ITT: Things you like from games you hate

ITT: Things you like from games you hate.

Fallout 4

Deathclaws, because they are big boys

It looks like something Nurgle did.
FO Supermutants should be more like Warhammer orks, british accent included.

The art direction from this piece of shit.
I'm not talking about story or purple dildos, but about menus, music and overall crime syndicate turned mainstream franchise thing going on.


Jokes on you, I'm gay enough that I can rationalize that as a male.

I stand by my claim that Rule63 is a degenerate and mostly Jewish fetish.

I like the uninstall.exe for FO4.


why the fuck does this expand dong?

How exactly?

The gun variety and the different ways guns worked in 2.


Skyrim was really excellent for just wandering around and stumbling onto adventure and loot, even if 95% of said adventure was "I lost my flaming daedric cockring, please get it from this dungeon filled with draugr".

The new Deus Ex games have an excellent aesthetic, especially Human Revolution.

Starbound's building is fun as fuck, and beyond comfy.

Far Cry 3's map is fun to explore, and the gameplay ties together nicely if you have the difficulty up high enough.

I liked the Kill Grapples in Other M. Makes me fucking sad TN wasn't allowed to make it more of a Ninja Gaiden game wearing Metroid.


Overwatch's engine.
Skyrim's ambient soundtrack.
Minecraft's feeling of absolute isolation.
World of Warcraft's races.
Sonic Forces' character creator.
APB's character creator.
Aion's soundtrack.
The Rats-style level in Duke Nukem Forever.
The car sperg fanservice in GTA Online.
The character art in Dota2.
FFXIII's soundtrack.
VA11 Hall-A's universe.
Everquest 2's housing.

The art-style is gorgeous and the soundtrack is excellent.

The artstyle is pretty generic and the OST gets a bit tiring later on.

what gayme?

Looks like witcher 3.


Gothic 3, and no the Community Patch can't fix the game, for me. If you want to play it, you would be better of, playing Gothic 1 and 2 plus the expansion pack of two as a second play-through, not a first.

Explain why it's good

I actually like everything except the optimization, unique items being not as powerful as modded weapons, getting power armor at the beginning of the game, not being able to kill anyone, level scaling, and the bullet spongey unresponsive enemies. The rest of the game is actually really good, maybe adding more guns and unique weapons would improve it.

You forgot meaningless dialogue, illusion of choice, etc. You know, all they tried to copy from NV and failed completely.

I don't actually care about those. I just want a good sandbox FPS game.

They didn't copy much from NV. I can't think of any NV influence there. Maybe the companion related quests, but that's it.

Oh you're that person, I'll stop replying now.

I can't stand Fallout 4. It doesn't feel like a living breathing world. The bullet-sponges makes it feel like I'm having a watergun fight with friends instead of trying to survive in an apocalyptic wasteland.

The invincibility of story characters reminds me I'm not really trying to find my son, I'm just listening to NPCs to get the next quest marker. I don't even have to listen to what they say, just follow the blinking arrow on my map.

The level scaling makes everything I do feel ultimately pointless unless it's directly related to continuing the story. I never find myself seeing a shack in the distance and heading over there just to see what's inside. I never feel excited when I level up, because I just think "ok so now lvl 1 bloatflies are lvl 2 bloatflies and we both have more health."

There's so much promise to the idea of the Fallout 3D games, but instead of being a genuinely engrossing RPG world it just always feels like some copypasted vaguely-apocalypse-themed circus with dozens of unkillable idiots running around bumping into each other trying to sell you iguana meat.

Don't bother replying to that person, trust me.

Yeah, same with me. I have the same grudge as you, except for the last point, I actually like the level design and respawning random loot system better than the ones in older Fallouts. There are also more enemies on the map, it's a good thing.

And about your point about the level scaling and bullet sponge, you actually do get far stronger than your enemies, level scaling doesn't stop you from that, the problem is, while in the early levels the enemies are so bullet spongey, in the late game you'll totally overpower your enemies. Hence I don't think the enemies level with you except for the legendaries, more types of enemies that are stronger just spawn more frequently.

Cry more.