Brocialism and Manarchism general

Who /Brocialist or Manarchist/ here?

Other urls found in this thread:

Economic and social inequality are linked, we can't solve one without solving the other

Both of these responses are dumb, racism and sexism can be combated along with capitalism, not two separate revolutions. If you say racism and sexism don't exist or solely exist because of capitalism then you're and idiot

Idpol is dumb

You can't have socialism without Bro Liberation

Incorrect. How can you expect social change without a change in the material conditions that permit oppression in the first place?

Women are invariant, totally unconnected to the economy.

yeah, actually

I'm not obsessed with idpol, so not me.

He said both retard.

Bitch, do you not have a fucking job or something?

Fucking cunt mouth ugly bitch, taking down capitalism is also your revolution. Women are as oppressed as men under capitalism.

exactly, it will be a war for Human liberation, not liberation of this or that group.

fuck off reddit

they then went on to both vote for Hillary lol

brocialist pride worldwide

You have to go back.

Revolution postponed until we develop sexbots with artificial wombs then the vagina bourgeois get the bullet too.

Fuck off. We are reclaiming the term. There's nothing wrong with being a bro or a man.

Reclaiming it? It has never been anything but a insult to mischaracterize anti idpol leftists as being sexist or racist.

Nigger was never anything but a disparaging term and black people have reclaimed it. Maybe you should think before you post.

what a shitty goal.



Go jump feet-first into a woodchipper.

Go back to reddit you neoliberal tart.

oh guys you are like insecure teenagers.

Why did you post if you don't want people to respond, faggot?

Get some fucking theory. Politics isn't an identity game, this is ridiculous. Define yourself by what you do and what you want to do, not by things that have been chosen for you.

By some fucking theory I mean.
Write brocialist books and write manarchist books if you want to call yourself that.

I do what I want, cause a pirate is free, I am a Pirate!

You post like a redditor.



got anything else you want to say kid?

I have never stepped onto that pile of shit.
but you seem to know that place.
just as I told you before you have to go back.

"Manarchist" doesn't mean "male anarchist." It's used to disparage anarchists who reject identity politics. The usage of man- as an insult is the part of this equation that's sexist. A woman can be called a manarchist just like a man can, so it can apply to anybody who stands against identitarianism.

No, it's not. It was originally used as an insult against anarchists who bought into right-wing identity politics, used by anarchists who bought into liberal identity politics. It has no real theory behind it, no justification, and does more to divide people and cause conflict than it does to unite anything. "Being edgy and unique" is not a revolutionary strategy. The biggest flaw of feminism is the name, which has confused and frightened far too many people I've spoken to, and it at least has books.
Why not just use post-left anyways?

Rejecting liberal idpol is not the same is supporting right wing idpol. I doubt most people called manarchist or brocialists want discrimination against women or minorities that's a bunch of bullshit. It's just aqua to get people to bend to the status quo.

Maybe you should stop projecting. Post-left has a lot of stupid baggage and is divisive. The point of shunning idpol is to spit in the face of divisiveness.

They are not the same but certainly you can see that on this board we have anti-idpol being used as an excuse for both liberal, and right-wing idpol and we can not blindly support any retarded, misguided, moronic, self-destructive "movements" that happen to be part anti-idpol part "anti-idpol".

It's less divisive than manarchism is. Which is something only Holla Forums would give the benefit of the doubt. It's stupid to expect normies to not assume it's just masculine anarchism and then you always start with an argument.
The fact your "tendency" has no books, or even a pamphlet is not projection. So what is the point of identifying yourself with it?
Politics =/= Fashion

Liberal idpol is explicitly divisive, the point of manarchism/brocialism is inclusivity and shunning of idpol. You're being retarded.

What the fuck kind of anarchist are you to just accept the status quo like that? The reason things are this way is because the idpolers have hegemony in the left.

Any time you take leftism (real leftism, not capitalism with a human face) to normies, it's going to start with an argument. And there's nothing wrong with masculinity.

It's not a tendency. Who the fuck made that claim other than you? How dense do you have to be to make the accusation of pretense based on pretense that you, the accuser invented? Brocialism/manarchism is a position: opposition to idpol plus some associated rhetoric. There's nothing more to it because there doesn't need to be anything more to it. Meanwhile you are suggesting that we should splinter leftism further still instead of putting the foot down and saying we won't divide people like you faggots want us to.

Fuck off, Langley.

It was post-leftism, which critiques identity politics, that I called less divisive than manarchism. Which it is. Are you saying post-leftism is liberal idpol?

None of this. Not a fucking word of what you said, justifies your "movement".
It has no theory.
It has no praxis.
It has nothing new to add to anarchism.
It has no ground to stand on or reason to exist.
It effectively does not exist outside of a few people who want to spite feminism by using a word that implies masculinity.
Your nonsense of applying new labels to every meaningless thing to further divide people based on identity (yes calling ourselves manarchist would alienate women) is the exact fucking reason liberal-idpol is so dangerous to the left. This. What you're doing. It does not solve that problem. It perpetuates it.

We should be united by our opposition to divisive identity politics, and calling ourselves manarchists is quite fucking obviously detrimental to that goal for anyone who understands human interaction.

reading this thread resulted in whatever little sperm I had left in my testicles killing themselves so there wasn't even the slightest chance that they would ever have to exist in a world where an op this fucking lame would ever walk the earth

"It" was unclear in meaning in your post here since the last appropriate noun in the conversation was "idpol".

That's not what's happening bucko. We have been given this label so we're taking it and using it for good. Get over it.

What good is going to come of using a term that, to the very people you need to be removing the idpol from, means nothing more than an insult they invented it to be used as an insult? And then to the normies, you will be more misunderstood than MRAs and you will deserve it for choosing such a braindead, self destructive term to label yourself with.


i like using an anime profile picture so people can't know i'm female which leads them to accuse me of being a brocialist

Those people are beyond saving.

We're not going to them and advertising ourselves as brocialists, you knob. The point of the term is to signal to the idpolers to fuck off and to the socialists labeled brocialists/manarchists by idpolers that we too are like them and have banded together.

Brocialist is a compliment

I thought you were trying to make it a thing like people tried to make "alt-left" a thing, and it would be plastered all over social media. Despite that not happening, I still think it's an awful name as those you consider "beyond saving" are not merely the morons you see on socialism or twitter, but the majority of anarchists in the real world, in the west, are friendly towards feminism and such, and a term that at least tries to seem inclusive and not pants-on-head-retarded is going to be exactly what is needed to get them to accept the already existing critiques of idpol. Though frankly I think everyone off the internet would assume you're just a follower of the places where those critiques actually came from.

/r/socialism, rather

I don't like the terms "Brocialist or Manarchist" but a agree with the "movment of them.

I just kinda feel like you are cuting Lefty girls out of it by just the name sake.

But yeah idpol needs to stop.

Stop welfare-shaming you shiplord!

Feminists invented it as a slur so you have it the other way around.

Jim Profit ironically sort of forwarded an explicitly brocialist theory, even going as far to bridge Marxism and the Manosphere. The channel that hosted most of his explicitly brocialist videos has been taken down though otherwise I'd link them.

It wasn't brocialist or manarchist that came up with the name. It's was misandrists that were using "bro" is a generic insult because anything masculine to them is inherently negative. We just embraced the title to rustle jimmies.

Pretty sure this is him. But he's using a different name now. Something mut've happened and he had to go into hiding.

I mean… not well lol.

No…no that can't be him. He's becoming a mgtow John Alan Martison Jr?



I'm leaning that way these days.

let's do an intersectional revolution :^)

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */#.pimi0zve2

This article and its comments are particularly infuriating. Why are these people so obtuse?!?!?

How can you "reclaim" a term that never belonged to you and was only invented to discredit you? At best you can appropriate it, which I would still disagree with because they sound fucking retarded and gender-exclusive.

Shit thanks

You see this thread? This is why recruiting on reddit was a fucking retarded idea.

That smug fucking tumblrina. It's everyone's revolution, you stupid prole.

Also this.

I remember back when he still posted here. I would have never thought I'd actually come to agree with his critique of mod power.

But isn't that also the history of the terms Marxist, Trot, and a couple others?

Women are the bourgeoisie.

"The 1960s also saw the emergence of yet another form of nationalism on the Left: increasingly ethnically chauvinistic groups began to appear that ultimately inverted Euro-American claims of the alleged superiority of the white race into an equally reactionary claim to the superiority of nonwhites. Embracing the particularism into which racial politics had degenerated instead of the potential universalism of a humanitas, the New Left placed blacks, colonial peoples, and even totalitarian colonial nations on the top of its theoretical pyramid, endowing them with a commanding or “hegemonic” position in relation to whites, Euro-Americans, and bourgeois-democratic nations. In the 1970s, this particularistic strategy was adopted by certain feminists, who began to extol the “superiority” of women over men, indeed to affirm an allegedly female mystical “power” and an allegedly female irrationalism over the secular rationality and scientific inquiry that were presumably the domain of all males. The term “white male” became a patently derogatory expression that was applied ecumenically to all Euro-American men, irrespective of whether they themselves were exploited and dominated by ruling classes and hierarchies.

A highly parochial “identity politics” began to emerge, even to dominate many New Leftists as new “micronationalisms,” if I may coin a word. Not only do certain tendencies in such “identity” movements closely resemble those of very traditional forms of oppression like patriarchy, but “identity politics” also constitutes a regression from the libertarian and even general Marxian message of the “Internationale” and a transcendence of all “micronationalist” differentia in a truly humanistic communist society. What passes for “radical consciousness” today is shifting increasingly toward a biologically oriented emphasis on human differentiation like gender and ethnicity ―not an emphasis on the need to foster of human universality that was so pronounced among the anarchist writers of the last century and even in The Communist Manifesto." - Bookchin

Only an ancom would think his kin are treated so well

>what no we need cultural awareness

All socialists are brocialists to the liberal who has read nothing yet co-opts our language

No. First we need to get ride fo capitalism and get homeless people out of the streets, put and end in hunger, massive reforms on education.
Intersectional issues take generations to change, it happens very slowly. Capitalism can be ended right now, if everybody with a bank account withdraw all their money i.e.
