Figure I'd make a thread to discuss the game.

So I've just played through it for the first time after all the praise I've seen for it. Here are my thoughts.

The way this game handles lighting and physics is simply amazing. I've literally seen nothing like it. It actually enhances the combat, which is also top-notch. The combat is so visceral and exciting, with the best bullet-time mechanic of any game I've ever played. The VK-12 might be the best shotgun in any FPS ever. It just syncs so fucking good with the combat that you never want to use any other gun. Like, I was seriously disappointed whenever the enemies were too far away and I had to use a different weapon. The horror element was also very interesting, opting for making things unsettling (aka true horror) over throwing out jump scares.

My only real criticism would be that I do think all the levels were very plain, visually. I understand they were designed that way to provide contrast with the combat and horror, but I did get sick of fighting in offices and warehouses.

Other urls found in this thread:


kill yourselves

You both deserve rape.

bite the bullet

The fuck happened

What the fuck are you talking about?



Every fear thread lately has been getting massive shit from a lot of anons recently. Don't know why since the game is still fun to play these days


Cuckchan flooded this board and now it's the new cuck/v/ from the Japanese fellating to the shitty hotpockets.

I've noticed a lot of 1 and dones like this lately. I guess it's part and parcel of being on an image board during any holiday period.

It's one single autist, the same goddamn queer that argues that there are no PC game classics.

Probably a consolecuck

Deleted. Do try to ignore bait.

Son, this nigger says the only good PC "classic", yes, he loves to put these quotation marks, is Doom and that games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Mount&Blade, Half Life, Crysis, Allied Assault, Thief, Unreal, C&C, Sins of a Solar Empire, are shit and "Holla Forumscore" just like >>14069045, but surely that's pure (((coincidence))), just like 5 different (1) and dones which are posted with his same opinion are purely (((coincidental)))

This is the same nigger with a 2012 laptop, an obsession with the Sega Saturn, a deep hatred for emulation and a fixation with a Steamcuck autist called Gamezard which he constantly accuses people of being when they disagree with him.

It's so bad you can easily see who he is on an anonymous imageboard.

Sage for offtopic

The real issue is that you have rather obvious divisions between Replica and Alma segments. As in "Fight Replica -> Get Spooked by Alma -> Fight Replica ->…" and so forth.

Also, whoever thought only making the fucking autocannon available near the end of the game should be hanged. Second most satisfying gun in the game next to the shotgun.

You always post these when he pops up right

Yep, he's been had it since late 2016 though.

tfw Half Life 2 gets hundreds of mods
tfw only Russians mod F.E.A.R

It still hurts to this day

At least theres a Coop mod

I've made a few maps for the game but it's disappointing how the fanbase basically abandoned the game a few years after it released and the only time it gets brought up is when people go "hey I just played this game and holy shit it's still good"


Hey it's that one autist


I don't think Monolith provided Lithtech modding tools though unlike Valve with Hammer.
I might be wrong though

Best thing about it his him complaining about good medkit positioning.

Does this add more enemies?

fear didn't do anything new here but it does make the combat more satisfying. Shame it doesn't really have an impact on game play other than it feeling a little better to play compared to other shooters. The stencil lighting stopped being impressive after doom 3 tho. severance even softened the impact doom 3 would have by doing it before anything else I saw, but doom 3 probably did it as good as fear did. It helps that fear is just a better game than doom 3.

I was too, but only because the long range combat is a joke in fear. Enemy reactions are way too slow even on the highest difficulty.

no stop
fucking stop
m8 you're full of shit

it failed hard at the horror. The horror was just a waste of time and provided pause between combat encounters at best, but I got just as much pause from picking up any spare ammo, health upgrade, kits, and other things in the environment. I think I would like the game more if they made more than two texture sets (office & warehouse.) The layouts aren't particularly great either, ultimately feeling very samey and the combat encounters sorely lack enemy variety.

It's probably Monolith's best game, butthe it isn't some masterpiece like you're pitching it to be, might wanna relax with the hyperbole otherwise you'll attract some ridiculous autists to the thread.
nevermind, I'm too late, this thread is already a lost cause

God killing replicas was so much fun.

No they did. The SDK was included with the game. It even had securom DRM installed with it (and required the game's CD)


There were a bunch of mods made for the game although mostly small ones. A few singleplayer ones. The bulk of the modding community was concentrated on the game's multiplayer.

The Russian community fixed the game's SDK which you can dl from FEAR Combat's website (Which is the only FEAR community still around and is concentrated on the game's multiplayer). fear-combat.nl/FEAR-Public-Tools.html

However I don't even know anyone who still wants to mod F.E.A.R still. Which is disappointing because the expansion packs were essentially just mods made ontop of the base game.

nice arguments

yeah because everyone loves a stash of goodies right on the path before a big fight, it's not like exploration feels more rewarding amirite, good medkit placement indeed

If it's anything like DEdit that came with nolf it's an unusable piece of shit with nothing in common with radiant, dromed or hammer.

Every fucking shooter has done this you massive faggot. It's not a zelda game

It's perfectly usable.

Radiant Dromed and Hammer are very different editors. Dromed especially since it's a subtractive editor. Hammer has more in-common with Lithtech than any of the others. Almost everyone who uses Radiant nowadays doesn't make geometry in it, they make brushes in 3dsmax/Blender and import them into Radiant.

One great thing about dedit/worldedit is that the devs left all of their prefabs in the game's folders so you can very easily populate a map with stuff.

Your a fucking faggot.
Medkits were there to make sure you progress properly since enemies either chunk you for half or out right kill you. Your exploration is rewarded with health and slowmo upgrades. Medkits weren't an exploration reward you fuckng faggot, they were a resource which if you do good can save up for tougher areas. All the shit is there because your stupid ass can get really easily nuked and you can run out of supplies. Ammo is aside from the shotgun has a real risk of running low.

Let's see here user. Here's a list of every game that has done this
-Doom 1,2 and 3
-Serious Sam 1,2 and 3
-Turok 1,2 and 3
-Half Life 1 and 2
-Duke Nukem
-Postal 2
-literally every other fun shooter

Again be a faggot elsewhere.

Ahh, so I see that every FEAR thread is now being spammed with "game is shit" posts in a similar way that pic related was spammed around 3 years ago.
Its interesting to see how endless spamming by a few autists is actually able to change the general opinion of the whole board, just like it did with HL2 over the last few years.

Cant wait to see the general opinion of Fear to go from "one of the best FPS ever created" to "it was a pretty good game" to "it was an ok game but is way overrated" to "FEAR WAS NEVER GOOD IT IS A SHIT GAME THAT IS LINEAR AS FUCK THE AI WAS NEVER GOOD NOR WAS THE SHOTGUN GO BACK TO REDDIT NOBODY HERE EVER THOUGHT THE GAME WAS GOOD WE WERE ALWAYS AT WAR WITH EURASIA" over the next few years.

it doesn't hurt to contemplate the pros and cons of each game. Just because a game has flaws doesn't mean you have to hate it.

It's more because people want to be contrarians who want to feel smarter and better than other people when in reality all of our opinions are mostly meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

I'm mostly seeing people sperg out that there's not unanimous praise after a few drive by posts.

Either we haven't played the same game or you need to git gud.

can't compare with doom, quake, duke, postal and serious sam because the levels are OPEN and medkits and ammo are scattered all around, just like the fucking enemies and they have a shitton of secrets that reward you with more health and more booms if you fucking explore to find them. also they are all blatantly arcadey something fear isn't, because it tries so hard to tell a "serious" story and have a super duper creepy atmosphere going for it but it fails because it's utterly ruined by the fact you're constantly reminded you're playing a fucking video game over and over and over and over.

Yeah, great arguments, F.E.A.R has big flaws from samey levels to lack of enemy variety, but it's still a great game that does shooting and enemy design differently and uniquely from other games.

It might not br a masterpiece, but it's close, especially for the time it was released.

HL2 has always had criticism on both cuckchan and here, retard. It's a massive downgrade to HL1 in almost every way. FEAR is actually good though.

Your argument was "everybody loves a stash of goodies right before a big fight" something all those other games did as well. Quit trying to move the goal post.

Now this is shit bait

Jesus this webm is frontloaded. The first scene in the house is pretty neat, but everything else is just "Watch me kill this dude in slow motion"

Was this some sort of trailer?

What did he mean by this?

Read the greentext you massive retard

Wrong user

they aren't supposed to be arguments, they're supposed to make you mad. Happens in pretty much every thread.

stretching it my man. It's a good game but it's got some pretty notable flaws.

I just admitted that, but every game has big notable flaws.

yeah, making it pretty far from a masterpiece. I think the level design, repetitive encounters, and easy enemies don't help it.

Nah, even top tier games like Super Metroid have big fucking flaws which including awfully positioned platforms and press R+B or simply B to kill Boss.


That is true, that HL1 was always regarded as the better one and that HL2 was criticised for having too many cutscenes and the airboat chapter.

It was however concidered a good game and there were regular threads where people would discuss the gameplay, the characters, plot and mods for the game

I consider it a good game, just a dissapointing sequel full of flaws.
The shooting mechanics outside some specific weapons are really bad too.

It's really not a good game on its own either. It's just a glorified tech demo with bad enemy and weapon variety.

the finale was fucking shit too, and i love this game. The had the audacity to give you a ton of autocannon ammo right near the end but then you don't fight anymore replicants after that point

Other way round, hl2 is regarded by everyone who's not retarded as the better game. hl1's gameplay, weapons and level design was utter shit.

The disappointing part about the end of the game is that they ditch the more interconnected battle areas that loop around on themselves in favor of big rooms with some tunnels in the back. Someone should make a level pack completely based on those kinds of areas.

An user a while back said this was because Valve stopped making games and focused on being a service distributor. I like to believe him. I don't really know why people hate hl2. I mean, it's not great. It's mediocre once you take out the driving levels and physics puzzles which got old really fast.

Out of all the flaws fear had the low enemy count is the main one imo

FEAR 2 improved on 1 in a lot of ways

It did take out lean though, which kind of sucked. I would have liked to see a contextual lean system which is better than the classic setup because it frees up two keys for other functions, you're never going to lean out in the open so it makes sense to have it depend on the environment instead of a key press.

FEAR 3 was obviously the best in the series, though

delet yourself

HL2 is still better than every single shooter released after 2007.

resistance 3 and killzone mercenary are pretty great if you aren't shit with controllers.

HL2 set a standard for post 2k7 shooters by riddling it with non-gameplay and in-game exposition

There is a sizeable group of people on this site that come here purely to be disruptive and annoying.

Like, they literally wake up in the morning with shitposting in mind, and they do it until they can't stay awake any longer.

Imagine living like that.

I rest my case.


The only time the game proper scared me at all was when (legit spoiler) the facility blew up at the end. The huge blast, the cars and various other debris building upwards, being pressed into the corner while looking for a way out. Did not see it coming.
The game isn't near perfect but the combat feels visceral, the slowmo is OP but fun as hell, and even if the AI are scripted, they still have craft and effort put into them. I think the devs were somewhat retarded to think any of it was scary, but the attempted horror at least added flavor.
Despite being the worst expansion, PM is the one that spuked me. The segment in the undercity where you aren't fighting pathetic footsoldiers but a small selection of spooks. Even if it was jumpscary, it made you feel a lot more vulnerable and quasihuman.

git gud

Kill yourself

Follow him you shitter, Killzone and Resistance are mediocre garbage and I played every single Resistance game and the first two Killzones and funnily enough the first one which runs at 15 FPS, is covered in vaseline and that has an FOV so low it makes Halo looks good is the best one of all the three shit tier games.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R CoP and Serious Sam 3 were released at the same time as Killzone 2 and 3 and they're much better games than that sewage which the only thing has going for it being the art design which is completely wasted on such shit games.

thats why I specified killzone mercenary you dumb fuck, the rest of the games are garbage. I don't care about the rest.

Emulate Coded Arms faggot

It does have shit pacing, but the levels are alright for a corridor shooter. On my playthrough, I did feel that there was too many medkits and not enough ammo of the cooler guns, so I agree with you on that.

That's completely wrong and I don't know what you're talking about.

Only Splinter Cell surpasses it in lighting and the AI is far superior to Thief and Half-Life if you pay attention to it.

It fucking hurts so much, them and Massive being bought by Jewbisoft were part of the reason the last decade was so shit.

90% of the time is a bad mechanic. Stamina bars are especially annoying when you have several miles of corridor to slog through. Permanent run with walk toggle is better.
Shit. Persistent lean controls are immensely better, and with q and e taken, maybe the developer will consider not adding in near pointless and bloated binds.

FEAR 2 is borderline unplayable. The visual design, while prettier I guess, is harder to read and doesn't play well with the arbitrary spawn locations. If you have the game installed, boot it up right now and while playing the first couple of levels, pay attention to the enemy spawns. By design, routes don't matter. This is a game where you flip over a table and peek out to shoot dudes. While FEAR 1 definitely succumbs to corridor syndrome every so often, it has the balls to put you on a rooftop where some enemies will suppress you from one end while others actively advance from the other.

That hasn't even covered how painfully unresponsive FEAR 2 is. It's difficult to explain in how many ways the controls feel worse than FEAR 1, and what's more amazing is that they managed to fuck it up while using the same engine. It feels like I am using my mouse as a proxy for a stick or something.

There is a decent game hidden somewhere under there, but it's less painful to read about it on the wiki and look at some screenshots instead of playing it. Why would I play Crysis 2 when Crysis 1 does it better? Same deal.

Wow this game is awful. Playing it right now. The fuck are you talking about?

Imagine being this fucking stupid

LMAO! FEAR is so shitty and repetitive it makes NuPrey look good.


I started playing most games by Monolith to see how badly they fucked up AvP2 and how badly Alien fans have been missing out on a good Aliens game for years.

I didn't find Monolith's games all that amazing, creative and groundbreaking.
But they still did a light years better job on Tron 2.0, NOLF, Fear 1 and others than compared to the garbage that was AvP2.

Do you suck dick everyday in the morning?

Most of them are Trannies, they also lack any taste so it's easy to spot them once you realize only they use certain pics and type the same way without changing their patterns at all. They're also the same guys who started the shitty unreadable collage trend I hate them so fucking much. I suspect they're also the same guys who swarm out of the woodwork to shit on Kojima pretty much all the time since everyone else is ambivalent or otherwise not stupid enough to overlook Konami's involvement.

I seriously doubt I'd enjoy HL2 if I played it today, F.E.A.R. for all its shortcomings had such enjoyable elements like gunplay, the enemy behavior, lighting, particle effects, that as far as I'm concerned is what the game is all about. HL2 is mediocre in all those aspects, the only thing it has going for it is atmosphere and maybe progression (save for the long ass vehicle sections).

No, it's the other kind of linear. The kind that 90% of video games are.

Do you? fanboy?