What 3D platformers are worth digging up that aren't just collectathons?

What 3D platformers are worth digging up that aren't just collectathons?

Games like Banjo would be a collectathon. Large open worlds with no real content just coins to collect. Looking for something closer to Crash where it has levels to get through. Can be more action focused but the primary focus should be finishing a level not collecting things.

Sheep Raiders is a looney toons ps1 3d puzzle platformer. I'm plaything through it right now and it's pretty damn good.

It also goes by the name "sheep dog n'wolf"

Rayman 2
Chameleon Twist
Mario 3D World

I played Jak and Daxter for the first time a few weeks ago and I was pretty disappointed. The collecting isn't even too bad most of the time, but the game really does control like absolute shit, it barely feels like a platformer

Christ even Uncharted feels more of a platformer

Crash fucking sucked compared to banjo honestly. It felt so constrained and didn't really get the dopamine rush flowing, spyro on the other hand was great!

The second game in that series is considered the best.

That's actually the opposite, but whatever

The main difference is that Crash is a linear game while banjo and spyro are nonlinear. The whole reason why I like Crash is because there's no free camera or character rotation but rather it's just a simply "sidescroller" adapted to a 3D environment. One reason why I don't really like 3D games of that era is because the camera and movement is always so awkward.

Gravity rush 1 and 2 are fantastic platformers. Mild amount of collecting but its actually pretty fun to collect in the games.

Banjo is ok but Crash was way better honestly and your option is wrong.

I had fun with SM3DL

3d Land on the 3DS was pretty okay. Nothing special but okay.

I tried 3D world on the WiiU and didn't even make it through the first level. It felt completely forced. I just couldn't have any fun with it when it was obvious they were just handing me a cat suit and pointing me at a wall. there was no fun or challenge in just holding toward and getting up an area. It was pretty much like playing Assassin's creed in a mario skin.

Crash 2 and onward is non-linear. You can pick the order you wish to play the levels.

Rayman 2 is essential, maybe 3 too if you don't mind exchanging god-tier atmosphere and aesthetics for better combat. You could also try Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers if you don't mind a sandboxy first level, and Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath is good too if you don't mind switching to first person for shootan.
Aside from that, I dunno. Kao Round 2 looks decent and Blinx has slow movement but gets pretty fucking hard later on.

But collectathons DO have levels to get through

How do you get the Lum cage on the roof of that one lava tunnel in the fire sanctuary?

Fucking A response.

Another game that I don't recall being a collectaton but having plenty of "shine" like objects is Billy Hatcher

You're complaining there was no challenge in level one of a Mario game?

I haven't played it in a couple years and only beat the PS1 version with different levels, my pirated PC copy kept shitting itself at one point, so I don't remember.


i think earthworm jim 3d is worth one playthrough
dont bother buying it, though

oh another thing
I'm not quite sure if the tony hawk games count as platformers, but theres those too

No. I'm complaining that there is no platforming. You're giving me a suit that runs up walls. I want to find my own way up places. It's why games like Assassin's creed aren't fun to explore. If I just hold up and my character does everything then why the fuck am I even playing? I'm a passive guy telling my character "go over there" and then him making his own choices to get there. I am a useless dead weight

Bumpan for 3d platformers.

It's more of a puzzle game than platformer, you just trying to steal sheep while avoiding the guard dog

That sounds fair to do on the first level to introduce a new power-up. You don't necessarily know that the cat suit lets you climbs up walls, but you're directed to a wall to collect something. Would you prefer a text box to explain the mechanics rather than the level design?

Cloudbuilt is pretty great

How does it feel to be the wrongest man in the world?

Jak 1 is pretty much just Crash but with all the levels connected to hub worlds. The level design isn't as good as Crash but it's still great.

Babby doesn't like hard games? If you like 1 better, fair enough, it's a different type of game and that comes down to taste, but 3 is just 2 but with parts that are blatantly unfinished.

Crash is an actual platformer where the challenge is actually in jumping and making it past obstacles. Banjo and to a lesser degree Spyro are just about exploring worlds with mediocre combat and no actual platforming to speak of. Spyro has a bit, especially in the first game, and parts where you need to actually glide well might count as platforming, but Banjo is a lot more along the lines of an adventure game and it only got called a platformer because it had animals in it.

You're surprised that the first level is meant to teach you mechanics? The postgame of 3D World is some of the best and most challenging 3D platforming there is.

A hat in time is pretty good and the MC is a QT.
Its on pc/xbone/ps4.
Its kind of expensive though.

I don't hear enough people talk about how A Hat in Time's gameplay is pretty much just Sly Cooper with lolis instead of furries. I hope its success makes Sony actually move forward with Sly 5.

The cat suit isn't the entire game, you bright spark. And it's not like previous games haven't given you the ability to literally fly or anything.

PC games are free, fam.

Wasn't the developer a giant TF2fag who had people make content for his server without pay.

They also have a message in the game that's pro communism
so you know,it should be free,right?

Not even pro commie, it's a meme.



Anyone who doesn't like Crash Bandicoot isn't human.

Bomberman Hero

Ape escape? Alright, it may be literally a collectathon, but not the typical kind.

Having finished it yesterday I'd say platforming elements exist but not really. It's still a pretty fun puzzle game though, and the music is surprisingly good

Crush3d is pretty great

Holla Forums, I am disappoint.

two games were ported out of the trilogy, which is pretty good.

I can't fucking stand platformers even though I played them constantly as a kid.

Super Magnetic Neo is pretty fun. It's like Crash, but with more mechanics, like swinging and ziplining.

Jet Set Radio is a 3d platformer, and it isn't a collectathon.

I wish they'd continued that style of game. It was the only bomberman game I loved.

if they ever make a successor, it better have dat chikuma

Spyro 3 and maybe 2. The focus is more on mini-games than hunting for gems like in 1. I mean you need some gems to progress, and have to 100% the game to unlock the bonus secret level, but other than that it's pretty much just running around and doing mini-games.

But why would you hate explorations based games with collect-a-tons?

It's like you hate Dalmatians 102, Monster Island, Toy Story and every Harry Potter game.

The point is that collectathons get lumped in with 3D platformers just because they sometimes have similar visual styles, even though things that are called collectathons are called such because they have no platforming. Toy Story 2 has platforming, Banjo doesn't. At least barely any of it.

I didn't even play 30 minutes of Banjo before getting bored of collecting shit, there is barely any good action going on, it feel more like a sandbox without much to do other than chase colored or shiny shit.

Conkers Bad Fur Day was way better, and so was DK64


OP this is why 3D platformers as a genre have nothing on 2D platformers. 2D platformers are the master race of gaming genres because they're enjoyment comes from mastering them, and not just finding a bunch of coins.

Odyssey is a collectathon, but it's a good, fun collectathon. You actually have to put in at least a little bit of effort to collect shit. You actually have to some some platforming or doing a specific mission to get stuff you need. It's not just walking around picking up 15 out of 1000 monkey coins or some dumb shit.

64 was better tbh

Odyssey isn't that good, it has the best controls in a Mario game but some of the worst levels

The first Alice game was a pretty good platformer on the PC
RUNE was also another good third person platformer/shooter of that era

nigga what? you best be tripping! sunshine was the apex of the mario games that will never be reached again.


Galaxy > 64 > Sunshine

You gotta admit, the Snow Kingdom is dogshit. That's one thing he got very correct.

I've only just played both recently, and I've definitely had more fun in general with Odyssey. 64 isn't a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but the greater number of movement options in Odyssey makes my dick rock hard.

He was a TF2 fag, but the last part isn't true. Usually he took on the lion's share of work for any project he was working on and did it pro-bono in most cases.

Even years after the fact I could never suffer through the second boss. How, user?

when did we become nu/v/?


ninja goemenomon for N64. it doesnt really have levels but its not a collectathon either. wait.. is that even a platformer?

try ratchet and cl-.

wait, i dont think i actually play platformers. i should delete this and not even post.

Does that ever apply for any collectathon, ever?

DK64 with the colored bananas, and the dumbass music notes in Banjo IIRC.

Sunshine fucking blows. It's a downgrade in almost every aspect when compared to 64. Worlds are ugly and forgettable. Music is repetitive and annoying. Sound design isn't as memorable. The main gimmick of the game, Fludd, is a safety net to make platforming easier, and hilariously enough the game improves tremendously in the segments where its removed (even the music gets better).

I would point out how fludd's other use, besides dumbing down the gameplay, is being a key. However, 64 does the same thing with its hats (minus the flying hat), but even then the metal hat usually has you do something on a timer, as oppose to just rocketing you through doors or up onto cliffs.

Really, Jak 2 was fun as fuck, but holy shit that change of pace for the story is a level of autism I don't think has ever been beheld since.


You might just be the worst human being alive.

Thanks for fucking reminding me this existed. I used to play the demo of this when I was a kid and I wanted to try the full game so bad but never got to do it, eventually I forgot about it all together. I'm replaying it right now and it's pretty great.

Super Mario Maker if you have a 3DS or Wii U. Something about making your own dickhead levels and watching your soon to be ex-friends try and complete them.

Medievil is good.

Sunshine was best without Flood. Shit had tedious segments. 64 Never had tedious segments.

You've obviously never played 64 to its fullest then. The game does an astonishing amount of shit with less. Odysee also remove a bunch of shit that made the original fun like evading fall damage and gimped the physics.

Have you played 64? The FPS probably isn't 60 but it's certainly nothing to shake a fist at. For what the game is the higher frame rate isn't necessary.

They're one of the worst genres. The 2D sidescrolling perspective is also objectively the worst perspective in gaming.

Nice bait, lad.

Nah, collecting coins are secondary, and just as prominent in 2D as they are in 3D platformers.

None of those examples you posted force you to collect items in order to progress, though.

Where's your argument, lad?

Klonoa is pretty good, user.

When people say "Crash is linear", they mean "Crash has levels with clear paths to follow". Crash is analogous to walking two blocks and finding a dollar along the way, whereas Banjo is looking for pocket change in a two block radius.

Super Metroid is a 2D game that requires you to collect items. If you don't like collectables in a game don't play games with collectables.

That's the issue. Most 3D platformers force you to collect, while most 2D platformers don't. Ergo 2D platformers are superior, because collecting shit is tedious and autistic.

>OP clearly implied he wants to play old games with his use of the words digging up

Glover is ok