The problem with gommunism is that it's utopian bullshit

Why is it so common for classcucks to criticize communism as "utopian" and then prescribe directly engaging in actual Utopianism as the "solution"?

what if that is actually the solution tho

That accomplishes nothing. Shying away from society to attempt a temporary utopia only allows porky to continue ravishing the environment and enslaving anyone he pleases. Isolating those that porky disagrees with is classic divide and conquer, and you know damn well that they'll come after your utopia sooner or later with more resources than you own. For this reason leftypol is a mistake. We should have stayed and fought against Holla Forums instead of running here with our tails between our legs.

kill me now

Most of the people here aren't from Holla Forums and the few that are we're banned.


but what if it actually works so good more people start rejecting capitalism creating a snowball effect

Then they stage a riot and kill everyone. You clearly do not grasp how little rules matter in an existential contest.

But communism is utopian BS.

they couldn't stage a riot, as it is a true revolutionary utopian village

How is anyone ever going to learn about it? You're on an island or in the middle of the woods. The media purposefully avoids talking about already existing communes why would it ever change?

well thats the revolutionary part m8

Even if we made "Leftypol Island" or some woodsy commune, imperialism wouldn't be able to control itself and would find a way to take our piece of shit land

Then they just bomb you quietly.

If they did that, it would just expose them for being imperialist dogs to the world.

And then what?
What is seriously the worst that happens to them? It's a PR disaster, they say "Mistakes were made, it was a hurried judgement", there's some investigations, and then life goes on?

not if someone replicates it after making everything open source

America continues and the nations they do this to are forgotten or everyone is just too apathetic to do anything about it, so being exposed as imperialist dogs doesn't really matter. Then it always comes down to people seeming to think a sovereignty has no right to exist if it can't defend itself. I.E. Catalonia and Ukraine with Makhno. Eventually, the acts will all be forgiven because it's that little sovereignty's fault for not being big and tough.

You act like they don't do this sort of shit all the time.

All they have to do is spin it like you're the bad guys and they're "liberating" your people.

The Western media has already put out hit pieces on the PKK/PYD and Zapatistas portraying them as crypto-Stalinist terrorist cults, you think they'd run into any trouble justifying their destruction if it became politically convenient to do so?

It's precisely these small exceptions of communes that already exist that allow capitalism to stay in place.

Oh you're adorable.