The hot kick in the ass from tencent

If you're like me and a few months ago haven't been aware of how the Chinese are invading and taking over the Western industry, the VGAs should have spelled it out for you clear as day with a category solely for Chinese games. Tencent has a large stake in Activision-Blizzard, Epic, and in general the Chinese are major target demographics for a lot of games, PUBG being obvious examples, but a little less obvious is Valve's games, valve has been putting a lot of time and effort into catering and wooing the Chinese, so much so that Steam is majority Chinese (60%)

Do you know of any more companies that are directly catering to the Chinese? Nintendo-Nvidia seems likely in the coming years with how the shield is working over there, how do you think the Western industry will continue to shift away from Western interests and more towards Chinese interests?

As an investor I don't care, they're making money and if they're making money, I am making money. Fuck the normalfags, let em get jewed.

Who cares what the drones making iPhones think?

I don't. I care about even more Western studios making bad games.

Except you have the brain caste of said drones having controlling interests in western game development studios, directing them to turn away from good gameplay and towards turbo jewery. See, Activision-Blizzard if you need an example.

How do we save the good in mankind?

Who cares about the Western industry? PM me when they take over KTGust or NihonFalcom.


Cattle will always be cattle. Who cares who the farmer is? At least the chinks don't push niggers everywhere.

get millionary and then buy the shit from tencent

Blizzard went full Jew when World of Warcraft came out.

I think its time to accept that Blizzard is dead and never coming back.

Western publishers were doing this well before the Chinese did anything, that's why nobody noticed until you made this thread. It's just business as usual, the only difference is that it's chinks at the top instead of kikes. The biggest change I can see coming from this is way less hamfisted leftist cuck bullshit in games and more manly heroic action.



Less niggers and ugly, feminist women hopefully. Other than that, gaming is fucked.

If you think gaming is bad now, wait until the Chinks get fist deep into it

On the one hand the kikery will go through the roof, on the other hand the pozz will diminish. We can never win.

As much as I hate chinks I dont really care for the games they are "taking over". shit like WoW became awful a long time ago and PUBG is an annoying fad.

I will just keep playing good games like I usually do.

I'll take badass Chinese kung fu and heroic bloodshed over limpwristed soyboy cuckery and hamfisted diversity any day of the week. Chinese > jews.

Atlus said they were prioritising the Asian market above Europe, but that's not surprising since Atlus has always treated Europe like something they stepped in by mistake.

You can only say this because you've never had to deal with real Chinese.


NVidia and Nintendo already brought Wii and Gamecube games to Chinese market on Nvidia Shield. And it's only staying in China.

Impressive get.

there's your problem


There's your problem


There's your problem

Commies aren't people. The real Chinese are in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and all over the rest of the world.

The actual problem is that Kojima isn't a problem at all.

isn t kojima the chris roberts of asia ?
i heard stuff about the développement of MGSV it made me remembrer freelancer's développement

Enablers of degeneracy won't be spared any quarter

You ever have one of those friends who says stupid shit like "You know what would be cool? Imagine a boss fight where you have to survive in the woods while hiding from a sniper for a full week"?
That's Kojima. He has the unimaginably high goals for his games and doesn't let things like practical and achievably realistic development timelines stop him from trying.

Share it with sources then.

>>>Holla Forums

Who is that 56% mongrel holy shit?

Jesus fucking christ, go back to cuckchan you subhuman gorillanigger dumbfuck.

>>>Holla Forums

Uh oh, "he" said it again. Better hope "he" doesn't say it a third time.
Fuck off to leftypol if you want a nigger kike hugbox. That's the only way your cuckchan ways will fit in.

/r_socialism is just two blocks away. Have fun there.

You have to lurk longer, faggot.

Yes I am well aware of the Chinese infestation, I notice it x100 more then normalfags cause I have been a PC gamer since my teens. The biggest problem is just that normalfags are basically console gamers now coming to PC gaming so they love shitty games like LoL, Pubg, Dota 2, CsGo, and Hearthdicks. I wouldn't say I have given up on modern gaming, but going through the motions of playing old PC games, Super Nintendo and waiting for one to three releases a year for a good game is the only way to stay fucking sane and away from these pieces of shit.

I don't really care as much, but yes to the following will decide if I would prefer it to the current western standards

1. Do chinks care about pc faggotry?
2. Are chinks huge sjw soyboys?
2. Do chinks hate forced diversity?

Here's your (you) nigger.

That is the really fucked up thing though, chinks hate sjw faggots, they hate forced diversity and they all play in massive PC cafes that hold up to 100's of computers. It's been like that for a long time, but now they are actually plaything the games cause it requires them too to get lootcrates. They have been around since the gold farming days of WoW. It just seems now to be more "casual" to them and or they have cleaned themselves up and now have literal entire games dedicated to WoW style gold farming, wither it be a FPS, Assfaggots, Card Game, and so on. The on redeeming factor is Chinese players, well from my personal experience, actually play the games. They don't shit talk as much, they don't act like niggers/wiggers/spic COD faggots, and they can actually be pretty friendly if you play with them. I assume its all a ruse though.

Fuck it, I am tired and can't type right now.

I hope so. I don't see the Chinese going the PC route, not even to please the professional victims and journos. They will however, hung you dry for every cent while playing their games.

No, they don't care about any of that nor are they SJWs. Welcome your new Chinese masters and try not to think about how hard your wallet's being milked.

china is the land of the soy


IIRC it was tons of miss managment.
Kojima being THE hot shit he asked his team to develop some stuff, but then, when they were done decide to scrap it and do something else, wich lead to missuse of funds or rather waste of it, and konami decide to stop this before (or after) MGS went overbudget.

i ll try to find the sources back.

I remember the shitstorm with Kerbal when the devs included some feminist garbage quote and the chinks flipped the fuck out. I wouldn't mind the chink invasion nearly as much if it wasn't for the fact they are an audience that outright demands pay2win bullshit because their culture is big on flaunting your wealth.

Nah, many chinks are genuinely friendly and okay, it just depends where they are from. Mainlanders are animals that all other chinks hate with a passion.

Based. Did the devs remove it?

Under these conditions, I wouldn't mind being ruled by chinks. As long as they don't fucking try to include loot boxes and commie shit in my games.

Get in here

The merchant can only sell what the Goyim choose to buy, to stop predatory business practices shame retards into not buying it.

I like Kojima's autism when it comes to game development (he's a garbage writer though) but he simply needs some competent manager with the power to overrule him to look over his shoulder and decide what can and cannot get made. That being said, the blame isn't Kojima's alone, since Konami was pretty hyper to dive into the pachinko mines and give all their longtime fans the middle finger.

Christ Roberts suffers from the same kind of disease, only that he's even more autistic and demands everything gets his approval first, on top of being incapable of running a business himself or coordinating with outside assets.

I have no idea if they changed the quote back, Kerbal isn't really my kind of autism. Pic related is extra lulzy, though.

I fear lootboxes are inevitable if the game is made with the Chinese audience in mind. Then again, Mount and Blade enjoys some popularity there (to the point they got their own official standalone) so there might be some hope for them.


that was pretty much my point
but they are both the same the only difference is that Chris roberts now run his own studio and game company (through endless donation) when kojima do not.
So take chris roberts during the development of freelancer: that was pretty much ((((almost)))) the same case as MGS5
freelancer was delayed by over a year and massively over budget:
the game had many tons if its "Star citizen-like" feature it came before so that should eb the oposit removed and still took 2 or 3 more years to be released (so imagin if microsoft didn't intervene ? it would have been star citizen of 2000: still not released in 2007)

I only have problem with the latter.

It's usually "don't put in values that are contrary to >socialist values and chinese tradition", for example, fembusters were banned in china for breaking the law on depiction of ghosts and undead.

.t poorfag

Epic Games (Unreal), Digital Extremes (Warframe)
Not owned, but recently released Chinese-catering content and who knows what will happen next:
Trion Worlds (Rift, Trove), Robot Entertainment (Orcs Must Die!)

I'm suspicious of every company being Chinese after I learned of Epic. It's quite irritating. Tencent is cancer, China is cancer. Fuck chinks in their fucking chinky chink assholes. Over in chinkland they get a monopoly, if you want to do business in the peasant-infested smog-land you've got to go through Tencent. This means they make money on fucking everything over there, then they use that chink money to buy up our fucking companies, those fucking cunts. Fuck those fucking communists.



you do realise this is what communism is ? centralisation, monopoly etc …

IIRC there was a book about how the pinacle, the final objective of capitalism is communism and the only difference between thoses two communism is that one who owned it. The government, or a private company

Did you forget about Chairman Mao?

Just because someone wrote it doesn't make it true.

The Chinese seem to love gameplay-only no-bullshit games.
While I'm not a fan of their obsession with Online games I guess this is kind of their Unreal Tournament time. They've never really had the chance to play stuff like this before.

Hopefully once their done playing online stuff they'll get interested in single player games, if the industry follows suit then we're gonna have a good streak of games in a few years.

40 million Chinese

you do realise what Nazism is ? dildos, diversity etc …

IIRC there was a book about how the pinnacle, the final objective of Nazism is the destruction of the white race, and its replacement by coffee colored people, and that Merkel is the chairman of the world Nazi coalition working towards this goal.


They are also buying 'strayan land.

Eat a dick buddy.

His post implied that China was never communist.

And what makes you say that?

Lurk more, nigger

the fact that it was written is irrelevant to the argument. (unless it is a scientific publication)
i already posted the reason behind: the apex of capitalism is monopoly and thus communism: one central entity order/control all the other who own nothing.

Funny enough, its seems like once Tencent gets a high stake in a game, it changes for the worse. Probably wasn't the best game before hand, but it was salvageable. T

I hope that when this next war happens we have reason to invade china and destroy it. But I know for a fact (((investors))) will be anti war the second china and tencent is in danger and will pay off as many officers as possible to save there money. The chinese are just Jews of the east, and want everything. They still think they deserve Taiwan, and want to invade it.

but isn't the apex of capitalism supposed to be competition?

All you have to do is say "lurk more" and you can openly lie? Damn, that's a new one.

All seems good until the chinks infest the post-kiked west and destroy the remnants of the white nation/culture while opposing the kikes.
Over anything else, I prefer a proper traditional interesting piece of media made by a white man for a white man. There are no substitutes for this.

Like there's anything left to destroy. All they would do is give the West a mercy killing.

Everyone agrees with you on this, but we must take what we can get in the current year +2.

That's because of PUBG.

France is lost, destroy it.


The French depress me, they use to have a great and respectable culture. But then the French revolution happened and it all went downhill. Have nothing but disgust for them now
sage because off-topic

Are you claiming that China or that any native east asian is anti-white? Because it's the opposite. They love white culture more than us.

Are we being raided by tencent shills?

Hey dickface, breaking news, Unreal, Quake and all the other trash back in the day was largely casual too

Is there some tangible difference between the amount of lube a chinese normalfag will apply to his own anus when compared to other normalfags?

Yeah, but they don't want to share our culture - they want to replace us.

There will be things left to destroy as long as people don't have that kind of a mindset.
It's bad that you can't see the organisations of people that struggle against the miscegenation and destruction of whites/native-Europeans.

Every asian nationalist/racist is a anti-white by definition. Lately lots chinese and some other asians; not the north asians because they prefer to reside in Russia people got tendencies to migrate and study/work in East Europe, leaving less place to work and study at for less dedicated whites.
I'd say they love to copy and modify white culture as it is good for the market; I mean both pre- and post-kiked white culture.
You are shilling the asians too much.

I'm sure the true boiling point was during the Napoleonic Wars, where lots of the normal French that survived all the revolution chaos died.
Every time some minority participates in an extensive war and fails, their country gets completely fucked up afterwards just to be sure that they will not do anything ever again.

Casual is not popular, lad. Casual means that you can easily pick it up and needs no experience to play properly. I will never be beat at a Arena FPS by someone who has never played one.
You should really just kill yourself.

They copy it for themselves.
They won't mind once whitey dies and all that's left is remnants they have Glorious Chinese Bootlegs of.


Is this really interracial shit or just suppossed to represent duality or some shit?

Yes and its or some butthurt PUBG player.

There is nothing white about the western game industry anymore. Great digits though.

>are we being raided by fake taiwenese weeaboo (((kikes)))

I can't wait to see more out of place chinks shoehorned into games like Marvel movies do.

No, competition is the fulcrum. What is the final state of any competition? Victory. The competition during capitalism is rewarding for all, but the victory nets greater rewards to consecutive winners, until that winner can form a monopoly.

At least that's how I understand it, I'm just a shitposter who wanted to talk vidya

Yeah, back when there were still fucking Normans. The French proper are a bunch of frog-eating, snail-slurping, baguette-chewing savages that should have been killed off ages ago.

t. Cultureless amerilard

What is "culture" but another thing to pillage from?

膺品 福模糖


The Chinese loves those micro-transactions, they like being able to buy their way to the top. Tencent is actually using their power to try and push their shit here as well but since Niggers and Whites aren't Chinks they'll only tolerate it to a certain point before just dropping everything outright.

Everything is better than our current industry
For one i welcome our new Chinese overlords

They're already here, and you're basically asking for more assfaggots and WoW.

The chinese are worse than koreans with microtransaction shit

Yes, exactly like the games I mentioned.

Yeah, I know that was a thing but it wasn't even in the live show, was it? I'd say you made a pretty good summation of it. Practically anything that can be farmed for autismbux without an actual gate.

And speaking of gates, you know there's a whole community out there that subsists on selling shit like paypal accounts made in the US and all that. Couldn't possibly be anything tricky afoot. Not at all.

Are they 60$ game 180$ dlc bad?

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say it's like those old Grecian urns, where some people are painted black or white, depending on the urn.
But, given that it's in Paris, you never know.

Or maybe it was just an artistic choice?
Either way wikipedia says the eiffel tower was finished 1889, and the french were already cucks by then.

Lmao, retard.
One man can have around 1500 accounts related to him due to old referral system so people made fuckton on accounts on throwaway emails for referral rewards and left those accounts to fight each other in custom games with basic-bitch AI, after some time those accounts leveled up to 30 and could be resold for 15$ a pop.

I havent played assfaggots in years, but its the only game today i'd be willing to support Name another game other than Path of Exile that doesnt have a pay2win destructive system


no, that's a process.
The point of capitalism is about being able to make money by yourself (entrepreneur) without being disturbed by the government.
But the final objective is MAXIMAL profit, and to that monopoly IS the way. (assimilating, fusion etc)
At that point the only difference is WHO own all that: in current day/lennin/marks) communism:

The answer was, and always will be, the third option.

I don't even want to imagine what a game designed for ant people with no sense of perspective, no experience with games and both no sense of individuality and also extremely overinflated egos would be like.

I bet Holla Forums would love it though. :^)

When this shit came about, anons researched the artist. he's a jew whos big into interracial and cuckoldry. It's interracial shit.

as opposed to current year games designed for nobody?

What do you mean? You mean the Chinese deliberately act civil towards you when you play with them in order to lure you into a false sense of security? You mean the Chinese, collectively, are consciously in on this plan to take over and are all concealing their behaviour accordingly, even when they play online? Now that's just crazy.

IIRC, don't they have majority shares in Unreal?
So everyone using Unreal 4 supports them?

I was once mad that A Hat in Time used Unreal Engine 3, but now I am glad.

1.Yes, you nigger. How do you know know about the asian people farms?
2. SJW, no. Soyboys? Most definitely.
3.Yes, in the USA and pretty much any country that isn't China.

IIRC tencent bought SNK too, right? they even made a KOFXIV clone before the game came out. It had Terry and Benimaru in it as guest characters. The game's name is King of Combat.


No, 37Games owns SNK now because the CEO was a huge fanboy.

What happened to Playmore?


bailed out before the pachinko bubble burst/basically bankruptcy

sorry was worded wrong. What I was trying to say is that during the production of KOFXIV, they made some kind of partnership with SNK. From their history of stealing assets from other companies, they must've ripped off KOF to make their game.


I, for one welcome our new Chinese overlords.