How many here unironically want Le Pen to win so that we finally can get rid off the shitty union?

How many here unironically want Le Pen to win so that we finally can get rid off the shitty union?

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I don't want her to win but considering the alternative is more liberal agenda, I honestly won't care much if she does. I just want capitalism to accelerate so it can finally end.

Globalism is accelerationism

Why are nazbols allowed on Holla Forums

why are neoliberal EUfags allowed?



I want her to lose but I know she'll win. 4th Reich incoming.

They wouldn't? France was doing pretty great under Du Gaule and crew.

i second both of this.

Le Penis not a troll, she's legitly retarded.

i'd also add that France leaving NATO would be really good.
i see no reason to not whant her to win.

She has no chance against Macron would take another terrorist attack for her to win

I want Le Pen to win, largely because if Marcon wins, you will see all the Lib dipshits cry that Trumpism is an outlier and nothing needs to change and Neoliberalism is A-OK.

Liberals really need another kick in the nuts. If I was in france, I legit would be voting Le Pen, then getting the fuck out of that country.

i see the French will choose to surrender again. sad


Yes she is, and corrupt too.

hi tumblr

I think she will get a massive boost if Geert Wilders wins though. He will probably shut down enough mosques in time for the French voters to like what they see.

Yeah, and guess what: This era is over. Cling to your Keynesian nostalgia all you want, it's not coming back.

she's not leaving the EU pal

how likely is it that Geert win?

Not as corrupt as this bitch or hillary, Europoor shitposter.

why not? isn't having a referendum one of her main promises?

Yeah fuck eu and nigger immigrants. We need to combine pure white ethnostate with socialism.

To bad, the collective imagery of Resistance is associated with the struggle against the far right here.

Mélenchon also reject NATO.

like a sort of Socialist Nationalism if you will?

and he has even less (much, much less) chance of winning then Le Pen

Half and half. Ideally, I want someone who proposes to end the Euro and reform the Union on democratic principles. This eminently reasonable standpoint has no political support, it seems, so I'll settle for a big system-shock in stead.

OTOH, right now France seems like the least dysfunctional multicultural model in the EU, and I don't want that to collapse either.

Hey there pol

mate the Socialist nationalism bit was a joke on Nazism. Obviously they are sarcastic comments

Nazbols too are closeted liberals? Is nothing safe?

i didn't say you shouldn't vote for him tho

Not that user, but: Poe's law

Nazbol started as a prank and now look how shitty the board is



If I was a frog I would vote for her too. The Euro is an abomination that saps all the peripheral countries of their wealth and it must be abolished.

This is the best chance to chance to save Europe from itself.

Is it bad I speak French and understood only seven words in that entire video?

It doesn't really matter if Le Pen wins or not the EU will 100% plunge into ra.ce war over the next decades, unfortunately native whites will probably lose because they will all be old and middle aged by then. Europe is finished.

How fast do you think people reproduce. Even countries like Germany are 90% white and it will take forever for German born citizens to become the minority. Not even pointing to the whole of Eastern Europe which is whiter than the cocaine Steve Bannon is binging on

Current demographics don't matter. Current birth rates and age distributions are what matter. How white do you think western Europe is going to look when all the white boomers start dying en masse and crusty old gem xers start entering retirement homes?

It's a fucking disaster.



Fuck off morons, this isn't a game you play on your shitty pc

what the hell are you talking about?

Most rightwingers talk about a Nazi masturbation fantasy or some shit?


0%. Dutch politics don't work like that, a single party can never dominate the government. If he does become the biggest, he'll either get cucked by the other parties who'll form a government without him, or his policies will be watered down tremendously through compromise with coalition partners.

You're fucking dumb

oh that. well dosen't Holla Forums technically want a revolution too

I'd rather she win over any liberal candidate, but in particular Filllon.
France has survived fascism before, it wouldn't survive Thatcherism.
t. Brit.

Yeah, but that's to drastically improve the life of people around the world and not to kill someone because "lol da joos"
People on the far right are inhuman.

Fillon would be an easy figure to rally against tbh.
Macron with his capitalism with a human face would be be much more insidious.

I like Hegel but come on you cant just say a philosophers name and pretend its an argument

I'm anti-EU but anti-nations as well OP, so I can't really vote for a nationalist. Also, even if she calls a referendum and people vote yes I doubt the EU will let France go. How did that turned out with the Brexit btw?

The only reasons to vote LePen when you are a leftist is to show FN fanboys that their party is as corrupted (maybe more) and elitist that the others, and that they can't, or simply don't want to, fix any major problems. But I don't think it's worth it.

I said hegelian dialectics. Not just Hegel.
Hegelian dialectics states that shit gets got out of conflict bruh

Test, am I still banned?

OK good.

Le Pen is guaranteed to win. I don't think she will back out of the EU, she will probably cuck on everything except immigration. It's quite funny to see the right completely neutered like this. Literally none of her policies are right wing, never in a million years would she be an acceptable right wing candidate if not for the immigration problem.


I do, fuck the EU. I want isolationism, we've always managed very well alone and always kept far away from the conflicts of central europe.
I also would love to ban the damn tourists from other european countries.


Eish mano mas assim como é que faço para ir trabalhar para o Luxemburgo?


I speak french and I'm Moroccan who spent some times in the shitty french ghettos and don't understand anything either.

honestly nazbols are better then fucking eu shills

This as French pres is a fuckin wet dream. Just wet my shit up, fam

Hi there Trump shill. Fuck off.

What do you hope to gain from that? Only Trump and his ilk would benefit.
I agree, but we need the EU itself. There is an actual fascist running the US now and he has an "eurosceptic" 5th column in most European countries. Small European countries don't have the bargaining power to negotiate with the US, Russia and China on eye level. It's going to be easy for the USA and other world powers to pressure force TTIP style trade deals on individual European countries if they are on their own. This will be very bad for the working class all over Europe.

a fucking socdem
except it's EU that push that shit so that local politicians don't need to take responsibility for it

The Euro is pure evil. You can't run Social-Democratic economic policy alongside the Euro. It's an unspeakably horrible idea to unify currencies in that fashion.

You need some Blyth.

nope according to poll (as far as we can trust them) she will face an other """"anti-system"""" candidate more likely Fillion (Thatcher with more eyebrows) or Macron (a centrist ex-banker who was a former minister in the shittiest and most traitorous succ-dem governement to ever take place in france) and those two other sinners are predicted to win. Then they will shit themselves carry on the capitalistic shitstorm as alway and finaly she'll won and then dunno maybe the dialectic will be set in motion

A fucking crypto Nazi. Also, i'm a traditional Social Democrat, that is, i am communist, too.

Corporations and their lobbyists in the EU bureaucracy push for it but even they were not able to get those damn tribunals through. TTIP is basically dead now and that is due to EU wide protests and politicians in Brussels who were against it.

Bourgeois-liberal US propaganda in the Guardian there, because they fear both the Euro and the EU. The Euro is not the source of neoliberalism and economic problems, corporations and their lobbyists are. On the other hand, the Euro has made inner European trade a lot easier plus it gives southern European countries with traditionally rather volatile currencies a more stable currency and helps Northern European exporters as well although Germany exported not less when the Euro vs Dollar was traded 1 : 1.50

The Union should turn towards democratic federalism.

Except it is, because there's no fiscal transfer to balance things out. You're forcing Austerity on France to subsidize manufacturing in Germany. It's nonsense.
And when they go boom, they suddenly find out there's no printing press there to make the misery go away. Unstable currency beats 60% Youth unemployment.

Europe should have been brought together politically before it was brought into monetary union.

yay. capitalist exploitation but its on a NATIONAL level now. woo. and now everyone has to do low paying jobs that immigrants used to do.

which increase class consciousness.

That's right. But again, the Euro itself is not the problem. If you don't like austerity blame Schäuble and other zealots who force it.

Draghi does exactly that atm, he brought the Euro on near dollar parity, however recklessly printing money drives inflation up which might help rich fags to get rid of debt but is otherwise desastrous for people with low and middle income. Financial policy in the EU must be carefully balanced, unfortunately we have only either austerity zealots or inflation zealots who.

Except that since supply is constrained they can build towards expecting a higher wage for doing so.
(Though really, you need to plug up outsourcing as well as immigration AND change other policies to resolve that and bring back full employment.)

Or I could blame the Euro, because the economies of Europe are widely diverging.
Financial policy for everyone has been fucked since the 70s. If it's a choice between a careful balance, or scrapping the Euro and doing the right thing for each individual country than the latter wins out.

Greece should have been a devaluation-lead-recovery situation, not a "This county is either going to be bailed out externally, or fucking die" situation.

The Southerners hoped to benefit from a more stable currency and the others hoped to benefit from easier trade.
It was and actually still is their choice to remain in the Euro though.
I'm personally not a friend of Schäuble's financial policy as you might guess. I'm more in favour of a haircut. Guess who doesn't want a haircut. Protipp: It's not the Euro itself…

On the one hand she's right wing and would limit the personal freedoms of individuals and she would increase the surveillance state and would never allow French people more gun access.

BUT, on the other hand she wants remove France from the EU, a huge, top down hierarchical organization. So, that's cool I guess.

Hopes and reality diverge. Trade advantages are oversold and stable currency can be achieved by other means.
It's not really. The legality of withdrawing from the Euro is intentionally kept up ambiguous-leaning-illegal. (And I'd still say they're making the wrong choice by not trying to force it anyway, risky as it may be, just to blow the entire thing to kingdom come.)
You're going to have to translate your metaphor for me, although the political unwieldiness of getting the Euro to do the right thing is another case against it. Why should Schauble dictate monetary policy to everyone else? Is it really worth it being slightly easier to go on holiday from Germany to Spain because you don't need to visit the currency exchange?

Are you a lolberg or nazi expecting her to crack down on gays like your average basic bitch cuckservative?