How did this game take off?

Overwatch is all but dead. Even League is more populated than it is in modern day times.

Legit question: why do people like games like this? Because they're trendy? Because they appeal to the "XD EBIN GRILL GAMERZ RITE GUYS"? Or is it because they just are advertised in a very unique fashion.
I'd go out on a limb and say even Paladins is better all around nowadays. Even after all the MLG garbage, Overwatch is just… boring. Grinding for lootboxes gets old, and you eventually realize its all a scam anyway.

Hi-Rez is, in truth, a better company than Blizzard because at least they don't take themselves nearly as seriously

Other urls found in this thread:

a lot of it is forced by tencent claiming a bigger stake and level of control over the western industry.

I honestly think the western industry is fucked. Entirely and completely, irreversibly fucked now that the Chinese are involved.

This is a correct post.

big advertising campaign, low entry ceiling, colorful cast that gets attention from multiple demographics, and 'everyone else is playing'. loot boxes just distract players from the fact the metas don't advance at all for awhile

Do you have any evidence that this game is dead or dying?
I hear normalfags quote le eppin memeems from it all of the time.
It took off because blizztards spend all of the time kissing Bizzard's ass and are always eager to eat whatever shit they make.

Waifus. Pornography. Streamers. Trendprofiting.

OP is a lying faggot as usual.

people will cry wolf that its gonna die all the time but it doesn't have any proper competition because most hero shooters suck even worse than overwatch

Gonna need a sauce m8

because that show is shit

I think this is the main one. Ecelebs are still as popular as ever, for some reason.

2 seconds on google, lad. Cuckwatch is still experiencing massive growth. OP is just making shit up and has no idea what he's talking about. Wouldn't be surprised if it's just a (1) and done retarded blogpost.

It seems that OP is a massive cumguzzler as usual.
If any competency is in management this thread will get locked.

Didn't these faggots ruin their game with skill cards or some dumb shit? Also hi-rez deserves absolutely zero praise, fuck them.

And there were gang rapes at UVa, too right? :^)

How does it feel to be an illiterate subhuman? :^)))))))

I await more damage control


More damage control?



Nice numbers and all, and that's fine, what I was telling you was that the Rolling Stone is a fucking stupid source. Are you a Blizzard shill or something?

Can confirm.
Overwatch to 30+ mil playerbase.
LoL still sitting at the top though and will continue directing the game genre with it's faggotry.

nah, just understand that players and users are not the same. If I have overwatch installed on my computer, am I still considered a player the last time I played it was nearly a year ago.

Hype & Blizzard marketing.
Characters (specifically the girls).

Didn't Activision Blizzard buy themselves out of Tencen?

manchildren are very attracted to cartoony colorful shit like this. it's also a modern shooter that is so dumbed down a total faggot with a controller can compete against some old school fps slav

What I'm telling you is that a retard demanded to be spoonfed, and was then spoonfed. The source doesn't fucking matter, especially when it's just reporting the announcement from blizzard themselves.
Obviously. Only a Blizzard shill blow the (1) and done lying OP the fuck out, and call you on your cringey damage control O look, I was right again :^).

Stop pretending to be retarded. It's not a good look for you.

It's the fucking Sanders of shooters you stupid fucking faggot, it promised to bring "changes" but those changes are actually shit.

I guess that answers the OP question.

That is one awful song

I have a friend who defends the lootboxes with excuses read of a fucking script
Completely infuriating. I'm just glad the rest of my friends call him out on his bullshit and now we always berate him by calling him a Blizz shill, to the point he doesn't bring up Overwatch anymore.
Remember to always bully your retarded friends' shitty tastes in vidya.

As terrible as Overwatch is, it somehow isn't as big a failure as Sanders and his Berniefags.

They went and thought "how can we make maximum profit?"
It's carefully tuned towards maximizing profit from normies.

In a word, yeah that about sums it up. This game is made with the same design philosophy behind CoD, which is to attract people that never really played video games before, and by really I mean completed any game at all. They drift from overmarketed title to title because they are too ignorant to know why they find the game boring after like one year or even less, and they are also ignorant enough to be lured in by all of the surface level shit like the cute characters and "hype" scene. These are audiences which are quite unlike the audiences for most other games of substance.

Damn. fucking crazy

I don't know where you come from or what you do when you're not posting. I could tell you to kys or get gassed, but I really do hope from the bottom of my heart that some real terrible life and limb shit happens to you soon.

Because Blizzard saw a gap in the market for a TF2 copy since loads of people were getting tired of Valve's bullshit. Game's far from perfect and does introduce it's share of cancer, but it's not hard to see how people took to it since it's the most polished game to appeal to the TF2 crowd in the best part of a decade and does improve on tf2 in some respects.


Here's more.
According to Overwatch thread, which I don't see anymore, Overwatch was TF2 without hats/cancer.


Heh. See where I nailed your ass on your very first post and predicted all this damage control.



>people are getting paidpossibly to shill and defend overcuck

nice job exposing yourself

Blizzard fucked themselves by trying to shut down porn of the game; the one thing that would keep people interested in the IP over time.

Shit, how could that possibly have happened?

Blizzard pulls the exact same shit when they market World of Warcraft. Only retireds fall for this.

Also the new character designs are getting more and more awful which ties into the porn thing. Google the new tranny character Moira or whatever it's called.

probably because you're a retarded blizzcuck

Womyn are gamers!

It's not dead going by playercount, or at least the numbers blizz gave us, but it has definitely left the public consciousness.
Overwatch has become irrelevant, and from here it's only a hop, skip, and a jump to death.

If that is the case, then shit's dead on top of being irrelevant, since I haven't heard anyone actually suggest playing Overwatch since it released, let alone actually play it. (please use

Okay, let's pretend you're right and that they're lying about the player count. Is gaining 5 million players over 6 months the mark of a "dying" game, as OP claimed?

You really are a broken record. For what it's worth, the only blizztrash I play is Diablo 2 .

We went though this bullshit in so many WoW threads. They pay off journalists to write up these articles for them too. You know damn as well as I do that the vast majority of those are fresh accounts made to try the game, play it for a couple hours, and then quit. You're better off marketing on cuckchan instead.

You mean they don't even give you the games you shill?

Answer the question Not that I thought you would, since LARPing about how everything is dying and the great crash is just around the corner is the status quo : Is gaining 5 million players over 6 months the mark of a "dying" game? Yes or no?

I know making money to shitpost is fun and all, I'd do it too if I didn't have something better lined up, but you have to remember not to shit where you eat. Take my post to your manager and see if you can get put on cuckchan duty instead. It works off better for everybody involved.

A mere tally of the number of accounts the game is registered to is no barometer of a game's livelyness though.
What matters is player retention - how many of those accounts come back to the game on a regular basis?
A player who only plays once and shelves it forever, or buys the game and never plays it, does just as little to make the game lively as never having bought it in the first place.

Now why would you do that? Because you understand that level of growth is obviously not the mark of a dying game, but admitting that would cede the point and then you'd be wrong on the internet, and we can't have that, now can we?. So instead you just regurgitate the same tired shill accusations. Now if you actually think I'm a shill, report me you dumb nigger. Ask a hotpocket to check my post history and see if that aligns with a blizzcuck shill.

They managed to make some good characters that catch the eye and are memorable. Low skill ceiling so everyone can be good. Classes and variety of the characters means replay value, trying different classes to see what fits you. Marketing that only Blizzard can manage, streamers etc.

I'd say its luck mainly, they came in right at the right time with just the right amount of good or at least promising stuff.

I've yet to see how that 5 million registered copies materializes into a lively game, especially given it's atrophied presence in the public conscious.
Sure, they sold 35 million copies, but Overwatch was supposed to be the follow-up to WoW: the thing that makes Blizzard a notable vidya company worth paying attention to again.
In this respect, Overwatch is a failure, since everyone's talking about games that are not Overwatch.

Says who? It's plain as day to everyone else that they're simply moving away from the subscription model as their primary revenue stream, and that means throwing a bunch of shit to the wall and seeing what sticks. Diablo 3 didn't stick. Heroes of the Storm didn't stick. But Overwatch and Hearthstone are doing great. Hell, Overwatch has the CRAPCUNTS market on lock, and is responsible for stillborn and gender-neutral bathrooms completely failing to launch.
Heh, wait, wait. Your barometer for whether or not a game is a "failure" is based on how many people are talking about it at the moment? How exactly are you measuring this, and where? You do understand that by that measurement, every single game is going to fail to pass muster, right?

Thanks to EA, lootboxes will be illegal. What would Jeff Happy Kikeplan would do about it?

Does Nipponland gives a shit about it, even though they have an exclusive Japanese translation?

Paladins tolerates DRUMPF supporters, fuck that.

I don't know what you could be up to other than getting off on this -but I haven't said shit outside of the Rolling Stone being the Rolling Stone. Again, nice for Blizzard for having so many players -but fuck the Rolling Stone. rolling stone

Overwatch was originally going to be an MMO called Titan also are there really people still trying to force crapcunts?

This, wish all varieties of e-celeb cancer would fuck off.

Reminder that they are starting to infect Japan.

This shit was already in Japan before youtubers were a thing, but I imagine it's even worse now.

I won't share details because it was a different kind of cancer then.

Same as senran kagura.
Sexy girls.
No matter how shit game is, sexy girls will sell it.

A generation of players that don't know any better? I mean look at how they praise Skyrim for open world experience and while we know it's no where near good, it's still their first game of that genre. Probably same effect with Overwatch, lots of players' first experience with class shooting game, maybe even shooting game. I just can't get over the horrendously tick rate and i just don't like hitscan.

If I had money and time to blow I'd definitely get into Overwatch. I used to love TF2 back in highschool but haven't touched it in like 6 years. It got stale, since it wasn't really competitive whatsoever and winning was usually determined by which team had the least spies and most heavies.

But alas, I'll probably not bother with Overwatch. Probably a good thing because I dont even have any friends to play it with.

Get your fav game cashcowed and cancelled, user. Suffer.

waifus and asses