Upper class solidarity

My dad is a chiropractor in Beverly Hills and my mom is a dentist. We're pretty wealthy I would say, yet that never stopped me from pursuing the path of Marx. Will I ever be able to overcome classcuckery of am I forever doomed to LARPery?
How do you guys deal with bourgeoise parents?

bullet to the head, ideally

Literally what is stopping you from just making it a threesome?

I'm not gonna kill my parents, faggot

This picture always made me wonder what the other guy is thinking at that exact moment.

Is it a triumphant feel or a "Well I guess sex is sex even if this situation is weird as fuck."

If it's a normal guy then it's more than likely a really weird feeling but if it's a guy who's into cucking I imagine it's all about the ego boost

Lenin had upper middle class parents this is normal.

Health professionals still work for a wage, I'm not sure wha the issue is. It's not about x amount of money, it's about "earning" it only be owning resources.

Your parents are proles. Do you they owe the means of production? No. Then they're proles. It doesn't matter if you make millions you can still be working class if you have to work to earn that income.

My parents on the other hand are bourgeoisie. Dad's an engineer who ended up going into investment banking and mums a chartered accountant. They actually invested in real estate early on. I'd say out net worth is probably around 5-10 million or so. Live in Cali too. But I'm still a leftist because I actually read books and study and help the cause.

Yeah, kind of, but no. Many people just earn wages but indirectly live off of the labor of others – health professionals are usually negligible, but for obvious examples look at celebrities, football coaches, that sort of thing.

Marx was bourgeois

Could you explain a theory behind which a well paid actor or athlete becomes a bourg based only on the amount of money he/she earns? Just because you don't respect their labor or their lifestyles doesn't suddenly make them own the means of productions.

Now there are many who will turn around and use this capital to employ others and exploit them for a wage, but before that boundary is crossed I'm not sure how you validate this approach.

I didn't say they own the means of production, I said they live off of the wages of others. It's not the early 20th century anymore and capitalism has changed – private property is not strictly in the hands of individuals anymore, capital flows more freely, or rather in more directions and so on.

*off of the labor of others

And in a system in which capital flows more freely it helps to be flexible enough to certain uses of capital and be able to define when it becomes nakedly exploitative.

The fact that there are murky/grey area scenarios is true but well besides the point. If you're going to broadly deride every person to make use of capital to any capacity you need to become a third-worldist or have the most hilariously undersized workers revolution of all time.

My dad is a primary care doctor who runs his own practice and employs his own staff, so I'm pretty sure that makes me petit-bourgeois. Eventually I will graduate medical school though, at which point I will merely be an overpaid prole.

May not technically be bourg, but even so he's still a scam artist. Chiropractic is nonsense and can be very dangerous if done to somebody with an existing joint problem.

Dentists and chiropractors are still needed under communism. Unless your parents only do what they do because it pays well, they will probably be fine.

Use your status to do good things for those without the most basic necessities. That's all I can think of. I make more than the average salary in America and I don't LARP or try to be somebody I'm not. I support who I can but I don't let useless activism control my life either. There's only so much one person can do and I think its important to keep it all in perspective.

Kill yourself you weak pussy

muh sublax

Of course, you're inevitably going to meet retarded anarchists and "blue collar" types that fetishize being poor and attribute tons of positive qualities on the poor, as if being poor is some kind of goal in life.

All I can say is ignore the fuck out of these people, they're fucking imbeciles that have no idea how the """real world""" works, and post revolution, they couldn't build a bridge, write code, or do anything useful beyond throwing molotovs at cops.

These kinds of leftists are the worst – they think shit is just magically going to fall into place and I believe them to give leftism a bad name.

Some call them "lifestylists," I guess, but tbh I've met a number of average leftists too that have this same outlook. They are born white middle class, went to private schools, and do nothing to improve themselves post-graduation, they just do some lowly bullshit activism and act like they're challenging the state and shame everything that bothers picking up hard labor and technical skills. It's fucked just ignore people that shit on you for trying to improve yourself is all I can say.

Leftists are usually sheltered, middle class White, Jewish, and Asians or drug addicts that want an easy meal ticket.

If we're already sheltered and "middle class" why would want this? Drug addicts tend to be pretty apolitical in my experience except for weed smokers and even then they can be lame quasi right wingers Joe Rogan.

Both my parents were farmers. One from El Salvador and one from Montenegro, Yugoslavia. Both were and still at working class people long after I moved out. They are in their 60s and 70s.

Best advice I could give you would be to appreciate your own awakening and when you do move out try and understand and experience the struggles of those less fortunate than you.

Live somewhere shitty if you have to for a year. Just don't get caught up in a bubble.

Leftist NGOs pay heroine addicts to go smash shit or show up places with signs.

The sheltered middle class leftists are useful idiots that will get their family home vandalized and be beggared beyond their understanding if and when they get their violent revolution they larp about.

If you're White, you're the class getting targeted regardless of your family's wealth. The bankers will have fled long before they see the sharp end of a stick.

Did he own property and make a living off of profit from it? No? Then he wasn't bourgeois.

Nice conspiracy theories Holla Forumsack

Marx's family owned Vineyards bro

You can say that, but all that tells me is that you've never signed up for these things before.

Its scary and morally repulsive.

Neither have you fucktard, it's not a real thing

Trotsky had Bourg parents, and he was a massive sperglord, but I don't think they're related.

why is this still an active thread

As long as you're not full porky you should be fine. My dad operated a pool cleaning company but that was pretty much him in a truck with some tools and chemicals, I guess that's technically petit-bourg but while we weren't dirt poor we weren't too much better off than the median wage despite putting in 10+ hours a day.

This level of discourse is lower than shitposting about Fully Automated Gay Space Communism with Dolphins.

Why not?

I dont have them.

But bourgeois classcucks are always welcome. Engels was one too.

Dentists will be needed, but chiropractic is quack science. You're far better off just getting a massage

Well-paid labor is still labor.

That's stupid. All money in a market system is dependent on the labor of others. You might as well argue that literally any and all services do the same.

My Dad runs (well sort of, there is no explicit "boss" as much as a three person partnership, with the oldest one, an immigrant from India, set to retire in the next few years) a very small accounting firm. When I say small, it's like literally 5-6 people in an office space. They rent the space, no one's ever fired & the employees/employers share a pretty nice relationship. Would that qualify as bourg, or just as well-ish paid prole?

be like Malatesta and get a shit job so that you can organize workers into a union before turning them into anarchist communists

Relax man…Luchino Visconti was from a very wealthy family which could be tarced all the way into Charlemagne himself.
For years he was a complete dgenerate without any ambition in life.
Then he became a communist and started making films where the working class was the hero. Like Terra Treme where he traveled to a small fishing village in southern Italy and used the local population to make a film.
One doesn't choose his family. What matters is what you do with your life

I'm in the same boat OP my Dad's a lawyer. Lots of great socialists come from wealth. Engels, Kropotkin, Che, Castro Brothers, Zhou Enlai, and I'm sure many more. I think Marx even talks about wealthy intellectuals being able to recognize the need for socialism and thus see past their class interests. Also if your parents are professionals you are upper-middle class which is to say a prole. I think many people can relate to the idea of preferring to live in a socialist world rather then a capitalist one whether or not you are wealthy.

I don't have bourgeois parents.
I am very inexperienced in that regard.

They're not bourgeois, they're just rich.

Lurk some more Holla Forums, you might get an epiphany! And please keep your cuckold porn to yourself.

marx's family owned vineyards, but Marx mostly lived off Engels' money, whose father owned factories.

Class is your relation to the means of production, not your income. Your parents are not bourgeois.

Trotsky's parents were kulaks, not bourgs.

visiting or living poor countries could help.

The correct term is workerism, or the valorization of working class "culture" and the conditions of which the working class under capitalism finds itself in

Not the user that you are replying to but I come from a petty-bourg family (my parents used to own a small cafe and like to invest in real estate) so I currently don't have to worry about getting a job or missing a meal but I use my large amount of NEET spare time that I have provided by my parents to try and improve myself by reading theory.