
February 25 is going to be the start of another leftist twitter hashtag campaign. Should Holla Forums participate? Any good infographs/memes we could share?

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absolutely we should

The loss of net neutrality is impending, and is a perfect display of what a greedy little piglet Porky is.
Also gets people worked up really well…great subject for agitprop.

During Obama nobody resisted capitalism. I wonder why.
Drop truth on Hillary's and Obama's corruption while you at it, and if they will boo you, its obvious socdem event.


its popular make a throwaway account

the only leftists i see on there are jews and tankies

I really don't like this guy.

Better start nakibg some memes with basic leftist theory , and anticapitalist normalfag bait.

I just murdered the word making*

Kill yourself.

Fucking liberals

I suppose you have a better idea?


wtf i'm a capitalist now!

Hmmm… it really makes you think…

Idpol, not even once.

spam twitter with Holla Forums propaganda.

Frog Twitter did with autistic pepe and anime avatars and got Trump elected, we can make people hate capitalism.



frog twitter is nazbol

Tesla glorification is a shit meme that needs to die. I get it, he fought porky Edison, but really, he wasn't that great

I thought we were already doing this?
I'm trying to make porky more popular other places.

Really nurtures your neurons…

Just replace him with any scientist then.

Fun Fact: that third picture (this is your economy on socialism) is actually using a picture of a supermarket in New York after Hurricane Sandy.

What a cuck

tesla was an ok guy and great inventor, but fuck me, his fanbase should be breaking stones in kolyma by now.

Still looking for that hippie-tier article with 'Capitalism won't judge me' or some shit.

Stupid liberal logic
It should be #DestroyCapitalism



is anyone else hyped for all the inevitable hilarious twitter comments from right wing classcuck retards that will say: "LOL PROTESTING CAPITALISM WITH A CELL PHONE CHECKMATE U GOOFS"

Man these slacktivist campaigns are always so cringe. I remember back when me and my old crew were laughing at all the kids "changing my profile to green to show support for the Iranian protests".

Saw who I presume was a Holla Forums user post this

Without capitalism you're still gonna have bad water, hunger, curable diseases and malaria.

thanks for that contribution, it really fired the neurons


I'm not saying that, what I mean is that replacing capitalism with whatever you want wont magically solve those problems. There still will be a lot of people dying from hunger, bad water and diseases in some places of the world it is harder to fix those issues with or without capitalism.

Also it states it's not profitable to fix these issues which is wrong, healthy people are able to contribute a lot more to whatever than unhealthy people.

It's cringey af, but it shifts the dialogue in our direction.
Also, I see a lot of open liberals on the fence take notice, and question things.

the point about buying an iphone is actually legitimate, though. The first picture is complete bullshit for the reason its caption and the comic point out, but iphones aren't just smartphones, they're greatly marked up status symbols. Getting a cheapo phone you can do all the same shit on, ideally installing a less pozzed rom on it, still supports nasty corporations, but its not *as* bad as supporting apples awful practices and marketing.

putting this more clearly-
I know
etc etc but being anti-capitalist and an apple fanboy actually is hypocritcal.


I fucking love those "without the lord, how would you even have land to tend" pics.


That veteran infographic definitely needs to get circulating during this campaign. Hopefully it strikes some really deep chords in pro-military Liberals, especially when placed in an anti-capitalist context

Not to mention southern conservatives who are the defacto soldier class.


"America isn't capitalist" is my favorite hot take from reactionaries.

whenever they say 'corporatism isn't real capitalism' It almost looks like they're really just socialists who dont understand what socialism is.


Looks like nflforums and r/thedonald found the tag

What y'all should really talk about as "capitalism's death toll" is neolibs knocking over functioning governments so their economies tank and we get cheapo products. (payless shoes moving factories to Honduras post-coup for instance)

nah, it really isn't. Corporatism is specifically "capitalism with socialist safety nets for the 1% + bundles spent on advertising for good PR"
Truecap is mercantile guilds ala the Dutch East Indies company. The exploitation takes a different form, and they don't really care how they look. Corporatists are like the 'liberals' of capitalism, they're overly 'concerned' about their image and they expect other people to pay all their bills, even when they continually fail (Obama's frequent bailouts come to mind, and to a lesser extent Cheney's instant-contract-awards)

A capitalist porky would say: This is a failed business model and deserves to fall. We should never try that again.
While a corporatist porky says: "Don't you realise we provide an essential service? The government must help us, even if no one actually uses it!"

Corps are just fucking grifters and hedgefund trustbabies. America abandoned Capitalism around the turn of the (last) century when the New Deal got finalised.
Welfare queens ain't just lazy rednecks and large immigrant families, companies can be welfare queens too. In fact one thing I do see come up often with lolbergs is their hatred of the farm subsidies. Those are big ones. You have to grow specific crops to receive them, and it doesn't matter if they have massively fallen out of favour, or even are found to be poisonous on some level (corn syrup is a major culprit here, everyone that uses it in their products almost always is being forced to buy it to keep Dept Agri happy.)

Another way to put it might be, if you made a 'trading game' but there was no actual loss condition and your company basically could not die. Hollywood and Hedgefunds abuse this to impossible levels. There's all sorts of 'parachute' laws they use to get around making a $300 million dollar movie that does a tenth of that and not take the hit. So your movie sucked, no one got paid, yet the studio still profited. (ghostbusters, anyone?)

One of the key features of corporatism is that there is simply no risk. There is no penalty whatsoever to being an incompetent piece of shit. It's "affluenza" for business owners with the government as the parents' credit card. The US utilises some aspects of capitalism abroad (knocking over a country to get cheaper products, just compare United Fruit with the VOC) but ultimately it's not fully capitalist. It's completely impossible for any company with a government subsidy or contract to go bankrupt, while there's numerous euro arms and shipping companies from the imperialist days no longer around. Think of this: Short of the actual violent revolution, I can imagine no future world without General Electric, without Chrysler, without AT&T, without a bunch of these stupid oil companies, without Remington and Armalite, without Nestle and Coke. Why? Because the consumer is not their only customer. It's not the only place they receive money from. They take more than enough to cover basic operating costs directly from the government