Has Holla Forums ever shoplifted?

has Holla Forums ever shoplifted?

Do you look down on people who do?

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Fuck off It was just some chips

I have tbh but then I stopped
I can't blame people if they're hungry and don't have the money for it

No. Don't plan on it either.

Shoplifting from big chainstores is virtually a victimless crime.

When I was a kid with no money I did. I should get back into it to save some moolah.
Nah, some people got to do things to enjoy some luxury when you got no money to spend.

No but I've dumpster dived quite a bit. Though less so in the last year or so since at some point hipsters found out about it and suddenly a lot more people started doing it and now a lot of grocery store dumpsters put locks on the dumpster or destroy the food before throwing it away

Fucking hipsters man

unless it's for something that they actually need, yes
most people just shoplift shit like makeup or cookies

I do that regularly in convenience stores.
it's so unjust that they have food on display slowly decaying.
So I declare it to be mine.

dumpster diving is the ascended form of shoplifting.

forgot to answer to this question.

I think it's good that poor steal from the rich, I dont blame them, I have done the same while feeling hungry.

No, and I don't really look down on them. Some people steal shit because they can't afford it otherwise. Fuck, I would if I could get away with it. I definitely infringe on copyright a lot, though.

It's not "stealing" because it's my property.
No, never.

Not personally, at least as an adult. However I have let people shoplift while working as a grocery clerk

Why should I give a fuck about my bosses profits?They're the ones that gutted loss protection!

No. If you are too poor to eat it's ok, otherwise you are a dumb ass larper.

I ironically stole an American flag pin from a Stater Bros when I was five years old. My parent's forced me to return it to an annoyed looking sixteen year old in the year of 1991.

I never stole anything else. Except your ripe boipussy. I encourage you to take from porky that which is rightfully owed back to the proletariat.


or just having fun


property rights are a spook

Fuck! The gravy train stopped here as well, man. ;_;

used to almost every single day

I thought only the USSR did stuff like that

I partake in unauthorized sharing of content.

Shoplifting Magic the Gathering cards(or other profitable TCG's) is always good times. The only thing sweeter than opening a Chase Rare from a Booster you bought is opening one from a Boosted Booster. : ^)

I shoplifted a bit as a kid and early teens, but it's to much of a hassle to do as an adult. people round here look down on shoplifters.

Are good.

No, it's impossible.
How do you do it? there are sensor panels that ring if you pass without paying

Yes but on accident. Put candy bar in my pocket because hands were full, forgot and didn't pay, got home to melty pocket.

Yes. I've worked retail and had to put up with these fucks. They aren't doing it because they wanna stick it to the man, they're doing it because their entitled fuckwits. I worked in a retail store in a fairly rich area, and 90% of shoplifters were white middle class women who didn't think they had to pay for their 8th iphone charger. These same cunts looked down on everyone in the store as "retail people" who didn't work hard enough to get our minimum wage. If you're gonna steal bread because you're homeless, I'll turn a blind eye, but if you're gonna steal shit I know you don't need and can probably afford I'm calling security.

Just because the people who shoplift are entitled fucks doesn't mean shoplifting per se is ethically bad.

The reason theft was established as a serious crime orginates in feudal times where stealing someone's horse or plow would be the equivalent of taking away someone's means to make ends meet, which may ultimately result in mendicancy.

It's sort of outdated now as modern consumerism has commodities in abundance with which you can replace stolen goods easily.

Good worker.



I could justify it (it's mainly from K-Mart and gas stations), fuck it though. I also break open public stalls and steal the toilet paper, haven't paid for that in a good three years.



If you believe relieving the capitalists of their capital is unethical, you're spooked


Not sure about other retail stores but mine would actually take away from the quarterly "bonus" based on the amount of shrinkage (missing stock, due to stealing or anything else). By shoplifting from there you are reducing any extra pay from workers who already make minimum wage. Again, I worked in a rich area, they weren't starving poor people, they were bourgeoisie housewives.

Not the thief's fault. It's the capitalist who is robbing you.

Capitalists using workers as a shield, I've never seen that happen before.

you're a fucking moron lmao

Why does it matter that they were women, white and "middle class". Shoplifting is shoplifting. Either you believe in the sanctity of private property or you don't.

How much was your bonus? I worked at walmart, and the bonus was what, $200~ if you work part time. Big whoop. They throw a few pennies your way and then tell you the reason you aren't getting more is because of shoplifters. I don't know how you can actually buy that bullshit.

I oppose shoplifting, don't oppose pirating. Software is naturally communistic, we can both use it without diminishing the use value for one another (indeed, often the use value will increase due to network effects). But shoplifting is appropriating nominally scarce goods, that can only be fully used once or by one person.

If I shoplift, chances are I'm actually taking from a person, making it so that he has less through my taking. I guess you could do this from wallmart, and be confident that you are only taking from shareholders who didn't have any right to the value to begin with, but not everything is an abstract wallmart. If you shoplift from say a franchise holder who works with narrow margins, you might actually be making a real humble person worse off.

the question wasn't "do you look down on shoplifting" but "do you look down on people who do"

and in the anony's experience, shoplifters are petty bourgies

No and no.


not once in my life. not for any misplaced respect for corporations or authority, but because of a fear of repercussion from that authority

the only real victim is you if you're caught

i once saw a guy trying to steal diapers and baby formula from an acme supermarket. he wasn't slick about it, he just fucking made a run for the god damned door like an idiot. Although i don't know how you conceal diapers and formula tbh. he was chased down by several employees and a few customers until he was tackled and overtaken and thrown into a headlock on the pavement in the parking lot. They held him until the cops showed up and arrested him.

and as i stood there in the checkout aisle and watched the whole thing play itself out, i couldn't help but think "this motherfucker was just trying to steal shit for his baby. let him fucking have it. he clearly needs it"

They threw him to the ground and put him in a headlock, and

Stealing just ends up hurting the working class. No matter what happens, even if the business is in the most dire financial straits, a porky's salary will always be the same if not higher before the incoming collapse just as last time.

That shouldn't be happening due to the enourmous benefits babies get and nobody who cannot provide for their children should be having children. That's just cruel and unusual and poor responsibility and planning.

I stole bubblegum when I was a kid.

Shoplifting is the most ethical things one can do!

Get the fuck outta leftypol

Yes. No. The only reason I can't just walk in there and take things for free is capitalism, so I just walk in there and take things for free.

It's a simple fact that if I want something and don't want to pay for it, I can just walk right through the door. Then it's mine. Mine all mine.

workplace theft is best theft

what a crock of shit right?

You can remove the tag on goods, or put it in an aluminium-lined bag.
30 layers should be sufficient. Maybe go for forty, just to be safe?

What benefits? Where do you live that gives you benefits when you are born, I sure as hell didn't get shit?

I do it for sport.

How do i shoplift? There are plenty grocery stores nearby and one of the smaller ones has like 1 teen restocking the shelves and taking care of the sales at the same time, but i am scared that there are some detectors'n'shiet that'll start beeping when i walk out of the store.

How can i tell if my store has thoose?

When they have those things that go beep by the door. To my knowledge I don't think there are hidden sensors in your average store yet.
While cameras are about, some items in certain stores are on shelfs that are tightly together. You can act like you're looking for something and slide a small item down your sleeve. For a larger item, having pockets in a jacket and loose pants can be useful. Whatever you do do not make movements that have your arms move around as much when taking something else you'll get someone looking at you. Always look around, but not to look at people, by that I mean see where people are at and where they are looking. You'll look suspicious if you are staring at people so peripheral vision comes in handy.

Thanks, user.

no, yes

protip comrades: if you go to walmart at 3 am you can take anything you want from the electronics isle if you walk it over to fishing goods and remove it from the packaging. go with a friend just incase 1 of the 3 employees working at 3 am walks by sees u open the package. it takes literally 2 seconds to open the thing then put it in your pocket and walk out. no alarm will go off. infinite hard drives/bargain bin games/usb sticks and shit

and remember to steal all you can from walmart. ie the symbol of the bourgeoisie systemic devil destroying humanity

When I was 4 I put a pirate flag in my pants from ASDA, and on the way home pulled it out and said "look mummy!" and then she drove back and handed me in to security :(

Hell no, do what you need to do

I got a funny greentext for y'all about this
Luckily none the bullets hit the lady. Imagine being that fucking classcucked guys

Lol wat?
You mean he just started shooting at her out of nowhere?


that was fucking INTENSE!

i wish i lived in texas

of course/of course not


No, and while I personally don't care about the shoplifting itself, I care about the effects it has on low-level employees who are the ones that get punished for not preventing the loss in ways that aren't directly aimed at the shoplifter. That's why I don't advocate it.

Lol at the fake commies who spend days reading obscure texts about how evil the commodity form is but the moment someone ignores exchange-value and goes straight for the use-value they are suddenly criminals. The only thing more revolutionary than shoplifting is looting.

Working man has done labor to make that product for you steal. They feed you and you are a leech.

Paying for that product only supports the capitalist exploiting the worker. You're not the leech, you're starving it.

how shit.
You know what's a good opportunity most don't take advantage of? Check out dumpsters behind thrift stores, especially Value City. Just be sure to go after they close especially if you're in the south.
what the goddamn fuck is it with rednecks and shooting 'trespassers'
rather take some homeless dude's head off than let him pull a coat out of a dumpster when it's freezing.

You should see the US south.
When thrift stores run out of room they just toss it rather than keep marking it down more and more like a sane person would.
And any area where a lot of people learn of this and start fishing'em out, they destroy them. They smash the screens on TVs and monitors, remove motherboards from old computers and grind'em up, they take a knife to all the clothing, etc. Goddamn fucking retarded.

you'll probably love these cunts then!
of course, being petty bourgie feminists appropriating marxist language, they couldn't resist pissing off autistic neetsy bronies and getting nailed and doxed over and over. A perfect joy to behold. Some of the aussie ones had billionaire parents too. Going to fancy-fuck $50k per semester private schools and shit.

Don't need to bother with shoplifting from k-mart, their CEO is doing that already! (it's why they're fucking closing across the entire country)

Former texan, can confirm. They'll even do it to the dumpster divers (mississippi is pretty funny though, they will actually apologise if you turn around and are white after being shot at)

^that, just make sure never to take from Wincos and Costcos.

This tbh fam

Texas is LITERALLY a fucking meme kek!

I live in SoCal, and the bins are pretty fucking ubiquitous in this bitch, m8

*locked bins
polite sage

Sometimes I think liberals have a point in trying to pass restrictive gun laws

Meanwhile, Florida literally fucks memes

I'm willing to take one for the team if we ban anyone born in Texas, Alabama, or Mississippi from owning firearms. I know so many 'diver' friends that've been shot at, and 4 hit. 85% of the time you can argue that trespassing on your store/your property was an 'aggressive act' and you 'feared for your life' and get away with it.

1.Not skilled enough
2.Depend on why you're doing it and who is suffering from shoplifting

Fuck you. I live in Alabama.

From what Ive seen Florida is also a meme, along with Cali, they do live up to their stereotype

truly a nigger

Yes, but on accident. Another time, someone mistook me for shoplifting once and an employee followed me until I said "I'm paying for this" to them.

I don't mind it, but I'd probably turn a blind eye to it.

I live in Texas and know plenty of people who carry guns and have never seen or heard of anyone shooting anyone else for something that retarded. I haven't even heard a local story of some regular person shooting anyone at all.


Refusing to share your literal garbage may be the most capitalist thing I've ever heard.

I agree tips please
I have never stolen but I would like to know how to if shit gets particularly rough. I would probablt only steal what I need cus I'd feel guilty otherwise.

No, I'm too nervous that I'd fuck up.
No. I worked at a big chain home improvement store and I regularly pretended like I didn't know people were shoplifting power tools to bring to another store as a return. Even though the store I worked at definitely would pay us more than other retail stores to try to breed some sort of loyalty into us, it did not work. (I made 12.33 as a CSA.)

Most retail stores have a policy that they cannot follow you out of the store and chase you down. (at least at where I worked) So stay out of malls when you shop lift and just go for big singular stores. Park your car so you don't drive in front of the main entrance so they can't get your plate numbers.
Other strategies which can work, but the store i worked at informed us of these so the "good workers" will probably be wise to it. You can move a barcode of a cheaper item onto a more expensive item and you can put an expensive item into a box of something else you're buying. A lot of people would buy a vacuum cleaner and throw copper hardware into the box and they'd come back and return the copper hardware for money.

Shoplift if you're really hungry and can't afford it. Otherwise, it's a dick move (but funny in certain circumstances).

If more people shoplifted the stores would install invasive measures to prevent it, do you really want to have some employee in every store read your receipt every time you leave like in Sam's Club?

Yes yes fuck the man but until we can provide food freely in some communist paradise I'd rather avoid the above scenario.

Also I'm well aware of the morally outrageous amounts of food that stores throw away but this should be solved with legislation, stealing it would not connect to that policy change.

Yes i stole one of those suction cups for baby milk bottles

Dont ask why


Fuck off classcuck, those products were stolen from the workers. Nothing wrong with stealing them back.

I used to steal things I needed or expensive foodstuffs, spices especially.


I think it's called TARP or something like that. In some states individuals or couples that earn below such and such amount get access to special benefits specifically for people with infants. Extra food stamps and money for care or diapers or things like that.

My state used to do it but the Republicans have gutted those programs.

you can tell he's a permaspooked classcuck with the traditionalist 'working man' (no mention of working women) rhetoric.

It's called WIC in my state. My sister uses it.

Yeah, that's it. I don't know where I'm getting TARP from. My state's WIC used to be fairly generous compared to our neighbors, which of course was used as a reason to gut it.

Hang all Republicans tbqh


people in need? no
rich daddy's girls who do it for the thrill? (probably the biggest demographic) yes

I have, but when I was like 12, and in that case only once. I do not look down upon those who steal, because the stock has already been purchased, the labourers have already been paid inadequately. The only person I'm stopping from profiting is the owner of the shop, and even in this case he will likely still make profit on whatever he's selling, because very few people steal. At worst, some amount of that stock will be thrown away anyway beacuse it goes out of date.

On the other hand, I live in student accomodation. I purchased an ice cream tub (and ate half) about a week ago, and since then it's gone. Someone has taken it. However in a nearby freezer, I found an unopened box of the same variety. I stole it yesterday and I've gotten half way through it.

Should I buy a fresh tub to re-imburse the person I stole it from? I feel a little bad for doing this; trying to justify it with Stirner isn't doing it for me.

Hello FBI
no FBI
Im a good capitalist id never break any of your rules

That would make sense if the shoplifter was the person who made those products, but that's not the case. If anything, it's stealing from a stealer, not "stealing back".

posting just because i never get to use this one

stealing from capitalists is moral

Why do people get so fucking moralistic when animals are involved? I'd get their anger if the cat had been stolen from its family (in which case it would be abduction not theft) but if theyd actually take care of the cat then I see no problem with stealing a cat from a petstore.




That's one huge gecko

Bolt cutters.

something really viscerally disgusts me about this sentence
as if they stole a toy from some shitty kids grubby hands

how the fuck is that relevant? this person also wanted a cat, but guess what they stole it. steal one for your girlfriend then faggot

I have never done it but don't care if others do.

Yeah, it's as if cats are an incredibly scarce resource.

well, consider it doubly-saved! Triply saved even, as I move it into my winmx picture share folder.

JustCuteAnimalThings I guess.
They freaked out even more when they found out the cat was asthmatic (I honestly did not even know that was a thing) that reblog chain never wanted to die. Personally my only prob with it is all these dumb "lifters" are clearly immature as hell and incapable of taking care of even themselves.
Some crazy lady went and even hunted down every one of'em after that, lel. tenaflyviper.tumblr.com/post/123414494855/master-list-of-entitled-children-celebrating-being

Probably either border townies or from Austin.

>[email protected]/* */ ([email protected]/* */ no longer seems to work)

Fuck yea I have

Not really. In the United States 14% of people are below what we define as the poverty limit. Many more are close to it. That is tens of millions in poverty. So no I don't blame people for cheating a broken system.

I don't and I only support it under certain circumstances. As in you legitimatly cannot afford basic needs. If you want to protest chain stores there are lenty of small businesses that would like your business. In my experience though shoplifters are generally addicts who chose their addiction over food money, and edgy kids. Research what you buy so you don't buy products derived from slave labor or general exploitation (like most chocolate). Shoplifting is not a victimless crime. It affects the people working for those companies either directly, by them getting fired/ the store being closed in more extreme cases or indirectly in the form of cutting hours. You may think you are harming a faceless corporation, but the highlevel managers, ceo, owners, etc. will be the last ones to lose money. They always are.