How to fix the games of our generation

1. Remove randomness: Remember when games completely lacked randomized elements? remember committing to memory when and where an enemy would spawn (and where you had to move to avoid them)? or where you needed to go to get a certain item? or which enemies you had to kill to acquire that powerup? or exactly how much skill points you needed to open that lock without worrying about what an RNG might say about it? these were the days of first and second gen games, an they were good, because getting through the single player campaign was less about luck and almost completely skill and strategy, now games like that are literally impossible to find, remove all random elements from games, and you remove a crutch that is being used by developers to fore go actual designing, this will primarily affect single player games in the short term, but will have an eventual influence upon multiplayer as well.

2. Create games for the Holla Forums mindset: People are bitching all the time about removing SJW influences on the writing of games, politics should not be in games, they say, these guys are idiots. They are the equivalent of the horseshoe-slinging "skeptical centrist" individualists, no, if an enemy is winning against you the answer is not to try to convince them to stop fighting, the answer is to start fighting back, left wing politics will never leave games unless it's pushed out by right-wing politics, if we make our own games with our own political leanings, we will be greeted by a massive audience, particularly from the new generation of gamers, who have grown up under the authority of libtards, and are looking desperately for something that speaks to them.
I'm not looking for something as stupidly obvious as "ethnic cleansing" or "ZOG's nightmare", we should do what the liberals do, and write stories tat carry right wing themes and philosophies, this is what they do when they make something like "life is strange", "beyond good and evil 2", or "borderlands".


I'd like to see a game made that imagines the near future of this world from a nationalist right-wing perspective, just to see what they would think the world would be like if the current course of things continues, maybe a civil war across all of Europe? what about the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? I think it would be an exciting "race war" setting to play in - THAT could be our "ethnic cleansing"/"ZOG's nightmare".



I hope for your sake that this is a shitpost.

Fuck right off. It's also not necessary, SJW-focussed games keep flopping of their own accord.

Thanks OP, I needed the laugh.

What if we just make good games?

How to fix the generation playing our games? Maybe i don't want people here hating certain games. I need to fix those people up.


Are you fucking mad, user?

Gr8 jokes, I had a giggle.

That's stupid, that'll never work.

Someone Get This Hothead Outta Here.


I only like randomization when it comes to item drops. When you have the chance of obtaining something great from something small, no matter how small of a chance it is.

It must be the casual faggot that keeps insisting that Skyrim is redpilled for making a fantasy setting with race politics.

Well… not completely. The first TMNT game on the NES serves as an example of randomness done wrong: the location of the technodrome in stage 4 is determined just after you power-on, and it's based on the value of game's internal frame counter when you press start on the "PRESS START" screen. You figure it would be better to set the location of the technodrome based on some kind of decision the player makes. That way, instead of having to traverse two or three randomized dead-ends, there's maybe a reward for having basic thinking skills, or something.

But yeah, the RNG is the hammer for two many non-nails. Personally, I like cards. There was that Dragonball Z JRPG on the SNES where combat wasn't just random; you had a hand of cards, and you could "distribute" your luck a little more tactically. The game wasn't great, and that one feature certainly didn't redeem it, but it's a good concept.
Or which at least let you choose the "fascist faction" in a number of competing ideologies, the way (I'm told) FO:NV did. I don't need Team Hitler to be the good guys necessarily, but I would like it if they could at least be my guys.

inb4 anchor

You need to turn the Overton window in order for it to work. What offends liberals the most isn't the right-wing itself, just the right wing being portrayed as normal rational humans. A peaceful game with right wing themes and protagonists would offend them more than a genocide simulator.

Sadly, this. People are training themselves and subsequently being rewarded by their friend groups to treat conservatives as something other than or less than human. Conservative people are racist, sexist, -phobic, bigoted assholes who don't deserve to live; giving them a platform to spew their vile hatred is blasphemy.

Hardcore left-wingers might as well be religious zealots. They act the exact same way, with the exception that they do not believe in a deity rather than they faithfully uphold a set of beliefs. They treat 'others' the exact same way, with intense disdain and inquisitorial fury at times.

Exactly. Portray a white man and woman being married, having non-fag children, and being happy. The left will soil their nappies before it's even on Steam.



Stopped right there. Get back to reddit and check em on the way out.

You don't have to completely remove it, just minimize its effect on gameplay. For instance, plenty of enemies in RPGs will randomly drop various types of items and equipment. This is perfectly fine, so long as the player is forced to fight and kill enemies by using their skill.
Let me stop you there; nobody gives a flying fuck about whether or not politics are used in video games. Witcher, Fallout New Vegas, Fire Emblem, and a bunch of other shit use real world models of political and philosophical influence to build their worlds and create nations and conflicts and nuanced characters. What people hate is being preached at. This is why both Christards and edgy fedoras are despised; it's because they both go out of their way to shove their ideology down your throat.
That's fine but don't preach, you bitch. Say your peace and leave it up to the consumer to determine what is right.
That's a good idea, and you should be free to make it, just don't be an edgy retard. You have to research and truly understand the topics that you're trying to incorporate into your game. You want the audience to consider your views and depart from the product with, at the very least, a desire to understand your point of view just a bit more.

There's nothing wrong with randomness when it is used right, and you should feel free to allow you political views to influence your work, but don't be a preaching edgy faggot. Allow the consumer to make up his own mind about the ideas that you want him to consider.

I can't remember.

that happened though

Consumers are brainwashed white-hating retards, they have no rights

Yeah, who does this Holla Forums guy think he is?
there is no Holla Forums singular, pole smoker. This isn’t Reddit.

Nope. We've always had methods for random chance. We always will. The spinner, playing cards and the die are all embedded into western society.

You know what I was talking about, faggot, but you still wanted to get mad about something

This is beyond retarded

Trips of truth.

Aaaaand OP is a faggot as usual


what if we just make good reality?

Yeah it's also embedded in quantum physics, the thing the dictates how stuff works you know?

t. goon