ITT 1917

Ok Holla Forums it's 1917

You're a citizen in Russia

What do you do ?

Shoot Lenin :^)



Help Kerensky stay in power.

Tell Lenin to google Bookchin

Lobby for more bunkers.

Shoot Stalin, Shoot Trotsky, Shoot Hitler. Give Lenin a head massage or some blood thinners or some shit. Join the Bolshevik party and try to build a better Soviet Union.

For once this meme was actually funny.

Defend kronstadt with my fellow comrades from Lenin punitive actions

Paint a huge red banner with a face in black silhouette, below which is written "Bogdanov was right"

Stop so many jews from holding top positions

Convince Lenin to invade Germany & link up with German revolution.

Shoot Makhno.

try to get close with stalin, lenin and trotsky so i could have much power, but not too much. i don't want stalin to purge me




Kill Lenin, Kill Stalin, Kill Hitler, and let Makhno and Lenin form some sort of bromance.

this fam

But you said you'd kill Lenin

Fuck, I meant Trotsky

much like the spectre of communism, zombie lenin never dies

a good purge really is good for the soul

First time a leftcom has maked me laugh, congratulations fam.

eviscerate the bourgeois AND the proletariat

give it to me Kasparov

is that a sad squash?

Kill Fanya before she can merc Lenin

Ha ha nice try G-men and Pinkerton's were not falling for the bait.


Fuck, man. I was just gonna say I'd join Lenin in the revolution, but you're thinking ahead. I'm impressed!

Though if that were me, I wouldn't necessarily shoot Trotsky. But Stalin and Hitler can burn in hell.

Stay alive for first three years then deliver plans of the battle of Warsaw to Trotsky and Tukhachevsky.

Remove kulaks and Romanovs from the premises

rape and kill Anastasia Nikolaevna?

That should avoid the worst, at least. Assuming he doesn't just ignore me, which he probably would because Lenin was stubborn as hell. I can at least do the first thing.

Reminder that killing Trotsky before the Revolution is won would be a very bad thing for the Soviets' chances of winning the Civil War.

This, especially since Russia wasn't ready for communism and without the industrial capacity of countries like Germany, had to focus on building up is own, instead of communism.

ITT: People who buy into great man theory despite supposedly being Marxists. Sad!

You don't need to be a Great Man theorist to acknowledge that individuals can genuinely have an effect. A USSR run by Rykov and Bukharin would not be identical to the one run by Stalin. No one can single-handedly determine the future, but it's also absurd to claim that no one has any influence at all.

Killing off Stalin, Rykov, Bukharin, Trotsky, Lenin, Engels or even Marx wouldn't have mattered. These people did not change history on their own. In the case of the differing Soviet politicians, they each represented a faction within the USSR, and if they had died earlier, then their faction would find someone else to fill their place as a representative. You can't just kill off Trotsky or Bukharin or Stalin, you have to end their entire faction.

Stop Lenin from getting shot. Kill Stalin. Warn Lenin that not forming a coalition could lead to a new ruling class.

I mean coalition with either mensheviks or left soc revolutionaries.

Congrats, you've just increased the chances of a bourgeois republic under SR/Menshevik rule. What a fucking revolution.

I know that one of the ideas behind Marxism and anarchism is that it's the masses who make history, not personalities, but honestly, that's a bit too romantic. The right person at the right time makes all the difference in the world. I would say Stalin is the perfect example. He wasn't simply the leader of a faction that rose to power, and he wouldn't have been properly replaced if lost. The system he created wasn't just some authoritarian mess, of which there was no shortage of anyway. No, he imprinted his very pathologies into the state; a paranoiac man built a paranoiac system like the world had never seen before. Had it not been for talin, the USSR might have decayed into a dictatorship anyway, but it definitely wouldn't have been as the same.


Yep, that's trotskyism.

Ludwig: Marxism denies that the individual plays an outstanding role in history. Do you not see a contradiction between the materialist conception of history and the fact that, after all, you admit the outstanding role played by historical personages?

Stalin: No, there is no contradiction here. Marxism does not at all deny the role played by outstanding individuals or that history is made by people. In Marx's The Poverty of Philosophy and in other works of his you will find it stated that it is people who make history. But, of course, people do not make history according to the promptings of their imagination pr as some fancy strikes them. Every new generation encounters definite conditions already existing, ready-made when that generation was born. And great people are worth anything at all only to the extent that they are able correctly to understand these conditions, to understand how to change them. If they fail to understand these conditions and want to alter them according to the promptings of their imagination, they will land themselves in the situation of Don Quixote. Thus it is precisely Marx's view that people must not be counterposed to conditions. It is people who make history, but they do so only to the extent that they correctly understand the conditions that they have found ready-made, and only to the extent that they understand how to change those conditions. That, at least, is how we Russian Bolsheviks understand Marx. And we have been studying Marx for a good many years.

Ludwig: Some thirty years ago, when I was at the university, many German professors who considered themselves adherents of the materialist conception of history taught us that Marxism denies the role of heroes, the role of heroic personalities in history.

Stalin: They were vulgarizers of Marxism. Marxism has never denied the role of heroes. On the contrary, it admits that they play a considerable role, hut with the reservations I have just made.

Stop Lenin from getting shot.

Tell them how Jet engines, Helicopters, reactive armour and Automatic rifles work.

Tell them about modern military doctrine.

Tell them the way to win the world is basically be the first to build computers. (I would also tell them how BASIC computers work)

Tell them in their massive construction projects, to run fiber to every building.

Tell them shit about modern agriculture like Permaculture and Polyculture.

Tell them that cities need to be designed around public transport, walkability and urban permaculture and Cars are basically shit tier.

Tell them about renewable energy.

Tell them about modern culture so they can always be at the forefront of the culture war with the west. Imagine shit like Electronic Dance Music appearing in 1930 and how "futuristic" the USSR would seem to the rest of the world

Step 1: Kill Stalin
Step 2: Find Lenin, get him some blood thinners, tell him about his assassination attempts.
Step 3: Give Trotsky the lowdown on what to expect in the Polish-Soviet war.
Step 4: Run the fuck over to Germany. Chill there until the end of the war. Infiltrate the Freicorps.
Step 5: When the Sparticist uprising begins, do everything I possibly can to sabotage the Freicorps. Agitation, encourage infighting, blowing up their supplies/transport, assassinations.
Step 6: If I'm still alive at this point, I catch a train down to Italy and kill Mussolini.
Step 7: ???
Step 8: Socialism!


Fuck Trotsky
Marry Lenin
Kill Stalin


Convince him to join the red army and rise up the ranks

I just googled him and nigga died in 1870.

Same did every kid who killed stalin in this thread.

Work to empower the soviets and disempower anyone trying to subsume their will through state power.

like the bolsheviks

Make the grain in Ukraine very hard to obtain

didn't Lenin praise him?

Wasn't he a socialist at that point

Nah Mussolini started shifting to the Right somewhere at the beginning of the war. He founded the Il Popolo d'Italia for that purposes, something like 3 years before the revolution.

And I don't know about Lenin praising him, Mussolini wasn't exactly a huge figure in Italian socialism or anything. If you're talking about that "it's a shame we lost Mussolini…" quote, I've read that before but I can't find the book that people usually cite as source.

Kek, tankie rhymes for good times.

Slaughter foreign Bolshevik scum.


I dunno, I'd probably hang around and poison him once he retires from public life or something. Or just, like, not kill Trotsky. Radical thought for this board, I know…

They lived in flats next door to one another when they started governing mate


Tell trockij about the pick

Source the comic, please.

give the basic theory for nuclear weapons to lenin
warn them about hitler
warn them about poland
tell them to invade germany asap
make sure stalin gets general secratary :^)
nuke D.C. :^)

Kill every Jewish Bolshevik I can find, effectively saving millions of people's lives and the future of Russia for the next half century essentially.

It's the Geary graphic biography


Trotsky did nothing wrong. His fanboys are garbo, though.

Trotsky > Stalin

Operation Barbarossa

Sure. While a Trotsky cult of personality seems like the natural response to the Stalin cult of personality, it's still every bit as backwards.
People should be Trotskyists in the theoretical sense, and not the aesthetic one, honestly.

So basically kill 1% of the party? That wouldn't change much.


Lenin didn't do nuffin. Trotsky fault Konstadt got rekt.

Trotsky did nothing wrong, those sailors deserved it.

I can see only good things happening for Rosa and Germany in the short term. The social democrats got this transition shit on lock. What could possibly go wrong?

Nothing, you filthy opportunist.

tell Lenin he needs Assad's permission to overthrow the provisional government

Promote lgbt/intersex/non binary rights

spook em to death!

I recall reading somewhere that Stalin and Trotsky were actually on fairly neutral terms in the early days of the power struggle, and that Joe exploited this to make himself appear like the voice of reason compared to Zinoviev and Kamenev's open disdain for Trotsky. Any truth to this?