I couldn't think of what to say for the op

i couldn't think of what to say for the op

Other urls found in this thread:



I'll keep you company.


yes way luka



who r u?
bird person...

;~; *clings to you*




ya im bored.

is ur gmah okay

you win the prize

I don't know, she's at the hospital


where ur muscle birds with arms folder?


she'll probably be okay as long as she didnt break anything.

on the internet waiting to be downloaded.

Those enacting the ways of the sleep, engage in the art of death.

download and return full force!

whats wrong

yeah but we still don't know what's causing her pain

she fell down because she passed out from pain in her hip
doctor said that her hip pain is coming from her back?

i dont have enough force

sounds like the sciatic nerve

find moar ;~;

i have 30 year old brandy and whiskey

should i drink it some?


how did u make it to japan? anime?


why i flew of course ;)

i like overwatch
we should play together some day ;~;
add me?

why japan?

I already did dork, dysnomia remember?

because its comfy.

*snuggles tight*

what do u do there?

Work is suffering

it's kay luuks, I forget things too also I have this capped from when we played

I don't know what that is

i pilot mechs.

pew pew
ur soo kewl!

that pic is weird

a nerve that from what i understand runs through your hip and down your leg. it can often get pinched easy apparently.

im actually a carpenter and build houses.

who doesnt love cool whipped crows.
sounds like a band

Cool hwip

...you build houses? in japan?
....but... inst that place all buildings and cities already? buildings as far as the eye can see?

the thing that makes that webm even better is that you side step the sleep dart at the last second like "oh yuh I was doing something"


lol hai errbody

hool cwip

their thirst for progress is unquenchable

ikr ! ♥
caught up in the moment~

like... there you are... as mcree... high up on a ledge
you hold this ult... right here in your hand... and as you step forward... you see all of your team and enemy below you.
unaware... that it's your moment.
and then... you press Q

and it all happens. then spray ground for extra potg points.

the whole country will become houses?

hey there sama

if i have anything to do with it.

People do know though.
Kind of gives it away when you hear "its high noon".

good morning bard... how goes it

I imagine the disappointment the ana player felt, since they obviously meant to sleep dart you during your ult but mei blocked it with the ice wall attempting to save herself from your ult lol and failed

engrave your name secretly into a part of each house
and go down in history.

they didn't know where i was coming from! :D
since a i chose an uncommon angle~


I'll have to read about it

im sorry

i sometimes write childish things on places that are going to get covered up.

im sure the doctors know what they are doing.

ask a guy who has a gf, job, doesnt live in moms basement , is strait and clean shaven, but still lurks image forums anything...

ye good placement and perfect timing

my bass fell over and broke at the headsatock
I've been up all night and feelliin kinda sleepy but I'm waiting til 10 a,m to go in and get my paycheck
not working today lucky me
I finally got to spar with my friend so thats great hes a bretty good opponent
A little heavier and taller than me so its a good strugge

I'm thinking of putting my acoustiic into nashville tuning with some 12 string strings
whats up with you amigo

mark your territory and contribution with mystical symbol
so that future generations renovating find it and become mystified~

that actually makes you worse than everyone else here.

you and me
we're like polar opposites

whatcha up to anyways~?
*cuddles close*

swastikas? way ahead of you.

japan china culture symbolism for peace... before it it was stolen :c

what the fuck. is alvarez gonna fix it?

didnt even know you sparred... not much just waking up

i know... fuck

but that wasnt much of a question tho

and its why we have such an awesome bromance

Pretty sure it was hindi

Yeah the swastika originates from the Indian subcontinent

i know, Buddhist temples on google maps are marked with them



a lot of people had the symbol


it actually comes from aliens
just like pyramids

Doubt it
It fell over in a no brand travel case onto my concrete floor so thats probably my fault

and hell yeah its super fun my dad's way more into fighting than me but its still fun to roll. since my step brother moved out and had a kid though I only have my younger brother to go with so this friend was a great change of pace and he wants to go more in the future but the winter is coming up

What are you up to today?

''The swastika is an ancient religious symbol originating from the Indian subcontinent, being the symbol of peace and continuity that generally takes the form of an equilateral cross with four legs each bent at 90 degrees.
It is considered to be a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism and dates back at least 11,000 years.''

heading to get sleep before work, have a funny overwatch montage as a parting gift youtube.com/watch?v=-IQyhayI0KI


the jew fears the samurai

give your local wandering bhudist a coin so they can eat

i didnt know buddhists were nazis


Huh huh huh huhhuh huh good one

damn... you could probably have it repaired at a premium. couple hundred prolly

i work here after a few, tried to wake up a little earlier so i could spend time with yall before i have to head in

i never see any



do u play video gamez in japan?

yea not a lot tho because usually busy.



Kurdish female fighters get me hard

tis sad yes

kurds are just as bad as the rest

Some of them are hella fine tho.

I support the PKK and the kurdish cause.

forgot to mention this guy... added kitty#2 last week

because you're a puppet and don't know that Assad is the only good guy there.

so cuute! where did you get him from? :3
hats his name?

picked him up from my gf dads place, they wouldnt let him inside but its getting cold so i took him at my place. weve name him Daryl

The day of strongmen stability is gone. The time of democracy and freedom is here. You cant see it, the time is now.

democracy is mob rule you dummy

its the worst thing

its commie shit

a capitolist republic is the only way

i say murica return to brit rule lol


the demos does nothing wrong


lol politics

Glorious soviets world wide

gtg lates

see ya amigos

imagine hell was just like real life but you were constantly doing horrible smelly farts and nobody wanted to be your friend

i think you'd still end up here

welcome to the heaven

enjoy it

*fat russian laughter*

Imagine; hell is shitposting on dial up internet.

I don't need to imagine hell is just like real life.

I already know that life is hell. :(



All Ana posts are quality posts tho.

Ana's a sweetheart.


Cause they cannot provide quantity


I think college is more about going from effectiveness to efficiency.

I think that's what it's supposed to be, at least.

Primary education does not really matter but it will affect the school you could get into for your secondary education which will affect your chances in getting into a better university. Then when you get into uni you spend your time drinking and shitposting and when you get work only around 10-50% of what you learned will be applied unless your aiming for a masters degree and will end up with a PhD.

Phillipines are a mudhut country

That doesn't seem apt.

AFAIK, there's only one private secondary school in my city, and I went to it off literally 0 effort and attention.

Will and won't deny that.

Funnily enough, I think that private school has the worst students of all the secondary schools in my city.

Which is disheartening, because a lot of the teachers there were really kind, and enjoyable, and they wanted to teach.

a suhhh

My kind of woman.

Maybe some students just get full of themselves for getting into private education.
Well, that's what happened with my older sister.


kimchi ramen w/egg for breakfast

idk what to do today, im off

Good morning, War-doggo.

Well, Sombra is out today I think.
I have to work.

Morning, Goggles.

It's only a private school off technicality.
I'm pretty sure they don't turn anyone away, as long as they were raised catholic and/or have catholic parents.

Like, it's not exactly the super typical thought of private schools with a massive tuition, that only good students can go to.

I was thinking of going to a botanical garden but it's cold af

when are you off?

Sombra is out and im stuckdoing 30 hour shift.
Then squash posts.
Then grim.
Fuck karma.

Did you rest adequately?

i cri

10 tonight.
So 12 hours.

Karma is curry mama.

Well enough. I was too lazy to move the shit off my bed so I slept curled up.

I want to go back to highschool age.

I want to be 5 years old and just have a clean slate

maybe with even half the knowledge I have now

I could avoid posting in the first place, be so much happier

have fun with that

I wouldn't mind reliving everything I've went through.
It's been a good ride and I don't want it to end.

I just felt like that might have been asking too much.

Private education kinda gets mixed opinions here actually. Some think that it actually offers better education while some just think that it's where students coming from rich families go to show off their financial epeen.


I want to go back to high school and tell my older self to go through the path you actually wanted.

I just have a lot of things I'd like to change, and wanted to change back then.

Like maybe slap little me in the face for letting themselves get flustered over something they were enjoying because someone commented on it.


from a neutral perspective I would probably get a 3.8/5 on life rate scale

from a personal perspective I see it as a 2


Fucking scrubs



I'd probably rate it about the same, maybe a bit lower, but I don't know where it'd be put more objectively.
I don't really have much to be sour over, and my needs are all taken care of well enough.
Really, most of my issues are my own fault, so it'd probably be a decently high rating.


Everyone does, every single day, every conversation, there's little things I wish I could have done differently.

But that change you mentioned is something I'd definitely want to do. Fuck society and the ideas it plants on you.

I think mine wasn't too enjoyable either but then I think to myself and hey at least I wasn't born a nigger.

XY: Evolutions is reprinting a bunch of the 1st edition pokemon cards.


Actually, I think this reprint might legalize my deck in standard format.
Super score.

Like a real dog.

Feels good man.


I mean, I mostly just play with my cousin and his stepfather, but it's still a good kinda feel.


you should follow it too

If only I had worn my tail.

A PSA 10 base set Charizard can sell for more than 8000$

I think there are better people to link that to.

Wow what a perverse person.

Normie friend of mine went through all of it 4 times for some reason. I couldn't stand the first few episodes.

Then there's the opposite feeling you get when a new banlist completely demolishes your deck.



was that birdman at the top of the thread

did i miss birdman



for fuck sake


Guys, I'm addicted to anime.
If only there was some sort of guide to help me break my addiction.

And it convinces you that the person behind the banlist is literally satan.


So did the Titan kidnap you?

I think Konami is comparable to satan, their banlists are literally "these cards have sold enough, go buy those instead".

i have nightmares about going back to highschool sometimes


alright I'm done, it's a really good game tho

Sorry, Tone is my new husbando
How's the day been?

Download finished today and I finished the campaign in like five hours. Been playing multiplayer since then and it's SO FUCKING FUN

I don't know Konami's banlists so well.

Alright, just waiting for a package that should be coming today, hopefully, sometime.

if you use any titan that isn't ronin you are a huge faggot goldy

They are terrible, they have banned cards when there were much stronger counterparts just because.
But you can't expect much from YGO, the cards have those huge stats just to be more appealing for young audiences.

That's so short it's lame, I hope it was at least thoroughly enjoyable.
Weren't you on 97% yesterday or something?


you need to stop

Oh I'll crush you with my Titan alright
Just stand still for about five seconds
Also, what's in the box?

Yeah, but both power and internet kept going out while I was sleeping. In the end, I managed to just finish the download right before the internet went out for real. Finished the campaign in that time and finished some more Euphoria routes.
Then the manager was back and gave me some more internets

you're so gay
tone and legion are meta and boring as hell
you must learn how to use the GLORIOUS NIPPON STEEL and literally teleport behind nerds and unsheath your katana

I kinda stopped playing Yu-Gi-Oh back when it got into a power creep with itself.

But why?

Fuck the meta I don't care
Scorch is a lot more shit than I thought he'd be, tbh. Either that or I'm worse than I thought, which shouldn't really be possible.

Also holy shit Northstar is so easy to kill

haha look at me I'm a strider chasis and my core is to become a flying target

World of Final Fantasy.

It's actually really neat, and kinda cute.

It seriously pisses me off how the conditions there are so bad. Do you think you can get on bnet or something for a bit? I wanted to send you some images.

So, not long after the start?

What's that? I kinda lost track of FF hype train after X.


i eat ass with scorch
he's just slightly more difficult to use than the other titans (except Ion)
good trick is to take extra dash on him and just put your thermal shield directly into an enemy titans face, does like 2/3rd hp
broken as fuck


nigga is a hairy Lebanese dude

The one you were talking about was another installment in the ff series, right? This is some separate thing?

Yeah, but I got more than enough to keep my mind off shit, so that's good. Heading to Tripoli in about 20 mins too, finally.

Yeah I've been using the extra dash, I didn't think the shield actually hurt though, don't they just melee you through it?
Also what do you take for pilot abilities? Cloak and stim seem to be super good

Is ana the dude from tc who met gordon brown? Lol

Are you implying something, sir?

More than likely.




post face

When did effect monsters become as strong as normal monsters?

It's a totallyNotPokemon side game.
It's really cute, if nothing else.

The one I'm super excited for comes out in 25 days, and is Final Fantasy XV.
This one's just a side game that came out last week, and is adorable af.

this is me


More pictures, that's fucking adorable.


Hahahaha its manaka repeating

The thermal shield does more damage than any other single ability in the game im pretty sure
if I land the fucking gas chamber thermite combo and then just the thermal shield that's enough to kill a legion immediately
I use stim with an alternator and the run n gun perk for close range maps and a Hemlok with the fucking overpowered ass shield on everything else
1 burst to the chest kills pilots through it

I only took the two, but I'll totally grab more while I'm playing it.


what even happened with manaka?


he is around

you wish you were saudi kid

Holy fuck good to know, thanks a lot for the tips
I'll come and yell at you about things I did later and expect headpats


He started using a lebanese proxy

No fucking way. They may be set for life because their country spoonfeeds them but 70% of Saudis I met while living there were entitled, fat, rude or loud or any combination of them.

yeah because they're rich af and they dont give a shit

Yeah, fuck that though. I'd rather be a decent human being.
lmao just kidding I want to be rich

well manaka might not be ok

there are riots going on in indonesia atm

you know you can be rich and decent at the same time

just hide your power level

Sorry. Back now.
My fuck buddy called.

what the fuck

Speak of the devil and he doth appear.

Yeah but the amount of saudis that are like that are minimal.
Half the time someone picks a fight with me or lobs an insult at my mother for something as dumb as bumping into them, just a bunch of cunts, most of them are.



Congrats Rin!
Have fun, it looks super fucking good.

lol shit nigga

Also, that was a girl!
Because fuck Lann!

Is that KH characters I see?

Our countries are so close yet I have no idea what is happening to Indonesia right now.

situational awareness

You mean the two in the front?

Manaka is kill.

I miss when Manaka used to e-tuck me in every e-night.

I miss trying to talk to mana-k but never having anything in common so the conversation would die and he would just stop replying.

*tucks you in*

I dont miss manaka because I still talk to him

For 2 years I thought Manaka and Luka were the same person.

Another webm please

i miss manaka

lol wat?

the flag? or?



So what's new?
Wanna play some Over Watch?

Dude he opened it just to throw the bottlecaps around

You're a sweetheart.

I didn't say I miss Manaka, just something we used to share.

That's the cutest thing I've seen all day.



Ohio, sin pie.

Do you use that image to sigh or look at the poster above you?


the former


Dark Souls?

Sucks to suck
Why are you uploading a bmp image?

i wont be a rebound

That's what my capture card saves with.

Were you taking pictures of the game? I keep going back up to look at that picture it looks so cute


I was taking a picture of the fact that it wants me to update first but I can skip it and forgo network features if I want and I'm so conflicted.

well my grandma's home now at least

so that's nice

Let it update, tell me about yourself in the meantime.


What do you wanna know?

hes fucking evil

you're the cutest thing ive seen all day
and I haven't even seen you


Whatever you want to tell me.
The color of your current pillowcase, what you had for breakfeast, your favourite color, food, foot size, etc.

Manaka is probably dead

Day 6 of 7... It's looking bleak. People keep asking for free admittance to the Gym or if my work has an ATM. I am dying. Quickly.

That puts me in a hard place, because it's easier for me when I'm answering questions.

My breakfast so far was just a cup of coffee, my favourite colour... well, I don't particularly have one, I like almost all of them, I'm really fond of rice bowls and pasta dishes, if memory serves, I'm an american men's size 10.

youll be aiite

Poor oobles

Currently day 1 of 9.
I wish i was kill

I think Grim is keeping him alive in his basement.

What's the colour you don't like?

I thought that was Scarlet???

It could be both.


I am Manaka and Scarlet


then gtfo

im going to die


Grim every single one of your webms has cheered me up not a single fucking exception


Rust in pepperoni

It's mostly just something that I play by ear, but if colours are too... murky? then it gets kinda... eh.

live for tiddies

well I should have one or two pure shitpost ones that should piss you off

Am I the only one who wasn't fooled by that?



ples buy me pepperoni

ill live for massive tid


Time to split, seeya guys.

All pepperonis?


See you Ana.

Oh, okay.
Fair enough, I guess.


Enjoy the chill

I be on lata



Yeah ikr? Grim needs a better taste.

Pepperoni en route via drone


delet this

It must be a cold day in hell as I didn't see that pun coming


I want to lick Sabrina's peperdronies.

No. stop.

Lick 'em all day.


yfw drinking on empty stomach

Nice image.

huh wuh?

Stop misogyny.

Stop collaborate and listen.

Is your personality the same consistency as honey?

Scoot is here with a brand new rendition

Which one of them do you want to be?

I want to eat Sabrina .

Sabrina is the same consistency of noot noot

Me on the right
Me on the left.

If you're asking if I'm slow, the answer is probably.

I'm full of vital nutrients and antioxidants.

I don't think I would mind being one or the other although I think maybe I would be a bit too sacred to be so constricted.

And sweet, delicious honey filled nectars.

Sticky and sweet, more like it


I just had deja vu.
No It' s more like.. if someone tries to force some way about you, you are unresponsive and uncooperative. But when people let you be to your own vices You flow freely and wonderfully.

Okay, that may have been a bit too sexual.

You asked!!!

Me on the top bottom


Pet that kitty immediately!

Hey now!

That's sweet of you to say!*

Im at work and he is at home.
I was reading rescue kitty stories on fb and now i wanna smoosh kitteh.


Scuba, Winston is the boss cat, and when you're not home, he's on a tree stump accepting tributes from all the other cats.

Kittius caesar :3

He is involved in raCATering

Meow Capone


The coloring work in these is actually pretty dern good.

On this, the day of his kittens wedding

Yeah it is. I'm actually not too much into bondage but those are worth posting.

The Pawed Father

Hahahahaha Pawleone xD

ur pic is pretty~

Gangs of Mew York

The saint Valentine's Day meowsacre

I think I'm out of cat gangster puns, Skutz.

Me too



How is Sabrina doing today?


Sleepy! You?

Boop, sombra looking bae material

Nothing else really
But are you having a easy day?


It's been pretty laid back so far. They're doing some work on the road outside, and it's making the whole building vibrate, which is only making it harder not to nap.

Roadworks are the bane of life.


Austin and every town along I35 in Texas is just disgusting with road work right now, and there's no end in sight.

The long overdue works. Figures grrrrrr



Two chapters in, and already the only good thing about Lann is nothing.

Pretty hype to get home andsee everyone spam the shit outta BOOP


The redid the old town theme from FF1 for the first city and it's kind of endearing.

-Boops thread-

Ahhhhhh, they did it with the castle too.

Suddenly the FF2 world map theme started playing in my head for some reason.

I never played Final Fantasy.

That's probably in it too.



If you haven't played FF then can you really call yourself a techie and s gamer? no, you cant

Guess this soundtrack is what I will be listening to in the following minutes.
Eh, it's not bad but IX had much much better to pick from.

why is blizzard so FUCKING bad at determining what makes a game fun

You have enough gun and run, ssssssssh girl power

Sounds like fun to me.


Tiny asian hands

Some of them might just be the same track.
Like I know this game has OWA, and I'm pretty sure it's just the one from AC.

I'm playing league

I'm really enjoying this area's track though.

A lot here seem to play it!

hackerman with an smg mixed with spy from tf2 is boring and unfun kys

this is why you arent diamond like me

No. make me faggoo.
Ow needed something good

what are you even saying?




I don't play her in comp much though, only on specific maps.
in specific comps.

I like it a lot too, gives me a feel similar to Luca in FFX.
Sorta modern and comfortable.

Give pet.


im playing dark souls :3


I'm loving Reynn more and more the more she talks.
Because almost everything she's said right now is just shitting all over Lann. And seriously? Fuck Lann.


now i have a character i can turn invis with~

Dark Souls :3

I don't even play games any more @_@




Why thank (You).

Reynn and Lann. Kinda reminds me of Rin and Len.
I could barely notice the resemblance of WoFF Besaid to the original theme... on the other hand FF1 Town made me want to replay FF1 once again.

Good thing that game can be played through fairly quickly even for casuals.

i wish i had the motivation to do anything other than play games in my spare time

Incidentally their tattoo thingus are on their right and left arm respectively.

I think it's intentional.

I watch bad anime ^^

I haven't programmed for a week now, burned out from doing it non-stop for a month.

i should be doing data mining work, but laziness. apparently when i write a report about what issues i encountered i should state the numbers, and not just state the issues encountered.

Should've just opted to study quantum physics.

effort tho

But then you can ridicule people who talk about quantum physics.




Why is best girl hugging worst girl?

My phone has more RAM than my work laptop...

You take that back!



Shit, this is such a huge choice though!?


Ramuh looks like a total badass, and like he'd be the hardmode choice.

Only me?

Pick the loli
GOd damn it

ice loli

But Reynn isn't a choice.

Also, Shiva is most assuredly not flat.

The cutscene before this made that clear to me.

Shiva's the loli

Even though that word doesn't describe her.

It's not even like, close.

She's curvaceous, has a womanly frame, and is very clearly developed.

How the fuck is that a loli?



awful thread

Awful community


fridays are awful

Awful is awful

everythings awful when you're in ireland

Being Irish is suffering

o look at me i'm in england with me scones and me queen mother oo laddy dee daddy

fuck off

loco chooses such weird things to get mad about.


that was so worth it

Everything's alright, I guess.

England is paradise.
Scotland iis purgatory.
Ireland is hell.



