzzies.

It could be a UN plot to disrupt first world nations, which isn't going to work because in the end it always ends with a 3rd world nation getting bombed to hell or put underfoot via new laws and tarrifs.

It doesn't look like a plan to me, actually because of these things, it's all looking like parroted response mob psychology, a literal memetic virus. In other words, a Meme.

That meme itself is "adhere to open arms morality" which is parroted from one community to the next. None of this makes sense from a profitable standpoint, not even short term gain shit stands up to this, not even plebian businessmen are this stupid.

This is either malice or insanity. Or purely both, or some of either. Nothing makes sense, there's no connections here I can see. This is despair, I think this is what global despair looks like. People are lashing out for reasons that don't make sense, reactionary to a crazy level. These are fucking robots if they are people.

Attached: 1454262094274-4.png (461x716, 389.14K)

It's like why leftists advocate for "open borders". That's only done so they can implement more tyrannical laws upon the public at large, under the guise of "keeping an eye on the illegals", which is what border patrol WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DOING.

What are you on about?

Yeah, everyone's desperate. Companies that were subject to leveraged buyouts are going broke, the government's trying to clean up the mess that the Dems have left behind, but the monetary system's not in the public's favour, high-profile criminals still run the streets at large with no arrests, there's so much wrong that only an economic crash would fix.

I'm saying when Immigrants sneak on through the border, expect tyrannical laws to be made when a money-hungry Democrat's in power.

I think he means that they are using the illegal immigration issue to pass laws that crack down on everyones civil liberties in the guise of "well if we get rid of this then the illegals wont have access to it"

Basically like saying "Illegals have access to x, we ban it, we will keep illegals from having x" with the added benefit that 'x' is also now banned from law abiding citizens.

As long as it's not caused by (((them))). I was thinking that one thing that could improved things (that would result in an economic crash) is to bring back the gold standard.

Exactly, that kind of thing was why there was a movement of Americans revoking their own citizenship from the United States, and living as an alien. Cause Aliens and non-citizens were at an advantage when Obama was in power.

Attached: randy obsessing with badass.jpg (1000x1000, 259.98K)

Even is (((They))) cause it, it'll just come back to bite them in the rear later on.

When has that ever worked and not gotten your country's shit kicked in? The only dictatorships that can survive are small as fuck in population, which is one of the reasons why massacres and executions are common under them, as soon as numbers start getting big and your country actually has enough to work on the world stage, it falls fucking apart. It's the same reasons why monarchies are no longer a thing, people get fucking backstabbed if they're in a position for too long.

It's a classic strategy they've used for decades, and because it's a decade long strategy they can change gradually enough to become their opposite.

First they preach more then a hippie, then encourage division between immigrants and people, create divides in communities, then get one side riled the fuck up (whichever is deemed easiest to control) and they massacre the other side, be it through laws or bullets. See communism, which is currently being pushed hard in leftist circles and has been for years, they want another USSR, and even people on their side aren't safe.

Leftists were in charge of the Projects and they did nothing to actually improve the black community, all they want is people's votes and control.

I know about this personally due to some family being involved in hardline political left groups who iver the course of 2 years to now are steadily moving away from it because even they're seeing how fucked up it is.

It's literally constructed like a crazy cult church, this shit's insane.

Well, Battleborn was BAD, and Borderlands was complete ASS.

Who needs the state to disarm the people when they are perfectly willing of doing it themselves.
The people of the western world will celebrate when they lose all freedom.

The reason that a lot of shootings happens in the US may very well be because some of them are faked, and most recent shootings have actually come from immigrants, the pushed the "oh those poor gays" angle after the Pulse nightclub shooting and glossed over the Muslim status of the shooter for example.

Crises actors are real, and people will try to use tactics like "oh you think ALL shootings were faked" and move into semantics to cover up any actual investigation into the matter.

It turns out that there's reasons why certain stats in certain countries actually have a REASON for being so high, Sweden's rape stat went up the more they let in refugees for example.

Aside from that, the left's greatest weapon is distraction and semantics, but it only works on the willfully ignorant, which is why they fill the schools with teachings that encourage that behavior.

Sorry for going tinfoil, but if shit needs to be said it must be said.

Attached: 41a32782ed9705831792780e111fd98530a93c9d257ff9a597ffd1af4cd84294.jpg (720x960, 61.28K)

Sauce, m8?

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You know even if they were horrifically ugly, the characters had a lot more personality than Overwatch and most of them were more fun to play too. If it was free to play instead of like $40 on top of paying for inventory slots and to open loot boxes it would've been a huge competitor.

Attached: stillborn.png (1200x647, 344.22K)

Boatslut no pico.

I live in a country that isn't the US or europe and the new cycle is constantly trump or whatever latest tragedy happened that they're using to push an agenda.

Of course there was very little mention of the rape gangs of the UK, so I love pointing that out to people how those two rape gangs ruined more more than twice as many lives over 6 years than the entirety of school shootings, yet there's no coverage.

And they're that way because Gearbox never provided any guideline for the various artists.

That's funny if it's true. I thought they just told them to make everything as asymmetrical and BADASS as possible.

I'm sick of this vicious cycle of Holla Forums. The current state of Justin Wong thread shows how we're deeply infiltrated by shills, newfags and burntoutfags. This is why we can't get nice things.

Attached: how pathetic...png (1207x801, 629.08K)

Neon tits or GTFO

Attached: 195221ef3b492e8a12e110afee47501c.png (515x447, 25.63K)

Nooo voy a llorar y decir que no merezco esto
Es probable que
Lo merezco pero no lo quiero por eso me voy
Que lástima pero adiós
Me despido de tí y me voy
Que lástima pero adiós
Me despido de tííííí

Attached: face of resignation.png (631x559, 254.71K)

It's the same crowd that failed taking control of Holla Forums's default boards and that later went on to make their own image boards. They'll never let go of it

This SJW political correctness faggotory just crossed the line.

Attached: enough!!.jpg (685x637, 96.98K)

Those girls on left… are those arabic?

I'm still living in denial about us being infected with this shit.

Please, destroy germany so niggers won't have any reason to come here or just kill us all.

Iran, before the regime change in the 70's.

Apparently Iran used to be somewhat civilized before islam reenforced itself.


Attached: CH0LoXHUYAAi5c4.jpg (600x338, 27.38K)

Attached: quote-civilizations-die-from-suicide-not-by-murder-arnold-j-toynbee-29-62-79.jpg (850x400, 45.01K)

isnt xkcd right for once?

Attached: map of distribution od population xkcd.png (500x542, 81.22K)

I would tell you to do it yourself, but you threw away all your means to do so.

Put on the tinfoil hat.
Being serious though, it doesn't help that even the brightest of patriots seem to fall for that, but then again, American men will die in a war for Pissreal. Let that sat what it will about the American populous.

I always figured furry was a white thing, but that pic seems to imply jews are into it too?

Their content is either one of two things.
1) Obvious things that are pandering to the masses
2) Pretentious things that they make sound complicated in an effort to obscure how pretentious the idea it

Blacks have a huge fucking furry deal going on in the background, and the japs have it going on too. Blacks just don't go to conventions.

Japs I buy, Kemono is a thing after all, but blacks? I know kayla-na is black but the others I don't know.

Yeah, i know they like to watch dogs kill each other, but furry never crossed my mind.

How do you know about that?

Attached: the look of disgust1.jpg (600x338, 30.16K)

Maybe it's that nigger from the harmony threads.

A lot of porn consumption and too much curiosity and we should leave it at that.

Attached: Erection_Rising.png (515x590, 157.85K)

One old world traveler who's been around world with all kinds of construction jobs, including Iran, said that girls in there were well-educated, self-conscious, and pretty. Said they would've been good wives, if they would've been interested in you. Guess he didn't bullshit about that. and I really need to look bit more about the countries in Middle East after WW2, seems school didn't have either materials, time or effort to teach about that

Well, Furries are a fetish for degenerates.

come on even broken clocks show correct time twice a day

Well that's what I mean, half their stuff is just obvious stuff pandering, of course it's going to be correct

Attached: 613d8101adca30a501c3a63f82816622675c554adf3b78a86b5b45b32e06b5b0.jpg (700x700, 67.45K)

Attached: 1429834054816.jpg (300x339, 73.94K)

You're dooming yourself. Save entire webpages to your hard drive.

Wasted trips
There is no way to verify whether something is authentic or not in that case.

meant quads

Worse. Quads.

why not both? It's always good to have at least something

Attached: 1477849844121.jpg (472x472, 45.87K)


I'd wager the cold war fucked the Middle-east hard. I remember learning something about the US funding religious groups to fight communists.
Now here they are throwing shoes at themselves on national TV.

I remember how leftists would always bring up how ronald regan, gave future terrorists like osama bin laden guns to fight the commies.

Bin Laden and Al Qaeda we're trained and funded by the United States to fight off the Russian invasion of Afganistan, and it was very public knowledge to the point of "freedom fighter" Bin Laden's picture ending up in newspapers with glowing praise written about them. You even had Rambo 3's plot being directly based on this, he goes in to Afghanistan to help the locals fight off the Russians. Man that movie has aged poorly.

If you are going to do that, archive the archive on a separate site. It is unlikely that an archive site will make a DMCA claim.

I even learned it back in high school, I figured leftists would bring that up often since it makes republicans look bad, though a democrat president would certainly have done the same.

Attached: mickey mouse.png (1071x713, 759.57K)

At the very least we got memeri tv from all of it.

Attached: The worst type of infidel.jpg (673x960 41.11 KB, 69.33K)

If it had stopped with Bin Laden, things wouldn't be anywhere near this bad, and you probably could blame it all on one particular side. It didn't. They did it again. And again. And again. And now we have Obama's home boys in ISIS.

The only fix for this is complete government overthrow with executions to everyone, and the promise that repeating such actions will result in execution.

Jew or not, I'd like to hang out with Mark
I bet he's probably tons of fun

no first for benis, therefore sage

shamefur dispray

That's true.

Attached: seinfeld theme starts playing.jpg (680x822, 50.13K)

Niggers are huge furfags, one of them wears a blue furfag hat and goes to e-sport conventions but he's got one of those edgy nicknames that are almost a parody of internet usernames.


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (710x528, 38.58K)

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Attached: One day.jpg (512x378, 19.09K)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:



- tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912
- tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145
- Techraptor: archive.is/mAi0m

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )
- operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt
Fakku 2001-2100: files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt
Fakku 2101-2200: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399
Fakku 2201-2300: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551
Fakku 2301-2400: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2383501
Fakku 2401-2500: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2391161

Info & feedback welcome

Attached: SiegLuna 01.jpg (783x1024, 91.32K)

I dont buy it, if only because there a complete lack of pit bull dogs and german shepards

Well, islam is considered far right, even if the left lines up to suck it's dick.

The only difference is the Allah worshiping and shoe bashing, but yeah, it's pretty accurate.

Attached: to hell.jpg (417x579, 31.57K)

This is archive for GDC 2018 schedule.
Useful keywords for searching are following:
It's even worse than fucking PAX East to be honest.

Islam and national socialism used to be basically best friends due to their shared views on jews.
Most modern middle eastern countries are some form of theocratic socialist, borrowing a number of things from national socialism.

Attached: 546E3PyQ.jpg (756x960, 57.52K)

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Attached: mounted ramen slut.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

well considering obama did basically the same thing and took half a million criminals off the fugitive list, I don't think they want to draw attention to it.

Thanks for reminding the danger of extremism. The quoit theory is truly close to truth.

I've seen you mistaken last bread. You can stop the bad work right now so anons would stop say these threads are circlejerk. By the way you're right this time but you can stop now so you can stop embarrass yourself.

Attached: laughter stops.jpg (313x254, 26.8K)

Attached: Screen Shot - 18-03-14 015.jpg (780x3020 93.43 KB, 679.16K)

It's like SJW & NWO All Stars.

Attached: concern.jpg (676x450, 39.67K)

So will he be able to get past the first paragraph of his speeches?

Attached: 3a018beba30df6f7f689ca7bcdecbcb8d7b8f772f06605a44329d81caa896bfe.jpg (241x403, 23.36K)

If his Cuphead playthrough was anything to go by, no.

cept for a couple of token asians, everybody else is white…what a DIVERSE crew

FE these days is a fucking joke.

The only thing that people should be mad about is that none of the girls have asses or anything to shake about.

Attached: ChinkToTheFuture.mp4 (460x816, 1.71M)

Doesn't help that Mythcon is more progressive than this, and their speakers were attacked by SJWs. I remember ChrisRayGun making a video about that, just taking the piss out of everyone for plotting the scheme in public.

I bet he'll be talking about how games should be made "more accessible" and reach a "wider audience" by not being too difficult.

as in, everything should be "Smurfs: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle".

Smurfs were originally intended to be parody of Communism state, if you know what I mean.

>8 are women 9 if you count >she

Daily reminder

Attached: GDC Diversity Lounge.jpg (600x450 346.22 KB, 56.59K)

Any specific state? or just communism in general?

Communism in general. It was considered official story back in days but now all the youngfags call it 'conspiracy theory'.

The fuck were they looking to achieve?

Attached: kot_questions.jpg (250x201, 8.07K)

Gottta go fast.

Attached: shrug.jpg (1150x1266, 119.53K)

It's fucking fake.
Just look at the pose and the 'blur'


Attached: ay hijole.jpg (550x412, 32.78K)

satan already answered for you

Attached: wrrryyyyyyyy.mp4 (480x480, 301.09K)

it's alright.
But now I'm going to bully you.

Attached: how spain civilizes.png (1676x1104, 145.66K)

Do you go far and look even more like just to look?

Thats a funny way to say mostly ethnic jews.

Thats because the puppet leaders of most islamic countries are tied to jewish sheckles. And nationalism in any form is problematic to jewish interests, even isreal nationalism hurts jews who dont keep to isreal.

Good morning, anons.

Happy St. Patrick's Day, faggots!

Attached: Taka and Taichi 4.jpg (900x1200, 195.15K)

Some youtube faggots decided to storm a ToyRus store and fuck with the employees. It's a direct link, it's taking far too much time for me to convert it into a webm

Is Saturday Night in Spain. I need no excuse to drink on the streets.

For what fucking purpose?

That's fucking Logan Paul tier of clickbait autism shit.

Attached: 1415252429218.jpg (559x598, 66.38K)

Because he's an asshole believing that since the company is closing all the stores, they might as well fuck with the people since no one can press charges.


Attached: Feminist Research Paper.jpg (818x462, 91.02K)

I might have to start watching this.


This is why Teacher unions need to be made illegal.

why didn't the security guys just fucking decked these faggots? I know Bongstan is cucked but doesn't people over there have at least the right to preserve their stores and the safety of their employees?

Attached: Screen Shot - 18-03-17 016.jpg (644x155, 25.15K)

The store is dying, everything was going.

Attached: 1430458798723-2 (1).jpg (1024x1441, 1.67M)

Oh, so it'd only matter if it was financially convenient to charge him in court.

Sounds about right.

Attached: retard merchant.jpg (545x478, 33.41K)


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1424x6073, 4.7M)

Why the fuck are these people into Luigi's dick?

Attached: Spyro smoking.png (349x331, 124.34K)

No need. Just make them non-mandatory. They'll collapse afterwards.

They cannot live a single day without sucking a cock. When you see a man, they sees a cock.

Attached: gen 7 unown formes.png (1600x1300, 585.76K)

Clickbait. Also it was getting popular on Tumblr, it probably came from some tranny with a bunch of journo friends

Attached: toyrus(1).webm (569x320, 12.92M)

They're media and it brings in eyeballs. Feigning excitement brings in more readers. It's the business.

You don't.

Mutually exclusive term that they use there.

Imagine ISIS saying that as they behead people.

What's Lionsgate doing there? They're Giustra's movie company that he sold to China, IIRC.

I didn't know education was this cucked.

Attached: you executed fam.png (540x502, 479.68K)

Holy shit, did they actually stay away from personal politics and actually TALK ABOUT THE DAMN GAME AS AN ACTUAL GAME?

Off topic (maybe) so spoilered:

Can someone school me on this "Bloodsports" shit? Give me a breakdown of how it started, who started it, and how it spread so suddenly and how it is supposed to actually work / what it is supposed to accomplish. I think this is important because parts of the old IRC-clique / Revolt social network are either occupying or moving into higher visibility positions in it, and some of these streams are getting upwards of 10k active viewers and tens of thousands of views.

There is an ill wind blowing. These people crave social power and a personal army more than anything else in the world, and tearing their cancer out by the roots the first time did extreme damage to GGs network. Autism aside, this situation needs to be monitored very closely.

Attached: Smoking meido.jpg (739x770, 76.87K)

Post the one with the australian gender.

I’ve been quietly excited to get my hands on the finished game, both as a big fan of this kind of RPG as well as a lover of European history.
Bullshit. It's the old
ploy. Plunkett, you flunky. You were never looking forward to it. You lying piece of shit.

No. They were sneakily bagging the game through concern trolling.


nobody here knows or cares about any of that shit
got to >>>/cow/

Attached: t24e058d6af88a66097881e77ef88b9c9e1ff20922039456dcaf081b432w.jpg (387x960, 60.01K)

I think Grayson had already published a cry piece about it. This is just Schereier throwing a smoke-screen so later he can claim his writers aren't targeting Vavra's game over petty shit. "See we have a personal opinion and also a objective review."

Thank you user. I'm going to have a nap and do some thinking.

Attached: D.A.B.PNG (627x438, 328.75K)

If you want good shogi anime just watch 3-Gatsu no Lion.

It's not going help you when the games have been poisoned before they even get "localized".

There'll always be a different side to a story, user. It doesn't invalidate GG's efforts, but it doesn't make the movement as completely effective as it says. Credit where its due and keep moving on.

The movie is a miscarriage.

Just like 2014 and 2015 when GG was attacked from both sides, huh?

Get >>>/out/ we're already having trouble dealing with reddit, revoltards, and cows and mere mention brings them out like the butt-blasted blood-suckers they are.

Attached: b22240eeb36e50a9dd93b3961174b6b1e79393727b02af3d6dd534fc4ba42a0c.jpg (1233x1200 32.28 KB, 342.29K)

Is dabbing even still a thing?

Attached: ASH.jpg (1280x720, 101.75K)

Is this picture supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?

Attached: a9b5be98c9de9010a2be2b0cbc3402c530fde3000e8bc8acb2918fec2fef0582.png (1078x1300, 1.82M)

fucking flag

It's literally just internet jerry springer and all the horrible shit that implies.

Attached: 044e7493559e537ca6c4a380da7f4f672e494440165711ab868cd4cb52becfbd.png (365x363, 112.68K)

Yes there's an intersection between IRC fags, owners of other image boards, revoltards and goons, each with their own goal and not necessarily working together (as some huge assemble of villains) but towards a common goal. One group wants control over Holla Forums main boards (since they can't take over cuckchan and here is the second best alternative), other group wants to take down the site. Helping their efforts it's an army of Holla Forumstard autists that seek only chaos and drama and don't actually have a grudge on this site, they just want the thrill of raiding and havoc

It's supposed to be humorous seeing how we archive a lot of "breads" and the "oven" (archive) is overloaded with it

Attached: wakemeup.jpg (552x635, 226.29K)

what the fuck is going on with Harmful

Attached: 0eiFXEz6jppkdieJ.mp4 (612x3384 88.49 KB, 559.91K)

The problem is the IRCfags. Don't ever forget their MO: Start a secret club and get all the separate movers and shakers into it. Centralize, centralize, centralize, and then destroy any competitors. They literally have a playbook for doing exactly this

Imagine if they do it with this bloodsport shit, and can then point the legions of autistic fucks who are fawning over it all at whatever target they want. Imagine Revolt, but made up of thousands of idiots all over social media instead of a couple hundred on an imageboard. Just look what they've done to /cow/ already.

Attached: Vivian consider.png (600x360, 117.92K)

It wasn't that long ago that he was streaming shitty itch.io games. How did it come to this?

His mom is apparently a paranoid schizophrenic and want to blame it on her son rather than get her own problems attended to. She has probably been semi-successful in getting the police on her side which doesn't come as such a big surprise given the state the British police force is on at the moment.

The claim that he does actually have schizophrenia doesn't seem that crazy to me anymore. Apparently he needs to take some pills and when he doesn't he goes cuckoo. Add that to the stress of being kicked out of his house and having to come up with a plan so he doesn't become a hobo

I don't even know what "dabbing" is.

Also why did HO decided to show his face? I read somewhere he got doxed and after that he had a fallout with his mom. I wonder if those Candid faggots have anything to do with it

it's nigger stuff

Attached: Dab.jpg (750x532, 77.88K)

Kicked out by his family, seems to have left with almost nothing. There's a lot of weird shit going on behind the scenes, but supposedly he also didn't take his pills, so there's some withdrawal symptoms. Which is pretty evident even in the first ten minutes of this. He actually starts weeping out of nowhere at about 6:50

I'm not too sure about that. He streams for 4 hours a day and has done extra irl streams, so we've seen how he acts around other people. His chat usually teases him even to the point that they spammed emotes in a game that would read them out for an hour straight, and he didn't snap or react crazily to that. I think we've seen enough of him that you'd notice some of those symptoms, but none are there. He's just autistic.

What the fuck is he taking, Serotonin shit? That usually leads to withdrawal.

I'm not convinced that's even a bulge.

To be fair it didn't need it's own thread, and the person who kept shilling it in the different generals couldn't even crosspost correctly. The entire thing was obvious bait for all sides involved.

Attached: 2.png (672x145 153.13 KB, 18.03K)

That's my first thought, because his mom could became schizophrenic after the whole Bindu Reddy debacle.

He mentions a seizure possibility, and severe anxiety, so that or any number of other drugs that can cause that. I'd say psychosis as well, considering the spergout and what he's saying. But that's armchair diagnosis faggotry, the fact is that it's all fucked.

Does this nigger even do anything the rest of the year after GDC or whatever other faggy convention with a diversity panel?

Attached: Screen Shot - 18-03-18 005.jpg (248x415, 48.77K)

So now it begins.

Attached: Makabe Let The Games Begin.jpg (600x400, 118.98K)

That nigger has been shitting up the board for a few months by now, yet he still can't figure out how to link to another thread ON THE SAME FUCKING BOARD?


Attached: Screen Shot - 18-03-18 006.jpg (965x899, 248.25K)

Attached: yes I know its not that mike enoch.jpg (588x551, 97.04K)

Travels the globe provoking airport security to "random" check him because he constantly goes in and out of security checkpoints. He used to claim persecution with a dedicated web site, but after he pulled that shit at E3 and didn't get profiled, he switched to "testing security measures" to cover his ass.

I'd bet ten bux that SJWs have tried to push Luigi as gay, and so they are obsessed with his dick in the same way pic related's hypocrisy occurs.

Attached: 1465428278822-3.png (1176x742, 689.87K)

This why we need a purge of the cancer and this shit is getting to 2015 levels of shill tactics.

Attached: lavenza attempts to protect her purity.png (600x750, 266.69K)


The fuck is a necron?

Your friendly neighbor space metal undead.

Attached: comfy necron.png (700x700, 267.68K)


Attached: shutitdown.jpg (1424x1041 31.73 KB, 486.31K)

Yeah, they're not fooling anyone anymore.

Back in days if something or someone can make the world into 1984 people thought it would be either some very sophisticated political ideology or aliens. Turns out it was muh feelings.

Attached: 1984 is not an instruction manual.jpg (300x300, 23.13K)

Yeah, Tumblrites are just fucking retarted.

Attached: Screenshot_20180318-004547.jpg (1440x2960, 814.52K)

But I hope that they are being ironic like this one.

We were wrong. We thought the video journalism itself was the source of the problem but it's not. It's supply and demand. There are fucking millions, perhaps billions of brain dead gossip gobbling zombies crave for this level of journalism.

Judging by the bunch of hashtag I doubt it's satire.

Attached: John Swinton.jpg (552x538 197.31 KB, 120.43K)

user, is alien manipulating youths and retards with muh feelings, its always aliens

and yet if some journo made an article estimating the size of Peach's tits, he'd be run out of the industry for it

Attached: stonking.webm (320x240, 141.22K)

the follow up


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1424x2043, 772.91K)

Fug I was completely forgot about the existence of J-Rod, Reptilians, Pleiadians and other 3 dozen alien species manipulating mankind with their own agenda.

Attached: xcom.jpg (600x337, 125.99K)

i'm almosT done. give me a couple more months.

in just a little while, you won't have to make these threads anymore. no one will.

The fuck is that suppose to mean.

Attached: wat.jpg (255x243, 28.5K)

I'm not one to go 'fucking casuals' at everything but goddamn that list makes me angry. What's the point of playing a game when you go against some of the fundamental design philosophies?

Attached: BUnMoq-emg1EbpDZ.mp4 (240x180, 339.76K)

dont forget the dwellers from the inner-Earth, the extradimensional beings, and any other weird shit i might be forgetting

Are you posting this for when some random dude decides to unload a UZI on some feminist so later you can claim he used to regularly browse these threads?

Attached: happy_merchantress.PNG (373x383, 203.04K)

Remember when X-PLay used to preview the next Zero Punctuation review?


Attached: 760758012340132478.jpg (692x530, 83.02K)

Never liked the extensive use of other media, especially video games, as teaching material for classrooms (especially how much SJWs are trying to do the exact same thing to make them propaganda machines) but I wonder if I do suspect a ton of salt from this.

The shitposting "so wacky XDDD" journalism is the worst kind. Same with the tasting the switch shit.

Attached: Vavra.png (606x399, 76.39K)

b-but easter eggs!


Attached: REN!.gif (300x200, 2.35M)

Things like this make me happy

Attached: Perfect.png (260x390, 230.63K)

If you fags don't mind, I'd like to take some time to post about possible strategies in the event that the FOSTA/SESTA package becomes law, which, unfortunately, seems very likely at this point.

The first point I want to bring up is that the effects of FOSTA coming into law aren't likely to be immediate. More that likely the situation will end up being a slow burn in most cases, though some sites may implement rash changes immediately. I have no idea what Jim and codemonkey are going to end up doing in response, seeing as how they've been mostly silent on the matter. And chodemonkey really shouldn't have removed the happening from the top of the site page regardless. We might have had a lot more momentum behind opposition to this bullshit than we do now had he not fucked up like that. Regardless, be prepared for the worst case scenario, unlikely as the worst case maybe. Why I consider it unlikely I'll explain.

These past few days I've been looking at a handful of court cases against similar laws, some of which were repealed. Some well monied interests are very much opposed to this bill, not just groups like the EFF, but some large tech companies as well, most notably Twitter and Reddit. A court challenge is very likely to happen very quickly. Looking over the proceedings and outcomes of these cases, it's more likely than not the outcome will be favorable for us, but there's still a degree of uncertainty. At the end of this write-up, I want to talk about what can be done to improve our odds.

Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA)
Those of you who know Section 230's history know that when the law was passed it came with MAJOR censorship provisions that were later struck down in court. Specifically, it applied to whoever:
Almost a carbon copy of how FOSTA is currently written, aside from applying to all indecent material in general rather than sex trafficking. Reno V. ACLU ended in the indecency provisions being thrown out on the following grounds:
That last sentence is very important as it applies to FOSTA. You don't have to search very hard to find numerous articles stating that FOSTA will actually make catching human traffickers harder rather than easier.
There was also an attempt to remove the obscenity provisions in a separate case, Nitke v. Gonzales. But this was unsuccessful due to the courts deciding both that the Miller Test was not "unconstitutionally vague" and the plantiffs not providing sufficient evidence that this portion of the CDA was overbroad.
(As an aside, the full law was in effect a full four months before the indecency ban was struck down, and the blocking access of minors portion a month later. If at all possible, it may be worth digging into news articles and similar reports from that time period to demonstrate what kind of impact FOSTA might have.)

Attached: GateEXE.jpg (369x614, 31.13K)

Child Online Protection Act
Passed in 1998. Literally just a copy & paste of the full CDA except it only applies to "commercial" sites. This law was hammered relentlessly by lawsuits and never even went into effect. It was repeatedly found unconstitutional even after multiple appeals, with the Supreme Court stating that "filtering’s superiority to COPA is confirmed by the explicit findings of the Commission on Child Online Protection, which Congress created to evaluate the relative merits of different means of restricting minors' ability to gain access to harmful materials on the internet.", and one Federal District Jugde stating that the law was "facially in violation of the First and Fifth Amendments of the United States Constitution".

Children's Internet Protection Act
This law was also challenged, but it was ultimately upheld, unlike the other two. It requires that K-12 schools and libraries in the United States use Internet filters and implement other measures to protect children from harmful online content as a condition for federal funding. It was signed into law on December 21, 2000, and was found to be constitutional by the United States Supreme Court on June 23, 2003.

When it was brought before a federal court, the three judge panel initially ruled against the law, arguing the following.
(Keep this particular statement in mind, as this will be VERY important.)

The Supreme Court did ultimatey overturn the ruling on appeal. It's worth pointing out, however, that the reasons given for upholding the law were in part due to the limited scope of the law, being a condition on funding rather than a hard ban and only applying to schools and public libraries, neither reason of which can be applied to FOSTA. It was also upheld only on the stipulation that adults could have the filtering disabled upon request, and I can't see how any similar mechanism could even be applied upon the site level.

Which brings me to what I feel is the biggest potential threat in terms of possibly losing a legal challenge against FOSTA. The main go-to rebuttals of the people pushing for FOSTA against claims of the possibility of widespread censorship is to "Let the automated filters handle it goyim. They're much better now. :^)". All us here know it's obvious this isn't the case, not just because they're ineffective, but also because they be filtering more than just "human trafficking". But any judge hearing arguments over the law likely isn't aware of this.

So this is what the contingency plan should be: Gather up as many articles and archives as we can that can demonstrate the ineffectiveness of automated filtiering technology, and be ready to forward them to whatever parties inevitably launch a lawsuit against a signed FOSTA, so as to assist their case. The more recent they are, and the more closely they can be associated to failing to stop human trafficking, the better.

And, since the situation is indeed looking grim, I want to repeat this one more time.

Even if we lose this battle and FOSTA becomes law, DON'T STOP FIGHTING BACK.
Should the worst come to pass, it doesn't mean the end of the fight. It only means that the fight has shifted from stopping the bill to repealing the law.

FOSTA/SESTA Related News

Major companies urge Senate to pass online sex trafficking bill
(Specific companies are Disney, IBM, Oracle, Home Depot, Hewlett Packard, 21st Century Fox)
Tech companies urge last-minute changes to sex trafficking bill
(Specific companies are Twitter, Yelp, Reddit, Medium, Pintrest, Cloudflare, and tech startup advocacy group Engine Advocacy.)

EFF - How FOSTA Could Give Hollywood the Filters It's Long Wanted



Further reading via Techdirt (They have written many articles on the topic.)


The afforementioned laws and their legal cases. (Via Wikipedia, so use caution.)


One last thing: The Senate appears to be getting a LOT of phone calls. So, at the very least, the normalfags don't seem to be buying into the "think of the women and children" masquarade.

I'm going to bed. Give 'em hell, anons. Good night.

Nice research, user.

Attached: Kiss.png (522x266, 67.7K)

Thank you user, you are the hero we need.

Attached: Thumbs up.png (1635x1087, 140.09K)

Man, that formatting ended up being a lot shittier than I envisioned. Night.

Attached: idiot_sandwich.png (718x802, 581.86K)

Remember this before I leave for the night. The price of freedom isn't wars, but eternal vigilance against threats to the freedoms that America has.

Fucking games journalists.

Why are you going to have all the corrupt faggots in the gaming and tech industry arrested?

Why? Are

Why do you think?

Thanks user!

Attached: Row Row fight the LWA.png (500x484, 409.52K)


Attached: LiL Smile.png (658x640 567.77 KB, 546.82K)

Things are pretty slow today.

A sunday where nothing special happened. Always has been the case user. Enjoy the slow.

It's comfy.

Attached: 1520046240.webm (1280x720, 15.42M)

That animuh is so fucking good, I adore it
also where I live it snowed a lot and my fireplace is roaring calmly downstairs, so comfy's perfect to describe how today feels.


Attached: FOSTA-SESTAnon.png (1780x2084, 361.61K)

Weekends really are the best for sitting around and doing nothing.

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I wonder if this is some parody or a real person.

Attached: Untitled.png (750x636, 53.04K)

Good evening!

Attached: Gachireta.mp4 (1280x720, 14.42M)

Strangely, a ton of SJW asshurt seems to be being thrown at Ready Player One:

Before You Buy ‘Ready Player One’ Tickets, Read Ernest Cline’s Horrifying Porn Poetry

Article is butthurt that this poem is problematic. Brings up #GamerGate multiple times.

How ‘Ready Player One’ Glosses Over Gender and Race Issues

This article is mad that it apparently glosses over social issues.

Ready Player One Review: Spielberg Levels Up on the Fanboy Culture Wars

Mad that this article doesn't bring up "pop-culture tribalism" like fanboy warring and GamerGate. Also randomly brings up #MeToo for some reason.

Ready Player One is like futuristic Forrest Gump for gatekeeping fanboys. i really did not enjoy this movie.

This one complains about how it promotes gatekeeping.

Attached: 55911223_p0.jpg (1500x2100, 532.23K)

Tourism modules are becoming a thing but its pretty fucking sad the most well known historical module so far altered history because it was "sexist."

Is the book that shit is based on any good?
Only heard about it because of the movie.

So the game doesn't kiss the ring and directly flaunt "hey, we're with you, we're also in the cult!" so SJWs attack it. Shitlords won't watch it because it looks cringy as hell and now has Randy Pitchford characters in it. Rip Ready Player One. I can't wait to see the critic score on rotten tomatoes show it as 5% rotten with the audience score at 90%

Also I love how we had that thread full of goons bitching about gamergate and how nobody cares and gamergate is so irrelevant and dumb ect, yet we have articles written about gamergate every single fucking day. Nearly 4 years later, and they're still bitching and moaning about GG. Goons shills revolt whatever can say whatever they want, but they know they're fucking wrong. You don't have every member of your cult perpetually bitching about a hashtag 4 years later if it did no damage. SJWs know exactly what gamergate did, make no mistake about it. Goons and revolt shills can try their hand at revisionision all they want.

The book is meh. Not great, not really bad. The author is obsessed with the 80s so he had to come up with excuses for his characters in the mid 21st century to also be obsessed with the 80s. The virtual world he created is basically second life meets vrchat and sounds just as cringy. Oh, and the author drives a delorean with a ghostbusters logo on the side, not even joking. Kinda tells you everything about him.

Attached: laughing potato.png (507x553, 305.4K)

The movie, sorry.

>When anyone uses the word gatekeeping from a media platform or behind a (((blue checkmark))) with zero irony

Attached: he is retarded.mp4 (1280x720, 551.68K)

I almost feel like all this SJW anger shit is nothing but another noise marketing stunt shit and to get more publicity. Everyone in the world, I mean fucking EVERYONE knows SJW have zero market value except for latest Apple hardware. Everything SJWs shit on gets success. Coincidence? No, we all knows the coordinated hitpiece storm from lefty media has it's own agenda. Spielberg been part of Illuminati clique for years and he's the heir of Kubrick. SJW media cannot shit on his movie unless the order from higher ups. The current state of western media is like a golem, they cannot write a single thing without permission, so, you can guess this is another political shit going on.

This user gets it perfectly.

Attached: even ai thinks you're pathetic.png (680x680, 267.54K)

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Britain is probably going to get itself glassed pretty soon anyway.

Attached: The_Bed-Sitting_Room_(film).jpg (500x712 111.36 KB, 179.18K)

You think the same faggots crying in that thread made /vg/?

Oh god that poem is fucking atrocious. It's like he is the embodiment of every stereotype of a resentful nerd that the media tried to paint GG as.

He's proto-Anthony Burch. Even fucking reddit is shitting on him.

Attached: da7629113e24a33bdd76d33f9fc26a4a428fd50cf79fd95497520aad83cf68f7.png (600x616, 53.86K)

Nice edit you got there. Any viv edit?

Attached: vivian this is nice board.jpg (640x635, 84.3K)

I love this.

Attached: Have A Bite 56.jpg (448x500, 49.28K)

A couple threads back an user posted a slew of edits. Pretty sure there was a viv and even a gilda one, but I didn't snag them.

Attached: Jackpot.gif (400x279, 1.78M)

Wait, isn't this the story where mysterious male-avatar buddy of main character is actually a black lesbian?

What is /vg/

Attached: 1521108566-2.png (600x616 71.24 KB, 68.55K)

>Hey /vg/ why won't you come back to Holla Forums you are hurting my jewmaster's feeeeliiiiiings

Attached: scrappack4_pout.png (318x403, 10.57K)

Yeah, and SJWs bitched about it because the writer treats it like it's a big deal and they said "it shouldn't be a big deal you dumb wypipo you make a mockery of social issues" or something to that effect.

Wow, you literally can't please them.

nobody cares, user

Because the only way you can please them is you being their puppet for their propaganda. Nothing else matters.

What is /vg/? Is it new? I see a star trek online general, that's kinda cool I guess. Why is one of them shilling in this thread for attention?
Again, why the GG thread? I'll never understand why this general is treated like it's the nexus of the whole site. Isn't there literally a board for that kinda stuff? I can't recall the name off the top of my head, I only went there once.

Attached: 1c616f122a31ab591ca3b639ac31eb20264050fa95737152e21044efb51d5270.png (620x640, 233.74K)

Boy where have I seen this before?

Actually, speaking of star trek online my ship in the game is gamergate themed.
I didn't name it the USS Gamergate though because the mods are fairly SJW and they'd ban me outright. I named it the USS Splat2n to justify the color scheme.

Attached: screenshot_2016-08-07-23-55-52.jpg (1920x1080 266.88 KB, 281.29K)

you literally were a (1) yourself you mong, are you just pretending to be retarded ?

Yeah, when I made my first (1) I went around ignoring other posts in this thread and putting words in the mouths of others.
Are you?

Attached: 8f719438851416f9d8eff10715c5d30f.jpg (667x800, 290.87K)

Can't we all just get along?

Attached: 78f3c5a72526ffd6532dc922e9800098f3b91446953bc741c9d9eefb76b9af9e.png (478x556, 199.43K)

Holy fuck. These fuckers are still beating the dead horse, they just don't want to let go of the GamerGate incident and sperg about like they are so fucking relevant.

Attached: seriousface.jpg (1024x576, 77.14K)

Did you just suggest that I should touch your hand, you gamergator? You better repent for what you just did, I would never even get so much as close to this general except with my assbentos suit lest the pure butthurt consume me, and now you suggest that I take it off and putrefy myself. I bet you're actually emotion pierced right now but you're hiding behind your cute anime girls because that makes people not notice it. You should learn to submit to your older posters when they're around since that's healthy for both, but I suppose you've been in this Reddit general too long to even care about that. Truly I tell you, better actually dead than the shambling zombies that this general presents! How can you even live? Attributing things other people did to you and using it to defend your presence, when things would be much better in your absence? I would never touch such low class thiefery in years or millenia, you better check what you are suggesting to me because the answer is such a flat no that I am surprised you didn't catch it.

I am sorry, what is the problem here? You seem to have a problem admitting that your presence strikes down the land every time. Is it because you are in your isolated hugbox and therefore completely unable to process that you might be wrong? Because that's the sort of thing this honest circlejerk does, deteoritate the brain and dominate the mind. Just like those reddit upvotes you hate so much, yet worship them if they're a (you). Truly I tell you, it would be better to die than to live in this wasteland that you worship as your holy land. I would advise you to leave but you have put your roots in this land and stubbornly imbibed on its sewer water. I've seen newcomers who are more obedient and have better post quality than you, yet you are stubborn and refuse to change. It would be better if you never were here in first place.

Attached: 49453430_p6.png (360x360, 140.75K)

Where do you think we are ?

Are those some new copypastas ? Never seen those before.

Because in a way this thread is the unofficial news thread for the rest of Holla Forums for pretty much whatever is brought up here due to how many crossposters there are here.


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Attached: 9132784857932441322134.webm (640x272 1.92 MB, 404.94K)

I'm sorry, is there something that I just said? Did my words just irritated the fuck out of you? Do you really think that I use websites like Reddit just to cirlce jerk there? I don't even like Reddit, fucktard. Get the fuck out here with that bullshit.

that looks like that moss covered guy in Annihilation

I have a feeling this /vg/ shit is going to end up blowing in their faces(yet again).

Remember too that aside from basic reproductive instincts, SJWs are obsessed with being as gay as possible when it comes to sexuality. It's not enough to simply get off, they have to be so much of a gigantic faggot about it that it makes Van Darkholme look heterosexual in comparison. It's why they're in love with the fact that Alicia "Flat Raider" Vikander is playing Lara Croft.

This is a nice pasta.

Alicia "Flatlander" Vikander.

I'm genuinely confused.

Attached: confused boat.jpg (624x576, 128.18K)

Attached: gilda doesnt understand.png (838x719, 149.94K)

Alicia " board chest " Vikander

Alicia "too small for A cups" Vikander.

Alicia "A Marble surface has more bumps" Vikander.

Alicia "Hates Tombs and has no Bazooms" Vikander.

I've not read the book but word of mouth outside this site has told me it's basically the American Sword Art Online

About a week before the articles even happened I was making fun of the poem for being so /r9k/ I can see why SJWs would hate it(Prose expressing a guy's tastes in women) but it's more laughable from the perspective of someone who would be the Chaddest of Thundercocks according to the author. In a nutshell, it's someone trying so hard to claim he has alternate tastes in women that he ends up insulting any female who isn't a cliche geek girl scholar with a small chest and a flabby body. I guess I'd be considered an alpha male since I like large-chested ara-aras and brown tomboys

Attached: nerdpornauteur.png (571x960, 348.57K)

Alicia "more right angles than a rectangle" Vikander.

Attached: Alicia more right angles than a rectangle Vikander.png (683x1024, 580.93K)

That's actually a good description. I can sum up the story if anyone is interested, there's not much to it.

whats the best way to end it all

SAO doesn't rely on references to compensate for it's lack of good story telling.

Tranny porn was made for him.

Don't kill yourself user. Tell me what's wrong.

of old age by your loved ones side

Seriously, I've been on the ride so long I don't know. I can't enjoy anything anymore. I can now see the work of (((influencers))) clearly in every movie trailer, every videogame and every ad on the subway. Social medias have completely destroyed the public discourse too. If some mad scientist came to me and told me to follow him so we could finally destroy the world, I would do it. I now understand JRPG villains.

Attached: 2f1821a3c97ae08f63654312444d8ebbc526116b371dbb026ce26a8fba784a85.jpg (1012x1324, 221.84K)

close the gate and apologize

Attached: bait.png (800x494, 404.1K)

It was always funny to me how the sockpuppet line of arguing was always the most sexist thing SJWs did. Every single woman in GG, of which there were many, were called sockpuppets until they revealed their identities, and sometimes even afterward.

Social media is like the birth control pill. It fucked with us in a way we didn't really anticipated.

My sides!

I forgot how hard they strawmaned with their comics.

that always got me with SJW
As soon as a women or black guy went against the naritive they were called uncle toms or domestic cattle for merely disagreeing with the narrative. I remember looking for salt after the election and coming across this all the time.

Attached: domesticatedwomen.png (1533x433, 152.76K)

Did you just suggest that you'd pull the mask off, you small guy? You better call in what you just did, I would never even get so much as close to that airfield except with my hood on lest the fire rise and consume Smee, and now you suggest that I take the mask off and cause extreme pain to myself. I bet you're actually a small guy but you're hiding behind your power stance because that makes people not notice it. You should learn to submit to your size superiors when they're around since that's heavenly for both, but I suppose you've been in this Agency too long to even care about that. Truly I tell you, better actually hanging from suspension wires than colliding to the earth that this plane presents! How can you even fly? Attributing things the Masketta Man sold you and using it to defend Yer Prize, when things would be much better in your wreckage? I would never touch such high tech masquerades in years or millennia, you better check what you called in suggesting to the Agent C because the answer is such a flat no that I am surprised you didn't even crash it.

Attached: 1449419398303-3.jpg (532x485, 74.63K)

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Attached: Pavel.jpg (250x231, 7.08K)

Your post and that pic reminded me that as much shit as the left gives Peterson, the dude only says something really simple: "Stop saying things that make you weak."
They hate blacks and women who disagree with them because they don't want to face the fact that they not only aren't happy, but also failures. Seeing these other people that succeeded in the face their difficulties drives them insane because it reminds them of their own state. So what do they do? They slander, they throw tantrums and poison wells, because as shit as you can ever be, you will still have your words. Male nobel prize winner piss you off, even though he's been an exponent of women in science? Accuse him of sexism, as that will hit him the hardest. It doesn't have to be true, it only has to be poisonous. That's why they love "rescinding" the status of black/women/latino of people who disagree with them. Just negate parts of their identity, after all if they don't hate themselves, that means they've been "oppressing" people. All of this is because if they can't have what they want, they'd rather destroy everything in impotent rage. If they can't have something then no one can have anything.

Yeah. If he just wants to fuck lanklets or flat chested chubby girls that's cool. Braces and glasses are great fashion accessories.
But I seriously hate anyone who goes on to proclaim what a real woman is. Those are the shrieking harpies that think any woman with larger than d-cup breasts are inhuman. Girls with massive breasts already get enough shit for having them without being constantly told that they'll never amount to anything but fap fuel.

And it's ironic that he's going to criticize women for trying to follow whatever standards of beauty like idiot sheeple when he can't shut up about what a nerd he is. It's like his single defining feature to consume popular media and buy shit that lets him show off how much of a nerd he is to other people, like that stupid delorean with the ghostbuster logo.

Attached: 1414790056606.jpg (1974x1000, 157.56K)

You only had to listen.

Attached: 1471950680878.png (408x258, 77.18K)

Maybe I shouldnt have quoted every post, its much bigger than I expected

Attached: 09438763490734837089346.png (794x732, 393.84K)

There must be a way to prevent torposting. It wouldn't be a huge loss since posts with tor are shitposting at best, or shit like this at worst.

Attached: 1463914128293.jpg (338x242, 13.67K)

I think Mark has the option to disable it, it just hasn't. Maybe there are legitimate uses for it, I dunno.

The first few months here I saw some genuine torposters, after that it was just blatant shitposting or spam.

Imagine how sad your life must be to be spamming in a mongolian cave painting board.

Attached: Nothing to see here.png (661x305, 146.39K)

well from are side you can filter based on IDs
on mark's side he can choose to allow or disable TOR posting, but if he does you'll see meta spam for days bitching about "censorship"

iirc he has it allowed because the Ruskies have to use tor because their ISPs block h8chan.
At least that was the case a few years ago.

Attached: daily life in russia.mp4 (640x480, 11.93M)

So far as the autist begs to be killed, have a short and a nice love story.

Attached: DPAN7AsVAAEoHAh.jpg (850x1200 97.25 KB, 90.92K)

At least he's not a hobo, I guess.

I know about filtering, thankfully, I just did it.

So damned if he does, damned if he doesn't? Fuck.

Attached: 50287282_p0.jpg (577x800, 477.14K)

Thought Holla Forums got unblocked because of a technicality in slavland, either that or ISPs ignored the filtering rules.


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1424x1620, 316.29K)

In that case good for them.

Attached: russia strong.jpg (548x700, 85.91K)

You mother fucker.

Should we ask a Ruskie if he can reach Holla Forums without TOR?

>not trap with ara
It's OK, but it's not excellent.

Don't really take my word for it, the last I heard about this was like a year ago from russian flags on /k/ and I don't remember the details.

Attached: slavland a magical place.webm (640x360, 6.3M)

Why are slavs fucking hilarious?

Attached: mind blank.PNG (276x251, 84.48K)


What do you mean user? :^)

Attached: slav driving.webm (426x240, 11.97M)

sauce of anime?

Honestly, that sounds much more "oppressive" than anything the feminist try to throw out there since breast size isn't something that the woman herself can control (Aside from making them larger). Going by what I've learned, any "natural" way to prevent breast growth (Such as bindings) results in a myriad of health problems happening. So, in the end, they're bullying a woman, who's trying to be more than a pair of melons, has no control over the size of her jugs, calling her a whore only because she has a pair of knockers bigger than theirs, and disregarding every accomplishment she's ever made because they think she must have absolutely sucked someone off to get it as evidences by her big fatty pair of cupcakes.

I wonder what would happen if a redneck was stranded in the middle of Russia.

Attached: juADsYU.jpg (6737x4767, 4.27M)

Winter wonderland. Can't they fucking break?

Attached: [Радиоактивный смех].png (900x900, 371K)

Vodka, speeding and tons of black ice don't go well together.

Attached: 4ba4ecb51d030b0f187db0cb031eb3f71b1440a4428c72b35584e57c4d81bd49.jpg (183x255, 8.49K)

Yuru camp. 11 episodes already.
I'd advise trying out Koi wa ameagari no you ni too. The manga's very good but the show's heartwrenchingly beautiful. Genuinely Ore Monogatari levels of emotion.
Gakuen Babysitter ain't bad either at all, although pretty simple slice of life most of the time.

No way was Jane that stacked. No fucking way.

Attached: 40857.mp4 (480x360, 8.13M)


Attached: cancer AF.PNG (1478x858, 572.02K)

It is official.

Attached: 493975-bl_breast_rank_124.png (2400x1800, 3.69M)

What else are they supposed to do?

Attached: Jolly russki.mp4 (852x480, 1.89M)

Why are tracksuit squatters a thing? I never understood that.

Ice of color*

Attached: 4OSiawY.png (1014x640, 41.2K)

A woman's greatest enemy is other women.
There is truth in the expression "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".

Slavs are are fucking hilarious.

Anger, compassion, fun. Sadness is only left to show all the drunken feelings.

It's part of the rich history of the slavs.

Couldn't be bothered to make it smaller in filesize hooktube.com/watch?v=TrmkYJfv0Ww >Why slavs squat

Attached: Why slav wear adidas.webm (640x360, 11.08M)

I've been reading that yesterday/today was a great day for free speech in the UK, what happened?

Absolutely nothing
which is much better than what usually happens


Attached: 3de99ed28ff031658c6e6c654f3f7b1ad42d6f7bfa5055976b1e887f71ee7ff9.png (300x300, 4.91K)

Don't know about squatting, but slavs wear tracksuits because the Moscow Olympics in the 80's were funded by Adidas. Slavs at the time thought Adidas was exotic and cool so shops brought in a shitton of both legit tracksuits and chink knockoffs.
It has since become a part of the rich slav culture.

Attached: cheekibreeki.webm (480x360, 5.53M)

Has anyone calculated the average frequency that goobergate is brought up in articles? I know they shit out articles all the time and I see them mentioned nearly every day, but the numbers would be nice. Like say, an average fequency of GG mentioning articles each month and/or year.

Attached: 2c744852904e9dc2758f19121ea156b56812b074d807cdd89f9a28b11a071060.jpg (400x400, 31.11K)

I'd be happy with an average of 0.1 GPA (Gamedrops-Per-Article)

Attached: 719e5d119135a56137901849f9248c0625b7f9721c9e4a5e90962838534ca578.jpg (958x960, 86.58K)

This is fucking maximum faux nerdy "lol references! XD": The Movie. I was almost certain hipster SJWs would rally behind this geek chic trash. If the groupthink really starts leaning the other way, they'll treat this as a victory when this dumpster fire bombs.

We don't have none of that here mate

Attached: 7ba92d662bd0ae54873e031f54d94b46.jpg (229x377, 14.34K)

user, to get a number of less than 1 per article, you'd be including articles that don't even mention GG. I'm talking periodic frequency of articles mentioning GG since anons say an article mentioning it comes out at least once a day, and it sure feels like it.


Attached: tumblr_o95q812Irs1rr0ummo1_500.jpg (500x707, 85.12K)

Attached: 24ad4f35c1db3dbdb7d195d1910f6082e2dec72df9500412c541a5f0929facc2.png (279x231, 47K)

They fell for it hook line and sinker.

So exactly like the Holla Forums clique and how they want the vidya industry to crash and burn since normalfags got a hold of it. :^)

What a nice, calm, empty bread. Comfy.

Attached: 【ゆるキャン△ED】ファミコン音源で ふゆびより.mp4 (640x480, 6.54M)

Well yes, it's exactly like the
community ;^)

I saw an article complaining about how the movie allegedly promotes "gatekeeping"(the irony of that shit coming from current_year journos, I know), and it got me wondering if the references are too obscure for them. Shit like Big Bang Theory gets by using real entry level references, stuff that's recognizable to anyone who's watched Star Wars or a few episodes of Trek, but from what I hear Ready Player One turns that shit up to 11, its nothing but constant references. Now, that's fucking cancer and nothing will change the fact that the movie will be shit, but I do find myself wondering if the pretentious hipster "nerd" crowd are just derriere demolished because they don't catch every reference it makes, and that exposes the cracks in their pop culture connoisseur facade.

Attached: KonohanaKitanCherryBlossom3.png (1920x1080, 3.17M)

All I see in this comic is a cute perverted girl who gets off on going into the men's room, just like some of my mongolian flipbooks. and are just fags who want to think there's a dick because of their raging homolust.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (313x149, 23.6K)

Isn't it hilarious how these people who hate being mocked for their appearance and fool themselves about being beautiful love to call others ugly and stereotyping them.

Beware of Schrödinger's panties, sometimes, you cannot know if there's a dick or not until you check inside.

Attached: touch a real life shota.PNG (597x694, 373.63K)

Yeah we all know Holla Forumsirgins look like this

Attached: typical virgin.png (192x333, 7.47K)


too white tbh

They just don't know about the non-negligible amount of middle-aged housewives posting in Holla Forums.

Attached: a bomb.jpg (300x258, 6.47K)

It's a reasonable theory.

Nah, you're just a fucking faggot.

It's still possible for a trap, if you tuck your dick right it's easy to hide entirely so it looks flat in panties. It always baffled me why wannabe traps would buy gaffs when tucking is so easy

Attached: GGposters.png (549x428, 446.08K)

There's not even the slightest crease. There is no benis.

Its a japanese anime about the dangers of soy.


I can look just like that with sports tape. Or a slight crease without it. It's easy user you underestimate the power of a tuck.

also it's a drawing

Attached: Good Job.webm (981x309 120.78 KB, 44.02K)

I knew that was coming, but I deleted it anyway to keep post count down

Good morning!

Is it bad that I actually laughed at some of these?

Same, that last one made me smirk and then I felt bad for letting some stupid shitposter get to me like that

Also woah look at dem great trips

They were pretty funny, even if he was a retard. Probably stole them from somewhere.

Of course he did. I bet he's that retard who made this horridly bad comics.

You know, seeing how the UK lets their kids being raped it just make me see how cucked they are. Here, for the death of a kid, people is ready to lynch a nigger.
I'm a fedora tipper and I can even tell the UK has no family values. That's why Catholics are much better than protestant infidels.

The cancer in this thread need to find religion.

Attached: Anime_Thigh_Highs.webm (640x360, 5.28M)

Over here, when somewhere like ten people died after the roof of a store collapsed, it was the only thing anyone could ever talk about for almost two years, and people still even talk about it now. When Bongistanis pissed on a national monument, it ended up raising such a scandal that there was even an entire government committee designated specifically for dealing with Bongistani tourists and the interior minister made a public statement about how the English are a society of dirty uncivilised pigs.

If you want to read the Christian Bible, there are various online sources, such as: bible.com/bible

I was away for a bit, could someone update me on what happened with /vg/?

So all the recent nonsense is so some sorebutts can control the boards? What do they think will happen?
Everyone will bow to their superiorness and go 'gosh ur so awesome have a billion yous, we are at ur service'
Anons will go elsewhere to post (on or off site)

Hey anons, I'm making an OP on UK Sex abuse cases from Rotheram, Newcastle, and Telford versus Fiction

I've already read about Omega Labyrinth. Can anyone point me to other related (Gaming or not) hypocrisies from the UK?

Attached: so_degen.png (600x616, 70.4K)

Relating to /cow/, people are greatly exaggerating it. It does indeed have a pretty huge influx of newfags but that is only because of the shitstorm that came from Kraut and Tea setting up a doxing server and the skeptic community either turning a blind eye to it or defending him after he got caught

Do you already have these (Though, a few are in relation to the U.N./E.U.)?

Attached: UN officials not arrested.jpg (1051x697 165.24 KB, 253.18K)


Oof, forgot about that BBC/ Stacey one. Thanks user.
I could still use the UN ones as well.

Since I'm expanding to related waters, I might as well use Australia and games like GalGun.

Attached: 9622544cb4f9f945e1961d123d461dd86d2cf01f5b1701504b22a759493ac36c.png (451x619, 424.77K)

May as well contribute

Attached: Britain police diversity budget.jpg (463x404 165.73 KB, 39.18K)

Peripheral, but they help the connections nonetheless. Appreciate it, user.

Attached: 23dab68fc225dcf81c56383e40059279462eff0ef8e90f61a048486e5cc2b49c.jpg (580x386, 39.31K)

Well it shows the general trend as a whole, which is necessary for demonstrating hypocrisy/favouritism.

Attached: Revving engine in a racist manner.png (1314x862 189.26 KB, 178.83K)

Two more English-related caps (Sorry they don't have the source).

Attached: DJYpdcWXUAEvU-L.jpg orig.jpg (585x559 213.03 KB, 89.61K)

Good point. Saved.

Okay, I'll hunt the sources when I get to them.

Attached: ef696f9c0285d5792bae896a74f4ffe7157d0dbd1bb8a3585589702dc1c78b12.jpg (799x601, 75.18K)


GalGun isn't actually banned in Australia though you would expect it to be.

Attached: DKAmc-hWkAE9_Tu.jpg (888x765, 148.38K)

I didn't even know that.

Attached: e373cfa023019ff0fee9c4fd56bcfa03390d051e38e599a6031bea686b7cfcba.jpg (234x250, 44.3K)

I think the case of the teen girl who was pimped out, beaten, murdered, then chopped up, cooked, and served to the public as kebabs, is the penultimate "this shit needs to stop" and "GET MAD!" INCIDENT.

Attached: beyond-mad-57b1f75c80f38.jpeg (400x706 720.96 KB, 63.43K)

Unrelated, but have a random burn on Vice I found.

Attached: DPE7gSuX4AEl-UK.jpg (720x877, 57.67K)

To be fair, that's a really easy burn to make. Funny regardless.

Belladonna just continued doing porn while pregnant.

Care to share some?

Attached: y-you_too.jpg (200x200, 13.13K)

Found a online copy of it:

and an update, a decade later because somebody fucked up during the 2007 trial:



Attached: kebab2017.png (671x522 123.27 KB, 27.38K)

Just google it, this dates back years ago. She was pretty famous for doing all kind of sick shit, well, sick by normalfags standards.

How would you feel if your mom was a porn actress? Would you be sure of who your dad is?

I wouldn't know myself, but you might be able to watch video of your own conception, if that were the case.

Attached: AracSAeKLSMun5-L.mp4 (1280x720, 308.6K)

It's amazing how many people from gamergate have turned into massive pussies
(Sargon, mundane shill ect)


'tis the fate of Ecelebs.

Attached: 95570f5cbadd7535c2555f02c1ef9331b7c33519c7d7064dd8fbf703f9ee6770.jpg (1280x720, 91.83K)

Least this shit is entertaining
Thank God for this blood sports shit bringing out an e-celeb true colors

Attached: 7fe1185faf33b360dba7febe07166026.jpg (649x720, 106.2K)

I feel compelled to say: "Someone who tried to leaderfag, but was told to fuck off repeatedly then washed his hands of GG years ago" (IA/Jim) and "a fellow traveler with a lot of mutual enemies as GG then went off to do his own thing" (Sargon/Carl) doesn't count as "with GG"; unless you're a low-functioning Aspie who can't separate division of classes like normal humans.

Attached: autism (2).jpg (324x324, 26.86K)

This is a video response to a video response to a literal autism twitter slap fight. this is what #GG e-celebdom has devolved into.

Attached: f7162d8324286200fe22df39ad5f5b0628e1ae50987ff5d47030d974276ccb5a.png (396x363, 97.31K)

Pretty much though I can see why Jim left gg since people were trying to make a quick buck out of it

Attached: 53976873_p10_master1200.jpg (600x720 83.47 KB, 127.25K)

Nobel prize material there m8.

Attached: 42270abf5cdc3c1fbeddd74819806a43f2dd650f6398ba919735ce75437eeb33.png (303x311, 158.55K)

Speaking of which, GDC is gonna start tomorrow on your end, burgerfags! Get everything ready, it's about to get white hot!

Attached: Shrug 29.jpeg (1280x720, 117.49K)

Not really Jim is the only one who still thinks GG should be leaderless
In fact sargoy is mad that Jim wasn't the leader


Jim shill detected.

Jim left because GG didn't go the way he wanted to. And that's the very definition of leaderfagging.

Any of you nigs tried Synthetik? It's pretty cool and brings me back to the old Crusader game.

To the next baker, make the next one GDC related, and anons, check the panels and virtue signalling that's gonna be on here schedule.gdconf.com/

He also wanted to make his own quick buck.
I remember when he said things like
Jim's tune sure did change when he realized even he could get money out of his own group of retards.

Attached: 0817f40f3aba42d88af08f6d23057a4f53a65ad4bfdbb5f5e5a1f8fb9a3b4261.jpg (710x710, 75.43K)

Indeed. Jim's no better than any of them, even if he acts so above it all.

I am now glad I ignored all the social media/e-celeb shit back in the day, seems cancerous enough.

Attached: FUCK.jpg (1439x1050 86.73 KB, 902.88K)

Damn, that fist pic wasn't meant to be spoilered.

Attached: Capture _2018-03-18-21-49-55.png (1439x1050, 902.88K)

Should we launch an effort to remove /vg/ shills?

Attached: 069aca40dd49817e5792aa7a81ae404e9f6f57bb4347713ff46061a23f06e8de.gif (383x446, 427.73K)

Ok, tell me if you agree or disagree but has the posting quality take a very noticeable dip recently?

Is it because of that? I'm kind of detached from all of that.

Attached: jazz_nightmares_continue_further.jpg (652x958, 184.82K)

How about NO.
Jim was against leaders unless the leader was him. Jesus Christ you are a gullible retard.
Are you going to act smug and superior because you AREN'T smart enough to see through Jim's bullshit, and thus, told him to fuck off like we did?

Paypig detected.

Attached: IA here.jpg (600x600, 20.6K)

How much are you giving him on patreon?

Jim used to get butthurt about anyone making money on patreon, even youtubers producing "content."
Don't forget he recently said Peterson is a scam artist because of the amount he makes on patreon, personality test and self authoring thing despite all the content he makes, because Jim is too fucking retarded to understand psychometrics and psychological interventions.

Also nice doublepost faggot, bet you're phoneposting too.

Attached: 77b7a6918e19f50c157dc38ecdc71924331486eed284d6f990bec3617e1e8038.jpg (640x559, 22.82K)

White knighting for Jimmy, user? Does he reward you his Patreon shekels or some of his jizz?

Jim was pissed GG didn't "attack, attack, attack". Selective memory, user?

Wew. Part of GG's history was fighting against shills who colluded to help a game get money and Jim is angry at nobodies who wanted to get money

Take your cocking-sucking and go back to /cow/.

Attached: 725257f83c8c631b66725500e3157257ded43499ff54f9c5ee71b47947ddb3f6.jpg (1000x1502, 246.24K)

agreed about GDC related stuff.

There has never been a good e-celeb.

No, he left GG due to butthurt. Then when anons kept making fun of him and KoP he got butthurt even more. You obviously weren't there when he kept getting mad on twitter on what people were saying about him on the imageboards, which likely contributed to him to going back to cuckchan in the first.

We've come to the point where making thousands of dollars for shitty youtube videos with minimal editing is "actual content". Embarassing.

Lots of D&C shills are accusing Mark of shitty moderation. If you feel any hate towards cuckchan refugees, redirect it to /vg/ instead.

I kind of wanna make a twitter account just to post about weeb shit easier. I know about the horrors of twitter though. Has that alternative gone anywhere at all?

Attached: 65ddb2beb8604d989363d37ab4dfde23f98efd1cf7f67e6d5236e050bfd54e19.jpg (864x1153, 58.5K)

Don't, you'll get dragged into Twitter's world of shit.

The fuck are they trying to accomplish? I know there's a layer of autism that permeates the site, but what the fuck is their deal? I'm sorry I sound new, it's just that I'm unused to this sort of deal.

Are there any anons that can be an insider at GDC tomorrow?! Who's attending where?

Attached: Fight Me 20.jpg (600x400, 40.16K)

There's GAb, but since GAB is content-neutral and doesn't have a pro-Left bias *like twitter and FB do** it's been smeared as "Alt-Right Twitter"

There's also Mastodon or Mammoth that the Japs use, but I don't know much about it.

They want to erode GG's userbase, most likely. I'm guessing 90% of /vg/ is burnouts and goons.

Gab was the alternative I was talking about. Has it actually gotten any actual following though?

Never heard of that but if it's Jap then I'd assume I probably couldn't even read it.

I blame the drugs. pls no bully.
My back's a wreck and i can barely move or vidogame

Trying to drive users away from the site so that it can collapse and lose all it's power.

Attached: Free speech on the net.jpg (900x528, 74.82K)

GAB's slow and there's not a lot of GG activity from the pro-GG people on there I know, as well as, no antis to argue with.

Still waiting for Twitter to die before the alternatives can step up and fill the void. Best just watch the fire from a distance.

Anime, then. Until you get better, user.

Attached: __kagamihara_nadeshiko_and_shima_rin_yurucamp_drawn_by_kasagarasu__35d92241d954dbaaa819785897d08c44.png (2000x1300, 3.76M)

And, no one is going to pay attention to this.

This is serious. This might actually mean the end of the internet. For real this time.

Attached: konata.png (764x715, 305.45K)

Get this to the next OP also and damn you Commiefornia


Even this far-left tool from the Guardian is getting worried about how stupid Britain is getting with it's censorship.

SOPA was the only time anyone rallied against anything, and that was only because the companies and websites memed it. Every time a new one pops up now no one cares anymore and it get's barely any attention.

Attached: Britain.png (670x412, 60.17K)

Finally. Eternal September will end.

TY. I'm been watching the Dragon Ball Z movies and the abridged series to double my agony

Why? I can understand people getting tired of it, but this shit isn't going to be going away.

Attached: Edmund-Burke-All-that-is-required-for-evil-to-triumph-is-for-good-men-to-do-nothing.png (540x200, 50.45K)

But once twitter dies, the alternatives will get flooded by the fags on twitter right now.

no /vg/ actually looks like a legit reaction to moderation faggotry, I would at least not blame them after the latest meta thread
mark was ripped a new asshole in the thread he himself told someone to make, where he just made a bunch of non answers and fucked off in the middle of it without adressing any of the actual issues of the MASSIVE shitposting problem
I have always been in support of strict moderation, in fact I think Holla Forumss general moderation is way too lax even at full efficiency, but the hotpocket crew while doing their job on a hot issue, like baleeting eceleb shit right now, otherwise apply rules inconsistently and nuke post histories willy nilly
Id rather all the generals I frequent stay here but I aint discussing videogames with the goons that will be left if mark keeps fucking accomodating shitposters over people who want to talk video games

Attached: kotweebsmetana.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

Exactly. Every single time one of these internet bills passes, we lose a HUGE chunk of internet freedom. It's a slow burn. I remember pre-SOPA days where I could actually go to the sites I wanted without my ISP kicking me out for a week.

"Ass blasted at jim for doing a video on the moneybadgers after their bloodsports sperg out", You people are as transparent as day.

what the fuck this is still a thread. seriously? it's been 3 years. just get over it

Eternal Facebook here we come.

See e563d0's post? Opposition means we're on the right track, lads.

Attached: 3a6f4e7dd277216cf24872b2f19d8f57237f992d0e0624e3bbd9c7f19017ec16.gif (400x400, 58.54K)

Shills never learn, do they?

What is that, the 9th exodus from 4cucks now.

Attached: cuckchanner tries to fit in.mp4 (640x360, 1.19M)

you know its funny I was accused of sucking marks cock in another thread just a while ago

Attached: succ.png (400x400, 136.6K)

Can someone explain to me what the hell is /vg/? I take a short break from the thread and all hell brakes loose.

It's just some people makimg a new, shitty videogames board.

Mark spergs out and rage bans since a long while ago, the usual folks do their manufactured outrage routine. Honestly FOSTA is a bigger deal then Mark eating two cakes this time.

/vg/ has been around for a while, buddy.

Remember anons:

No one is AFTER our video games.

Attached: Censorship 29.jpg (1199x434, 60.48K)


Source and archive?

So how exactly is FOSTA going to stand in court anyways? All it takes is one man capable of challenging it financially with the backing of organizations that fight sex trafficking then Commiefornia's fucked.

check the last legit meta thread and let it speak for itself
I will remind you that this is a hotpocket sanctioned thread where the pockets are supposed to communicate with the userbase
notice the quality of communication

Attached: bbc6f4143d1b969903447c79e236e4d8172c26970b11dfa3265e0372543b4a3d.png (500x548, 306.71K)

whats that tits n tanks game about? never heard of it.

Been like that for years, stream whore gaymer gurls are okay, but lewd games are bad.

Seems to be like World of Tanks with animu ero scenes. And it's a mobile game.

That unironically sounds awesome

Attached: tank.png (960x544, 987.25K)

I can understand not wanting Eroge like Sengoku Rance, but most of these games aren't that at all. The closest they can get to being hentai is being ecchi-focused like DT2 and OLZ.
Are we seriously going to start that shit again? That game doesn't even have any sexual content to my knowledge.

Attached: fd39df78b0c75d2bacf182f8039f0e4584def8602873c7b8d71976080ee891b7.gif (500x375, 1023.48K)

I think it's a given that actual eroge aren't allowed, this list is just for things that there might be some doubt over. I guess Hatred is on there because it did the rounds of Pearl Clutching. It's not like it's more violent than a lot of things.

Pretty much.
Though I think the reason its violence is seen as "worse" is due to the targets.
Sure, something like MK is more gory and violent, but the targets are all fighters who can defend themselves.
Its also all very exaggerated and over the top.
Meanwhile Hatred has gunning down innocent civillians who beg for mercy, and its fairly realistic, not ridiculous gibs showering everywhere.

It's the whole "Content VS context" argument, which I'm sick to death of.

Yeah its bullshit, its all just pixels.
But I think thats the argument that they go with anyways.

>"Ass blasted at jim for doing a video on the moneybadgers after their bloodsports sperg out", You people are as transparent as day.
>Responding to the user's statements instead of the video.
You're about as much a faggot as the shill.

Or it could just be a shitposter. It's practically a meme at this point. Hell, I'm still not sure if was originally ironic or not. I'm still not sure if it's ironic or not now.

Honestly it was metafags being spergs and while Mark did fuck up somewhat it was pretty clear what was going on.

Attached: 1449193190898.jpg (278x300, 30.75K)

We have a baker?

It's been a while.

Attached: zero ded.png (279x284, 63.93K)

I was posting in that thread, and this is him addressing my concerns

Attached: notch two point oh.PNG (536x85, 4.75K)

Anime tiddies and tanks together is enough

Refresh the thread

Incidentally, there's been a new IED of peace found in Austin TX

Today in school we had a substitute teacher in one of my classes and I pulled an epic prank on the whole class. When he had to leave the classroom for a few minutes, I went up to the whiteboard and wrote TROLOLOLOL in all caps (for those of you who don't know, this is the catchphrase of the Troll Face from Rage Comics). It took up like half of the white board xD By the time he got back, I was sitting at my desk pretending that nothing happened, but all my stupid classmates were staring at me (they didn't get the reference). When the sub asked "who wrote this?" I was trying really hard not to laugh and I stood up while making the same facial expression as the Troll Face meme and I asked "problem?" I was expecting AT LEAST one of my classmates to laugh, but nobody did (like I said earlier, they didn't get the reference). Still standing, I thought of a new joke. I made the facial expression of Doge (a different internet meme) and I said "much troll, very epic" so everyone would get that it's a joke about the Troll Face. To my surprise, not a single person laughed, and after a few seconds of me waiting for everyone to get the joke, a kid said "sit down faggot." I asked if he went on the Four-Chan forums because they made up that word, but he just looked at me like I was the stupid one. By now, pretty much the whole class was yelling at me to sit down and shut up. I took the opportunity to make a Four-Chan reference, so as a joke, I yelled "FUCKING normalfagS" (because that's what Four-Chan calls people who don't get memes) and ran circles around the desks with my arms behind my back like in anime xD I got a lunch detention from the sub but it was worth it because I got to troll the whole class.

My faggotry sense is tingling…

Attached: true_my_spider-sense.mp4 (640x360, 2.23M)


Trips of truth.

Jesus fuck, that tor nigger is back.

Attached: What the fu-.PNG (653x420, 296.38K)

Sadly, we're still on page 12.

>(78) I think that's a new record
Mark, please ban tor users from accessing the board.

Attached: He has autism.png (304x368, 76.92K)

He reach (83) a thread or two ago.

Attached: (119) 5-8.png (1920x9137 1.67 MB, 871.34K)

Attached: (119) 8-8.png (1920x10000 1.54 MB, 1.39M)

Is there even a reason to torpost now? Using tor itself for other things, I can understand, but torposters now are autists like this.

Jeez la Weez, this guy is dedicated.

Attached: =U.gif (245x300, 957.35K)

That's better, less trash.

shitpost spam is part and parcel with posting on a popular board

Archive of this thread that before torposts were deleted: archive.fo/hrBrV

Never was since it is a honeypot.

I've hit (119) easily. archive.fo/TB7Ww#selection-62651.0-62651.1

Attached: smug precis.png (603x582, 38.31K)

Tor should be permanently disabled on Holla Forums. Full stop. If the only reason Mark keeps it enabled is because of the ruskies then they're just going to have to find a different workaround.

Attached: 732.png (1480x373, 507.7K)

All me.

Attached: smug Ilia.png (578x570, 43.35K)

Archive without the whiny torposter archive.is/YcIUm

We're going to have to make another archive in 50 posts. Anyways, I'm off to take a shower.

Reiterating a point I made on the temporary bread:
The only thing more retarded than Jim is his fans.

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Well, there are some people who can post only with tor and some who want to be very cautious. Just like that spammer or autist in Holla Forums, he really begged for tor to be banned.

It's time to stop.

Attached: outside.png (1333x1000, 1.83M)

Why can't the e-celeb drama loving faggots just fuck off?

I thought the designated shitting board was Holla Forums :^)

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Reminds me of the time the Ralphshill manually spammed HQ for about 5 hours straight. It was the slowest spam ever, one post every two or three minutes, but he kept going on a VPN for what seemed like forever. Some revoltard spammer told me later that I had blocked every VPN in the US. Most of it probably came from that incident.

Attached: Asuka oh boy.jpg (494x700, 306.95K)

Then tell them to use i2p instead.

It appeared when bloodsport retardation arrive to the GG threads because guilt by association by the retards who really took it seriously.

(107) after getting BTFO


Baker is dead.

You're thinking of Holla Forums and /n/.

I can bake if need be.

Do it.


Attached: Bunny punch.png (440x640, 286.36K)

Make it happen. Jazz night at /animu/ made things cozy for a fair bit before a return to this hell.

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We still have 33 posts left!

I smell skeletons

Get on the lewd game streaming site lewd gamer we could have people experimenting with shit and have cam whores that dont just tease but do fully lewd shit making twitch cam whores redundant

I see your a man of taste.


shitpost faster

Attached: Asuka mirror.jpg (850x1202 989.19 KB, 869.66K)

It's on page 13, we're good now.


You fucked it up at first.
O well, at least it's now page 13

Largest German Video Game Magazine automatically lowers review scores for games that have microtransactions in them (Google Translate)


I don't even know what you're talking about. I've been making fun of Jim here for 3 years now, because he's an e-celeb surrounded by whiteknights.

Kill yourself.

Do you not understand that was after the site hacking or are you just shitposting? Because there was a user who legitimately did not know why all the threads had the same IDs.

shit new bread already started


Not on your life, my Hindu friend.

Attached: Why hello there (you).png (616x480, 199.45K)

Why is that screenshot cut off?

link to new bread plz