Vote Hillary ♥

Vote Hillary ♥

Other urls found in this thread:

to late



you know who else is fucking gay? miyazaki
so much for fromsoft making poise great again



if your retarded, other wise vote trump

what about your retarded?


Trump the trump

stump this dick



He has my vote.



Oh my god I love this guy's script.

Kill yourself

ded thread

ded community

One, two, three, four, five

once I caught a fish alive

six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

then I let it go again.

"why did you let it go?"

because it bit my finger so.

"which finger did it bite?"

this little finger on the right.

One, two, three, four

Tell me that you love me more

Sleepless long nights

That is what my youth was for

What if I say I'm not like the others?

What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays.

You're the pretender.

What if I say I'll never surrender?


Okay, Pretender.

you can play with my dick


Fucker's hacking.

morning dumbo

My 3.7 gpa resents that.

jk, I'm not in college anymore, so that means nothing.

He called me his heal slut, so...

what a lucky trainer

why does he have tears in his eyes?

what degree did you get

I ended up dropping out, but it was a psychologist degree.


yeah he does like his pocket healers. mercy flavor.

because he's getting arrested for fucking those gardies.


Nothing wrong with hackers as long as they keep their pokés legal.

that must explain the abnormally high shiny rate

This game just gets weirder and weirder.

the only chainmail I ever fell for was bonzai kitten but to be honest that one was pretty cray

Which square should I scratch?


This is acceptable, you got me my room back.


Like my pet? :33333

gay as hell like u

so yes

I lost my touch at activating my purple super sand.

Maybe I shouldn't be doing missions twice my level when I'm jsut coming back.

nice attitude, quitter.

god morgon alsklings

I never said I was going to stop?

Obviously I just have to purple super sand harder than I've ever purple super sanded before.


I read in newspaper she wins atleast 60% votes and > 320 seats, so she your next president.

I've seen the same Geko hanging around outside my window flyscreen for the past month or two always catching the moths that come around. I should give it a name.

wew, I'm back from my hunting trip


anybody wanna play betting doges with me

do you know what those are :)

magical mushies!

the most potent on the planet earth.

psilocybe azurescens

and the wavy ones are the second most potent

Psilocybe cyanescens

can you handle em?


big cums lol

place ur bets pls

I'd do better than Ian on acid if that's what you're asking^^

o no

Can't you just grow your own mushrooms?


.///. H-hi!

is it this time of the year they mushroom-blossom

the dose for these is about 1 gram dry for a very strong dose. It equals about 1/8th - 1g.

heck I can go out every week and pick these bad boys for a few months if I had the time.

Here's a Gymnopilus junonius (laughing jim) I found out in the wild. This one is psychoactive but more euphoric then the others and makes u giggle nonstop.


I like to hunt them as i'm an expert. A lot of my friends grow them and I know people from the shroomery forum and shit irl. They want me to grow for them, but I don't wanna take the risk



if I sent you 20 bucks would you send me some acid? that's like 3 or 4 tabs right?

I don't sell drugs anymore. It would conflict with my work at erowid and dancesafe.

Do you grow oyster mushrooms?

aw man


are there any really poisonous ones that can be confused for those growing in usa or elsewhere or is that mostly food-mushrooms that have spoopy poisonous twins

or standalone obviously poisonous ones


Hi :p

of course.

You have to know what tou're doing to hunt mushrooms as u can easily pick the wrong one with one little minor factor that is different that could end you up in the hospital or dead.

I know what i'm doing

Like these ones rights here look nice, but are very deadly.

Send me some blue honey

send cuddles

*cuddles all up on you* Nyaa~

Is blue honey a euphemism for smurf jizz?

I don't use euphemisms.

Also no.

3 hours of sociology
3 hours of governance
3 hours of meeting
2,5 hours of travelling

and now for project work
shoot me

well I'm off to go trim bud for this guy I met on a shroom forum.

free weeds lmao



only like 4 more months~

no one said goodmorning
you all suck


aha I only really vaguely know about the tall pointy ones

this is legitimately the spoopiest game I have ever seen

Good murrning.

It's gonna be so cold in February fyi

fucking good

also there IS a chance that I might now have my neetbux by february, but I am looking to get a part time job in january

How is that good? ;~;

Yay jorbs!

I fucking LOVE the cold

cuddle weather

How cold, exactly, is "fucking cold," Maddie?

If Fish manages to actually get a job then I'll officially stop bullying them.

up 100 doge

getting a job is easy AF for me

it's keeping it for more than a few weeks that's the issue

True, true .//.

I'm just sick of it already and lowest so far is like 47 lol

Cold enough x_x

Keep a job for 2 months and you can be a person in my eyes. A sad little person, but a person.

ty darling


Squash, am I a person?

Squash, am I a people?

People am I a squash?

No because you don't respect my pronouns.

Ditto :(

rin can you tell me to work on the last bits of stuff

I need motivation

What even are your pronouns?

Work on your stuffs bwaka.

Bark, barks, and barkself.

my pronouns are any of the real ones.

I'm pronoun fluid.

good morning, cupcake


oh Xir

Squash is a cool guy. Bark didn't bully me that one time.


I am a girl amazing boy

Now keep using them.

you are definitely a little girlly man

Are you ready for Halloween~?

I'm ready to go to walmart and get a shit ton of half priced candy afterwards.

But what if master tells me to bark?
I wouldn't want to confuse you if that were to happen.

I.. I didn't think of that.

The hype is real^^

just "woof" instead of "bark"

what are you going as?

Says you.

You'll figure it out.

Can I have half price candy?

Now say it in dog.

and who would know better?

I will share with you, yes.

woof woof woof.

woof woof? woof!

the true way to celebrate being alone on the holidays

A cat maid^^

fuck yes mommy loves me!

good thing you already have most of the pieces of that particular outfit. just make sure you're ready to answer certain questions about how your tail is attached.

of course I do.

Mmhm. I think the uniform comes in today too :p

I think I'm ready x///x


I'm hype

gonna need some pics to make sure you're ready. for science reasons of course.

At least speak in a language I can understand, Cupcake, god.

Talk about rude.



>Maddie will never polish your hardwood floors and furniture in her maid outfit.
Why am I living on this earth again?


oh my.

I haven't heard anything from my coworker about it yet, but it's definitely getting here~

Of course! I just gotta get it from my coworker and do his dishes and it'll be mine.

I use that Bona hardwood floor cleaner too. Your loss x_x


Right? That name can not be a coincidence.

It's almost as if someone made a sex joke or something.

elma's pretty good at giving me bona hardwood

I'd like you to do my dishes. if you know what I mean.

seriously. they back up all the time and it's annoying as fuck


I'd love to be a live in maid housewaifu tbh


And then someone killed the joke by trying too hard.
'aight I'm going back to PSO2.

I know. we've had this discussion.



yup. plus it's pretty common around here. hell, I'd love to be that.


is it?

I didn't know that was actually a thing let alone common someplace.

the more you know.png

I'd be a housewife.
I think I even will be going at this rate.

you're hired

fuck you and your fairy tale lovin'


neetbux makes me the perfect housewife.




That was the implication.

Sorry, I guess I was kind of bragging.



he didn't even spell right

Gotta respond first to not make it awkward though.

I need to get a room remoddling pass so I can start making a bathroom for that to be in.
Wonder how much the f2p ones are.

I'm just excited to eat today. yay work food /sarcasm


Fair enough.

*nuzzles you*

is this your sign?

I forgot this was my underarmor.


nuzzle harder with like some grinding action

im pretty glad you live in shithole europe so you're not allowed to have an actual opinion

*nuzzles your bulge* OwO what's this!


I forgot I had those set until I saw one pop up in a mission.

That sign is also not cancerous enough to be my sign.

Nuuu x-x




wjat hentai roleplay fantasy MMORPG game is this



*nuzzles your mouth with my dick*

For the record, it's actually "Emergency Code: Destruction".
It just sounds like he says distraction.


None of those.




what are you even playing lmao

tbh we all know trump is not going to win

woa thats rapey


hentai fantasy roleplay MMORPG game 2015
HFRMMORPGG2015 for short

but Hillary wants war.




you said the signs weren't cancerous enough
are these them?

WW3 inbound. Why do europoors think they're allowed to have an opinion on shit they don't know anythign about?


Actually, I've gotten, like, four one mores in a row once.

Takes a full party to chain them.

Symbol Arts are not canon, I just saved a pack of, like, 3000 of them or something way way back, and am looking through them now.

Giving up?


I suppose with war I won't have to pay tax.

Okay Putin, I'm ready.
let's go

So apt it hurts.

Okay, yeah, I'm giving up. How're you?

Also this showed up when I googled "cancer"


is that a fuckin molerat

it's gonna be a fuckin magical weekend tho

I'm doing alright, yourself?

Don't make fun of him, it's not his fault he has cancer!


no more taxes
no more school
no more debt
and I get to go to Canada

I'm ready for world war 3 guys

it's a view into your mirror

No, it's you :(

im doin ok
i really want pizza

That's so cute.

Be my bread winner, babe.



Magatsu Gold Keys.

Which weekend? I'll put in my request off today.

i meant to crop that ifunny thing out woops

my resume says nothing about a bakery

I don't know yet, I can't set a date without my neetbux or job in place

ugh that was so bad

it's a long day

only a complete fucking burnout loser would be happy about everything collapsing


ok. the closer it gets the harder it will be to get the days is all

I thought it was moderately clever

It's a turn of phrase.

yeah, I know, but there's no way I can set a date without a gaurentee





why didn't you follow your boyfriend boo into the abyss exactly

thank you

then what's a turn on phrase?

I knowwwwwwwwwwwwww booooo

it'll be 3 days straight of non-stop fucking tho so that's p nice


I bet you use tumblr.

I'll bring the wine

20 bucks says Fish fucks something up and makes it all awkward and has to get a hotel because Elma is creeped out.

I thought the hotel was the plan anyway?

i bet you chug on cocks
but i mean

Like there's one literally right next to the Olive Garden.

you think I'm fucking made of money? I'm getting a motel



Don't meet just on the idea you're going to fuck all weekend.
It never ends well.

guess you can't catch any more bugs from a motel

suck my big donger >:(

there's other stuff too fam. we're going to olive garden, cuddling, baking, more cuddling while watching movies

What's the difference?

What idea am I supposed to have?

Where are we gonna bake?

Just don't only meet to fuck.
At least meet 'cause you are friends on a deeper level.

Like, shit.

I don't have any friends on levels you speak of.

o-oh do you not have access to an oven?

I told you already that nobody comes to my house. It is sanctuary.

whatever happened to weeks of dating and texting etc before you actually get action.

This will end badly.

That's the scary boring part

Yeah this

I'm obviously doing it for more than just sex. I'll be spending like 500 in total to go, and I could get a a pretty good prostitute for a while with that kind of money

Then I suppose it won't happen at all then.

Oh well


Honestly it doesn't seem obvious what the rest of your motives are.

Up to you. If I didn't like you I would just watch and laugh when it all goes up in flames.


Dunno. I still want some insight about this deeper level whatever is.


I mean I've got a pretty big crush on you. it's been a while since I've been with anyone and my last girlfriend... well, you know

Ok, so like from where I stand it only looks like this trip is to get laid and physical contact. You guys hardly really interact past talking about sex and Olive Garden.

It seems like a shallow kind of thing. Like, if you guys had like some day shit planned beyond generic stuff like baking then yeah. Maybe. But it's just "Oh we'll fuck and cuddle and get all up in each other's craws. And I guess go out to eat."

maddie maddie


But whatever.
If it goes south I'm going to say I told you so.

This is the perfect date.


Maybe AFTER you are in a relationship.

uh huh

Idunno. What's day shit?

Like it just seems like you're making shit up.


Would you chill out? I know. It's obvious. I have to build it up before dreamcrushing, but you just ruined it.


Why? That would ruin it.



It's how I have fun.

damn ui im jealous

how ya doin lovely?

I always click these

I'd ruin that ass.

Are you some nerd or what?


which part?

Ruining a weekend fuck-fest? jeesh

Not good.


I just save the non changing copies.



*pops you*&


what is pending shipment

give me the real answer

How perverse.

Then have it.

This guy

I fuck dogs. Not bitches.

thas no good

loli catgirls from Japan


i like 'em thicc

You let dogs fuck you, rather.


What a mad guy.

Yes, but who are we to argue semantics?


I'd rather not lose all my online friends for it. It's sad how attached to you shitters I am. *sigh*

Did you talk to that person yet


If anything you just have an awkward situation with Fish.
Nobody here would really give too much of a shit either way.

FffFuckk Mei is 10

Seems that way.

Then why'd you have to say all that?

there is a difference between thicc and flat out obese though

Because I don't want to see you get into a situation where you could potentially get emotionally used or fucked over.


Internet lesbians.

He has not been online.

I want Grim's thicc cock.

Last time I checked that's giving a shit.

Disgusting lesbians.



you don't know anyone else with taste?


As in we aren't going to ditch you as friends over it.
But whatevers.


Emma hates me, so she would point me to something unrelated.

It already feels that way half the time anyway *shrugs*

I think a few of my filenames are called Subtle bait
I should post them more

There is no winning here.

I wanted to ask her too

I just want not-cows mang

Apparently not.

Guess we'll find out how long I can fake-quit again. Have a good one

Subtle is my boy
one of two people in this thread with patrician taste

I've only got one.

Later then.




I don't think I can solo the Vol Dragon on super hard at my current level.

He all but one hits me with anything he does.

what the FUCK

ty based subtle

god damn

It seems to work.


Azanami only wants me to do it on Very Hard.
Why the fuck was I going to Super Hard?

I am Very Hard.

I'm gonna go to sleep now, nighty night emla!

whats this?

nini everybody

hory shet

her eyes are fucking mesmerizing

subtle proving what a pervert he is once again

if there's more than three it's not for me





I can't post any more cupcake will shame me

She's just a gravure idol that never does nude stuff so it's not -that- perverted


boo isn't kill


b-but... ;-;


Subtle peeeerrrrrrrv

Ok, ok

You would probably prefer if I posted guys instead

my cheap t420 turned out to have nvs 4200m graphics :3

hardstuck in plat

Subtle is pure.

Carry me.


Lulu still?



I like most of the stuff you post in general, actually.

2heavy 2weak need to get buff

I try ;;

pure lewdo

I wonder if he's a cutie.


Who's more pure, Subtoe or Theseius?


luka because yuri is pure


neither one of them are pure


Grim are you cross at me now

I'm glad you guys have got my back

Oh nice
Way to encourage lewdness


it's probably some computer peripheral or part. Got better things to worry about.

Iam awful =

Still wanna see Subtle's folders.

I know the feeling.

oh well

No problem.

I love lewd. I make no secret of my perversions.


i have a desktop


Apparently in Pictures I have 72,120 Files, 248 Folders

Do you like slim or muscular?


what if you

take a desktop
use a desktop
use a desktop
go to my desktop
finish shitting first, then go to my desktop
wait til i get home then go on my desktop
wait til i get home then go on my desktop
wait til i get home then go on my desktop

if you need heavy processing power on the go, it won't last for more than a couple of hours at max.

There is no point.

Finished your placements yet?

slim mostly. but I do like a wide range of things, both body types and fetishes.

Diamond 5 yet?

No I haven't had the chance to play today


10 series gpu is more power efficient than any cpu?

so technologically backwards

I'm talking about your point. Graphical processing power.

they bothered making some wet noises, why not just add some moaning too


I won all except for one game last night
but I'm getting like +14 - 18 LP and getting matched with anything from unranked/silver to dia

I don't have much hopes anymore.

Do it.


push onward.
I'm in this weird flux where I am queued with silvers and low golds but I am getting 24-25 lp per win.

I think it's because of my 65% win rate or something

I want to feel the one on the left's eyebrows

is this how normies function

Going for plat?

You'll understand what Echo is talking about once you reach platinum, Grim

I could probably get it in a week or less
I need to finish my irl obligations first

something is telling me to just stay at gold and enjoy the peace



That's Ononoki.

Yeah that something's pretty right.

normal people have jobs and hobbies

oh god
1 more week

she a cute



i have both!

Watch Monogatari

obsessively collecting and sorting anime pictures isn't a job or hobby


i'm disapointed in you, son.

when the mc met the backpack girl, I was immediately disgusted and dropped the series..I dont think a cute girl with funny eyebrows is enough to get me back into it.

just seeing her demon fucking face gets my blood boiling


y tho

hachikuji bae

I can go on with the slightly perverse nature of the MC with girls of his age, but on a 6-8 year old?

That's too much.

pretty good. more of a fan of 2d though, to be honest.

Smh that wasn't for you

man he doesn't even go for any lolis you ahobaka


when you stayed up all night to do something but now that you did it you don't have enough time for sleep so you might aswell not.

While it's true he doesn't go for Hachikuji, it's also true that he molests her at the start of almost every encounter they have.

So, like.
Grim's complaint is kind of justified.



i do that constantly



I'm sure he'd molest her too, if they didn't have history.

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