⭐️Princess of the Internet, Hufflepuff Elite, The Sweetest Secret of NIMH, on her phone


Other urls found in this thread:

vault.fbi.gov/The Beatles/The Beatles Part 1 of 9/view>Source
amazon.ca/Heavy-Triple-Folding-Fabric-Padded/dp/B00L4O8QN4/ref=sr_1_21?ie=UTF8&qid=1478096972&sr=8-21&keywords=metal folding chair

pls like me








Sgt peppers(Lexis) lonely hearts thread meme


guess i don't see anything dishonorable in evading when it isn't my fight. only time i'd see it becoming a matter of honor is if i'd already explicitly committed to standing my ground. though i have a hard time of considering it in such general terms and would probably have a much better idea of what i considered my own moral obligation once i was actually in a particular situation.

one must defend one's honour

u, what?

how isnt it ur fight? this is ur country!

You don't need to be.

you make me feel so guilty.

Id fuck a tranny
An actual good one
Not a butchered thread one



you didn't? haha, sucks to be you I didn't get thriller soldier :c

I got some pretty good summer games outfits at least. I'm still using the genji one, actually.

thriller soldier was one of the first things I opened, actually.

Then I should be sorry.

why didn't you want to reply to me last thread....?

are you avoiding me? :c

I wasn't being serious here. I just never have anything interesting to say.

how big is ur penis

what an incredibly straight thing to ask another man.

dont u want to say something interesting i think that would be an interesting thing to share since ur always so guarded about it

I'm still using tracer's and mcree's, no one else's though

didn't see it tbh not feeling all there tonight

I see no reason to tell you this information.

I use the posh skin for tracer and the black mystery man skin for mccree. wonder if they'll get any good christmas stuff.

i still hold my obligations to my own individual values above my obligations to fight for the country i wound up inr. and then i wouldn't consider every fight my country gets involved in to be my country's fight. i'd probably serve for a draft in the civil war or wwii, less likely in wwi or the vietnam war.
or i could just say i don't give a shit and don't want to go to war. i don't think my position is morally indefensible, though.

yeah no thats all fair.

Cupcake has a decent dick.

it's a fucking masterpiece you limey bastard

apparently it's too good for me, what a pretentious dick!

things that are too good for you don't have to be anywhere even close to the realm of pretentious.

why are you feeling ill?

This. Sci is trash

show me ur dick u fag!

when you can only hold a conversation with the trash

you literally have a picture of it, you faggot.

;_ ;

torb probably will lol

don't know


ho ho hammer.

a perfectly straight thing to have, by the way.

paint i thought we were friends how could u betray me for scootaloo i hope you get drafted jerk!

hey neru. you seen this?


this but unironically

we should play video games together some day...


Personally I use mouse5

my thumb is resting near/on the side buttons of my mouse anyway, it's really easy.



I'd use a skin like that though I hate using torb


read "trash as judged by the community"

torb is one of my top used heroes.


I'm not sure why you think it's a problem to be gay.

when do u think you'll feel better?

well it's the community's taste that is trash!!!!

i just think it's weird


I just don't like the style, he's not bad in fact he's always been a bit better than most a good torb tends to beat a good bastion in most scenarios

no idea


it's gross and unnatrual but like w/e

yeah. torb is way more reliable than bastion. both are pretty nonviable though, at least in real games. they are buffing torb though, so maybe he'll be more useful when that goes through. he generates scrap automatically now, and at a pretty decent rate. basically he'll always have armor packs to give out. and his damage is surprisingly good, you just have to learn how to aim with his gun.

it's like looking into the mind of someone from the fifties.

hey u should listen to ur elders they have some smart things to tell u

there is very little chance you are older than me.

h-how did I do senpai? .////.

no, not me, people who lived in the 50s


links are hard

fuck those people.

so very impressive, nezi.

yeah what nico nico nii said! hey how much anime do u watch these days i dont watch it at all recently

so how are you?

wew auto scrap seems like it might cause him to be used a ton more even on attack sadly

shut up u dumb kid
no respect...

he's surprisingly decent on attack, especially if your team is good enough to keep the enemy distracted while he sets up. which by the way is also going to be easier, because his hammer now swings faster. at least that's how it is in ptr.

you can cut the irony with a knife it's so thick.

none recently. i started black lagoon a month or so ago but got bored after a few episodes.
been awhile since i've really touched my anime pic folder too. it took almost 10min to find these two nico pics. though maybe that's as much a problem with my organization.

bored out of my mind, watching some youtubes.
torb op, he place turret, and it kill enemy.
it most accurate since it not human aim.
since it can defeat slippery fast annoying people like tracer and gengji who overrun things.
torb is so chill to play. hammer a turret and win!

u can? thank god im blissfully unaware of it phew

how do u organize? i have tons of subfolders



there is a tv channel called christmas24 that plays christmas shows and movies 24/7

Sounds like my kinda channel

still pretty impressive though. your genji is super pro.

it sounds like some child grew into a rich manchild and decided to fufil their childhood dream

okay, I'm tired now. goodnight.

g n


I fucking HATE christmas music

not really, other genji in my rank are better, I have like 45% win rate

now my reaper.....aww yeah

goodnight my love
may you have pleasant sleep and dreams

the rate in which you get a team good enough to work with an attack widow or torb is not that great

torb is chill I'll give you that

yeah, so do i. but then i forget which onesomething is in when it could go into a number of different subfolders.

yeah thats an issue

smon;k weeD

night bae

new torb will be even more chill!
passive scrap
just hang out by ur turret and toss out some armor ever once in a while~

hmm, i haven't smoked in 2 months now

wonder why i've felt like shit for the past 2 months

cute pic

Erin. Theres a true movies channel
It plays xmas movies 24/7
Not the good ones
The shit ones
The movies that are made for the sake of making


he might be until blizz wrecks him in the future


sombra looks too edgy

charlie chaplin's fbi file is over 1000 pages longer than the combined files of eazy-e, odb, biggie smalls and 2pac


vault.fbi.gov/The Beatles/The Beatles Part 1 of 9/view>Source advised that Lennon appears to be radically orientated, however he does not give the impression he is a true revolutionist since he is constantly under the influence of narcotics
sounds about right

forgot something there

who is girl in ur pic

well his political career consisted of taking photos with people who actually did the work. he was basically hated by those people too behind closed doors

main char in .flow, the edgiest yume nikki fangame



what is yume niki?




those would be fun to see too

why am i not surprised

japanese surreal/"horror" rpg maker game with a big cult following
it's free archive.uboachan.net/media/src/Yume_Nikki.rar

Hi 2D lovers
what are your opinions on /waifuist/ and 3D cunny lovers.

he was killed for being a phony

but nobody asks if he really was

i dont want to be horrified.


tell me about you

I'm Neko/Kitten
I like cute things
and I'm the number one avatar connoisseur
that's all i got

John Lennon is a fraud. A wife beater. And terrible song writer.

Wat do if no motivation. I just want to fade rn.

child abuser

what else do u do?

i've seen it described as horror a few times but i personally wouldn't consider it horror and i don't think most people who've played it would either, hence the quotation marks. it has a pretty creepy atmosphere at times but nothing more, and the more unsettling elements are mostly a matter of interpretation or exist only as fan work. you might like it or might find it boring, but i highly doubt you'd be genuinely horrified or disturbed even assuming you have a low tolerance for that kind of stuff.


Fade in to fade out. Build up to tear down. Love long to forlorn. Why do police hate niggers?

Because they break the law.

whatever I feel like


im just scared to play it, because it might take a long time.

are u rich?

Don't they hate them because they're dicks be bigger?

I wish

do u live on ur own?

I'm sure they could think of a better reason.


they're making poor philip and holly talk about stuff nobody cares about

another thing i wish

oh yeah and the jewish defense league killed 2pac and eazy e
shit's crazy




I need to stop falling asleep whilst doing things on the computer.

when are you set free?

hey neko, how are you doing?

It`s time for healing.

I fell asleep on my phone.

having it vibrate on your face is a weird wake up

Rin pls fuck off

I hope you all have happy lives

No doubt.

I don`t have that problem, fortunately.
Just falling asleep at the computer `cos got too cozy.

Real talk, though, why did you suddenly decide to dislike me?

I'm free

just lovely
how about you

Disgusting tranny scum.

I'll be happy when you give me all your pictures of her. :(

I'll see what I can do. But not at the moment. Now is time of respite

Now is the time for healing.

That's the wrong track.

Correct track.

mhmm at least slept nice?

the times I fall asleep by my pc have all been tc's, oh and the time we did that stream.

I feel alright, if that's what you mean,


God has forsaken us

watcha gonna do today?



nothing to do

Maybe watch twintails, play some pokemon.

End my life

what do you do?

whatever I feel like..

tell me if it's good if you do.

I'm going to the city for those blankets in a bit.
too busy yesterday.
and then eh, lots of work to be done.

do you feel?
what do you feel?
feel like doing?

Work is suffering, but y'gotta do what y'gotta do.

I hope you enjoy your shopping trip, though.


Whats her name

ugh indeed.
next week is gonna be chill though.
weekend too.
just tomorrow is a hell that needs preparation.

thank you, I hope too. though I should prolly get eating first before I cycle.

Well. that's good.
A bit of rest always helps.

You definitely should.


and then comes a lot of fun times.
new roster, festivities and such. gon be fun.

cheese will do.

You should eat actual meals, since you're going to be active.

See you.

sorry about that sort of got distracted by something, I'm decent enough just having an odd and off day

Not even my voice changer can make me sound like enough of a girl.




I think that sounds girly enough


Really, though, why would you want to?
You friggen pervos make me sick.

Are you arguing with yourself?



I wouldn't want to have sex with my best friends' parents.

Are you calling your best friends dad ugly?

You must not actually be best friends.

How shallow you must be, can only be friends with people with attractive fathers.

I mean i'm not gonna be friends with someone who has an ugly daddy.

I don't want some ugly daddy near me all the time.


I don't see how that should be relevant to you, but you do you.

Enjoy your dad bods.

everyone in this thread needs to be marched to the noose asap

I don't check out my friends' dads.
Actually most of my friends either don't have dads, or their dads don't live in town.

Right after you my bogan friend.

Whats the point then ?

thatone is great too

post the don't hug me I'm scared one please nerus

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

Please, Nezumi, guide your attention to here

I'm enjoying these.




I'm not taking my eyes off of you for even a second.

I'm not a dad, Nez.


Your tricks won't work on me.

I won't lose my way.

No, really.
I'm not a dad, and likely never will be.

oh boy
I remember this phase
my parents wouldn't let me play Metroid Prime when I was 12 because it was a rated T game and it had "guns"

nigga has an arm cannon
I had to explain it to them and finally got it for my birthday lol


hi ban

she look adorable

dude literally just a funny webm, calm yourself


I wanna cut you open and have your organs spill out all over me.


okay that's a pretty damn good one, also happy belated birthday grim

My parents never refused me games on any grounds like that.
Actually, I think my dad's the reason for that.

I'm done with this conversation now.


I've been watching you for such a long time I just can't control my instincts anymore.

thought that was a bird by the thumb


thanks I guess





i dont wanna be alone

I wanna rip you open and fill my bathtub with your blood.

let me cook you soup with my blood and organs and slowly kill me while spitting on me

hey rin how sleep?

thanks bae

you know what I did yesterday was a joke right? that I just mess with you at times, I'm not trying to attack you in some weird way

I can't wait to coat my to coat my tongue in the sweet salty taste of their blood.

Sleep is death.

remind me

hello jackson

hi luka
here is some attention speshul4u



you missed my first reply!

Do you want me to punch myself in the mouth and spit the blood in your eyes?

hello panjeet, I must go to work now please do your best to have a good day

I'm gonna go watch something.
See you fucks in ~6 hours.

sleeeplessness is death too save me

remind you what?



what you did yesterday

Lets slit open their throats and watch the skys rain down beautiful crimson.

i feel a bit better

we all die alone anyway

up there >~<

...at least imma good person...

I think he might be losing his mind.

oh sorry
at least you're a good person compared to...?

maybe he just hasn't eaten yet

I have a penis and a knife but only one of them is going in you tonight.

not necesarily
you can die first with your wife beside you


shit like calling you grimmu and half baked lewd joke

thats a difference in opinion in what alone means

If you want I can handle her properly.

yeah im not a fan of shitty jokes or people fucking with me that I'm not really close with

I'm sure that being lewd isn't your only defining characteristic

woah there cowboy

Are you into ass or boobs?

I'm more of a throat guy myself.

i remember a time before sjw existed.
i remember a time before ponys.
...life was so simple back then.

at least i havent changed. :)
*hugs you nicely*

I'm more of a boob guy.
Like..collarbones or adam's apples or what?


to be fair I have no idea my own defining characteristics aside from being stupid, so no clue on that one but it's not meant to fuck with you atleast

don't worry about it
some people take time to mature and find themselves


Thats personal.


it really feels like everyone I know is getting there already, sort of sucks to not even have a plan of what you want to do getting into your twenties. I won't sit here and bother you with all my problems though, hows your morning?

i don't know what else to do with myself...
i feel hungry even though i ate a few hours ago...

and i can only barely ride off the high i get from laughing or smirking at some youtube for soo long...

but then i go back to feeling drained again...

...maybe all i can do right now is eat until im happy.

don't worry about it, that's fine
people in their mid-40's still don'tknow what to do with their life

it's okay
I'm expecting a package from DHL, another birthday gift ahahah

you're going to make me cry Luka

oh? I hope it's something you will enjoy grim

Well it's full of handmade goodies from someone I like, probably gonna be my favorite gift

The big thick ones with warm blood pumping through them.


sorry... try not worry too much about me.
i'll stabilize and feel emotionally fine soon. just a bit of depression is all. happens all the time.

i'm just... feeling... weighed down, emotionally is all.
the chemicals will balance back soon enough.

i'm just not that strong right now.

what are you, some vampire or something?

you can lean on me luka

I wanna cut off their skin and use it as wallpaper in my room.

at least i have people like you around.


I'm glad, on that note I need a couple hours of sleep to survive work laters grim

I'm gonna slowly cut off your tongue with a butter knife.


Who wants to stab me first?

*heals u instaed*

I don't care. When she makes a pose like that she's literally asking for it.

I'm so moist just thinking about it

Cut them open and lick the wound.

I wanna hear you scream in agony.

too bad
I only scream with pleasure

I won't matter anyways.

No one can hear you without a voice box.

cut them up
then heal them up
then cut them up all over again

why so stabby stabby kill kill right now?

I'm gonna make them gush blood form their eye sockets.

I just really wanna drag a serrated edge across their gumline.


r u evil?

I'm gonna cut it off and watch blood spurt from your body.



u opened battlenet? :o

plss i can only get so hard

Jynx trap???

jinx a fun lady

scoot helpo i mvery tired and i somehow managed to make all the images big help how not big?

A mistake.

Man all your getting along with me is making me wanna put a railroad spike through someones eye socket.

Not gonna lie, i hope its me.

put it through scoot's eye

as in.... thread big?

I'm not interested in him. hes not my prey.

i don't want it through mine


Well, either youve zoomed in on your browser... or there needs new threading... or unless in your browser youve activate the thimbs to be fullsize?

I use FF so i am not sure what do if you are a chrome user.


tfw negotiating to get your packages delivered to a local boutique because niggers steal packages off of your porch

My offer still stands.

that sucks
i got my 3lbs of clay smacked right into my window yesterday and my dad was like 'what the fuck' and then he stole it off the porch and went to throw it out
damn fathers

nezi stop this


hi goodmorning
I'm not going to call you fucknugget anymore for obvious reasons

was this like
earth clay from your lawn or what


Grim, i have joined the big boy chair club wew

Call me Nezi one more time and i'll rip out your voice box.

I can take care of them for you.

I'll remove that.

Doublelift quit league.

literally zero reason to play.

because you're a big MEANY and i'm still mad at you
fuck you

It's already been ripped out fucking twice what even is a third time?

what brand?
what chair?

define them

everyone has their time



A solution.

The ones who harmed you.

and those


I'm kinda sad cause I didn't get a special birthday drawing from you

do you know who they are
because I don't


I can hunt them down and skin them like a small child.

do it back

never heard of it
link me their site

names first

i forgot
link me something and maybe i'll draw it once i'm done being mad for being woken up on my only day to sleep in this week

Good morning.


hello little kookaburra


I don't do what you tell me.

They wont need one.


unleash the nezumi

it was through amazon



oh god
scoots you dun goofd

I don't wanna actually be unleashed.

wow that anime girl looks sad


*unzips your....whatever*

it is too late

Ya'll fancy motherfcukers and your chairs
nigga i sit on a real chair

amazon.ca/Heavy-Triple-Folding-Fabric-Padded/dp/B00L4O8QN4/ref=sr_1_21?ie=UTF8&qid=1478096972&sr=8-21&keywords=metal folding chair

No scream. Iz nice.

Elder Kai unleash my potential today.

Oh god, i remember those thrones

any computer/office chair under $200 is a waste

uncomfortable, and guaranteed to break down within 2y

is my face rn
because you're being mean

i sit on my bed.

Its better when people don't know about it.


you can get Z rank in all ur missions now?

so you can leap up behind them and devour them huh

I had my last chair 3 years and it only cost me 30 squids.
I envision this will last just as long. shits comfy as fuck. and it isnt like ive the expendable cash to just get another later in time.

I'm honestly just a mean person.

Maybe so.


I've already sucked as much out of this place as I can though so it doesn't matter anymore.

heehee ecks dee

you should try a $400 chair though
its heaven

it's lasted me nine years
who's to say it will stop now
29.99 the dream

read above

That shit suck yo dick too?

thiose chairs... we waz kangs once

whatever floats your goat smol ball of fury

no but I can sleep on it comfortably

why would you do that? chairs are for sitting, not sleeping.


stop then

That's like all the headsets I buy. Mine don't last forever, though.

well I can use it as a rocking chair, I can adjust the handles in a y and x position, rotate them, and it has full back support with 100% cold molded foam so it wont sag, and aluminum body and stand for maximum durability

you probably have some particle foam/board shit with nonadjustable anything besides height

For what purpose?

what does that sound like in voice

maybe the higher rank in all past mission give u elite bonus!

I see more than enough new opportunities for you tbh

make me feel special

I'm already in the top 100 for expert missions.

for headsets i usually buy decent
i have a kingston hyperx ll right now, and i've had it for two years.

do you wanna find out nerd

now that I think about it same actually

Whats in it for me?



I always bought cheap ones and when they break just buy new cheap ones.

maaybe one day they'll give u challenging fight~



Aw but sound quality is good.

Actually I fell down a few ranks.

My $20 one sounded better then a friends $150 one.

uh oh...

well... like vegita says
train harder
train moar

how big is your rika folder

oh well that's fair enough

I'm actually building it right now.

What are the perks?

I wanna get into the top 10 in ranked 1v1s next.

I was number 3 in raging blast 2.

I find this hilarious


I've been awake for a very fucking long time.

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

want mine?
it's pretty big

cute happy neko to pet and snuggle