MGO Thread

MGO3 has such a gross playerbase. Why did they give the infiltrator a shotty and not the Enforcer? Why the fuck is the stealth class just a "run in with guns blazing and toss out a fireball that will kill if even a little gets on someone's toes"? Why aren't there more non-lethal options for enforcer? I just want to play a riot guard with a rubber guns and a shield and coordinate strikes with some skeleton buds.

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You can actually play the game?
When I tried it last time, half the people kept lag warping around and hit detection on everybody was absolutely dog shit. Getting grabbed by people who are 10m away from you while you yourself are performing a dodge roll was oh so fun.
Fucking P2P online games need to die.

MGO3 had so much potential and I played a lot of it nothing like MGO2. However Mgo2 sadly devolved into TDM Run and gun only after a while

this game is hilarious unbalanced garbage, most of it the fault of the playerbase instead of the game itself being just shit
LMG lethal aim enforcer is the most overpowered thing in the game and still was when i gave the game another try months after dropped it, why did konami think cqc was a good idea in a p2p game with this netcode and why did people unironically believe cqc is viable and takes "skill"?
the playerbase was really obsessed with what does and doesn't take "skill"

maybe on console where everyone is using a controller it makes more sense but on PC aiming is too fast and easy
i actually cant believe how much time i spent in that abomination of a game

I only play as a Scout, marking everything that walks. I use a semi-auto sniper because I noticed that it's superior compared to everything else. Unless you're excellent at taking headshots, most players will just run to cover after the first shot. With the semi-auto however you can quickly double-tap them and it's all over.
My loadout:

a neat concept, but I decided against that because as a class that seems to be rewarded for just taking cover, snapping a few shots, off and moving up, everyone already knows where I am most of the time, so I just put on suppressors and hope I can aim at the head enough times before them
Because the enforcer is a slow as fuck class I have to rely on the enemy being dumb and running up to me, which they always do because running around in opticamo is really easy as long as you stay around cover so you can't be marked or shot easily. Another reason enforcer should have a shotty; wide spread shots to shut down infiltrator invisibility. I guess I should just become a better shot.

The netcode is still garbage, and I will run into problems where I will kill someone, I'll get the points, and they're still walking around, they run up and knife me, I die, and then they fall over

Don't understand niggers, what do they think the point of the buddy system is?

Why would you even play that crap? I take it you never played MGO2?

Pretty sure if you don't buddy spawn, you get access to a wormhole instead that you can use to capture enemies.

You get access to the wormhole by being next to each other longer, buddy spawning doesn't change that.

Why does everyone crap on it so much? I've had the time of my life playing this game

Because it wasn't like mgo2, and they didn't update nearly as much as mgo2. If you had the comparison of playing mgo2 you'd understand

MGO2 was way better user. Even with it being gimped by the controls of MGS4. MGO3 is just a shell of the previous.

The lack of customization is what hurt the most. And I think survive is following suit, considering after like 3 years they havent even made new haircuts.


the only thing stopping me from getting into mgo2 is motherfucking controller aiming

get good at it

It actually worked surprisingly well in MGO2. The camera itself felt more responsive than any other console shooter, and compensating with the precise movement they had actually made up for a lot of what aiming on a pad lacks.
Too bad they gutted the 1 huge advantage MGO2 had over every other console shooter for MGO3 by removing the precise movement.


I'm surprised you can find a match on MGO3 at all, it seemed like it was already dead the first week after release.

Reminder that project fox online is a thing on steam.

also its just mgo2

The game is dead, there hasn't been any update ever and everyone with half a nigger's IQ can immediately recognize the abhorrent UE4 engine assets in these videos. I saw another faggot, probably (You) shilling for this a week ago or so. Fuck off with your trash indieshit.

First time posting it and the game isnt out yet so it cant be updated you fucking tard. I wanted Project Foxhound which is actually dead so this is the next best thing unless I want to buy a PS3. I think the base game looks fun and if you actually developed for UE4 its not a total stock job.

If you look at the names in the screenshots of Project Fox Online, one of the guys is a DDoSer from MGO2 and another is a confirmed pedophile.
Really makes me wonder.

MGO3 played so well, I wish it hadn't died after 2 weeks

Is that actually true?

Is it possible to have fun when playing MGS5O? I tried to play once and I kept getting spawn killed by walker gears from an unknown location.

The online is fundamentally broken because of the lack of dedicated servers and lack of players, so no.
The few times I managed to have a match where everyone had good connection however it was great.

playing mgo2 from australia was fucking impossible. You would lose every fight, even against heavily wounded enemies because the lag compensation just wasn't there. wanted to love it, though.

It can be either very fun or very frustrating. As long as you know what you're doing you should be fine.
With the current run n' gun like a brainlet while spamming molotovs in your shitty stealth camo meta, the only way to have fun is to play with my strategy since you will rarely ever get killed, but will kill and mark a lot.

I had fun using stealth camo, but the way I did it was with nothing but a silenced 1911 and level 3 CQC. Occasionally I'd use grenades I'm sorry, watching a frag land in front of some dude's feet while he remains totally oblivious is never not funny, I am a simple man but never molotovs.

Which do you prefer Holla Forums?

MGO2 is more fun tbh

MGO2 is the best

Isn't MGO3 completely dead on PC?

You can always find 2 servers with people in it. Still dead, but at least playable and somewhat enjoyable.

How sad. I did actually enjoy it when it launched. I had some very good matches, albeit plenty of boring ones too.

even the customization is worse than MGO2

Sneakan Cell