Tortanic was 6 years ago

holy fuck has time flown by

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, it was. Is there a point to this thread?

Don't laugh lad, it was meant to be the chosen one.



In what way is that related?


They're both shitty MMORPGs?

Oh, I'm retarded.

How is an MMO supposed to acquire new players anyway? I never understood that. Developers can't hire people to play the game.


It's got to be a matter of word of mouth, they have to rely on a game being enjoyable enough for people to say "You should play this." to others all the while trying to hold on to as many players as they can.
Basically they need a quality product hat gives the players what they want, such as Galaxies, without actually listening to the loudest sets of players (ie GW2)

It was a pretty fun ride

DmC was 5 years ago.
Gamergate was 3 years ago.

I liked the game for what it was. But it had the same flaws that WoW was starting to get at the time and it was all the social stuff. Just the same like WoW, everyone minding their own business, barely no interactions or exchange of ideas or stories at all. There was no reason for it to be a MMO since nobody barely interracted with eachother.

It just seems like chance to me. Why can certain games like Everquest or WoW get unbelievably popular, but other games which retain the same level of quality such as Warhammer Online fade away into nothing? MMOs are the most fucky genre of games.

TOR's biggest faults were:
1. Horrific lack of endgame content
2. Lack of group content
3. Overwhelming amount of bugs and technical issues
4. With a few very notable exceptions, shit-tier Bioware writing
5. Really shitty art style
A lot of this has been fixed since release (and I would fucking hope so, since its been 6 years) numbers 4 and 5 are pretty much unfixable.

I think once you ask yourself, if 90% of the game could be transferred to a single player game with almost no changes, then at that point it's probably hard pressed to be called an MMO


I'm surprised it's still running. What does it take for an MMO to bomb out of existence?

lack of funding to keep the servers up?

There is no way in god damn hell it has been 6 years.
Time keeps slipping away and it's only moving faster and faster, I'm not ready yet.

Even just the excuse of lack of funding is enough.
City of Heroes got shut down because NCSoft wanted to throw all of it's money at GW2 instead.

operating costs are overblown by developers/desperate fans, so a failing MMO can hang onto life for quite a long time.


I wish it would stop. Nothing good has come from it continuing.


It was the biggest video game ever made. It was built to be unsinkable. This is the story of the TORtanic.

I cannot kill myself. I must suffer.

The Dreamcast was 20 years ago.

the fight was finished 10 years ago

>You've been in a coma for quite some time
>I'm afraid it's been… 9 years


Feels beyond measure, outlander.

Time flies.

At least you can still play it.

The instruments are enough to carry that song, why did they have to add Celine Dion?

swtor isnt so bad i have a level 60 operative

Halo was great, even if the normalfags globbed over it like bees on honey.

i thought that this thread was about freedom hosting being vanned 5 years ago



Tortanic was "the big one" among fuckups (I remember Dragon Age II got a lot of the same though). Many subsequent games, such as DmC, MA3, TES Online, DA:I and Bioshock Infinite were treated similarly with mocking OC and regular threads. For years afterwards, a few people bitterly complained about how everyone tried to make their favorite turd into "the next Tortanic" and were properly ignored or laughed at. It's a brilliant tradition that was most recently seen with Mass Effect Andromeda.

Honestly those were good times. I'm trying to remember what happened because I deleted my old image folder in summer 2015.

It was pretty good. I feel flops were far more rare back then, and this was one of first actually funny big profile flops. It was a new kind of funny at the time.

…Oh Jesus, I've been lurking these imageboards for over ten goddamn years, what the fuck.

Didn't it had some SJW tranny on the dev team?
Iiirx reading about that already told me enough that the game will not really be a the first one

been 25 years

Yes, they put a tranny in the game. And you have to tell them how brave they are.

Almost every Masaya game was gold. Gleylancer has such good design, music, and action but it's like a world governance committee banned them from every making something as 80s anime again.

Damn. I knew the Sylvans had that homosexual arranged marriage bullshit, but I never knew about this. What the fuck.

Was it written by the same cunt who wrote that shitty dialogue for the tranny character in ME:A? Instead of virtue-signalling, they should know that trannies never use their biological name.

They should know that trannies never allude to the fact they're trannies, at least not the ones who are actually interested in being the other gender instead of virtue signaling (which granted is not a lot). Of course that would require some level subtle writing and they seem utterly incapable of that

That game is god tier. It even has a translation.

I can't even feel anymore

They're too busy signaling their virtue to realize this sort of thing offends the trannies as much as it offends anybody who likes good writing.

Sucks that they got rid of the forums. It's like the only good thing they had left for entertainment because they certainly aren't putting it into games.

I've actually become very depressed at how quickly time is passing, not a moment goes by I don't wish I was back in 2014, 2015. I wish so much I could travel back in time, I can't do this.

Au contraire

I've been playing TOR recently. And I enjoy it.

I don't have the balls to do it.
On topic, I hoped for GW2 to be good having never played an MMO I thought maybe that'd be the one. Is Ultima online good?




There have been far more recent blunders than just MA:A. 2017 may well have been year of the blunder.

I remember reading that thread live! Lol that was so much fun. It was around when the rumors of the sound production fuckups were getting leaked

what class

is an American game, what you expected? you guys are a bunch of faggots over there…

I unironically recommend the Imperial spy storyline to people.

Oh you're right, I forgot about Lawbreakers

I do the same. It's honestly one of the best Star Wars plots in the entire IP. It's a shame it didn't get its own game.

TorTanic was unique for its time but now in a dying western game industry with shit like Lawbreakers being such flops its not so unique at all anymore

what made Tortanic a major event was how badly it actually was throughout the whole event be it from the forum side of Stanly Wu and just being a bad game from out of touch devs


I used to play GW2 until finally I gave up at PoF for content reasons, mostly, I usually ignored this gay shit but you're kind of right about the Sylvari being like that but not quite. They're all related to each other, like siblings and they cannot reproduce so anything they do is purely plantonic. Of course when they do get into the heavy gay shit like two male Sylvari in a story instance and the relationship between Caithe and Faolin, it's pretty fucking weird because of the Sylvari relationship being more similar to siblings. As much as I disagree with putting gay shit in games, it did make sense with the Sylvari because they were portrayed as naive and foreign to the nature of the world and cultures around them because they had only appeared about 20 years before the start of the game. The human gay couple introduced later had no excuse, and was 10 times worse than any of the Sylvari gay shit.

Thread Theme

Amazing. Outright admitting that reliance on illusion and phantasmal manipulation of the senses of other people is required to "embrace who you are." If you need to mind control someone to make them think you're a girl, you're not a fucking girl. Fuck this shit, no sane person can defend the enabling of transgender wackjobs if they spend a single minute objectively thinking about it critically.


Will there ever be a good MMO?

I really want to play a good MMO with you guys but literally everyone of them is shit.

It's back when Holla Forums was the cultural center of imageboards and we actually made memes.


Holy fuck, I remember hearing about a tranny in the dev team but I didn't think that shit went this far.

But in all honesty how is it?

At least I got to do a mission where I got to wreck shit with a giant fighting robot.

And now thanks to it there's a subculture of wanting everything to fail and if you dare enjoy something and try to talk about it you are a shill or a drone because only them can have positive feelings about games. Yay.

Is there a decent MMO nowadays?

But isn't gamergate a meme? We still make that.

gw2 was shit in general, the addition of SJW faggotry was merely another nail in the dead horse's coffin. RIP guildwars1, RIP an actually fun multiplayer RPG without gear-based endgame.



Remember that Shekel Citizen keeps getting closer to the legendary 300mil budget of the TORtanic, and its failure would cause levels of butthurt far beyond anything we've ever seen, butthurt so immense not even our most advanced theoretical models have the capacity to map out that much asspain, for all we know, the whole universe could collapse from the concentrated bootyblast alone, it would be rectal ragnarok, and it could happen in our lifetime.

step it up

As a floyd fanboy you messing up the lyrics has set off my autism


He's just omitting "no one told you when to run". They look fine to me.

GW2 was a shit game that betrayed everything that made the first one great.

I actually played GW2 and it's expansion with friends, but honestly the expansion from a gameplay perspective killed all my interest and enjoyment to the point where I just really don't feel like picking up the game again.

And diversiteam, and consistently unchallenging area design that basically consists of zerg rushing bosses on a cycle, utterly forgettable music, terrible skill system, awful armour system that gives no classes (nor races) any really distinct imagery, completely scrapping a great world, just about everything is about salad, weak-ass music, the ugly as sin not-quite-steampunk look and the dragons are somehow less interesting to fight than Deathwing.

I've done it over eleven, get on my level.



Bioware seal of quality.

I remember how the big three at the time (Tera, GW2 and SWTOR) were constantly compared. And in spite of the colossal thunderfuck that Bioware delivered, it's the only MMO of them today that has a playerbase.

The developers went back on every single promise they made before release. A truly dynamic world? Exclusively horizontal progression? WvW would have an actual infuence on the worlds?

All lies, and worse yet they did the complete opposite. Instead they introduced RNG legendaries,ascended armor and gear, fuck up specializations with their 'elite' bullshit. Absolutely destroyed the marketplace and trading post with their constant meddling, and nerfed farm routes constantly. The dungeons delivered are some of the worst in any MMO ever, dynamic events were ruined because of casuals who 'lost', and the world was turned into a checklist because of degenerates that didn't see a reason to explore it without a checklist (vistas, hearts etc.)

The expansions removed rewards from old activities and reintegrated the rewards as 'expansion content', Both of them have delivered nothing that players wanted, and instead only added more derogatory grinds that nobody asked for, hence the dwindling playerbase and the non-existent budget for the current expansion.

And I won't bother going into how the personal story and the living story are failures in every sense of the word, gameplay, narrative and style of the narrative all served to make it tedious to play such a shallow, uninspired 'journey', with none of the choices that they promised to be truly 'personal'.

It's a textbook example of how to turned a game with so much potential into what may be the worst MMORPG of the decade.

Lots to be said about how the publishers handled it, but I think everyone understands that people don't even play it, they just play dress-up by buying outfits from the cash shop and then standing around the capital city and offering up elin futa dick etc.

Has some of the worst and draconoan business modules ever concieved. Pay to equip gear, pay to gain loot, pay and pay until there's only pain. At the very least Biogarbage delivered some substance with their game with the way that the main quests were designed (rather than the contents of them, most of which was garbage) Wowclone, awful gfx etc

But as opposed to the other games, at least it got some real expansions, even if small and some bad.

What's that supposed to mean?

No powercreep.

The SJW shit came after release, I get the feeling they laid off a bunch of the staff after it came out and hired a bunch of SJW in their place (would also explain why everything post-launch was so poorly managed), I enjoyed the game until max level but it needed end game content.

What amazes me the most is just how soon it turned into SJW shit. It didn't even get room to breathe before they patched cancerous, shallow characters into the game. (Into a game of already shallow characters, only these ones were next-level bad)

Do remember, the writing teams greatest achievement is the cinematic with the lesbian kiss. As if it's courageous to be lesbo or anything.

GamerGate was 4 fucking years ago m8

GW2 legendary weapons are probably the best example of a sequel abandoning everything good about the first one:

Guild Wars:


The only people who like GW2 are Charr furfags. Which makes them literally subhuman, because hail King Adelbern, Ascalon will rise again. GW2 is canon in the same way nuSW is - it's an official fan-fic made to replace much better ideas left by the original creators. And that goes for everything - story and gameplay.

shit died when the novelty of virtual societies died.

I picked it up when it launched. It was fun, and I absolutely loved being rewarded for exploring and looking for things. But the game sucked. Combat was tedious and mostly doing the same thing over and over, the quests were annoying as shit with horrible writing, and the entire progression system was an obfuscated mess that made no sense.

I'm actually glad the released that stupid expansion, because now I have the excuse of not wanting to pay extra money to come back and give it a second look.


Both Boston Salt parties were glorious.

to laugh at it

you clearly don't know shit about the game, all weapons and armor have a pre defined set of stats, there is no RNG, also ascended gear has the highest stats, and that's where it ends, you can't get anything better or upgrade

I hear it's getting a sequel

To play the devil's advocate, even tortanic's story was better than the last jedi's.

In all fairness, 3/4 of the Empire stories were pretty good, not just acceptable but enjoyable.

Can you TL;DR it?

Warrior - Played straight Sith warpath story
Agent - James Bond in space
Inquisitor - The Seven Ghosts of Darth Scooby Doo

Power creep is a balancing concept. Horizontal progression means that you don't get more powerful as you progress but rather get more options.

GW1 had horizontal progression. Levelling to 20 happens quickly and serves mainly as a tutorial for a new profession. After that your health and energy don't increase. You progress by finding new skills that unlock new builds. Hence progression is horizontal rather than vertical.

Without gamergate none of this would've happened. Holla Forums and in turn Holla Forums is the zeitgeist of internet culture today. Let's hope nobody finds out about it though.

words of wisdom

Has it ever gone well for any company when some stupid cunt of a diversity hire announces she has absolutely zero interest in the previous games and just got promoted to a meaningful position at the company?

I love how the stories for the FO4 and the DLC come down to the same fucking choice. Nuke or save. How shitty of a writer do you have to be if your choices always come down to nuke or save.

I got so much random space pussy as the Imperial Agent.

Emil Pagliarulo's only where he is because he's friends with (((Pete Hines))).

The writing director, the animation director… just how many of the people are Bethesda are only there because they're buddies with the subhumans running the whole shitshow?

Boston salt parties makes my dopamine flow through me.