World in Conflict mp source code to be open sourced

A strangely unjewish thing to do.
What's the (((catch)))?

I dont know what that cheese is but I need it in my life at the same quantities.

Oh yeah I guess that game is cool too I guess.

Bump for interest.

My initial guess is they will use DCMA to own everything made for the game.

I wonder how that revive project will use it?

They're releasing the source to the central server, not the game. Try reading.

If it's GPL, you gotta make your derivatives open source too and any changes to the license require the approval of every person who's ever worked on it.
If it's MIT, you don't have to do jack shit besides admit it's derivative.

It depends on what license they are using.

It depends entirely on the license they release their code under. What, you thought open source really means free software? Get back in line goy.

It's GPL v2 and it doesnt change the fact that it's just the multiplayer backend that they're open sourcing. You could have discovered either of these facts in less than a full minute of reading, jackass.

What's going on in this timeline?

Go suck publisher dick somewhere else

Please don't say this after the 20th Century Fox purchase


that cheese looks delicious

I remember a thread from a while back where that image was in the OP and some retard user thought it was a cake.

It was probably Mark

Probably was Mark.

Something isn't right here.

amerimutt detected

When did cheese become an American stereotype? I always associate cheese with the French or the English.

Post was deleted, so I can't see what it was, but if it's about the gif, he probably meant how Americans always ask what the heck is going on whenever that gif is posted.

It wasn't it was one of those unfunny Holla Forums meme shitposters.

They can spin up the multiplayer back end and they would be fine to do so because they wouldn't be giving out copies of the game.

What kind of fat fuck could eat as much as she’s scraping off?

Did my post not go through?

No, that's not what's happening. The source code for the game isn't being released; the source code for the master server software that the game is DRM-locked to is being released. What would be less Jewish would be if the game just weren't DRM-locked to a master server in the first place.