Rly tickles your neurons


Euro here. Fucking burgers should take the bulk of the refugees, since your government's bullshit is what created most of them

lmao you don't know how this works, frog


This. I hope the EU continues to distance itself from the US and starts building up a relationship with China and Russia.

They should go to Israel.

No, it's pretty obvious they should go to America.


I'm honestly baffled by the furor with which the West has been treating immigration. I understand not liking immigration, or thinking that immigrants are your equals and deserve assistance and whatnot, but these protests seem to show a nearly sexual frenzy towards immigration, as if it somehow is a matter of life and death.

The only reason for this I can see is a general indoctrination to see immigration as charity, i.e. giving random third world peasants a shot at a decent life here. Which obviously is Porky's way of making sure no one tries to fix the shithole country they're coming from in the first place.

Am I crazy or what?

You are not crazy, that is exactly what is happening.

Sorry yuropoor I'm afraid the vassals always take the first hits

Anti immigration pro immigrant is a meme. If you aren't prepared to go out and kick the fuckers out you are complicit in it. Make them feel unwelcome, or they will keep on coming

That's precisely what you get when you blame immigrants for everything for years and then suddenly need millions of immigrants to fix that incompetency you've been blaming on them.

Sadly their lapdog has fucked up the EU so that it's not going to happen, which has been their project since 1973.
Britain went into Europe just to ruin everything.
t. Brit. My country is an embarrassment.

Yeah, when I say the EU I'm quite happy with the UK crawling off into a corner with America to die. It's pretty funny listening to the people who have moaned about the EU for over four decades call people moaners now. At least there is some solace in knowing one day all the boomers will be dead.
t. Brit

Because by the same token as
this view of immigration as charity gets people to do the exact same thing with regards to what's keeping those third world country third world countries. Sure it's nice that a handful of them will have a better shot at life, but it's ultimately not only meaningless, but worse than meaningless, because of that masking of the base issue.

And to reiterate, it's not being pro-immigration that is weird, but the fanaticism with which liberals go about it, as if to reduce immigration was on par with torpedoing refugee boats in the Mediterranean.

Got it now, thanks. The rabid pro-immigration stance ties back to two of the key tenets of liberalism: co-opetition and equality of opportunity, or bluntly, opportunism. Not that the aristocrats have ever not engaged cheap or free labor onto whom to externalize the undesirable aspects of living.

Do you know what a refugee is?

Anyone going to some place to not be in some other place is a refugee. Durr.
If it were really a matter of life and death, liberals wouldn't run right-wing death squads against their home countries. Liberals can indulge their booj-ass philanthropy on their own personal fucking dime and leave the rest of us the fuck out of their Pharisee posturing.

That's not how this works unfortunately. The US has fucktons of space, though. Roughly same land as Yurop and half the population. We could easily take those poor bastards from the middle east but we won't becuase property developers don't want their nice views and expensive neighborhoods ruined.

That is how they see it

How undialectical of you.

Shut up, faggot.

That is entirely redundant on a statue that already has a sign on it that says, "Give me your tired, your poor, uour huddled nasses yearning to breathe free." I mean, that's the whole damn point of the Statue of Liberty.


Probably would have been a smarter stunt if they just hung that up instead.

Really? Isn't what's already written on the base of the Statue good enough?

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

doesn't fit within 140 characters


I wonder, 🍀🍀🍀who🍀🍀🍀 could be behind this?


you serious? do the americans know about this?
i bet they were pretty mad when the french were like "oh btw did you read the small print? can't give it back now, too late."

The Americans put the plaque with that inscription onto the statue in 1903. Different times.