My friend unironically likes League of Legends and when I constantly hound him about playing that trash he tells me to...

My friend unironically likes League of Legends and when I constantly hound him about playing that trash he tells me to fuck off or that if so many people like it then it must be good.

Should I beat him up and knock some sense into him? 24 year old men shouldn't be playing games meant for 13 year old normalfags.

At least your friend doesn't blogpost here.

He needs to be cleansed. I need you guys to help me out here

maybe stop being a fag to your friends and find out how to communicate with people better you autist

have you considered suicide

If people want to play shit they're going to play shit.
The majority of gamers today just follow FotM titles and play what their normie friends play, they don't personally have any feelings toward the games they regular.

As long as he's not avatarposting in LoL Generals it doesn't seem like you should care that much.

here you go buddy ol' pal

He's my best friend and I want him to have fu . No one can have fun playing vacuous, cancerous, shallow garbage like LoL


Sounds like you want to be more than friends.

Dubs have spoken, OP. When can we expect a livestream?

My best friend is one of the types of "gamers" I described. He's a normie extrovert and solely plays games that all other golems follow as soon as they blow up. He played CoD for the years it was popular, then he moved to Halo, then to LoL, then to CSGO, then to pubg.
You don't share the hobby with him that you think you do. It's just a vehicle for socialization for him.

You should unironically check these dubs OP.

But he played guild wars and plays divinity 2 and boulders gate user. He can't be all gone, and he continuously professes that he actually does like video games. He hasn't gotten laid in 6 years so clearly he doesn't just use it to socialize

You sound dumb.
Dumb people shouldn't be telling others what to do.

Then maybe he just has shit taste, and if that's the case then you're clearly annoying the fuck out of him if every time you talk to him all you do is shit on him for his taste in games.
How would you like it if every time your best friend talked with you about vidya all he did was relentlessly trash whatever you're playing?

user, if he's been using vidya as a vehicle to socialize, this is literally the only logical conclusion.

You had me going up to this line, well played friendo.

I agree that LoL is a very bad game, but it's precisely designed to be fun for people who want to feel competetive without the negative sideeffects of real competetive games.
People love teambased multiplayer shit like LoL because you never really have to accept that you made mistakes.
Reflecting about yourself on a meaningful level is a very painful task for most average people, because it means facing your own failures and trying to learn from them.
Since this is so hard and painful for people they'd rather play games like LoL where they have many factors where they can blame anything but themselves.
Teamsports like soccer are very popular for the same reasons. When things go well you get to reap the sweet fruits of victory and imagine in your own head that this victory was due to your hard work, but if things go bad all the negativity of a loss can be migitated.

Your friend probably has a whole lot of stuff to deal with in his daily life, like all of us, so he wants to use his free time to wind down with a simple game which gives easy satisfaction.
Can you really blame him for that?
Has it never occured to you that your nagging is doing nothing but make your friend feel annoyed by you for not understanding his feelings for this shitty game?
Judging by your posts you don't genuinly care about his wellbeing, because if that was the case you'd find more gentle and effective ways to introduce him to high quality games. I believe you are just the kind of person who likes to shit on your friends so you can feel better about your "superior taste"

I did try a gentle approach but he explicitly said he's too lazy to learn games like DCS World or Men of War.

That said, you made fair points and now I feel like a fag. I'm goman apologize to him right now.

Have you tried wearing a cute dress for him?

I either forgot to take my pills, or I'm OD'ing on the damn things, because I can swear I just saw a bit of 2014 Holla Forums on my monitor.

You know, I've had very similar experiences over the years with my friends and I've come to learn that no matter how shitty the game you play is, as long as you are playing it with friends you care about it's time well spent.
Sure, this means that sometimes you have to play games that you'd otherwise never play because they are a festering cancer tumor on the videogame industry, but in my opinion it's worth it to swallow your videogame pride for your friends

fuck off nigger, his entire post was pic related

There we go, that's more like it.
back to 2017/v/ but in 2018.

Games are not important. They are empty space in your lifetime that gives you no intellectual or physical gain. People use them to escape how miserable they are. Even when people complain about video games getting worse, they complain they are no longer safe spaces for their escapist ideology, like unrestricted violence or boobs bouncing on half of the screen being removed from their life. You and your friend are equals because it doesn't fucking matter what the fuck you play.
Eventually neither of you will be able to get that time back. And getting into conflict over what video games to play will only push you and him into the corner, that neither of you get out - continuously draining your life.

Where do you think you are?

Too real user, stop that.

Evidently not, since children are constantly told that in sports there are no winners or loses and that everyone is a winner by participation. So if there's someone to blame, it's this society for promoting this kind of thought, just like you are doing right now

tbh I just want microtransactions to be gone, DLC/Expansions to be fairly priced, devs that aren't scummy and don't release buggy pieces of shit and for localization teams to stop censoring anything that might possibly be offensive.

But yeah, people should quit getting mad over video games. Unless you have normalfag friends that actually give Riot money then let them enjoy whatever they want in their leisure time.


He's not saying that people avoiding self reflection is a good thing, he's saying that you should respect his half hour of fun and relaxation each day. Being an ass to someone because they like something you don't isn't a productive way of sustaining a friendship.

And i'm not saying that's bad. I'm saying that playing that kind of "competitive" multiplayer games isn't a good way to do it
wew, are you a manchild or just 20?

What about books? Can l take classic literature seriously?

What children are constantly told and what they feel in reality are entirely different things.
Losing feels bad, you can't grow that out of people. Ultimately we live in a society where the winner is celebrated while the loser is shamed, in almost all aspects of society.
You can find this positive or negative, but when you've spend lots of time talking to moba players or even spent time playing them yourself then you will realize that people will go through great lenghts to essentially lie to themselves just to avoid the bad feeling of having lost.

I've got a little anecdote on that topic which I like to remember:
Back when I played SC2 online I'd try really hard in ranked mode. And every now and then people would message me after a game and actually take some of their time to insult me, accusing me of various things like using cheap strategies or "lame units". There were all kinds of excuses I had to listen to, just because these people didn't want to admit to themselves that they've lost fair and square. Sometimes I'd just reap the salt, and sometimes I'd actually try to talk things out with these people. And more often than not people would actually calm down after a while and admit that they just were angry in that moment.

I've observed similar behaviour with friends of mine who are really into fightinggames on a competetive level. It's hard to accept your mistakes, but easy to jump to dumb conclusions during the heat of a moment

Really, its not that hard to see the truth. Video games aren't entertainment. They are escapist drugs, and now they are being exploited as such. You expect anyone improve in their lives by being beaten for a video game they love? This will only corner them both and make them huge investors into advertising propaganda of the said drug.

You don't seem to understand. He is describing a pattern for why people avoid highly competitive non-team based games. In a team based setting, a deluded normie can scapegoat their loss onto team balance a single shitty player. I would agree with you that this isn't a healthy mindset for society as a whole, however, OP's friend does not live inside of LOL. Assuming the game isn't taking up huge amounts of his life, corroding his whole thought process there's nothing wrong with the game being just fun.