What would a second American Civil War look like?
What would a second American Civil War look like?
pretty dumb.
Who's fighting who?
Something like this but with more blood.
I would imagine that every side from the both left and right anti-establishment groups share the share the idea of overthowing the the Deep State, but after that it both sides turn on eachother and then the nation basically descends into bloody moshpit clusterfuck all competing for power.
fascists, corporatists on one side
liberals and """""""leftists"""""" on the other side
anarchists being slaughtered indiscriminately by both sides. super high death toll. martial law. mass destruction of property and wildlife. a military dictatorship would rise. the end of freedom in the West
it would be fun, id get a chance to exterminate some fascists
Like a bunch of right wingers murdering each other over details whilst every other nation on Earth cheers.
I would want the regressive liberals to perish first
a large crater where people used to be
Or maybe SJW's and Alr-right slaugther eachoter into extinction and we at "brociaists" just sit back and watch.
No, thats how it would look.
No blood, just mad fat people.
Theoretically, middle America fights a war on two fronts against coastal America, or even rural America vs. urban America. Realistically, both sides would be glad to see each other go, and the conservative faction wouldn't be in a hurry to bring California or the Northeast back into the Union.
leftists and liberals would get shot up like prairie dogs at a drunken machine-gun shoot, given how most of them either are allergic to modern rifles (i'm talkin AR-15s and shit here) or the only gun they own is some shitty old mosin lmao
leftists, get yourselves some fucking ARs
lol, it's mr militia operator badass again, still butthurt nobody decided to be his gay apprentice
The liberals wouldn't even fight anyone. They would just do their Calexit and leave the US. Do you think conservatives are going to be eager to go fight to bring California back into the US?
If it happened, look at Lebanon, Libya, and Syria for examples of how it'd go down
Thousands of armed groups ranging from neighborhood protection groups to actual armies all fighting each other. Varying degrees of competence, and I'd bet at least one nuclear detonation.
Significant foreign support
only reason im not rooting for this tbh
Yes. California is a huge part of the economy.
Yes, actually, unless they annex mexico.
Cali is full of Porkies and Porky Concerns, esp considering they have near total domination of the Pacific where China ships us our shit.
Ronald Reagan started political career in Cali State Govt.
Drone strikes
americans are too fat for a civil war
This. Revolutionary socialism and anti-fascism means allying ourselves with the FBI/NSA/CIA against the Putinoid/Trumpoid fascists.
The divide is rural vs urban at this point. And I think liberal urbanites are pretty delusional about wanting that war.
Just how far do you think society would break down? To the city level or even further?
I dunno I find these kinds of scenarios interesting mental exercises.
It would be a mess indeed. Rural 'murrica would blockade and starve the cities. If enough of the Navy stayed on the urban side they should be able to keep the places with ports supplied from the outside and only the landlocked cities are screwed; if not, anything above a million inhabitants will become a hellhole.
the city cops would all side with the rural forces, and really would be the primary force.
i'm not some badass oper8tor nor a militia person, i'm just miffed that leftists dont want to get armed or do open carry rallies and stuff. self-disarmement, especially when the other side is literally rife with AR-15s and ammo, is SUICIDAL CUCKERY.
the fuckin Black Panthers had it right, they knew that guns were useful but nowadays most leftists i see are like "whuuhh gun control is good"
how is it that in the US the only people who seem to grasp that political power grows from the barrel of a gun are fucko reactionaries? THIS IS VERY BAD!
how liberals and leftists can throw around "fascism" and then turn around to support self-disarmament and banning "assault rifles"?
Shit, now I can imagine the LAPD or the NYPD bringing down a Reign of Terror upon their city. Feels bad man.
also the IRA was good at using gun's against security forces, if you even remotely think there might be A Second American Civil War you should look up the IRA's tactics and tools and GET ARMED REEEEEEEE