Rainbow six siege tread: BFF's edition

Is the addition of Dokkaebi and vigil really the beggining of the end for R6S ?
Are cosmetics getting out of hand ?
What is the tier list ever since white noise ?
How much longer untill the game dies ?

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Nigger, the playerbase is constantly growing. It's doing the opposite of dying.

RIP Twitch

Not anymore. :^)


Two things feeding ubisoft as of now. Mario Rabbis and Rainbow Siege. Thank you for keeping Guillemot mafia fed and well. We will make more progressive games for you :^)

I've noticed a constant influx of pretty shit players recently.
I'm ok with this.

unfortunately that's part of the issue. more players mean more shit players voices being heard. Ubi currently things twitch needs 5 shots per drone because the average players breaks "1.3 gadgets per round". now to me that sounds like an absolutely garbage twitch player but the mouthbreathers are the most vocal

Pretty much this. If the plebs out cry the players with more sense, then it's obvious that those players with their shitty "feedback" will be listened to the most. Also, the thing about the Twitch nerf, that isn't even the worst part, check out their reasoning for keeping Ela so powerful versus multiple attackers at the same time.

Thats because her drone is a large target that can hardly escape if chased besides going in drone holes and under cabinets. 1 bullet and its toast.

Personally I'm not. I always solo queue so trying to carry shit teammates doesn't go good. Even worse so if I'm having a bad day.

Ubicucks go home.

where are they keeping that info?

We are home :^)

I think he's referring to the mid season patch notes. They basically say they want Ela to be able to still fight multiple attackers at one time because that's unique to her character, while also saying she's too fucking powerful.

Basically they admit her being powerful, point out what makes her too powerful and then proceed to do nothing about it. (reduction in 10 bullets is not going to stop 2 - 3 attackers getting minced by her insane RoF, low recoil gun. )

Also Twitch's nerf is BS, shows that ubisoft are incompetent idiots. The fucking thing is easy to destroy and makes a shit load of noise.


Just for you.



the desire for big lipped korean drawing girl has rendered me unable to post properly

Better than nothing?
An op with a comparatively stronger primary would be acceptable if the op's gadget isn't that much of a dealbreaker, like Jäger's ADS which is usually sometimes useful, but people pick him because of his AR. Ela's conc mines which leave enemies largely useless (unless Ela is enough of a dumbfuck to place conc mines through a straight doorway where she can't take advantage of the reduced aiming speed on affected targets) are anything but a small deal.
I guess the aim speed debuff isn't going to away. In any case it doesn't leave you fucked for too long anymore and gives attackers some more time to reposition and anticipate Ela's trying to take advantage of anyone hit by the mine.
Seems like they know why nobody picks Crapitao.
What the fuck is this retarded shit. Twitch drones already get shot out of the air quickly and easily, on top of making fucktons of noise. If the enemy lets a Twitch drone take out all their electronics, then they deserve it. Now the better players might not even have enough shots left to destroy all cameras and shoot some enemy electronics. On top of that you won't be able to annoy and harass enemies reliably with such limited ammo during gunfights while your teammates are shooting at them, which is one of the fun parts about playing Twitch. I get the feeling they saw some retarded new players just rushing into the base and tasing any defenders they saw, so they're trying to force new Twitch players to think more carefully about their limited shot counts and preferably not waste it on tasing defenders for minimal damage.You don't need to curb every Twitch player to get that message across, better players will learn how to control shock drones without getting shot all the time.

not really, on top of his gadget being janky he's also a 3speed with no breaching options. I like his machinegun but I'd still rather just pick fuze to get my LMG fix because his gadget is more versatile and combining 3armor with an LMG is a lot more practical for providing suppressing fire or shooting up soft walls with less risk of getting killed or heavily damaged from getting clipped while doing so. Kinda the same with giving IQ an LMG, shame too cuz i like her LMG a lot too.

unfortunately the worst players are always the most vocal, shitheads on reddit are whining when they got ass-zapped to death while camera hogging like it's the fault of the twitch drone

Goddamnit, when I heard what Vigil's ability was I got excited because being immune to enemy surveillance would be extremely useful. If done right he would've been excellent for outflanking Cavniggers but the entire thing is rendered moot if you're immediately notified to his presence. All the decent year 1 and 2 operators have been completely nerfed while the most commonly abused characters have either been left alone or even fucking buffed. Fuck this shit game, online still sucks ass especially with all the CODkiddies on there

You should seriously consider suicide.

I disagree quite a bit. If you got a good pair of headphones it makes you into quite the opponent. Especially on the new map.
I've even knifed a few enemies who were fucking around with their little device. Her marksman rifle is pretty great.
No, you got it wrong. Despite the fact that there is that stupid little fuzz around the drone's screen, the real benefits are:
1: His guns
2: Can't accurately tell where he is.
In the Geisha Room on the Skyscraper map I find it quite beneficial to hop on the couches by the little wall and shoot a few holes in it. Enemies don't see it and the only thing they know is that you're in the area. Works perfectly. Also, even if you're on the floor below the drones will still get that fuzz on their screen. It doesn't make it easy for them to exactly pinpoint you. Plus, if you do have a really good spot, you can always disable it so that whatever drones are around think you left.
These methods work on the smaller maps but on something like Tower or Skyscraper you can always just run around behind enemies. Just use your primary rifle with no suppressor for main engagements and your silenced secondary for when you believe you have gotten the drop on someone.
Both good ops, perhaps even overpowered in Dokki's case.

The map is massive, you won't find anything but the roamer there (if you are lucky). Her call works best in medium to small size maps when you can hear the people around.

I'd say I'm pretty lucky then. Its pretty simple what you need to do on Tower. Just run to the edge, repell, jump in the nearest window, activate ability and then begin the hunt.

Truly shadman detractors are as cancer as he is.

Its sad to see bandit lose his extra barbed wire. It was a small, unique, trait which (while not overly useful) was nice to have. After the nerf it isn't the best pick.
And on the other-hand Ela keeps her very obviously overpowered weapon because it makes her unique.

When my drone gets the white noise effect during the attacking phase, I just choose another room to breach (unless I have backup or if I'm a shield op, which are underrated counters against roamers) because I'd rather not risk breaching a room through which a Vigil might be somewhere unspecified peeking through a two-pixel wide peephole towards the door or window with his one-hit-injure shotgun. This actually led to some times me misreading his position because his white noise effect can extend beyond the floor he's on, so Vigil could actually be lurking on the floor below or above you.

I never understood how this game is somehow kosher in Holla Forums's hivemind but something like Rising Storm 2 isn't even though it has no microtransactions or grind for unlocks. Think about it for a single second, people unironically and willingly defend UBISOFT of all companies with a nearly full price game where you still need to grind or pay for game content. It's funny how a large portion of this board plays nothing but "good" AAA shit and free to play grind garbage like Granblue and Warframe.

The thing that prevents it from being offensive to most people is that it's right there in "I don't really mind" territory, because most ops aren't really better than the other (except Ela) and only offer a different playstyle, it'd be confusing as all hell for newcomers to have to choose between 12/24 ops they're not really familiar with, most people will end up maining a few ops in the roster anyways, and those who are hooked to the game will keep playing for so long that they barely notice the grind at all because it's just another op you're grinding for, so it's a concession people kind of accept so Ubisoft can peg enough money off season pass buyers to keep the game running

It's grindy and Jewish as all hell, but after 100 hours you stop noticing it because at that point having the full roster unlocked doesn't really make a major difference once you've found your preferences

Just because retards are retards and get overwhelmed by choosing a player model with abilities doesn't mean it's acceptable in a 40€ game. It's simply Ubisoft looking to make season pass shekels every year and people still go along with it, people only buy season passes to get the characters instantly, that gives you an advantage on patch day to people who have yet to unlock it and learn their weaknesses because they need to grind for a few hours and you don't.

Accepting this is the first step on the road to worse business models.

Also they can just make a matchmaking playlist that just limits choices to the base game operators if they are worried about overwhelming people. They should also make more offline and article 5/situation style missions if they actually want to help people learn the characters. The only reason they use this greedy business model is because they were worried the game wouldn't do well so they would try to make the most money from few players. If they actually cared about the new player experience they wouldn't restrict them from things that affect gameplay and offer modes for new players to get their feet wet. Do you think the pro league players still have to unlock things on the computers they play on? The business model isn't what makes the game successful. It's the attraction to the gameplay in spite of everything that Ubisoft does like making you use Uplay, unlocking gameplay content, stupid looking cosmetics, Tom Clancy not liking the ability to play as terrorists so we have to have Special Ops fighting eachother, seasonal balancing.

You've shown yourself.

Like it or not but Holla Forums posters generally have opinions that most of the userbase agrees with. Most of us all dislike Anita Sarkeesian, Overwatch and MOBAs, that's just how it is.

Fuckingn kill yourself reddit. Just look at other thread instead of shit ones. Half of Holla Forums hates kojima while the other half is still ok with him; check the horror game threads most hate tank controls but the rest can't stand them anymore….


Anyway, my internet went to shit on the day of White Noise.
Has the balance gone to shit?
Has the operator release cycle repeated itself?

Are you mentally handicapped? I didn't say a single opinion on any of those and I don't know how you came to the conclusion that I support them because others don't on here, because I don't like them any more than anyone else here does.

Many users on Holla Forums are low-confidence social outcasts with little-to-no understanding as to how the majority of the population interacts with each other, this leads to a constant paranoid belief that literally any and all statements are personal attacks. You could make a completely innocuous statement, such as "wow, in my part of the world the sun sure is bright today" and SOMEONE on Holla Forums will scream at you "WOOOOOOW YOU DUMB FUCKING NIGGER IT'S NIGHT TIME THERE'S NO SUN OUT WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TRYING TO FOOL WITH YOUR BULLSHIT LIES FAGGOT."

You changing IP, user? How cute

Fuck you with your stale armchair psychology

Why is this game so awfully unsatisfying to play

See what I mean?

Sounds to me you are just a retarded faggot trying to push for the hivemind meme so to feel back at Reddit. I show you two major example that it's just a meme and as soon as I caught you it went it defensive shit

This is a squad game, it doesn't work without coordination. If those four shitty randoms were your friends it would've been better just because of you giving eachother calls while being shit. It's just how the concept works.
I have issue with the many sales/free weekends because it brings your typical new fps fan who think the objective is to kill the enemy team, and it really ruins the game.

Ubi being incompetent retards? Say it ain't so.

I was using a 4g connection at the time, and I turn it off whenever I don't use it which changes my IP.

don't die on me

Yup, without a doubt, you definitely don't belong here.
Go and stay go. >>>/4channit/

Are you retarded or just stupid? They basically realized they dun goofed before it got out of hand

It's like you don't even play the game

And theoretically pulse should get aces every round, but he doesn't does he? In pro leagues they should be able to shoot a fucking drone.

so can Thatcher
In pro league everyone will be watching their ass out in prep phase and chase twitch drones down on sight
In basic practice you won't be able to shoot a single taser without alerting a nearby defender who's going to hunt your ass down

Nigger, a twitch main will take out all cams on map in prep phase in pro league. AND will still be able to utilize that same drone. Do you not think?

Thatcher only has three nades

And every OP can take out cams with a single shot the second they get line of sight on them, rendering cams fairly useless, especially in pro league as everyone is gonna know the map exceptionally well and know all the cam spots. And again, you shoot the drone that can't even hop once, and your problem is solved.

What part of prep phase didn't register in your mind? You can guess where the enemy is coming from as they take out cams. You can't do that if they take out cams in prep phase

Oh wow, you know the general direction they spawned. That information is fucking useless as a peeker won't get anyone u less he's already in place by the time prep phase ends and once the attackers are out of spawn they can choose to enter anywhere they'd like. Cams are irrelevant everywhere except casual, and excluding valk cams.

I know I'm not the first person to have thought of this, but is there any consideration for a draft mode? After you unlock a certain number of ops you take turns as a team voting out certain ops and go from there.

Their justification was something like "the average twitch player breaks 1.X gadgets per drone including cameras", so your entire post is pointless. But sure keep sucking that ubi cock.

Go play more assfaggots and leave us alone.

I don't play assfaggots tho. That just sounds like it would be fun. Banning out smoke and then going all shields.

People are theorizing that it's more to nerf her player damage since two tazers is one less shot per operator. I still think it's a pretty shit change though.

Your ideas are shit.

they need to be good to do this, which apparently most twitch players aren't with this "1.3 gadgets per round" statistic. On top of that a half decent mute can stop twitch drones before they even get line of site on gadgets. This whole twitch nerf is just punishing good players because the bad ones got ass-zapped too many times

1. fuck off, 2. A pro league player shouldn't have any god damn issue shooting a fat and slow drone that can't even jump.

They don't. If the guy knew what he was tlaking about he'd see that twitch drones go down fast as soon as they get discovered.

I can confirm this. Unless the enemy team is really bad or I do long route hiding to clear the area I end up with just one drone or not even that luckily I have 120h something hours on twitch and know how to hide and work but is still hard with a good team
t.twitch main

You know what would be an actually fun idea IMO instead of the zombie mode? Fully Random. They get the map but don't know the ops they are gonna use, so you spawn as a random one each time and have to adapt to it. You main cav with the rifle? Fuck you this round you ended up with rook and the p90 so unless you play as a chad rook you have to change playstyle. You main glaz? Fuck you now you get ash with the r5. You main bandit with mp5? Fuck you now you play kapkan with the shotty

Sadly most players would avoid leaving their comfort zones. It kinda pisses me off sometimes when my group of friends keep picking the same shit and crying when someone else picks "their" waifus.

I had a similar idea with another twist where it would even randomize the attackers and defenders. Like you might end up with Castle on attack or something (covering flanks with his walls). Could make for some interesting matches, or complete clusterfucks.

That would be nice but can't see how characters like chanka or thatcher could work inverted

Yeah most autistic would hate that but it would give a better edge to keep the game hard for newfags due to have to learn new playstyle

Is it true that the new Polish bitch can "withstand" Cav's interrogation?

I'd play a random operator mode for sure, any extra modes would be nice. A casual mode where the damage to the map doesn't reset between rounds would be a neat idea too

I've seen no evidence of this, zof would be able to get up from being hit with cavs wacky pistol but the animation is so slow i don't know if she'd be able to escape an interoggation, and a decent player would just shoot her dead if she was out of range of the interrogation

So that's like hitting a bankrupt space. Truly the harshest random

Like pottery.

Do these artists ever stop and think, "Well now that I have a rough drawing that is super sketchy yet I have the shape maybe I should go back and make clear, solid, not hairy lines?"
unless this is ms paint in that case this is as good as it gets

tachanka with shotty might be a worse roll, depending on map

Really like the game.
Really hate the solo queue.

My friends and I actually did this between ourselves. There three of us, so we'd alternate choosing for the other guys (character and gun), it was actually pretty fun, until somebody decides to be an asshole and choose tachanka for somebody even then it was refreshing having to play as characters we weren't used to. I fully recommend trying it with friends.

Have they nerfed ela yet?

in the TTS going on right now her magazine size has been reduced by 10 rounds and when struck by concussion effects you can still sprint, and the effect wears off faster now, but still fucks up your mouse speed

so, no


that's kinda hot, there's gotta be a booru tag for this kind of position to get stuff like it in higher quality

original files

I'm not because 90% of the time, I end up on the same team as those shit players. Almost no one I message ever wants to squad up with me (if they even get back to me in the first place) so I'm usually on my own and have no choice but to play with people I've never met before and, as of late, more than likely won't be nearly as good as the enemy team. I now refuse to play Casual or Ranked without at least one person I know due to Jewbisoft's incredibly fucked matchmaking system, even if I have to wait for days on end for a response from my friends. I don't know why this has become such a huge problem within the last several months but something needs to change because this is completely unacceptable.

Did the sales of this game explode over christmas or what? I´m constantly running into complete newb players too all of a sudden. At least the odds of the enemy team having equally shit players is kinda the same.

The game's playerbase has just been growing and growing because of twitch, the additional content, all the youtube shills, etc.

Newb here. Is there a good overview infograph with operators, maps, weapons, etc?

I don´t have an infograph but good operator choices for beginners are on defense: Jäger, Rook, Smoke, bandit and mute. And for offense: Thermite, Sledge, Ash, Twitch and Fuze especially on hostage i´m just kidding, pls don´t take fuze on hostage

They are all standard operators so they aren´t very pricey and they fulfill their roles well enough. For DLC operators you should probably go for Hibana or Buck first.

no known infographs but can't go wrong with your early defense picks being characters like Rook or Jaeger, who need to place their gadgets within the objective to have finished their "job". Rook is simpler since you just immediately drop your bag and go but jaeger you have to put his near doorways and windows to prevent bombs. On attack sledge is a solid start choice because he's an all-rounder who won't fuck over the team if he dies. Thatcher is a solid pick on any map as well once you get the hang of identifying defender gadgets and where to use your emp (which does work through walls). IQ isn't a great operator BUT she's helpful for learning camera locations when you're starting, it's a risky pick though

This guys does a few operators videos that although a little over-edited will cover information that the in game descriptions won't

Meh, I've more or less stopped playing the game altogether. Between the new operators being annoying as shit, old operators getting nerfed, them releasing more shitty DLC maps than good ones, removing content I paid for from the game etc.. I've just gotten tired of this shit. The game somehow keeps growing, even though the quality of it peaked around Velvet Shell, and has gone down the shitter at mach speed since then.

Reminder that you're all cancer and that this garbage was never.
Bet most of you bought it from Steam at nearly full price without using key resellers.

So I'm thinking of getting the game. Should I get the Starter Edition, or wait till it gets on sale?

You should end your life

Don't get either honestly. Don't get it at all.
I have almost 500 hours in the game. Don't buy it at all, especially the scam "starter" edition. The grind is terrible.
Please for fuck's sake don't buy it.

Why are you even in this thread? Go fuck with some Switchfags.

never ever purchase starter edition, it fucks up the progression system for vanilla operators which takes only a few sessions initially. Get it on sale or from key reseller or something. Hopefully another free weekend will show up and you can give it a proper test to see if you like it or not becuase some of the metas are pretty wild now compared to year 1 and half of year 2


I might've cared if the board wasn't overrun by blatant cuckchan crossposters, gachashit generals, bait threads, and other faggotry. There's nothing worth saving on this board.

To be fair my Nod brother, Ubisoft supporters deserve to be bullied. Just as the Titanfall 2 faggots deserved it for supporting EA. Stop enabling cancer. Polite Sage for off-topic.

Worst part about your post is that it's absolutely right.

Provided you can even do basic recoil control, his shotty is retarded good. Just unload a fucking mag in 3 seconds and down everyone while they wonder what the fuck was that.

For someone who posted a NatSoc image, you're operating on a pretty pathetically counterproductive philosophy.

except you're at the mercy of shotgun RNG when his is the lowest damage shotgun in the game. And if you're inside someone's asshole where you'd need to be to even get half the pellets to hit you're at a disadvantage because of the low firerate compared to most auto weapons.
And if you're behind someone enough to surprise them literally any gun would work. Shit his pistol is a better primary than his shotgun



I'm having trouble starting the game. The splash screen plays (Without any sound) and freezes when the game title pops up. It won't even fucking close.

Works on my machine(tm).

It´s a pretty fun game, but stay away from the scam edition.

I haven't checked yet but supposedly the twitch nerf and some of the other TTS changes went through today. Twitch gets to go sit on the bench with IQ and Tachanka now

Joke's on the fools who paid for her Elite skin.

It seems to be a trend to skip the defined lines and inks and just go straight to colors once the rough is finished. I hope it's a trend that passes.

yeah it's because of le virgin nerd meme and not because it's an anonymous board where any poster could be some poster from another thread who was pushing the exact same shit across every thread, aka shilling
inb4 you claim that this doesn't happen even though we have ample evidence of it happening. such is the price to pay for being on an internet board that is basically just a giant masquerade ball with everyone talking to each other at once while wearing the same disguise.

the joke is mostly on any half decent player because it only punishes people who would shit on campers with ass-zapping and assists idiots who can't shoot the fat slow drone

Why does it feel like I'm the only one with a problem with the obvious power creep?

Perhaps most of us are playing on Casual and the OPness of certain ops is played down because of the endless deluge of shitters. At least, I don't know whether Ela is a constant pick on Ranked.

You're just not as jaded as we are I guess? Power creep occurs in just about every game that has seasonal content.

If you want to win, pick her.
Ela & Lesion + combo of other ops will always be good. Ela roams, throws her things like grenades, kills enemies, etc. Lesion will harden the area around the obj making it more difficult for enemies to get to it. Everytime they step on a gu mine several precious seconds are lost. Plus, the enemies can't run.
Add in some other operators like a cav, kapkan, and rook and the whole team is pretty much taken care of. The 1 speed ops can tank an extra bullet or two with the armor, high explosives to greatly weaken enemies, and if cav gets an interrogation its pretty much game over.
Of course this could be mixed up, different team compositions for different maps, but I'm just giving a possible example.

Other than weapons, it's not very obvious at all. The base operator's gadgets are so fundamental they are hard to top, with a few exceptions like cav being the roamer queen. But ops like mute, thermite, rook, etc. are still very core to the game. The only ops who have been creeped are trappers really, as they just get progressively better from kapkan on.

also this. Ranked is such a fucking waste of time, and it's "still in beta", so I see no reason to play it.

what are you talking about, the gadgets and powers are the most obvious creep.

Zofia's I'll give you, but doki really isn't too effective and neither is vigil. If doki only had her cell phone or only had her cams she'd be severely underwhelming save for her guns.

yeah it's certainly not like other ops have a shitty power, but good guns. Certainly not an attacker who say can make a ping pop up on your screen 3 times a round that you're being tracked.
also vigil only has one which is why out of the recent op pack he's the only one you can make an argument that he's not OP as fuck.

Also you're underestimating the usefulness of her camera hack.

Well the base ops can blow reinforced walls, have a drone that used to be able to shock you incessantly, and carpet bomb entire rooms. And the camera hack sucks unless the enemy team has a valk or a ton of clueless roamers.

yeah she single handedly manage to make one of the most picked defenders into the least picked. That's power. That alone would've been enough for a base op, not well she can also make people's phone go off well except for echo because they couldn't be bothered to make a different animatio…. I MEAN LORE REASONS

So what, no one uses valk and now she can just sit in the corner? Having hard counter picks is just stupid. It's why bandit can electrify more than just walls and mute jammers affect so much shit, cause if the enemy didn't pick thermite or heebana then you just wasted your op.

it's almost like the game's overall design got much shittier isn't it

It has, but my post was just evidence to the contrary. Though I did make a mistake, I meant to say if mute and bandit couldn't do the extra shit then they would be a wasted pick if the enemy didn't have thermite. They can do the extra stuff so they can be relevant against almost any team comp, like wise gook needs the extra shit so she isn't restricted to just fighting valk and being worthless when there isn't one.

except denying enemy map vision is always fantastic.

Yeah but dokki is self defeating in that regard, as enemies can still use hacked cams and your team is gonna destroy them anyway. For denying knowledge twitch(a base op I might add) out classes her in every conceivable way.

you're wrong on that one, a ton of cams can't be reached by twitch

You're not trying hard enough. The only ones I know of that can't are the outside cams on border, which will be shot as soon as you spawn, so you don't even get the chance to hack them. Every other cam I've tried to shoot as twitch has been destroyed, and certainly every cam inside a building can.

Try running in compatibility mode. I had the same issue and that fixed it for me.

No there's a couple inside on quite a few maps, cafe has a couple, skyscraper, amusment park, shit the only one that doesn't is plane. Especially now that twitches drones got nerfed into hell

nope, if you mean that one in the lobby by the skylight I'm pretty sure you can get it from the second floor, and I'm pretty sure outside cams are still low enough to hit.
still nope
could be wrong on this one, but still AFAIK no. I tried looking for a video of which you can hit and which you can't, but surprisingly no one has made one. And my point remains, dokki doesn't deny anyone, defense still has full cam access while hacked.

No it's denying them a valk pick or more linchpin cameras because they have to make the choice of keeping them up or not.
It's powerful enough to stand on it's own, and combined with her guns it's easily power creep.
It used to be you had a good gadget or a good gun, Ela, zofia, and doki have both

I think the drone could hit those as of a few updates ago, but with the ammo drop it would be a waste to hit outside cams with twitch drone now. Hell using twitch at all almost feels like a waste now

Twitch has both. Thermite has both, pulse has both, jaeger arguably has both. And the cam hack is not good enough on its own. The phone call maybe, but the cams both need you to get a kill on a roamer, and are only useful if a roamer is one of the limited areas seen by cams.

I personally can't use Thermites gun or the UMP, I alway's seem to to lose 1v1 situations with them.

Thermite's gun is only average. the UMP is mediocre, and jager's gadget is abysmal the fuck are you talking about


what compared to other defender weapons it is. compared to the p90 it pales in most ways. and if you want me to be a dick about it ela's is flat better in literally every way

Just stop.

the only reason it's better is because pulse is a 3 speed and that matters more than anything else

Or maybe the fact it has almost zero recoil?

So almost 0 it gets beaten out by the vector in terms of low recoil. or Ela's gun

Vector doesn't have the sustained fire because of the intense fire rate, and no one is gonna condone ela's bullshit.

that's exactly what I'm saying though, the new ops are completely and ludicrously overpowered by gun and gadget

The two polacks are, the rest not so much. Also what are the fucking odds of getting a duplicate of the highest rarity?

Has anyone here figured out how to stop the 90+ percent cpu usage of this game yet? It used to not do this to me until a couple of updates ago

Me too man, I ended up just cranking down the settings so I could get a steady 60.

Assuming you mean fps

CSGO has fucking spoiled my ass, I get instantly triggered if my fps drops below 100. I want to like this game so bad, but ubi just keeps fucking up.

Dokki need to not be able to hack valk cams or at least have a delay on what she is looking at like if there's a firewall

I main twitch and:
in bank there is the lobby one plus the outside ones apart of the garage
In Bartlett the outside one can't be reached
In tower there are 2 that can't be reached
Kafe the lobby one can only be reached on the edge of the second floor and is finniky so you lose precious time on doing that

But with the nerf now she is basically useless

Who the fuck thought 5 shots are a good idea?


reddit, literally reddit
I shit you not

again, it's reddit, mainly absolute shitters who can't fucking shoot out the drone or jam droneholes

How did reddit justify that this would somehow be a good change? I know there is the justification that two tazers means most operators go down in one less shot, but even then most twitch drones will go down too quickly for this to be an issue.

If this is just the case they could just fucking lower the damage that the twitch drone does. No need to affect how many times you could shoot it, just how much damage you could do. Instead of 10 damage make it 5 or lower.

Fuck but I thought Reddit sucked ELS and their meta dick and since they didn't complain neither of Ela or twitch what's the fucking point of nerfing her so much? She had two fucking drone huge noisy unable to jump with 15 shots each….now she have two fucking drone huge noisy unable to jump with just 5 shots

defend this ubishitters

if you really want to/really have to, check the siege subplebbit posts about the update changes when they were first announced. A lot of people said it was stupid, then you had e-sports shitters/brainlets trying to justify to twitch nerf.

No one here thinks it's a good idea. Hell, if I could I'd refund this shit in a heartbeat. The game died with operation health.


the fuck is that?


Do you like Huey Lewis and The News

Did someone say Huey Lewis and The News?


I don't know how I never put these two together.

check mine

i cant check something that doesn't exist


saw this and immediately imagined jackal chasing pulse. Can someone with animation skills animate that with this as a base?

resetting isn't foolproof either, sometimes a shot in the foot will kill

I can't defend it but thank fuck it's just cosmetic garbage. I can ignore this to continue playing as i usually do but I'm sure when the actual operation starts it's going to fucking break my soul

The only thing I can defend so far is that most of the cosmetics are either terribly unoffensive or you're putting yourself at a disadvantage by using them. With the exception of maybe the Canadian Ops but I don't think it's that bad with Buck and Frost.

I do actually like the black uniforms but they cost a stupid amount of renown so it's not worth the trouble

I play Rook with the P90




One of the reasons I like casual more than ranked (barring the cancerous shit people do) is the fact that you have an extra minute to actually do something in the game. Ranked matches are so short that you can't really coordinate anything significant so gameplay actually becomes really linear.

Yeah I never understood why sometimes works and sometimes doesn't….can it be if you get downed once you die if get it again?

Just open the wallet dont do that user. If you play the game each week you unlock at least one cosmetic each time

tehy both look fucking horrible ingame, i don't get it why they cant make a decent skin for ops

I dont get it why does it need the horns a regular oni mask like his viper mask would be cool

Defend what? This game was going to shit since last year. Wonder what maps they will decide to remove next. I'm so close to just deleting this garbage.

I'm still convinced that only Mute, Fuze, Jager, and IQ got the only good looking bundles in this ocean of "lol so funni" bullshit.

I have like 130k renown right now i'd rather just use it on the new ops when they come out

You'll only spend 50 of that on new ops m8, and I'm sure you'll get more in the space between the releases.

Ok that's one I actually would use
Is it only with rb6 goycoin or I can use renown?

It depends on the skin. I think those are renown, but I'm not sure.

Thanks, Jesus.


People (Ash mains) complained that the game was too slow and allowed too much time for teams to make plans before action, so alongside adding more roamers they shortened the ranked time.

I know you're joking but I can actually see it.

A really dumb, really fun "strat" that I have with Fuse in casual when playing with friends is to set up cluster and breach charges in different possible areas leading to the objective room. This is really effective on the cafe and embassy map, especially if you have guys ready to go down hatches.

Do a short countdown, pop everything and have your guys run in while the enemy anchors are panicking and out of position because explosions are going off everywhere. Bonus points if someone can actually throw a smoke too.

Can't do that shit in ranked because you waste a lot of time setting up

Ubisoft really hates their own game. I mean isn't the basic concept of this game: planning and then executing a "Siege"? Why actively go against that idea? Then I remember this is a Ubishit cancer game and that retarded decisions are the name of the game.

Anyway, that's a nice idea if you could set multiple fuse charges and blow them with one or in sequence….fit the charges to a room and wait till the def run toward you

Just, why? They disable it on friendly drones for this exact reason, why keep it on cams?

so you can tell your friendly dokkebi to hack it

I don't think even Ubisoft thinks their players are that fucking retarded. They probably forgot, and they'll reason it away with "haha XD it's an enemy phone, that's why you see it lol".

Not to mention dokki has a waypoint on every dropped phone at all times.

Ubi said Twitch players destroy less than 2 gadgets per round (including cameras), so they would have a reason to think that. But yes, you also see their phones when they are looking at cameras, so it could be given as an excuse in the end.

I know we're talking in hypotheticals, but if that's the case we shouldn't see it because IQ only sees phones when they are in use, so if they player is dead the phone should be off and thus invisible again.


Have I become the shitter?

nothing wrong main IQ
t. IQ main

I main IQ, I hardly even use her gadget.
552 with acog and frags as well as 3 speed is more than enough for me.

AUG is my raifu.

Then the last 3 events worked perfectly for that ubishit waifufag


>mww actually caved in and bought at a keyresaler a ubishit game and it's actually a pretty good shooter

What's the best current anti-aliasing setting since I see Ubishit forces you to use temporal filtering with T-AA?

A thread asking ubi to let you "stay in drone after prep phase is over so you can spot OBJ during that 3 sec you're out of the drone and someone shoots it because your retard ass didn't hide it instead" has something like 400 upboats there, right now.
Of course they can't hit a massive shoebox that can't even jump, they aren't playing a shooter.

Oh son, you're six months too late. You jumped on the waterslide into hell.

What's changed since then


Fuck I hope that's a console stuff and I play on console

the game hasn't become noticeably worse to really say it's gone to shit, though it has seen some questionable and poor changes and additions on top of the signs being there at the wall that Ubisoft HQ is preparing to fully Jew the game into the ground now that it has found some success two years after launch with increasingly silly cosmetics and whatever zombie shit they're planning to add next season

All I saw was complaining rounds being 45 seconds shorter and an ability having less charges

I can handle the cosmetics, are you saying they're going to introduce new ops that are overpowered?

We don't know yet for sure what the future ops will be like, though pretty much everyone including myself has called for Ela to be nerfed, and Ubisoft responded by reducing her 50-bullet magazine by 10, which isn't really enough, they'd have to remove the mouse turning speed debuff from her mines for me to really find her okay so she can be in the same league as Jäger where her gun is pretty good but her gadget is kinda meh.

That doesn't make it seem like the game is going to hell. I would think the first real step would be it being sold at $15 like CSGO.

Man, do you do research on anything you buy?

next patch is adding a fucking zombie mode as opposed to a map

And that edition it would take 50 hours to unlock a few ops? Pretty useless if you want to hack and not care about being banned.

Doesn't affect the actual game and maybe it will be fun

actually it does. They're doing the zombie mode as opposed to a new map, showing where the priority is.

Isn't the zombie mode also only for a month? So basically we're only getting two new ops and we'll have to wait 3 more months for a map.

Have they done anything like this before?

If you count operation health yes, they pushed back the polish ops and they never got a map of their own.

They've also removed some maps from the game.

which one of you fucks was mingdynasty15?

Just, why?

Because, my man, that's your reward for buying the game early by early they mean before March 3rd, and then getting ripped off, because you get less characters, and less of those shitty zombie packs than someone who buys the game in a month from now.


Between this and the last pvp game where two 10 yo spanish kids were talking to each other during the entire match, I think I'm done with the game.

I think this is it.

oh no this is some overwatch shit isn't it

It's the attacking doc that increases speed and decreases recoil, if that cuckchan leak was right.

Please god no. That leak was awful, please let it be wrong.

Whatd i miss? New Ops info were leaked?

Maps which were nearly universally disliked, to be fair. But I did like Favela. Yacht can go fuck itself, though.

I liked yacht, only problem in my opinion was the top floor

Yeah, sure, it wasn't great content, but it was content nonetheless. The part that really chaps my ass is the fact that they took even more maps out of ranked, and that they've added even worse maps since then.

i remember that leak and jesus wept I don't like any part of it.

I want a 5 man Holla Forumsirgin squad. How do I acquire a 5 man Holla Forumsirgin squad?

clone yourself 4 times

Make the game fun again, and I'll play with you.

Okay, I laughed.

I'm better off cloning myself. I just want to curbstomp normalfags alongside my fellow autistic comrades.

Oh, shit nigger, in that case, just get Ash or Zofia and Ela, maybe some Jager or Bandit on the side, and play Casual all day long. You don't even need the four extra (you)s.

But then none of them will be virgins!

Maps were taken out of ranked because they were unbalanced or stale as hell. They should remove Tower and Clubhouse from ranked next, they're the bottom two maps atm.
If they want to go further, they should delete Bartlett and Plane from the casual too.

You ever thought of actually working for Ubisoft?

You can still access Yacht and Favela in customs games or THunt.
Maps should be removed from ranked and/or casual because they're heavily unbalanced, are actually you retarded?

It's a bandaid solution that ends with you having less content than you had before. It helps them, because they don't have to put in effort to fix the maps, instead they just slide them out and focus on shitting out more skins and characters so they can sell more season passes.

Border, Skyscraper, Coastline, and Theme Park were all added in post-launch and they were fine. This is Ubisoft balancing team we're talking about, they're not capable of fixing maps and the majority of the playerbase doesn't care about unbalanced maps if they're "fun" to play on.
You can still play removed maps in custom games or Thunt. I just do not want them in multiplayer because they are so fundamentally broken. What part about this don't you understand?


shit wrong pic

after month of not doing it I fell again for the rank meme and wanted a bit of a challenge
>get spawn killed by a rushing Ela whats the fucking point of fixing the maps if you can just run out and gun people?which make me rage even more because the timer is slow as fuck to be detected outside
>morons want to be like ELS fags so fortify random walls for their own strategy rather then basic ones leaving garage of house open because Mira have to place his wall upstairs
Well seems I'm stuck with casual for more time


Totally worth not developing more content for regular play, and instead fund this meme mode.

Kill me, Pete.

This is what you get for buying ubishit, faggot.

Hello again.



brilliant, perfect troll material

are the new operators Vegeta and Nappa?

Jokes aside though, this fuckin sucks

The thumbnail of that image looked like a spongbob image

At least we get a free Ash elite skin…right?

You know, of all the ways we thought of that ubi could kill the game in these threads, this was not fucking one of them. Just WHY? Who is this update for? I want to know what fucking audience wanted this? I mean at least we haven't seen an actual zombie yet, but I have no fucking hope for this. Those cuckchan leaks were real weren't they? We're gonna have overwatch characters aren't we?

And this shit is a timed event, it will only be up for a month. They are basically promoting this event to sell 250 USD in "exclusive" cosmetics. Also, the video has near 29k likes, 500 dislikes.
Ubifags are loving this shit.

We`ve come full circle, from a mediocre game to a mediocre game with zombies

don't read the comments, it's painful

Some of the top comments are shitting on it for being crazy though, which gives me a little hope. Also here's some cancer to balance out the sane people.

Hopefully these players pay enough money so ubi can re-release it as a standalone and stop fucking up Siege… right?

It's not going to be that bad, you faggots need to stop being retarded.

it's woefully unnecessary, and limited time events are overwatch shit. on top of other problems not being fixed is what makes it such a shame to get a fucking silly zombie mode when the t-hunt mode already might as well be zombies

T-hunt is pretty shit, although it gives good practice when you can get the new maps. I personally enjoy seeing ubisoft waste money and resources on tths. It's free content to put time into, could also be fun to play when it comes out. Holla Forums is just going overboard and screaming like retards that the new mode is going to ruin the whole game somehow.

It's going to be that bad.

Well it's time that should be spent… oh I don't know fixing the horrible netcode, fixing the balance, fixing any of the other various things wrong with the game like operation health was supposed to do.

It's ubisoft, don't expect anything productive. You just have to accept that it's going to be shit and just deal with it.

fucking teammates showing off their no recoil rapid fire macros and saying they aren't bannable

Last ""leak"" was spot fucking on too

Off the top of my head I would still place Hibana, Twitch, (Ela? I dont have her), Zofia (Again, dont own her, pretty confident shes a top tier), Rook. May be missing one or so, pulling from memory

>But with a good coordinated team comp you can add a few operators to that list Like Buck. Meh in random queue games, but as a premade team his viability skyrockets

Top Tier God Killer XxX 42069:

Shit Tier Defenders:
Everyone who's not ela or a 3 speed

Attackers who aren't bad:
3 speeds

Shit tier:
Everyone else

Any questions?

Those abilities sound even worse than this current seasons. They really are killing the game.

aren't these co-op only?

The ops? I highly doubt it, but I'd be glad if it was even if it meant two wasted operators.

You forgot Blackbeard and Thatcher on attackers, neither of them are 3 speeds and are both very good.

What is the post limit to a tread ?
sage for off-topic


You guys ever just get insta kicked from a match for no reason? Literally just joined and got votekicked
This is in casual too

I have but I always assumed it was cause of my name.

my name isn't anything special
at most I could've pissed off a few people since I play so often but even then it was the whole fucking team as soon as i picked

They got the operator names wrong. The name of the new ops are "Lion and Finka"
(Tried to archive it but didn't work out.)

Well that gives me some hope it's wrong

And it's gone again.

I have no regrets uninstalling this now.

Same thing happened last leak iirc

t. XxAdolftrumpxX

Yeah usually it's because cunts are in a squad and want to ebin meeeeme for a jewtube or something. Had plenty of times a faggot let me place all traps-reinforce and then kick me out

Who woulda thunk that just by doing something the enemies don't expect, my survivability would shoot through the roof.

After playing some hours you learn to not expect people rushing in and playing the game like it's Titanfall 2, having deaths which come out of complete left field because your opponent did something you didn't remotely predict make you think 'play the game like a normal person, damnit'. It's rad as hell when you're the one being the joker and catching people off-guard once you no longer have to rely on beginner's luck either.

Get on my fucking level bitch. I have nigger in my sub account's name.
Only got kicked once because my teammates were a bunch of 4 stacking niggerlovers.

The salt is fucking especially delicious too when you spawnpeek leddit into oblivion. They get so buttblasted for being rekt by da ebil natzees.

Are you Hyped for the new Resident Evil ?
I bought the year 3 season pass
end me

I tought they might make them look human so we might pass it off as some mania or hysteria but no instead we get this shit.



Is that the new metal gear game

I'm hyped for Left 4 Dead

I would maybe understand if this was during Halloween but Jesus christ this is the final nail isn't it?

I heard great things from Holla Forums and i dared to have hope. I was a bitch goy and i deeply regret it.

You are just supposed to purchase the base game you fucking retard.

How do I get good at this game?
Knowing that I have very little experience with shooters

Play a 3 speed and flank the shit out of everyone.

You stupid goy. Enjoy your shit season 3.

You are all equally cancer for buying ubishit games

It's one of their few good games. If I want to support them, I will.

Do what did, well, most of it anyway
Rook has both impact grenade, shield and armor plate so you have flexibility and survivability in gunfight, and even if you get downed in the first 10 second of the game, you're still useful


Are we getting operators from MSF now?

Ubi is just copying Konami now


New thread:


Good thing those will be gone after the event… right?

I bet will be thachanka for the meeemees