Holla Forums, why do you still believe this shit...


Holla Forums, why do you still believe this shit? Emotional blackmail won't make Americans garner sympathy for Palestine.

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Are you serious? As Marxists how can you people really stand by such an oppressive backwards religion as Islam? People who believe in religious nonsense should be shunned if you let them think for a second that the bullshit holy book is truth they become very dangerous and detriments to society.

stay there friendo

Islam is probably the most reactionary Abrahamic religion, the most reactionary religion is Hinduism.

Hitler was actually a pretty big fan of Islam and thought it had the right warrior spirit that would have been good for the German people.
The modern left are cultural relativists who must defend everything brown people do, they ignore flaws in non white, non western cultures and amplify them in white and western cultures.
In the west a christian wont bake you a cake if you are gay.
In the middle east they toss gay people off of buildings

most reactionary religion imo is buddhism
basically its message is if you are a good little submissive tenant farmer your whole life you'll definitely be reincarnated as a tree or something.

that's right, we should use actual blackmail like the isrealis do

Hinduism is basically the class system in religious form, and tells the lowerclass if they serve their purpose good, after they die they will be reborn because something something karma something.
Never got why hippies pretended it was good, probably just wanted to jerk off to brown people.
Like, go read about the kali yuga, "everyone becomes a giant liberal faggot, then god comes down and kills them"

Only if being a bootlicker is seen as good for your karma. That isn't inherent to Buddhism.

actually i think you are mixing the belief system of Hinduism up with Buddhist.
Buddhist believe in suppressing all of their emotions till their countries have high suicide rates.

Islam can provide the basis for an organic anti-imperialist movement.

And where are these "organic anti-imperialist movements."? Where is the Islamic movement that isn't going to enforce theocratic tyranny?

A movement that wants to replace one form of imperialism with another one is not 'anti-imperialst'.

Not everything you don't like is "imperialist". This is some basic shit

You do realise a lot of this is false flags? Like a lot of the stories in the press.

How is an patriarchic iron age doomsday cult that was spread by a war lord and aims to subjugate the whole world under one theocracy not imperialist?

Are you an idiot?

Imperialism is more strictly defined than you would like and involves the ceding of territory by an established nation-state for the acquisition of resources (i.e in the interest of expanding global capital)

No amount of empty buzzwords and lazy ad hom will change that, i'm afraid, but valiant effort on your part nonetheless

One that is based upon the original Islam, aka the Islam which promotes mutual aid, voluntarism and unity of all mankind.

Hezbollah did nothing wrong. :^)

This is simply not true and flat-out wrong. Please point out any mistake in my discription of Islam. You won't be able to because it might sound hard but there is nothing factually wrong with it.

Is not a requirement for something to be imperialist.

Religious conquest is also an expression of imperialism because it also involves the acquisition of territory.

Thought policing and dictating one's life is imperialistic.

And who are the current "original" Islamic people? What is original Islam? Are the Quran's all the same or are there different versions? My understanding is that Islam is a religion of peace that has a tendency to war frequently.

and the subjugation of women.

A unity of mankind that depends on the whole world being ruled by a single theocracy.

My charge on your description of Islam is that it's filled with meaningless buzzwords. There is no substance beyond histrionic screeching for there to be wrong.

Again, even in the most basic level imperialism needs a recognized nation state, not some amorphous, ill-defined group of rebels in some desert caves. You're free to find any Muslim majority country that fits any definition of "imperialist" and you won't find it

what about Palestinian christians?

"Islam is a religion of peace" is some low quality pol-tier argumentation on the level of "so much for the tolerant left :^)"

Please don't embarrass yourself

I wonder who could be behind these posts

Stop avoiding the question, what exactly is Original Islam? Where's the citation?

We don't hate Muslims, we hate Islam and you should as well if you consider yourself to be a leftist because it's a reactionary ideology.

What? How can I avoid a question on a premise I never posed? That wasn't me, as muh as you want to believe you have only one person who could ever disagree with you.

But you did respond to me, I assume you were him avoiding the question with "lol you're X that means I win and don't have to explain myself!" as a means to continue to be vague on the discussion.

That all sounds well and good, but can you describe in practical terms how one is explicitly and actionably "anti-Islam" without being "anti-Muslim"?

I guarantee you it's easier to convince people that "the religion REALLY says (x thing I agree with) than to abolish it altogether, and any goal that aims for the latter rather than the former is utterly delusional, pie in the sky thinking.

I promise it wasn't me and "TRUE(tm) Islam is the basis for an ideal society" is both meaningless and untenable, and a stance I would never hold.

The Kingdom of Morocco a majority Muslim country that is rule by a descendant of the prophet Mohammed. This country annexed the majority of the territory of the Sahrawi Republic, a country recognized all over the world and the African Union, and it has displaced a part of the local population which has been living in refugee camps neighboring Algeria ever since. The Kingdom of Morocco has erected several border walls to secure its gained territory and is now actively incentivizing Morocccan settlers.

How far will you go with your apologeticism?

It's just "apologism" my "educated" friend. I bet you think Russia is imperialist too.

I believe you, comrade.

This place is mostly shit but I'm glad you're at least redpilled about Islam. It's quite literally the biggest existential threat we face today and it requires unified and measured resistance

Support the Muslim ban, don't buy from muslim owned shops, go to anti-islam protests, spread awareness across social media. The tentacles of Islam will engulf us all, and it starts with the Muslims at home.

You hate Nazis? Well muslims are the worst Nazis, and they should be treated like nazis


Not the original poster, but this video exemplifies better than I ever could


It's messianic religion that praises arabs as superior to other races, why do you want to go with that as your anti-imperialist allies? ISIS is for example trying to exterminate the yazidies on the basis of them being pagans with a partial european blood-line. ISIS isn't really that extreme as far as Islamic groups go, they have their equivalents in just about every Islamic nation, and several non-Islamic (India has several)

It's because all Muslims are obligated to look out for one another, so Palestine becomes a "Muslim issue" on that basis.

Lol, no offense but I'm not going to take barely disguised western operations like ISIS and Al-CIAda as exemplaries of Islamic ideologies. You know several of those groups actually turn down recruits for being "too religious"? Really makes you think

And no, they're not "anti-imperialist" allies

Why are conspiracy theories so rampant within the Muslim community? It seems like that everything bad has to be caused by some CIA/Mossad/whatever operation.

So which is it? Is the Muslim community so repulsed by them that they make up "conspiracy theories" to distance themselves from them? Or are those ideologies so close to "real Islam" that the Muslim world is rooting for them?

Pick one and only one

Just a general observation. It seems to he just another symptom of Islam being a facist l, reactionary ideology and its closeness to others like Naziism with all that Jewish world conspiracy bullshit.

jokes on you, he doesn't give a fuck about islam, he hates brown people.
islam is a convenient excuse.

they don't want to get rid of the ideology they want to get rid of people.

how can you tell who's muslim, Satan ?

Leftist apologeticism towards Islam is a loaded gun in the hand of the Alt-Right.

Neat, except the idea that the US and other western forces is behind Islamist movements is both historically accurate and not even a Muslim specific idea. Now run along and praise the good oscar-worthy work of "totally not Al-Qaeda" group White Helmets, my liberal friend. More middle eastern intervention please

Maybe because the US and Israel has played a large part in destroying the Middle East.

Sure thing buddy

I don't give a fuck if you are a muslim or not, as long as you aren't a reactionary fuck

And it's not like there aren't any Muslims that support the cause, case in point, Malala even if she gets icepicked later

can you answer this ?

how are you fighting islam ?

Oxymoron. Islam is inherently reactionary. It's like saying 'I'm cool with facists as long as they aren't reactionary'. Totally ridiculous.

Because Muslims can't bare to live in shame.

Yeah but the CIA has also destroyed many places in Latin America, yet you don't see Guatemalans or Salvadorans claiming the ZOG Occupied Government rules the world.

lol you think Latin Americans don't know (know, not "think") that the US fucked with their shit?

based christian bro. im a muslim socialist myself. don't let these poltards break us apart. solidarity

what a retarded Holla Forums response. Run along kid, you're clearly lost

Respect bros. Don't worry, these idiots are just super bad at blending in you just have to sit back and take their autistic screeching. Watch them scramble to say that the US actually isn't historically involved in Islamist operations.

"Everyone who recognizes US fuckery is just an anti-Semite conspiracy theorist. But I'm a real leftist I swear!"

Just one example:
One of the five elementary pillars of Islam is an explicit tax based on accumulated wealth.

Can you please explain to me how this can be reconciled with socialism? Do you seriously believe yourself to be a leftist if you endorse things like this? And you are calling me reactionary and to go back to Holla Forums?

Satan, you of all people should know we'll ask for a sauce on dank jpeg diarrhea

That's what I'm saying: Latinos know of US crimes yet they don't turn into rambling conspiracy nuts like Muzzies often do.

Wait are you one of the people who thinks mercantilist societies were actually just capitalism?

There actually was a time in Islamic society where it was reported there weren't enough poor to give to, so they just didn't do it. No one threw a fit about not following a pillar they just understood that actions are based on intentions and kept monitoring the situation.

Anyway the answer is as simple as explaining the personal/private property divide

You are a Muslim first and a socialist second. You will break with socialism the moment it goes against your religious dogma. You are not my comrade.

It's not a "rambling conspiracy theory" to think that the US is behind a number of Islamist movements any more that it's a "rambling conspiracy theory" to acknowledge US influence in the drug cartels, liberal bootlicker

this is some top tier shitposting m8

lol who gives a fuck what you think Holla Forumsack? No one here is "your comrade" to begin with.

Can everyone please stop responding to the Holla Forums roaches? Everyone knows they wouldn't do shit to a real socialist movement, Muslim or otherwise, anyway

It IS a conspiracy theory to think "da jooz" are behind everything bad happening in your country or community. There are no shortage of Muslims who believe Israel is solely responsible for "destroying" Islam.

Can you apologetics shut the fuck up and go back to your respective internet shitholes? One thing that makes leftypol distinct from the mainstream left and pretty any other leftist movement on the net is its anti-identarian bent and this includes any form of religious identarianism. It should fucking stay that way, fuck off.


Nodoby brought up "the joos" except you, dipshit. Go watch the white helmets proganda film again, Amerifat.

My message was strictly anti-identitarian my autistic newfriend

Saying "hey, maybe we don't need to autistically screech about Islam" is not the idpol stance, dumbass

I think we've had the solution a long time ago

Buddhism is a vast and varied religion with various tenants and positions. Only some forms of it are distinctly reactionary.

congrats on the autism. a bunch of desert tribes can't do shit to us. the worst they can do is school shooting type shit and you kids are already ahead of them with that.

Like most of this shit. Black former Intercept Journalist did it ffs. Juan Thompson Black Idpol New Yorker.

twitter.com/search?q=jUAN THOMPSON&src=typd

Just like a Jewish College student did the desecration of the other big one and was caught, and these reddit retards ex muslims think they can sneer at people who don't automatically go mental at claims from idopollers of heinous hate crimes.

Those seven attacks were just a small portion of the larger waves of attacks.

people like you are the biggest existential thread to western values.

Another large proportion will be false flags, to create a narrative, look how many BLM idiots did this, how many Muslims did it, there has been a massive rise in false hate crimes because people want the narrative to be that, and the ADL certainly does.

The Northwestern Trump Swaztika stuff was a Jewish student too. Phoning in a hoax is just to easy. I treat them with sceptical eyes like I do any other forms of propaganda.