Did they fix it? Will the EE fix it otherwise? Is it worth the $20?

Did they fix it? Will the EE fix it otherwise? Is it worth the $20?

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Much better than it was before, but is still lacking in stuff to keep you busy with. That exact issue should be fixed with the Enhanced Edition, as they are planning on adding player progression etc.

Does it work playing alone or is there an active community?

spoonfeed me! spoonfeed me!

I hear it was a crashy glitch-fest at first, like, nearly un-runnable, and I am about 6-7 hours into the game with maxed out settings including level restarts because fuck not killing a dozen more enemies and missing a point because of it and have not had a single crash - Win10 LTSB x64 on Ryzen 1600x and RX580 .

It's fun, but if you like WH40k then it's way more special. I have to admit, it feels pretty fucking awesome walking through some of these places that I've only read about and had to imagine from book descriptions and the like. Walking through a secret psyker-containment facility run by the Inquisition aboard an Astra Telepathica ship is just a cool as fuck feeling. Every detail you could possibly imagine is there - purity seals, honor scrolls, torches, defunct, defiled, demolished, and decapitated servitors, psykers, skeletons, etc. If you could somehow get that same experience elsewhere without buying the game, I'd say don't buy the game, but those devs knocked it out of the fucking park with hard-line lore compliance and attention to detail, COMPLETE opposite of what DoW3 did, and IMO it is worth supporting the company due to that fact.

Hows the gameplay?

As another user put it in the last thread, it's essentially a left 4 dead clone with a WH40k skin, except you do not swap weapons mid-level at all. If you don't like 40k a lot, you will probably not enjoy it over L4D.

The storm bolter and force sword/power fist is your starting configuration, and I have stuck to that so far because the use of both continues to be practical and satisfying, and the force sword vs power fist gives a huge cooldown to the psy-powers which really come in handy, especially when you're in a particularly cramped hallway, because your bolt rounds cannot pass through your allies' armor. I will leave Assault/Plasma Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Thunder hammer, and lightning claws for another play-through, so I can't comment on those. There is a parry function I imagine would be more relevant with a melee weapon playthrough, but can't comment on that because I haven't used them. I have only unlocked one additional psy-power, so can't comment much on those, but the 3 I have now (a close range blow-back, a narrow lightly enemy-seeking force lightning attack, and a long-range flame attack) are used regularly, so I would say that making them relevant to gameplay as a compensation for other things (no bullet pass-through) is successful from a design perspective.

But, overall, the gameplay is repetitive. There are no QTEs, there are no backflips, the level design is grid-like and utilitarian between the wide-open awesome "Engineriums", chapels, etc. because that is how Space Hulk the game actually is, and that is how ships of the Imperium would actually be, so make of that what you will - it is the polar opposite of the open-world game. I'm rambling a bit, so I'm going to end it on that note.

What does the enhanced edition add?

its shit

thats a year old review, the game changes significantly since then

got anything that goes over the changes?

Ill have to disagree in some respects, while the map design is excellent, some of the best and most faithful in any 40K.
The gameplay shits all over the lore of the terminator armour however.

Just pirate it for the single player and wait for the EE to actually come out, the devs are late with it and they never communicate so nobody knows when it's coming.

I can suspend belief with Terminator armor being pieced by crude rockets and lesser tyranids for the sake of gameplay.

I'd like to know that the Dev's a going to add more enemy types and perhaps other race or races to spice things up a little. Maybe even a mod where a 5th player plays a the Broodlord and deploys the swarms against the Terminator Squad. A man can dream.


Is Enhanced Edition just an update or will I have to buy something else?

While I appreciate the need for the compromise, it might have been more interesting to work the gameplay around the rules set out with in the lore.
Didn't Evolve try 4v1 coop? I like the idea, but it sounds easy to cheese.

It's going to be free for people who already bought the game I think. I don't know if it will be listed as a separate game though.

The game is shallow as fuck, fun for about 5 minutes then it gets really fucking old. Dawn of War is one of the best IP's and people keep managing to fuck up their games. The only decent 40k games are the original dawn of war RTS games. Everything else is just shit.

pleb taste

From what I remember from my initial play through the end game psychic powers you get are great and pretty fun to use. Notably there was one power that let you compress all the genestealers in the room into a little bloody ball

WH40k question. How does the Imperium grow their newborns, is it dependent on Homeworlds? Like Hive world gives rise to low class, genetically normal humans, but how are the strong warriors/psykers raised? Are their genes pre selected for their profession to be super humans? I remember reading that's how a few thousand men were made who served the God Emperor when he could move around, and each could fight hundreds of enemies alone.

mutations, in universe they're becoming more common since humanity is evolving into a psychic race

Depends, but the Space Marines will generally recruit from worlds that have "rough" upbringings, so low tech barbarian worlds where it's survival of the fittest from a young age or certain hive underdregs

That sounds like Thunder Warriors, and no one knows how they were made other than they were gene-enhanced and far stronger than space marines but far less stable

Has there ever been a instance where a space marine expired of age ??

Not that I know of
but they're not immortal age wise, but they still live for centuries

I always wondered that, Thanks.

Awesome lore, thanks. Yea the gene enhanced warriors were from ages of the past (millenia ago, long lost tech) when human species could make legendary things, but now its ancient relics that are unkown in terms of how its made.

Last time I played it, even on low settings it would be pretty bad if there was an invasion of genestealers or whatever they're called. Loved the gunplay, but I have a Ryzen CPU and a GTX1080. It should at least handle medium settings, right?

Sounds like your rig is borked.

The game would be unplayable if it required you, as a human, to have the senses of a Space Marine's Space Marine to react to things like Stalker strain Tyranids, etc. It's just utterly asinine to even speculate on things like that. It shits all over the lore for Librarians too, because Psyker powers don't operate on strict 8 second timers. Not to mention that you can reload from saves - how lore-defiling! Sanguinius couldn't reload from a save, amirite?

That sounds like fun. My plan was to max out the squad tree after getting the inferno power, but I may reconsider.

The oldest "Living" Space Marine at least in the lore that I know of is that Space Wolf Dreadnought who fought in the time of Heresy, though he is only awoken like once a century now or something. There's also the founding Grey Knight Epimetheus who's from the Heresy age, but he spent like 9k years in that SM-hibernation state, then got BTFO and captured by Abaddon, got the Emperor's own gene-seed stolen, and now Abby is trying to corrupt him, so I'm sure he won't live much longer.

I thought AMD drivers being shit was the meme, not the other way around? I've got an RX580 and a 1600x and have everything maxed out 60fps stable at 1080p.

What do normal people do in the 40k universe?
What's daily life like?

"It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of His inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the vast Imperium of Man for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that He may never truly die.

Yet even in His deathless state, the Emperor continues His eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in His name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst His soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity from aliens, heretics, mutants – and far, far worse.
To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods."

Forgot to append:

It's hell. Oppressive as shit, hard shift-work propaganda-driven hell.

I remember I ended up using the bolter+sword pretty much the whole game. I was playing single player on the hardest difficulty, and nothing else but the basic powers+cooldown reductions was really able to keep up. The chain lightning+fire pillar pretty much carried me through the whole game.

The scope of variation in life quality in 40k is far beyond what I'm willing to write, but Hive cities are mostly populated with deliberately uneducated (because chaos) slaves/serfs that never see the light of day (only the upper castes live on the levels of the city that are above the toxic atmosphere of the planet anyways) and work and die on some kind of assembly line.

Basically take a look at all political, religious, and economics systems, and combine the worst fucking aspects of all of them in various proportions depending on the setting. That's 40k.

Wrong. Space Marines are superior to Thunder Warriors in every respect.
The Thunder warriors were a test run. A first attempt by Big E to enhance humans.

Nope. They tend to die in battle.
Dante is the oldest known, having served as Chapter Master for over 1100 years (and unknown number of years before that promotion, but at the very least 300 years)
It's worth to note he shows no signs of aging degradation, still fighting on the front lines.

They're not as efficient soldiers and the creation process wasn't as clean. They were too violent and short lived to serve as soldiers for the Great Crusade

It depends, you have everything from deathworlds to paradise worlds in 40k
some worlds never know of war and actually have decent lives since the Imperium doesn't care how a world is governed as long as they pay the Imperial tithe and follow the Imperial Creed

Haven't played it in months, but yes.

I don't know why most people whined about it, but you got exactly what was advertised: Terminators vs. Genestealers.