You're only options to make a living are to be exploited or exploit other people

How does Holla Forums deal with this?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll probably do a suicide someday.

Start a cooperative and fight for socialism.

By refusing to participate.


It engages in the concrete movement towards the overthrow of all presently existing social conditions.

By being exploited until I can afford to buy some means of production and start exploiting. Quite comfy, really.

Not true. Start a coop.

I simply live

self exploitation

If I take a dollar out of my left pocket, and place it in my right pocket, is that self stealing? I mean I'm no fan of coops, but to say it's "self exploitation" sounds really weird.

I'd prefer to say "still have to deal with markets and somehow compete with capitalists"

No but when you have to compete with race to the bottom market forces, people will exploit themselves to stay relevant. You still have the problems with the circuits of capital, reinvestment so you will need surplus value for this.


How did you get the dollar?


great post

I just asked a Swami from an Advaita school the same question OP, he said that according to the law of Karma, we're only responsible for the direct causal link of our actions. If you buy a shirt to stay warm, you're buying a shirt to stay warm. You don't get the negative reaction for 'supporting' the sweatshop in Burma where it was made. It is intention, and wondering about potential consequences is essentially a spook that leads nowhere.

Einstein said live simple as much is sufficient. Just do the needful for the present moment. The greatest blasphemy is trying to change the world with a mind that isn't at peace.

If all else fails, drop out and swim hard against the current, don't get swept away. Even if it seems like you're going in the wrong direction still, remember that you are struggling, and think about where you'd be if you just bluepilled.

this was a well meaning, thruth filled post written in a manner that sounds like deranged acid head psuedo vedanta. still v powerful and meaningful advice.

Holy fuck this triggers the shit out of me

ginjeet, are you being serious?

He has a point. Even if you shop "consciously" and buy shirts costing 100$ made in 'merica under better conditions, all you are doing is participating in capitalism with a human face.

that's the least worst form, and will have to do for now, until we overthrow capitalism.

Smoke weed, make shit.

Capitalism can only function if people participate. If everyone refused to buy products made with sweatshop labor, then sweatshops would no longer be profitable.

Ideally, you shouldn't participate in Capitalism at all, but if and when you must, you should participate with the least negative impact. Buying stuff from local farms, or stuff in general from coops, or working a job that doesn't involve actively harming people. In reality, people rarely need to buy clothes, and never buy them new, same for most shit in general. Nor do they need to buy the newest iPhone made by Foxconn, in doing so being a happy accomplish and contributor to slavery. Being against "ethical consumption" with the excuse of "Well, Capitalism is going to exist regardless of what I do" is just a way to justify your contribution to evil in exchange for convenience, materialism etc and makes as much sense as being an abolitionist who owns slaves. If no one contributed it wouldn't exist. That's not to say that Capitalism will end through everyone deciding to opt out of it, but as long as you willingly contribute when you don't need to, you're making it harder to end and being just as guilty as any bourgeois.

the guy you are talking to was mentioning hinduism, not buddhism

zizek's critiques of buddhism are weak and very misinformed.

I consider them to be critiques of many Buddhists, but not buddhism, and in that, he has good points

Yeah I'm actually pretty surprised that Zizek clearly seemed to have no idea what Buddhism even is.

that's exactly what porky wants


like, it isn't that bad. There are deep errors in his understanding of what "suffering" (dukkha) means in buddhism as well as his understanding of nibbana which is even a divisive concept in buddhist circles.

He criticizes suzuki more, but one ought to take into account that suzuki took in a lot of influence and ideas from german idealism and romanticism, etc.

forgot to add, i'm kind of glad he's criticized it to be honest. It's more interesting.

Though, he shouldn't be so lazy!

hi capitalist cuck, that is not how options to earn a living are scheduled
you can have a workers mutualism for example

