The Soviet Union collapsed 25 years ago

The Soviet Union collapsed 25 years ago.

What theoretical changes have happened in Marxism since then?

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Tankies doubled down on the Stalin worship while the leftcoms were right.

Cowardly defeatism, a retreat from core socialist principles. Little of any worth.

Endless arguing over who or what fucked up the workers paradise that was the USSR

Since then the Marxist materialist conception of history has been sublated by Bookchin's dialectical naturalism, much as Marx sublated Hegel's idealism.

The Soviet Union never had anything to do with Marxism.

Should I actually read bookchin. It would be my first book I will ever read since high school. Is there a podcast or YouTube series that explains his philosophy?

Sadly I know of no podcasts or anything that talk about Bookchin. However, as he's one of the most relevant contemporary political philosophers, whose ideas have found concrete form in Rojava, I'd definitely think he's worth reading. He also predicted the rise of the alt-right decades before it happened, in addition to predicting the tipping of politics towards populism (i.e. Trump, Le Pen, etc.).


So did the Frankfurters.

Bookchin was heavily influenced by Frank Furtschool.

The collapse of the Soviet Union had an absolutely devastating effect on the left world wide. We are still in the process of recovery, and nobody has advanced shit.

It was the best thing to happen to the left since Marx

Yeah, having every single socialist party turncoat like it's 1914 was just fucking brilliant.

This channel has couple of Bookchin's classes and speeches

I would not recommend them as a introduction to him though. Maybe start with this article, if you dont feel like reading a book

Only if you are using Bookchin's caricature of Marx. Otherwise, he's not introducing anything new. I know you're deeply invested in Bookchin's caricature of Marx, but his critiques are directed towards Orthodox Marxism not as Marx himself.

To be fair most of them turncoated in the 70s and 80s.
Fuck me, New Zealand's Labour party did the worst of ruining the country with neoliberalism themselves. Reading about it is like a horror story.

The USSR was definitely the last seal keeping the monster at bay, though.

Do you really think so?

Obsession with race.

There are many good interviews and speeches by Bookchin on youtube.

It was clearly Brezhnev, the USSR stagnated and went to shit under him

explain this meme

I want the great man theorists to leave.

Russians did. They fuck everything they touch up.

The Nomenklatura lived muh privileged lives and had multiple dachas with servants, while the workers lived in shitty conditions doing all the labor.

So much for socialism.

Anyways the old farts tend to want the soviet union back the most in Russia while the younger ones don't.

I want them to leave society.

The young have no living memory of the better conditions of the past.
Kill yourself, reactionary larper.

No, it's because they aren't retarded ideological sheep who blindly suck the dick of the USSR and treat it like it's infalliable. Look at Poland which is doing much better after the USSR and hates communism.

Do you understand yet exactly why you should kill yourself?

Nice argument.

If you want bourgeois debate, fuck back off to reddit. Only paid employees topic-police.

Russia is real state capitalism now.

The Communist party is ultra-nationalist.

Western Marxism has been hijacked by idpol.

This thread is light on theory. So, let me amp this up a bit.

Since the fall of the Soviet Union:

It's sort of the first volley against Fukuyama and the neoliberal hegemony

Sort of the bedrock of the early 2000's anti-globalization movement

The definitive book on left populism

and a whole bunch of Post-Marxist theorists

why is the tankie comrade crying ;_;

no. its just ypg democratic confederalist faggots who spam that american retard like it's some sort of immortal science. its not real theory at all

oh i forgot to mention its kurd LARP shit too

like you know what is going on in rojava, like you know jack shit about the middle east.

Soviet Union was in unrecoverable state after Khrushchev. Brezhnev actually cared about people.

oh so you are saying the people old enough to actually remember the soviet union want it back while the faggot 12 year olds who grew up with capitalist propoganda instilled in their brains about the wonders of the free market and mcdonalds dont?

gee wiz

A lot of people on the internet claim to be a bad ass, well I really AM a fucking bad ass.

Because they're like the boomers. Dumb as fuck.

Nobody sane wants to live under a totalitarian mass-murdering state that eschews all common liberties.