With all the talk about lootboxes and gambling in games i wanna ask Holla Forums how many of those are ok

With all the talk about lootboxes and gambling in games i wanna ask Holla Forums how many of those are ok

1. Gambling for a chance of stronger items for gold in ARPGs such as Diablo ll

2. Buying card packs in old single player card games for game money (old Gameboy Pokemon CCG and old YGO games)

3. Buying card packs in modern PvP based card games with gold that you can also get with real money. Game have a system where you can sell your cards for dust and craft cards you dont have with the dust you have

4. The TF2/CS:GO/PUBG model where you get a random item of a box from a key that you can only buy with real money, but said item dont make you stronger, but are worth a lot of money on 3rd party sites and in steam store. You can buy anything you want in the steam store as all items are fully tradeable

5. Card packs in physical TCGs like MTG and YGO. Those was the loot box before the real loot boxes existed

6. Same as 3 but the items are 100% cosmetic (Overwatch comes to mind)

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The only lootboxes or gambling that are ok is those that send at least 50% of their cost directly to my bank account
t. Holla Forums

Who are you and where do you come from, OP?

Holla Forums like Diablo 2 even if that have a gambler as well. Is it ok if it cost ingame money only?

Great datamining thread, pajeet
Only acceptable model is the valve one because it allows you to make money back if you're not a drooling retard.
And paying 5 dollars for CS:GO, getting a 50 dollar crate drop that i exchanged for real fiat money was a good deal.

I'd say it depends first off in the payment model of the game:
If it's F2P then I guess you could have cosmetic microtransactions as long as they don't affect gameplay
If it's P2P then no microtransactions at all. Maybe give me some DLC as long as it's worth the price and it's not just cut content that was supposed to be in the main game all along.

Then again, it all comes down to what customers are willing to pay for, and go look at achievements on steam or whatever other platform and take a look at how many people finished the first level of your favorite videogame. People are pretty fucking stupid when it comes to money and waste it on stupid shit for very stupid reasons.

Go fuck yourself shekel-grabbing researcher.

And go fuck yourselves for not saging.

none are okay
stop putting extra costs for gated content on an already paid product, that shit would be illegal on any other market

tell your bosses to stop poisoning the game market, normalfags are floking off due to their jewry

Loot boxes are never okay. Any game with them in any form = pirated or not played at all. You cannot consensus crack here.

are you for real? you are the cancer that is killing the industry

adding content to a game for free WORKS, YOU GET MORE MONEY WITHOUT HAVING TO JEW FOR IT
look at fucking terraria
almost 10 fucking years on the market, same fucking price, constant updates AND IT STILL FUCKING SELLS

The thing is that in games like Overwatch you get all new content for free but the game have lootboxes. The other model would be season passes and DLC heroes and i think that are a worse model.

Are unique items in ARPGs content? Diablo 2 had a gambler that sold items of a random rarity for gold but nobody complained about that. Same with old games like Pokémon Trading Card Game for Gameboy and old YGO games that also have lootboxes for ingame money.

That's because no actual money was spent in the process you dumb streetshitter.

no fucking extra payments on an already paid product
is it that hard to comprehend? just tell that to your bosses and fuck off already


The TF2 model is one of the worst because it allows you to buy items with actual in-game benefit (new weapons you dont have).

CSGO is just straight up gambling and would be better WITHOUT the option to sell it back, because that's just a dirty way to sucker people.

As far as microtransaction boxes go, Overwatch does it best because absolutely none of it touches gameplay and you can earn all of it in-game with relative ease.

Lootboxes are only okay if they contain brown pills

>Look at this one example!

If the lootboxes can be paid for in-game currency it's okay, otherwise it's bullshit. As I said the customer dictates what he will pay and won't pay for. It's a load of bullshit but it's the way the world is, I guess.

if a game isn't free to play it needs to have absolutely no microtransactions

Why is it gambling when you spend money but not when you spend time? In MMORPGs and ARPGs you grind for loot that have a RANDOM chance to drop. In WoW endgame you grind the same raid and hope the items for your class drop. Since there are a limit to how many times you can do the raid weekly and there are a monthly sub you can argue that it is gambling as well.

Did he died

extra free content helps to sell more copies
have a few more examples retard:

Time isn't a currency and now you're moving the goalposts by trying to change what constitutes gambling.
Take the hint and fuck off with this shit.

Why are model B better than model A?

kill yourself pajeet kike

TBH, i actually want the governments to step in and stop the trend of 9 year olds getting addicted to knife retextures trading and online gambling with some legislation. I don't care even if i sound like a bootlicker, this has to stop.

When you can only do the raid x times per week then time become a currency. Even more so in a game with a monthly sub.

Only kikes and idiots believe this.


Time is literally the only fucking currency, you goddamn retard. We have a hard limit of time on this planet and it can only be filled with a set number of things. Time–which is wealth–is exchanged for money (gold/silver), which is exchanged for goods and services to improve remaining time. Until 1913, when the kikes made time exchanged for currency (pieces of paper with no inherent value), and since that date the worth of your time has fallen by a measured 97%.

Mark, could you fucking set it so sage is retained, for fuck’s sake.

Also when endgame raids have a weekly lockout AND the game have a monthly sub

I mean the reverse