Why does he block any leftist that does not agree 100% with his views?

Why does he block any leftist that does not agree 100% with his views?

He is like the r/Socialism of youtube

Who did he block and why?

I said he had a stupid argument for being a feminist.


So he blocked you for saying he's stupid

Amazing blog, where do I subscribe?

Calling someone stupid is not an argument. How have you made this far in life?

r/MGTOW is that way

He is literally autistic

Which is a problem because

I like a lot of his content too, but now I see why people give him so much shit.

Twice now wtf

He's the /r/socialism of youtube for sure, but you're a faggot for getting blocked in the first place.

LSR is the Stern of the left.


That's just being ableist.

The fact that he's an idpoll riddled prick is one thing, but it's not his fault that he has autism.

autistic pride is pretty autistic though.

I have aspergers but I dont go around telling everyone (except when I'm user and making a point :^))

By all means, LSR a shit. I just don't think it's right for user to criticize him specifically for being autistic as if that's a bad thing in itself.

If it was like leaked against his will, okay, but for him to be posting about it himself, that's worth mocking imo.

It's not really though.

Having this kind of attitude that autism is a dirty secret that you deserve to be mocked for revealing is also very ableist.

Or let me put it this way, it's not really because he is autistic that we mock him, it's more an easy insult when we already don't like him. I mean if Sargon of Acock started tweeting about having an anal fissure it would be a great thing to mock him over even if it's not really his 'fault' or whatever, because we already don't like him.

Call me an oversensitive ninny if you like but I don't think it's okay to insult anyone in that way. Even if they totally deserve to be mocked in other ways.

It'd be like mocking Milo for being gay. Sure, Milo is a raging bigot but insulting in that fashion is a disrespect to every other gay person as well.

I mean I don't know, liberal society mocks neckbeards and virgins and single childless men who masturbate to anime and that's really just a stealth insult against autistic people, but hardly anybody cares about that.

Look I'm not saying it's the best insult in the world but I still think 'autistic pride' deserves to be mocked. Maybe not just being autistic.

Whilst LSR, as usual, explains himself in the most embarrassing way possible I don't think the actual spirit behind what he's trying to say is that bad. The way people treat you when they know you're autistic can be very frustrating and people are very ignorant about it. Fundamentally this does need to be addressed at some point.

>but hardly anybody cares about that.
You're right, and that's not very fair. "Virgin" as an insult is objectively just as bad as "slut" yet is a million times more socially acceptable. It's not right to insult anyone for having "too little" sex just as it's not right to insult someone for having "too much".

But of course normies are inconsiderate jerks that won't realize this until liberal television ever decides to spoonfeed it to them.

I didn't know he had Asperger's. This makes me not want to comment on his stuff though. If he just deletes it what's the point?

So now its OK to feel pride on one's identity? Thank God

I liked his channel better when it was CammehYeBams and he wasn't a feminist ancom.

No matter how it's explained to me I just can't wrap my head around the notion of being proud of something outwith your control. The WPWW shit is dumb so why isn't all the leftist idpol shut dumb too?

He's a 2 bit idpoler, so that's a pretty accurate description.

Why are you whining about some youtuber who seems to have stopped making videos?

He has assburgers unironcly.

People with assburgers are doomed to idpol.

Requesting him holding anfem flag.

That's better than being literally retarded.

True it is a pretty shitty thing to do. It was what that straw libertarian/ancap channel tried to do to invalidate his opinion.

Reading comprehension, lads. user said LSR's argument was stupid, not LSR himself