Why aren't places like China taking in refugees for cheaper labor like western countries are?

Why aren't places like China taking in refugees for cheaper labor like western countries are?

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They don't need it because they already have their own migrant workers, landless peasants (mingongs) fitting that role.

Shame there is no english version

If North Korea went under they would take those refugees.

They already have migrant workers.


Nationalist Spooks are necessary to keep the population complacent with their own exploitation.

Also this.

I can translate the german, if you translate the french, we will put em together in an english one.

Who are these Mingong and why do they assimilate better in China than Western country's immigrants? Is it because they are Chinese/Asian as well?

Also the vietnamese arent mingong, they are guestworkers, often illegal

Fucking hell whoever wrote this german made sure it had the most germanly possible sentence structures imaginable. This is a headache to translate. So many unnecessary verbalisations of nouns.

Okay, quick translation


With China's economic rising ever since it's pening to the world in 1976, large need in human labor appeared in and around big cities, as much in the created factories as in the public work construction sites. Thoses activities attract large crowds of workers coming from rural places, who can't officialy move in because of hukou system. Moreso, families stayed behind have access to a small piece of land they can still occupy and farm. The Hukou system contribute makingthoses migrants workers, deprived of rights and access to local public services, clandestine (underground? Not sure which one work best here)workers.

Thanks man. Will try to make yours and mine into a coherent page.

So immigrants can only assimilate with those of similar culture, would multiculturalism even work under socialism?

Keep trying, you might get a straw some day

I'm being a devil's advocate and actually appreciate any answers

Actually mingong aren't immigrants. They are migrants workers. They do not reside permanently in the cities, only as long as there is work, and they can't use any fascilities. If you have a but if patience then you can read the english article on them in an hour or so. Translating a language you dont speak very well at 1 AM is not exactly something thats easy.

Why would refugees move to China in the first place? Migrating to EU is often closer and much more luxurious, as there is no work expected of you since the help is humanitarian.

Also China is already outproducing everyone on the planet. There is no need for cheaper labor.

Besides, EU didn't take in refugees for cheaper labor, they took them in because they exactly knew it would lead to destabilization, and they hoped that the people would beg the government for stricter measures, giving them more power, possibly circumventing the parliament.

Reddit tier.

Thank you very much for translating

Why are they outproducing everyone without cheaper labor? Do they have no minimum wage or something?

Cool, now gtfo the thread you fucking cancer

Wow man I didn't really think it was reddit tier I was just playing devil's advocate. No need to be so rude!

Just do away with elegancy, then post here before. Maybe some native english speaking comrades can help us having better wording.



China is blocking it, muh conditions doesn`t explain anything since gov is using state capitalism

They have 10-25% of the population who have almost no rights because of a residency system.
Imagine moving in Dakota and your boss can pay you 1 dollar/month because your rights are only valid if you live in Wyoming

Oh boy the german one is juice as fuck, especially the last one. Its written with a discontent for the exploitation of the workers like I would write it.

Ok, german is translated.


Mingong(Chinese 民工) are migrant workers in the People's Republic of China, who, starting in the last decades of the 20th century, have been travelling from the countryside to the cities to work.

The existence of these migrant workers is connected to the hukou system of the People's Republic of China, with which the government sought to limit the ratio of urbanization of the population. The hukou system is a system of residence and household registration, which provides citizens with permits for residency, which are required for the use of schools, hospitals and other public facilities. This system prohibits people without a permit from permanently residing in a municipality. Without a permit, none of the aforementioned public services can be utilized.

With the political and economical opening of the People's Republic of China in the 1970's, the need for workers in the urban areas grew. Unschooled labourers were put to work in factories, the construction industry and in big public infrastructure projects, such as rail and roadway construction, as well as the construction of hydroelectric dams. This led to a massive influx of labourers leaving from the countryside. These couldn't officially settle near their workplace, due to the hukou system, which lead to their family staying in the countryside on their farms, while the workers leave home to work. This allows them to return back to their plot of farm land once the work is finished.

Numbers and conditions
The word mingong is constructed from the Chinese words "min", which means people, or masses, and "gong", which means worker. Since these "masses of workers" are not registered, it is unknown exactly how many of these migrant workers exist. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistic of China (NBS), the number of mingong was about 269 million in the end of 2013.

The hopes of the migrant workers are that they are able to live in modern houses and may work and live in simple, but healthy conditions, which are better than those they live in on the countryside. In reality, most mingong live in slums and don't have long term contracts. The growing number of workers must settle for exploitative wages, work without contracts and uncertain conditions. If they become unemployed, they have the choice between going back to the countryside or looking for a new job in another urban area. These workers hardly have a chance to get themselves qualified or to build a new life.

Future of the system
A reform of the hukou system is planned, but the realization has yet to be started. Meanwhile, the businesses profit from these developments, which provides them with a flexible and mobile workforce with low wages. This fact, combined with the undervaluation of the yuan, at the core of the rapid development and growth of the Chinese economy.

socialism with Chinese characteristics, folks.

Yo how the fuck you create a new page in english for this shit?

Dunno, do anyone contribute to wikipedia here?

hurr durr

No, wikipedia is full of literal autistic NEETs who blow up if you touch their precious article.

Ok i think i got it, will fix some references and then post link or something

Sooo, the kind of people you can find on imageboards?


So hopefully you should see it show up if you click this link.

Seems to work but i don't het how they link to articles in other languages.

I think I fixed that too now. Check it again for me?

Lets hope our 民工 friends rise up against the "communist" party soon.


Rather productive wednesdaynight innit? Requesting general spellcheck.

Frenchfriend, you want to put in your bits and pieces or are they roughly the same?

I also removed some german only external links since I doubt that they are of much use to people who read it in english.

Also, fuck whoever wrote this article in german, its got sentence structures my german teacher would jack off to.

Well at 2 AM i don't detect much errors, and i can't add much wording wise because of course the english i speak is a bastardized American with chans characteristics.
The only sources from the french articles are from newspapers written in french so i don't think it would add much.
Pretty straight to the point imo, 9/10 accessibility even a Holla Forumsyp won't tl.dr.

Seems like the french and german ones are almost identical, with the french being a translation from the german (due to its smaller size, not sure). So I'll leave it at that for tonight.

polite sage.

thanks famrade, ill be going to bed now