Does Marxism see the traditional family unit as bad hierarchy or oppressive?

Does Marxism see the traditional family unit as bad hierarchy or oppressive?

Which one?

Neither, but we do see it as a product of class society and most likely something that would naturally fade out of society with the establishment of Communism.

The bourgeoisie institution of the family is oppressive and will collapse under Socialism. It relies on a perpetuation of class and exploitative structures of power in order to sustain its order.

it doesnt care

I see leftypol really has their shit together. I'm sure you'll seize the means any day now.

Go away.

Marxism sees the "traditional family" as a thing that exists and came out of the material conditions around it. It's not good nor is it bad, if it's the best way to organize a family unit so be it, if not it will fade away with changing material conditions as it is now.

We already have a thread about this.

Actual Marxists want to return to how family was managed before capitalism was formed, extended family as suck example.
The confused fucks who listened to anti-marxist literature want to actually "destroy" the family itself and raise children seperately from biological parents.

That's it.


No, and also.

Don't listen to the anprim

What hivemind are you from? Holla Forums or some stupid subreddit?

Not according to Lenin, tbh.

oh wow


Marxism is the study of how things like that change and evolve according to the economic conditions it finds itself in m8, not how good or bad they are. What matters if they serve or not a historical purpose.

Marxists like to say this, but they sure make an awful lot of value judgments. Often passionately and violently. Including Marx himself.

Different opinions about leftist perception of a subject != party cohesiveness. Also:

isn't there like 2 or 3 threads about this in the catalog already

If they have it's because they have need to look past personal ideology more and should look at things dialectically.

Harder to do than say of course.

A biologist studying an animal can have a thousand personal opinions and feelings about them, but he can't conflate his scientific methodology with his personal views. It's the same thing with Marxism and society.

which one?