As soon as the game releases it wont have the reasoning of it being (((early access))) as to why its shit. Maybe then people will realize that this game is a broken, unfinished game even outside of (((EA))). Its even funnier that this game is getting supported so much, even though its only sold so much due to the chinese.

So whats going to be the excuse for the game being broken, unfinished, clunky, and muddied after its release? I've been hearing alot of chads say it being broken gives it charm!

Other urls found in this thread:

Once again, the only reason people- chinamen aren't people- play this is because they saw their favorite overreacting streamer make some videos on it. They don't play it for the actual, yknow gameplay, they play it for the "moments" and 'xd ahaha he bugged out into the wall' is considered as a "moment" to these subhumans.

I had more fun with a broken GMod battle royale gamemode than with this.

you either run for 30 min and then get sniped from a hill, or you get a once in a lifetime moment that a streamer acts like happens all the time in his youtube collab.

Why? It has a nice idea for gameplay. I haven't tried it but I can easily get the appeal.

its the way the game is presented and handled, the game would be better if the map was cut in half, it had an actual art style and aesthetic rather than it being SUPER REAL and muddied and unable to tell the difference between a person and a bush. Not to mention the graphics arent even that outstanding, and its optimization and use is fucking abysmal.

The graphics are atrocious


Being able to blend with your environment is part of the appeal, I'd say. One big flaw for me is that it's a 3rd person shooter which is a bad choice for an online game because it allows you to peak around the corners unnoticed.


It doesn't look that bad and it's not really that important anyway.

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Yeah I'd prefer to know where the fuck bullets are coming from, at least fix the sound design for fucks sake. Also what the fuck is the point of such a massive fucking map? Most of it is just open fields, and downtime. Every game guaranteed you'll be running for an extended period of time.

Sage isnt a downvote, and you fucked up on the spacing regardless.

t. cuck butthurt pubg player

What makes you think it will ever release? What incentive do the devs have to finish the game? They can milk the EA train for as long as they can and jump ship once the popularity dies down. Same shit happened in DayZ, they really have no reason to finish the game since it won't sell them any more copies.

To me it seems like you're basically listing features that makes the game appeal to some as something negative. Kind of like how some people whine about some games being too hard while others find the challenge appealing.

The picture is a countdown to it leaving EA

So 20 min of running in an open field is fun to some people? Loss of information and not knowing whats going on is acceptable and people want to encourage the behavior? I feel like these people are the same type of person that would say that they prefer to eat shit over actual food. Sure its there opinion and they might genuinely like it. But its objectively wrong.

Isn't it full release now?

Yup, I can already see the game is more than ready for a 1.0. It's not like this is a marketing stunt and you're obviously not a shill.

No, a slow paced game in which you're being on the edge all the time because there could be a sniper camping anywhere is appealing to some. Is it really that hard to get the appeal?

I made this because its retarded how popular this is despite it being boring and amusing, and the fact that its being released out of EA at all. That picture is a capture straight from steam.

You're describing an entirely different game. I would happily play what you're describing.

And I'm saying that the game isn't anywhere near the level of polish that a 1.0 release would warrant. The netcode and optimization are complete and utter garbage and it's nearly devoid of content.


That was OP's point you stupid fuck.


Last I read it was banned in China.

Has this changed now?

In a real conflict situation you often can peak around corners barely noticed.

In a FPS like counterstrike you literally have to walk in to the line of fire to see around a corner. That is less realistic than peeking in third person.

You can lean around corners in first person mode

Tell your bosses to fire you, making the same shit thread every day is too obvious.

Not in counterstrike.

It's a shitty game then.


You're just bad. No information is being lost, it's still there, it just happens to be a lot harder to process and obtain that information than in a game like Quake, where you're probably setting it so all your enemies are bright red, pink or green. Even then, I'm willing to bet any truly good player of Quake would still have pinpoint accuracy and amazing perception without everyone being bright colored, it just acts as a crutch and learning mechanism for shitters anyway.
If you could set all players in PUBG so they're bright red and low poly models like Superhot, the game would become even shittier than it already is.

Arma 3 BR mod is still superior to everything out there.




That ayylmao balloon looks like a really big green titty….woah guys…

What about Fortnite?

Still getting that lawsuit from the PUBGooks last I heard.

Fortnite Save the World is surprisingly fun an comfy.
Fortnite Battle Royale and everyone who plays it can go piss up a fucking rope and hang themselves with it. Seriously we don't want you fucking BRniggers in our game.

Lol the game is still broken but fags will now just say “IT’S FULL RELEASE NOW! ONE POINT O”


It's more like you spend 20 mins gathering shit and getting into small scale conflicts with other teams with your friends until the big fights at the end.

Basically the entire reason the new map is preferred. They got rid of the bushes and rocks that are almost definitely designed specifically so you'll think they're people.

The buillet sounds are like real life, you don't know where they're coming from because you keep turning toward the sound of them whizzing past your head. You need to focus on listening just for the pop and ignore the other sounds. In other words get good

It released today dumbass

The game is guaranteed to be 100% exciting all the fucking time, and demanding that of every game is the kind of retarded shit that a normalfag would demand.

*isn't, fuck me


Quality control really is dead huh

It might have been if the mod wasn't on a game with such an horrible engine.

The excuse, it won't have the excuse. Stop playing and obsessing over shit and read a fucking book. But first check my dubs.

I knew the game sold like hot cakes but I didn't know it was that bad

Most people will either say "It isn't broken" or "The bugs aren't a big deal". The only time they'll stop defending this piece of shit is after they stop playing and lose any attachment they had to it.

You really don't know where you are, do you?

lemme in, i'm disgusted too.

Quality control has been in a vegetative state for over a decade. Skyrim was one of the nurses tripping over the power cord to the life support machine.

So whats going to be the excuse for the game being broken, unfinished, clunky, and muddied after its release? I've been hearing alot of chads say it being broken gives it charm!
They don't need any.
For the masses the game is established as popular and filled with people. Thus it must be good or at least playable enough.



Honestly, since the original devs sold the game to a chinese company I expect it to turn into another CS:O2 or CS:Nexon but its a BR instead.

Also from what I heard from a lot of people is the reason why it appeals to them is because it has (((dayz)))s combat and memorable tense moments that follow. Expect instead of running for hours across a map looking for loot it cuts it down to 30 minutes.

There's no way anyone actually says that. I enjoy the game, but it has clearly visible issues that make everything a lot worse. I wouldn't call the game "broken," because that's pretty unfair, but it's certainly got some hardcore optomization issues, though when I tried the current release on the test server, it felt like it was actually reasonably complete.

You can hide threads.

That's a quote from the post linked in my post.
But it's not an uncommon excuse for liking bad games.

They still occupy space in the catalog. Games like these deserve no attention. We could have threads about games we enjoy instead.

It'd be a pretty empty board if we only talked about games people enjoy.

And I'm currently in a thread about a game I enjoy.

Here's your catalogue

I dunno about PUBG but DayZ and Rust are pretty fun. The appeal for me in those games is surviving for a while, having a few fun moments and dying in an amusing fashion. I really don't go for the whole "I'm gonna build a base and autistically play the game for 4 hours every day because if I don't MEAN INTERNET PEOPLE will take my cool pillow fort away." In these games getting good weapons is a matter of luck of the draw and avoiding confrontation, so someone who just spawned has a more or less equal chance of getting a decent weapon as someone who has been playing on the server for a month. Not to mention almost all of the "Minecraft type" of player are horrendous at shooting, so having a bolt action rifle that shoots accurately is often enough against autistic 10 year old with assault rifle.

No, people in my shop who've talked about it say that the bugs and it being broken give it charm and say that it reminds them of old mods. Its really depressing to hear.

It is a fun game and I enjoy it. Just needs better servers to fix the lag.

More screens



Fuck China and fuck any faggots playing this shit. This game is the new assfaggots.

3 million concurrent soon, baby! Stay salty. More popular than dota2 and csgo combined.

And ironically is far less jewish than either of those games

sounds like somebody's bad and has no friends

Okay kid, you can go cheat on your wife now.

Stop standing dead fucking still for hours at a time. There's only about 5 situations in the game where you can instantly die from a single bullet, and people rarely can get the headshots needed. As long as you're able to tell where a sniper is shooting you from, you can run perpendicular to them and not get hit because shooting at a range is pretty hard. Be less fucking shit.

user, my point is there is zero fun collecting loot and zero fun dying to bullshit.
Why am I rewarded for camping in the bush and not playing the game?

The game is what you make it. I play to survive. If you want action, drop into hot spots. If you want to win, stay in the middle of the zone. Play with a duo or a squad. Stop being a cucky little soy boy.

Only if you get lucky and have the circle continually close in around you. 95% of the time camping in a location doesn't fucking work. Even if you do happen to have that work for you, you're probably going to get absolutely assraped once you have to actually go out and kill the last few people in the game because you don't have any gear.

Wait, how many of you user faggots actually play this chink garbage?



Or, you know, people played it for the gameplay. It was fun until Fortnite came along and did it better.

the people who play pubg are the same people who play assfaggots and games like overwatch, cod, and battlefield. They want to mindlessly waste their time. Not play video games with challenges that they have to work at and garner skill to overcome

It's a fucking twitch shooter. I don't understand why people play this. There is no "git gud" because it's 90% based on dumb luck. If the other guy sees you first, you're dead because it takes a half-second to be shot to death. Or you can spend a half-hour looting some armor and awesome guns which makes it so you die in three-quarters of a second, instead. You can get fifty kills and then be the fifty-first to die, or you can hide until there is one other person left, get lucky sniping him, and win the match.

This is the kind of game played by people who have no actual skill or interest in gaining skills. They just want to roll the dice until a situation pops up where they RNG their way into success. Usually marginal success. It's the FPS version of going to a fucking casino.

Sounds like Overwatch to me. Either your team is shit or the other team is shittier. Rarely are there any good balanced matches anymore.


The core battle royale gameplay is solid. The art style looks like shit but that doesn't matter. The real problems with PUBG are
If the game played exactly the same but didn't have these problems you fags would be all over it. I'm not saying it's a great game or that you should buy it, just that your sour grapes mentality is obvious. Don't write off the entire concept of battle royale out of spite because this unoptimized overpriced chinkshit became popular.

The people bitching the most ITT have probably never played the game. Anyone that ponied up $30 for this thing would keep playing long enough to develop an opinion more nuanced than "this game is shit and everyone that plays it is shit."

There are 1st person only servers which also tend to have less chinks.

I picked the game up a few months ago. I've occasionally checked the catalog for threads since then. This is literally the first time I've seen a thread about the most popular normalfag game of the day.

i got it as a christmas gift and it's got such an unbelievably solid foundation that they've fucked up so bad. the idea is so simple and so good - everyone has an equal chance, you're limited by the random gear you find, etc - that it's heartbreaking to see every single fucking round end for the player either by being:
-sniped from a mountaintop by the one guy who found a Kar98 and an 8x scope

this has potential but honestly i'm inclined to agree with OP, faggot or no: if wasn't playing it and shilling it for free it wouldn't have one one-hundredth the players


Yeah, and even the dumb survival modes back hell whenever. Same goes for the zombie shit. Really never should have left that domain, pretty well any of it.

To be fair the chinks will soon get their own servers and be out of everyone's way, contained in their own little gulag where they rightfully belong.

Oh, is that why it wanted 12 gigs from me?

They could stick to the east asian servers but they deliberately shit up the american and european servers because they think the high ping gives them an advantage. The only way they'll stop doing so is if they are quarantined in chinese servers, which the devs will never do because they know most of their customers are chinks and it's more profitable to keep the insects happy than to make it playable for us.

Didn't the chinks just recently get banned from all Steam services?

I think Tencent or whoever they sold the rights to in China will step in and remove the chinks so they can exploit them.

and they say shills aren't real


Chinks became the major playerbase on steam.

51ish% of steams userbase is now chinese thanks to PUBG. Now the slopes spam every major game discussion board with threads of their ching chong talk demanding translations of the game and threatening devs if they dont.

Remove Oriental.

I will never understand how you idiots can even manage to breathe unassisted.

I still hold out hope the chinks will launch their own version of Steam and kick Valve out of the chink market.

They teamed up with Tencent, (Who produce multiple battle royale clones already.) to get it allowed in China.

The game is quite fun. I wouldn't buy it for solo play but i always play it with one dude whom i play other vidya with. There aren't many games that give you comparable adrenaline rush, really.

Not if you drop in populated area, you risk getting killed sooner for better loot + cities always have plenty of vehicles. If you rush the circle with vehicle you'll quickly get more action because many other people do the same.
Is Holla Forums that fucking casual nowdays? Dont run in open field like maniac and dont stay still in the open for too long, you wouldn't do that in Insurgency, project reality or arma right? Then don't fucking to that in this game as well.

The game is fun despite having flaws. It's not very polished but neither are AAA titles nowdays.

Anything is fun with a friend, that's not a fucking argument.

I gave another arguments as well. The game has dayz levels of adrenaline rush, shit like cs can't compare.

Besides it's good that they made cooperation possible even with BR setting.


This simply isn't true. Headshots are common as fuck.

picrel still standing strong i see, chans change - people don't

Do you get killed in games like Quake and Counter Strike and claim an "RNG shot" killed you as well?
Damn that's pretty autistic

Is this the new Twitch flavor of the month?

It used to be CSGO, DOTA2, LoL and Overwatch. Now it's """"PUBG"""" whatever the fuck that is.

Why have quality control when folk will gladly pay for your alphas?


This is the first FPS I've seen the Japanese take to so quickly and so well. They usually hate these types of games. What's going on?

Chinks aren't japs user
Very different tastes

No user, he's right. Both varieties of slopes are going after this game.

I wish. Even people I knew who don't watch or know a single streamer love the shit out of this game. I don't get it at all and it's starting to become the new LoL for these fags.

Most people can't afford the latest GPU so I can understand that much. Graphics don't mean shit either with popularity, see minecraft and almost every meme game for normalfags the past decade.

The source for this image should be provided. For research purposes.

I think it is a good game for streamers because it puts you in a variety of situations, provides a tense atmosphere by default, can be entertaining to watch even if the player isn't the best, and can be entertaining to watch even if you don't entirely understand the game. For example, here's Kizuna AI sucking really badly at the game. So streamers latched onto PUBG and promoted the hell out of it and it made other japs want to play it because they could see the game had more depth than a typical streambait game, or because they have ambitions of being streamers themselves.

In contrast something like CS:GO (which I think does have a small Japanese following) requires much more skill before you get to the level that people would be entertained watching you, and perhaps more importantly you have to know a lot more about the game to understand what you are watching. So it could never create that kind of feedback loop.

Also being third person mode by default probably helped. Asians struggle with first person cameras and many even get motion sickness or headaches. Yet another reason to play on first person only servers.

Chinks, gooks, and japs are all into PUBG.

Ark did the same but didn't care. By the time they left EA they made their money.

And a ching chong nip nong to you young lady.

I wish this was true but just look at memewatch. I always theorised the reason FPS games weren't more popular with them was because they simply do not care for them and I turned out to be right.


But what is the underlying reason they don't care? Why did Wizardry click with the Nips but not Wolfenstein or Doom?

Here's the PUBG PR guy virtue signaling all over Polygon about how "xenophobic" western players are to ask that the high ping Chinese get their own servers.


I wonder if he's fucking them yet?


Overwatch is an exception because it has cartoony characters and gooks will buy anything Blizzard craps out. PUBG is probably the first "western looking" (read: shit) online shooter that really took off in asia.

Wizardry is an RPG.

Post yfw you didn't buy this game

The damage bonus for a headshot is absurd. Quake and CS are shit comparisons because they are faster games with very short round times.

Whats that you got an AWM? You win.

Enlighten me on how ShitG is fun. Don't tell me "fun with friends" because anything can be fun with friends.


Could just play fortnite for free.

The best reason I can find is that it's DayZ, but competitive rather than being about survival. It's like if S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was modded to support multiplayer and teams while using a smaller map. Other than that, I have nothing past it being the flavor of the month.


You know it's going to happen.

The sound system is fucking atricious in this game

The original dev team for Stalker made their own company when the stalker license went into development hell. They created a multiplayer death match not!stalker game. It flopped and no one gave a shit. If you want multiplayer stalker then you already had it handed to you.

Kimeseku ni Maketa Shounen by Gujira

It's all a trap

You are part of the problem.

Overshit also is a lot slower than many other fps'es which helps with the motion sickness theory

You and your ilk should be tied inside a bag made of sandpaper and rolled downhill.

Could be down to character design, or, to put it bluntly, waifus.

That is A more plausible theory

why survarium flopped:
1. its nothing at all like stalker
2. its a trashy f2p pay2win cash grab
3. they promised open world for years but its still no closer to arriving
4. game is basically just cawadoody with a thin layer of stalker paint over the top
an actual multiplayer stalker experience would be similar to singleplayer stalker freeroam just with some of the npcs being players instead

I have more faith Ray of Hope will deliver than Suvarium not sucking.

little pro tip my friend: there are more weapons in the game that deal 1 shot headshot kills besides the AWM

maybe stop being a pussy and land on good loot zones, that usually solves any "rng" issues

I was thinking of something along the lines of Duty versus Bandits in Garbage with both teams trying to plan movements and predict enemy positions, almost like ARMA but on a smaller scale and with less RP autism.

my ideal stalker MP would be just a large open world similar to the SP game
faction wars like what you just described would be part of the experience, eg if you want to advance your rank with duty and don't feel like doing crappy courier jobs for them you could make your way to a volatile area and spend a few hours shooting at freedomfags and capping their outposts
there would also be heaps of faction independent stuff to do too, such as anomaly harvesting, cartography/scouting, shitty courier missions, mutant extermination, becoming a roaming trader or engaging in banditry
NPCs would be present in smaller numbers and could be player controlled (eg as a roaming trader you could hire bodyguard npcs for protection, courier npcs to carry extra shit for you and combat medic npcs that will try to revive any incapacitated squad members)
sometimes special events would happen that would change how the zone works, such as mutant swarms, rad storms or unstable blowout cycles
there wouldn't really be any overarching endgame goal other than to become the biggest nig in the sandbox and collect all the rarest and most expensive shit (and it would take a lot of time and dedication to truly max yourself out)