The Final Solution

Our, or at least mine, line of thought about dealing with Holla Forums was to call out on their spooks and generally stirner-posting at them.
Instead, when dealing with idpol from other "fellow" leftists I used to ignore it, and I see it's commonly referred as the best practice here too.

Lately I've been posting about how we can effectively deal with idpol using the basic concepts passed on by Stirner, but I think I've found an even more effective practice to deal with Holla Forumsyps.

The only thing that can make them more mad than being their precious values laughed at, is to precisely call and treat them the same way they treat "leftists", and I mean precisely to call them sjw and use the very same tactics they use to ridicule liberals against them. Since in the end they're still fucking spooked liberals, it'd work like a charm.

Pic related : that was excellent

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Holla Forums here

Perhaps, as is the case with the political situation in the West more generally, you should actually try debating your points respectfully instead of name-calling and being mean.


You're the one calling everybody cucks, posting shitty unsourced jpegs and calling for the genocide of 90% of the human population.

You cannot debate against race realism. It is irrefutable.

No. The world isn't some liberal debate club fantasy.

How can differences between races be real when race isn't real.

dude the name says it all, realism, it's fucking real.

Don't forget to bring tape measures so you won't have to fight to determine who peed farther.

Okay, race is real.
Now what? Eugenics? Segregation? Nobody here supports that afaik.

Names can be wrong.

You want to go all out don't you?

I know the guy who makes these dank leftist memes. I could you link you to him if you want?

"I'm ignoring the refutation" isn't the same as "it's irrefutable".

Here, i saved a few typical threads so you don't have to bother posting all your infographs.

Yes segregation. Literally EVERYONE wants it. Even in 2017 black people are lobbying to have black only parts of campus. Muslims cordon off entire wings of college dormitories as "prayer areas".

SJW collage students are not "everyone" tho. I have no problem with "x only clubs" however.


top kek lad.


Reminder that we need a sticky with refutations of all the typical arguments for "muh mustard race realism" and further containment. It's a continual pattern of shitposting that's really hurting this place.

Plus, casual visitors might see it and know how to deal with them from there on.

It might seem like acknowledging them as a real problem is giving up to them, but we really need to do something.

You don't have a stickied argument against race realism because it's rock solid. Stop reading out of date politically motivated anthropology books from the 90s. Race not existing is an empty dogma pushed at the end of WWII that nobody ever ACTUALLY believed.

ye except modern population genetics prove race isn't a real thing

Other way around actually.

Scientists disagree. At least the ones not muddled by political correctness.
Read The 10,000 YEAR Explosion, by Harpending. Race is very real and very useful taxonomy, and racial differences evolve very quickly, whether naturally or via human intervention … just like breeds of dog or subspecies of birds or whatever term encompasses sub populations of a species that evolved together and share certain biological markers.


im not gonna bother here, i've gone on 10 page rants while posting genetic variation studies and explaining them just to be faced to denial and "race is real cause i can see it" arguments

Yes don't bother, race is real and you're denying facts plain as day because it's politically damaging otherwise.

Prove it

Lets assume for the sake of argument all your points, that for example people from sub Saharan Africa are inferior qua intelligence.

So what? They are still human. There's about 30 - 40 million of the in the US, they are citizens as much as anyone else.

The problem with your "race realism" is that you don't just bring a theory, you also bring an unspoken "it follows", namely that we should deny basic rights to all these citizens, and ideally, just get rid of them so they don't take up any resources.

And for that opinion, you deserve the gulag.


I want infographs, research journals, and hard evidence. This is unacceptable. I want mind altering facts, not C drive jpgs.

Nobody wants to genocide, we just want a nature reserve for white people free from non white oppression.


I'm not gonna bother, we all know you've made up your mind, if you recognize the existence of dog breeds deep down you recognize the existence of race I'll just leave it at that. Maybe the next time you get smacked around just for being white at a BLM rally you will finally come to terms with it.


Just how big is your lebensraum going to be this time? Will it include Byelorussia again?


wat? Belarus is whiter than Russia

Is being politically incorrect a codeword for lacking methodology?

I know, yet, the nazis still seemed to need to kill 10 million people there anyway.

There was no targeted genocide of whites by nazis. Any casualties were the result of war.


most russian leftists are pretty much nazbols with soviet nostalgia tho :^)

Dogs were selectively bred for traits artificially by humans, evolution doesn't actually work that way you retard. Why do you even bother spending time posting here? Are you a masochist or just plain retarded? None of us are going to be convinced by your autistic tinfoil hat bullshit so you might as well just leave.

BACK TO Holla Forums BUCKO!

It would be better not to force them to integrate them into a society that actively alienates them. That doesn't solve the issue that those whom exploit them will have more power over those who do not, thus making it impossible to not exploit them. The only way to resolve this is transhumanism.

If that's not the case then how did they selectively breed doggos? Check mate commie

Doesn't work, they can always just shitpost and evade.

The marketplace of ideas doesn't work. The only place ideas can be exchanged on relatively even footing is the battlefield.

go to hell fabian, you don't need to bring the rest of us to your level

If you want to say race isn't real then you'll have to say breeds of dogs aren't real and sub-species of birds aren't real and well that's a weird argument to make. Even little kids notice objective differences between groups of chihuahua and dobermen.

Natural selection creates group differences whether you want to call these groups races or breeds or sub-species doesn't really matter, the differences are real and have consequences. There's even race-based medicine developing now due to these differences.

Raced based medicine has been thoroughly debunked by several scientific publications as unscientific and misleading. There are no "black" genes at a base genetic overall level so the whole things is a bunch o snake-oil:


Race is as real as sex and gender

They are more like Tankies.

The truth is always a "mental illness". This nothing new.

Posting the library of hate. Leftists who are interested in sincere argumentation and not just typical talmudic bullshit should look here:

There's a variety of opinions on the "it follows" part, you've clearly never read Steve Sailer, which is an absolute basic starting point for anyone who wants to comment about race. But yes there are absolutely policy implications of this.

"People of inferior intelligence must all die" is pure leftist projection. If you didn't sincerely believe that Autism Level = worth, you wouldn't have as much of a problem discussing the fact that Autism Level varies racially. You will hardly ever see people on Holla Forums saying arguing that dumb people should be killed, but I often see people say this on Holla Forums, usually lamenting the existence of people too stupid to understand the obvious truth of marxist arguments. Maybe you should work out what the implications of racial differences means for your own ideology rather than project what it means for us.

Not saying Holla Forums doesn't want to gas the jews, but Holla Forumss radicalism and bloodlust doesn't come from Autism Level arguments, it come from the fact that we're being fucking invaded.


Holla Forums is a defence game, you can't fucking Stirner post and call them SJW's when they are correct that white people are being displaced and the left is deluded about Islam and immigration.

If the revolution can not be demonstrated to be better than what was before, people will reject it as a moral wrong to go destroy what they know.

You cant argue with Holla Forums, at the end of the argument they ll just reveal their main reason for holding the belief they have is because it makes them feel better and everything else around it is just an excuse

They have no real self awareness, most of their beliefs are guided by feelings.

You cant argue with feelings, especially when someone cant even realize they are arguing based on feelings and believe their excuses are serious


Lol Holla Forums, you are so blind to your idiocy