

I think that this is the most fanboy comment i have ever seen.

Other urls found in this thread:

He makes an extremely retarded point. If apple can charge retards double what it costs, no reason Nintendo can't. Still doesn't mean the product is any good.

If I post my opinion, Mark the kike cakeboy will ban me. So I'll just sage and ask ypu to check my dubs.

any time any person defends a for profit corporation that person is a retard

Or a shill, but the only difference is that the shill is being paid.


what is wrong with labo?

It's fucking overpriced cardboard. Mark will buy it like he bought 2000$ of Guitar Hero DLC and he'll like it the absolute madman.

sasuga banned-sama
see you on the 404 graveyard

Its cardboard and thus should be bullied.



Labo .pdfs when?
You wouldn't pirate a box

I think you need to calm down. Nice downvote, by the way.

Can't wait for the DIY Labo videos and the inevitable takedown notices issued by Nintendo.

The best part is gonna be Nintendrones trying to defend Nintendo while they spend up to 30 USD in replacement parts aka strings and cardboard

We should warn /po/.

Every fucking time, no matter the topic, there is always one pseudo-intellectual idiot who does this and other eager goys are ready to fall in line with him. It's like saying that whoever breaks any sort of law no matter how minor should be given a death sentence every time.

I'd like to see him try to buy his groceries with nintendo labo pieces then.

Mostly that it's yet another gimmick from a company that seems to thrive on changing how to control a game despite games being good without needing gimmicks. I could take this back at LEAST to the N64, where nobody used the left side of the controller, and probably as far as the Power Glove and ROB. Touch screens, voice controls, movement controls, and that one DS Zelda game where the solution was to close the clamshell, all shit that could be replaced by just pressing buttons instead.

The most you should pay for cardboard is $5.


I wanna kiss his chubby tummy c:

Think of Nintendo's next surely-they-wouldn't-be-dumb-enough-to-buy-in-this-time ploy.
amiibo snickers


No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't like that.

So can I start charging everyone for looking at memes I use?

What about amiibo story books? Like a book that you place on your console and it readsit to you

Labo was a mistake

Yes I would. You don't know me


While we all like you laugh at Labo for being a cardboard, I like to know how the fuck does this thing apply in real world. For example the robot that cost $70 bucks, how do you control it? You have one joycon in one hand, the second joycon on the back and strap the fucking screen to your face. HOW THE FUCK DO PLAY THE GAME? HOW THE SENSOR GONNA DETECT YOUR MOVEMENT?

Do they even have peoples testing this shit and say "hey this could work, awesome idea Miyamoto-san" or is it just yes-man afraid to criticize Miyamoto.

It just werkz


Something something HD Rumble

I actually agree with it in principle.

Looks like you'll only be using one hand. Unless they expect you to shell out $70 more dollars for more controllers.

Upon further inspection, theres more than 2 joycon there. Both arms, 1 on the head, 1 on the back and 2 for both legs. You need 6 joycon for the robot kit. I still have more questions like what the fuck putting the joycon on top of the cardboard house gonna do? is it just a novelty thing?

That's a bad fallacy. They're arguing that if something is worth paying for, than anything is worth paying for, and that if somebody is willing to buy something, that it is actually inherently worth buying. It's inherent in a market economy that you have to judge the value of something against its cost to determine if it's worth buying. He'd be right if he said that value was subjective, and it might be worth buying for some people, but he's retarded in conflating all of those things, and for trying to shut down valid criticism.
Really, though, what can we gain from this thread? Point and laugh at a stupid YouTube comment? That's more Reddit territory, isn't it? Aren't we supposed to be talking about video games?

we are

I'm interested in knowing how the fuck does this thing got greenlighted by nintendo

theoretically speaking an image creator could DMCA someone for unauthorized reposting of their image, so if you made those memes yourself you legally could

People are saying that the robot game is the same one that was supposed to be released for the WiiU, so besides the cardboard, they didn't have to go and make a new game for it.

You can charge someone for using your OC without your approval, memerun was shut down because of this

But how the controls work? how does this get pass the beta tester? Even kinect that was suppose to be hi-tech cannot mimicked your movement 1:1 let alone using shitty gyro sensor on your body


I mean it's always been a thing but it's part of not faggot internet culture to ignore it.

lol retard

WiiU was thirsty for games but Bob insisted to release it on DS

He's right
but he also has shit taste in videogame for paying 60 dollars for an overpriced minigame. Not even using the material as an argument and we can easily dismiss labo as nothing more than a fisher price toy with a mini game with little to no substance.

I'm expecting alot of soy boys doing this when they get their Labos.
Since we all know they're manchildren.

It's a cardboard box

fuck off cuckchanner

Please bring your console war shit back to cuckchan

for a moment, I forgot the Labo existed and I thought "Labo" was short for "Labia" in this context.
I think it also makes sense like that though

ROB can be excused as NOA needing to use it as a gateway into toy stores that refused to carry game consoles

owning a console in 2018 and looking like a fucking textbook numale does make you a soyboy

It's not console wars if you don't pick a side.



clear example of Holla Forums cherry picking to force a unfunny meme.

But wouldn't that also be applied to the Labo. You might not realize this but there is a market of Stem toys out there that are educational and teach kids to be creative in which the Labo is clearly marketed towards. Nintendo is going to continue to make gimmicks or buck trends no matter what you think of the company. This is line with Nintendo's spirit of creativity, even though it will look dumb to most gamers.

People need to stop muddling the price with the product which they forget to add that the software makes up for a lot of the price. Though I can see a lot of people arguing if they made a cardboard set sold separately as well so the end result of that seems mostly the same. The only reasonable argument against labo would be that it could use something a little more durable than cardboard, but they are set on this now so there is not much to argue about until somebody gets there hands on it and see how it holds up. Labo is stupid but not far from the scope anything that Nintendo has done in the past.

i found the soyboy

Posting in a (1) and done bait thread.

t. mark

why are you calling yourself Mark? You don't even deserve those doubles.

Do these people ever find out their retarded opinions get posted here and mocked?

I got them because I'm right, cakeboi

but why are you calling yourself Mark. You do know that t. is the Finnish word terveisin which is translated as "with regards from" and is a way of signing a letter. If you want to imply the other person is something then you need to use greentext. Without greentext you are calling yourself that thing.

t. not mark

maek pls stop I don't want to talk to you anymore :/

calm down autist

Labo is quite clearly for children and it should be treated as such. Kids will love it, it's cardboard and a shitty shovelware tier game for 60$.
If you buy it you are a manchild. If you take it seriously you're a sperg. It's like discussing G.I. Joe toys.

I'm right and (you) know it

I wouldn't say they are flooding the board, but there is a quarantined effort from a group of disagreement fags likely associated with Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /ggrevolt/ ect.



You misread my post user.
This sperg >>14262529 blames cuckchan but he has been getting posts from cuckchan.

Don't lie, Mark would NEVER ban someone just for insulting Nintendo, especially because Nintendo a shit.

I didn't misread anything, you have to go back.

go post some soyjak and see what happened

Homebrew Labo IEDs when?


So does shadman have the world’s worst eyesight or is he just mentally defective (in yet another way) and thinks that chromatic aberration actually looks good?

I think it's just another way to piss people off.

You have some sever paranoia problems my amerimutt friend.

pick one

We're not the user we deserve, but the one we need

They look like pretty average people tbh fam. I don't know why they're on your collage of soy boys since they have a regular smile for the holiday.

Hero among men.

Are people actually wasting money on cardboard?

I'm the OP, my computer had a little delay and for some reason it wrote "opionions" wich made me laugh at the moment.

Nintendo has always been about that weird gimicky creativity, i don't think that's wrong, but when it costs, then they need to show it with games, and Nintendo does make everlasting games, but some gimmicks do fail because of the core concept or the lack of games.

About the pic, i found ridiculous the amount of cardboard sucking on the Gamexplain discussion video, and this comment was the pinacle for me, specially for the amount of people that agreed with this person. So more about the Labo, this thread was about his logic. Ok, bye i need to produce.

Yes, because everyone has 9 million pictures to fit into a single thread. The rest are children, by the way, Holla Forums would be the one making fun of soy, the other leftist board would be the one embracing it due to "gender being a spectrum"

Its not a memes if its true

can't have peoples laughing at nintendo on Holla Forums

Rip porn dumper user.
He did us a great service.

definitely normies but they aren't putting on that "please fuck me in the ass, daddy" fake smile present in most of the other pictures

Might I request sauce?

That's not how Holla Forums works at all you dumb fuck.

nvm. found it

Of course this only makes anons want to bash Nintendo even more. Mark sure is retarded.

Nintendo fanboys lol.

who gives a fuck about nintendo

you could share

Only if you promise to dump it on the next thread that deserves it.

Your autism is bigger than that woman's chin.

Retarded is the only thing you are.

It looks interesting, but there's still a lot of unaswered questions, quality/strength of cardboard, length of game experiences/replay value, how detailed is the programming feature in the variety kit?

Did you not watch the Labo intro video?
The (red) Right Joy Con (with IR camera) is fitted in to a slot looking inside the backpack, each arm/leg of the robot is controlled by the user with their human arm/legs with string attachments that go into the backpack. Each limb string attachment moves a single reflective piece up and down a sliding track inside the backpack, (and also displayed on the robot's back in game)which the IR camera picks up and translates into what ever action in the game (one would assume having your arm retract would make the reflective sliding piece go down it's rail while extending you arm like when punching would make it go up).

The Left Joy Con (blue) is attached to the "visor" on the user's head, I don't know what that will do. Head track? Touch it to shoot eye laser beams akin to Cyclops?

Jesus Christ, he can't get over anyone laughing at a cardboard, can't he?

Keep the console war cancer and soyboy spam shit on cuckchan. you faget.

And for the record Labo looks almost as bad as the UDraw tablet.

What have you done Mark? Now you'll have to ban yourself

Not that you'll ever see this post, but still, call a spade a spade you fuckin' spearchucker.

Not very persuasive when you post console war shit from your high horse.


I'd say this political critique comic is more exemplary of mod(/BO/vol/janitor) favoritism rather than an endorsement of console wars. It's also a reminder that fatboy created 8/v/ largely to get AWAY from biased moderator faggots, and a warning to not fall into the same rut that we fled from three-odd years before.

also i wanna fuck that mod-tan

Oh, you're the fag who keeps comparing censoring GG to removing cuckchan trash.


Never said such a thing, you smug cocksmoke. I'm the one who said memes are memes, and if kikelord is manhole misaligned over fuckin' jokes and shit, that's his problem and not the boards. I'd compare it to why Dysnomia is a retarded shitmirage: he's trying to clean and control Holla Forums, when the essence of the board is to be a pile of barely-contained absurdity and disgust. Likewise with tubbytalmud: he's trying to steer the board as if he's the arbiter of good taste and the central core of the hivemind, when he's really just booty bothered and that fuels the fire. If shit's good, it'll keep; if it's not, it'll flush. No need to swirl around a plunger and call yourself the mystic guru of vidya over it.

The moment we let cuckchan cancer overrun the board is the moment it dies. Thanks for your concern, but you really have to go back.

This board will never die as long as Holla Forums is alive, because it's popular and has a legacy title. If /svidya/, /games/, /justv/, /v8/, and god knows what else didn't take off, it's because nobody REALLY gives a shit about the minor drops in quality this board has had over the last three years; it's just a place to go and talk about vidya that gets more than ten posts a day.

More importantly, we all came from 4chan, except of course le ebin leddit, and i really don't think we were the cream of the crop, as perhaps evidenced by our lack of showing in the Holla Forums albums that've been made since. Hell, i honestly think most of the quality posters have already bailed, leading to a drop in OC and drawfags; if this board has cancer, soyboy wojak is a symptom and not the disease, and i have no idea what the chemo is because i got no idea how to handpick not-faggots to come to a shadowy corner of the hyperwebs, especially one where we adamantly stick to rules one and two of the internet. I think we're all kinda fucked to begin with, which i don't mind since all i want is a laid back shit-flinging bar to go to and pretend to be a social creature in-between my bouts of video game addiction. But yeah, hey, if Mark wants to clean up the board, he's welcome to, but maybe he should start by kicking out the 4AM faggots, as they're a constant reminder that he's a limp-dicked jelly-boned doucheslut that won't actually do anything serious as a BO.

It's a different beast now. They might as well be redditors.

No argument there.


Hating Nintendo is not cuckchan cancer. Nintendrones are a fucking nuisance and their only argument for anything is "le Sonyggers".



9 out 10 kinda proves the point?

Are the memes on-topic?

I kind of liked the look of that thing. Then again I have a thing for novelty controllers, regardless of how functional they are.

Depends on the meme; if it's soyboy wojak in a labo thread, it's exactly on point, especially with all the nu-males taking super-excited pictures of themselves with their switches. If it's something that follows from what someone else posted, it's as much on topic as any thread that goes awry per the flow of conversation. If it's just flat-out porn or suggestive, not so much; but again, Mark only cares about memes that make him sphincter saturated, and has no genuine concern if any image isn't necessarily vidya or on-topic, such as anime or musclegirls. Which really demands the question of why he's now, all of a sudden, really concerned about strict moderation, but only with this one meme and not nearly anything else.

It's an okay idea that is fucking ruined by the fact that they just tacked on 20 dollars to the price tag of a game for cardboard, fancy tape, and maybe string I don't fucking know. Does the R&D needed to develop this shit count? How much do non-cardboard peripherals cost anyway? It's an Earthbound problem, basically. If they just ate the fucking cost on the robot game and charged 60 bucks for the shitty minigame collection I'm sure people would have been far less upset. I actually like the idea of the robot game because Miyamoto is so much better when he makes original ideas. Better then him refusing to rehash a great game and instead ruining it with controls that basically don't work. It's a miracle Pikmin 3's control options were all interesting and not terrible, and that there were actually options. Have I said stuff like this before? I feel like I have.


Paying for creativity!?
This guy is a total retard, his parents needed to use a condom that day.
everytime they say that shit they deserve to be punched in the mouth and swallow their teeth.

also this

But why? I thought the point of cardboard and paper bags was to hide human faces.

Imagine playing Monster Hunter with a life-size cardboard switch axe.