Do you think China could return to more authentically socialist politics as a result of bad experiences with capitalism...

Do you think China could return to more authentically socialist politics as a result of bad experiences with capitalism? Like when their credit and housing bubble bursts, or the capitalists start withdrawing from China to exploit even lower wages in Vietnam or Africa instead?

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Officially China is still a socialist country, just "temporarily" making use of the capitalist mode of production in order to develop the country.

Probably not. Porky only goes left when he has to. Now that the base of the economy has gone cappie, the superstructure will follow and enforce the base.

Never. The Communist Party leadership and their family members have gotten rich off of the privatization. The Communist Party of China represents the interests of the bourgeoisie.

Who knows, official stance is still Mao was a good boy who did only 30% wrong. Maybe some dude in the party has the political capital to lead the people in another cultural revolution.

Unlikely, porky has infiltrated all of china.

I dont know why they didnt pull a Cuba back in the 80s and turn the private sector into exclusively co-ops

because Deng and his lackeys

What would the purpose of that be? The turn towards capitalism was intended to attract the capital of foreign companies. Turning your state-owned industry into a cooperative industry does not actually get you any capital whatsoever. Capitalism isn't some magical source of money that will make you rich simply for implementing it; they only got wealth from it because the firms of the US and Europe brought over their capital, which they wouldn't have done if they couldn't exploit the Chinese workers for the profit of the Western bourgeoisie.

They can and they probably will one day. The thing is China now has its own porkies who will need to be violently overthrown to make it happen. Revolutionaries job will be made easier by the fact that Mao and his writings are still officially revered and taught. Mao wasn't a good statesman but he was fully committed to Communism and his writings reflect this. People in China still read Mao and some of them are starting to look around and question the society they live in.(see

The material conditions in China are actually ripe for a revolution. If we enter into world wide recession the export based economic growth which is legitimizing the current regime will disappear and the myriad bubbles in China's economy will pop. There is also a huge group of people in the Chinese interior who haven't seen benefits from the current growth and are becoming increasingly resentful. In broad terms the last communist uprising was a rebellion by the interior peasant population against the urban elite. This dynamic has played out a number of times in Chinese history.

All I know is any socialist realignment in China will be extremely bloody. The "communist" party is thoroughly corrupted and bourgeois at this point. They've also already proven willing to use extreme violence against civilians to maintain power.

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“Chairman Mao was a truly great man but this is not the country he dreamt of, this is not real communism,” says a university lecturer in his 30s who has travelled from central China to Beijing to pay his respects to the former dictator. “The economy today is dominated by monopoly industries controlled by the children of senior officials. The current government, led by Xi Jinping, is very bad.”
So there is hope. Soon, chinese comrades.

This though
Also goddamn copy mechanism shit.

China is also the workshop of the world now. They have the capitalist infrastructure to enable them to build socialism. Who knows comrades maybe one day the Chinese will be shipping us weapons and funding our organizations. The existence of states with socialist ideology has always been a huge help to revolutionary movements. The USSR kind of shit the bed on that front (commitment to world revolution is one thing Trotsky had right) but they still provided inspiration and funding to countless movements.

Yeah I was surprised by that its crazy how quickly things changed.

History shows us that the collapse of class, rather than the organization and mobilization of an established class, leads to revolutionary times.
Thus China is uniquely ill-fit for a revolution right now, at least in workerist terms.
However, once the Western debt-based economy collapses and thus industrial workplaces wither away in China, we might see a lot of upheavals.
The question is; will we see recurrence or revolution? Will it be democratic and confederate, or will we once again see civilization reboot itself?

The CPC isn't going to save us all with a surprise Communist restoration, if that was your question. Maybe the Chinese people will, but the PRC will be of no more help than any of the other bourgeois states in that matter.

I pray for it, the red dragon must swallow the cowardly American and European pigs.

Fuck off cunt, nobody longs back to mud fields, they see the progress their work has brought china in just 20 years, and see that they are thrown to the side like a pair of old sandals. This is typical capitalist rhetoric.

God forbid you look at historical figures with any actual nuance. Truly we're lost without the deep historical analysis of Lenin = Good / Stalin = Bad.

The only, ONLY, kind of socialist ideals China would ever do would be authoritarian state socialism. Most asian cultures negatively view the individual, autonomy and free will.

Totally agree, it always pisses me off. Many recognize that they were better off under socialism (albeit a very flawed version of it) in much of the eastern bloc and china but this is always just dismissed as irrational nostalgia. The revolts within the easten bloc are also viewed as revolts against socialism although most people involved in the movements just wanted to get rid of the bureaucratized and anti-democratic parties or free their countries from soviet domination

nice spooks, trying to make a list?

I agree, but its better then what they have now and it would put wind in the sails of revolutionary movements around the world.


No. The rulers are doing well enough. China will need another revolution.

How would that be better? Living under a boot sucks ass.




Someone ought read Bookchin


Guys, I'm just saying nobody (but tankies I guess) wants to trade living under one kind of authoritarian government for another authoritarian government.

I would

Holla Forumsyp detected

Yes. And I am saying you can easily introduce horizontalist principles to people who are not individualists at all.


I think you'll find the vast majority of people don't particularly care as long as they life comfortable lives. No one is going on the barricades when they have a luxurious life of comfort just to abolish the one-party state. The USSR collapsed when it could no longer deliver the goods, not because people just couldn't take the authoritarianism anymore.

I bloody will if lifes better under the other.


How petite-bourgeois are you that you are so incapable of recognizing that many people live in such terrible material conditions that your concerns of self-expression and political freedom are of total irrelevance compared to just having decent living conditions? A fucking ton of people in Africa would gladly trade their shitty authoritarian state for one that actually cared for them even if it did not offer more freedom. And evidently Hungarians would trade their bourgeois democracy for a dictatorship to regain some of the security and care they lost in the transition to capitalism.






Truly passive-aggressive greentext is the greatest way to have a discussion.

Yeah, its so horrible that they are economically better off now than under Mao.

Liberals get out.