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>Beginner's guide: >>>/agdg/29080
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How does Steam pay us? Anyone know? It's a long way off but it is something I worry about. Do they divide up the profits if any, or does it all go to the one who submitted the game and then they have to pay the other person? What about other sites like GoG??

I presume they would pay the company that made the game for each game sold.
They wouldnt pay you personally like an employee. Because then you are entitled to lots of rights (such as healthcare and holiday time) that they wouldnt want to provide.

Its up to you and your friend how you structure your company. If you had 50 50 ownership then the money would effectively be split 50 50.

someone make a necromancer simulator

Placeholder GFX for a new placeholder enemy to replace the old placeholder enemy. Really low effort but was really fast to make. Only hitstun sprites for the most part - I have an offensive moveset planned out and it's only like 4~5 attacks, but implementing hitstun properly is first, and if I put in attacks for my enemy I also have to put in player character hitstuns, so it's really just the way of least work for now.


I-It's just a tailbone

give it a dong that flaps about tbh

today is shirt day

how about just like play games and dont make any

fuck where's that audio from?

God damn, Vulkan is giving me a hard time. Using the a couple of online tutorials and the Vulkan Cookbook I was able to get something on the screen. But I only understand 50% of it properly, which makes the next part a bit difficult. I have to build a compute pipeline and "glue" them together somehow. I have to generate the vertex buffer using a compute shader and I'm not entirely sure how to go about that.

Is it better to quicksort data then process, or would the cache misses from sorting make it pointless anyways? I recall mike acton saying sort first but I can't find the quote again and google just gives comparisons between sorting methods

how about some MOTIVATION?

that sounds like she's hearing shit from her tv chat shows and just regurgitating it right back

Your game DOES support OpenGL 1.1, RIGHT?

no the millenials are real killers

that seems like just shifting the blame rather then actually doing anything about the problems of modern society tbh

OpenGL 1.1 is a fossil and only stone age computer uses it.

if you need to worry about cache misses, either you are computing a LOT of stuff, or you have bigger problems somewhere else, games shouldn't need to care about this, unless you plan on simulating a entire world at once
which you shouldn't either, as everything should have varying levels of abstraction, and the further from the player, the more simple and abstract the simulation should be

You don't want your game to be playable on the comfiest computers?


640,000 is a big number. You should be able to make it fit.

So I just started working on multiplayer, and lets just say I don't want to anymore

Working with such computers is causing too much frustration for me. You cannot except that software will work forever on such a old system, soon the plug has to be pulled sooner or later. And I don't have the time keeping legacy support. But I do have time rewriting everything in Vulkan :^)

Ubisoft and Insomniac disagree with you.

Future proofing is better anyways. Make sure that your game can still be played in 20 years as opposed to making sure that your game can be run on Athlon computers.

So I have been following this blender rigging tutorial I got to the point where you parent the IK and knee/elbow bones and the central hip bone to the control bone. After I do that and try to move the bones the two things in the video happen, it simply does not work like the video, I don't know why it keeps twitching like that, it's like there's some weight or constraint somewhere that keeps fighting when I try to drag the bones or something like that.

I have the shoulder/legs bones made a child of the hip bone using the "keep offset" and the hip+IK+knee/elbow bones made a child of the control bone using the "keep offset".

Is this tutorial simply outdated and bone physics simply do not work anymore like that?



So, are those guys confirmed jewish or italian?

I think one of them is a Proboscis monkey

WELL FUCK. I found out what was wrong, I simply forgot to put chain length on the arm's IK to 2. 4 fucking hours wasted because I was being dumb.

That's not real, is it?

anyone have any advice or tutorials on sculpting the body im a bit stuck, and dealing with a lot of shit irl, it's making me very uneasy.

Wouldn't surprise me at all if the mad man made those himself.

Reposting. Since it was one of the last posts. This is good for automated arm rotations so stuff deforms properly.

Forgot to add that upperArm_* and upperThigh_* bones have inherit rotation unchecked.

Meh some progress for my tonk mod, I like it already how this map is shaping up already. I just need to polish it a bit more, add a few more details then I am done with this one, so that I can work on my second map which will be much bigger. For now I will aim for tech bases only. It's a shame I cannot use things like 3D Floors on Slade and GZDoom Builder is awfully slow under wine.

t. first time mapper

Manly shirt done, now need to rig it

this nigga gay?


The preceding generation doesn't want to take responsibility for the problems that it sowed into the next one. The next generation understandably doesn't want to take responsibility for those problems either, since they didn't cause them, but it doesn't matter if they want to, because they're the ones who will face the worst consequences of not fixing them, and they'll be alone with the problems once the previous generation dies. I have a hunch that this is true of all generations, but it might be different with this one, since taking responsibility is one of the things that wasn't properly passed between generations this time around.


that seems reasonable but I think that's the side effect of Americanization


pls rate my wip.

Guys i fucked up, noticed a joint in the shoulders needs adjustment, im using rigify on blender, luckly i kept the metarig, is there a way to update the current rig from a modified metarig? or so i need to delete the rig and redo the entire thing?

Finally put a face to my characters, along with some simple animations. Placeholders, sure - but it's something. Look at how goofy they are.

pretty decent actually

Thank you, user. Makes me smile

honestly, that's impressive if you did it by key framing

So far i managed to create 3D character controls in godot. I have no idea how to make it clamp on the ground while it's grounded. which makes it slide on slopes. Dot product will be great but i have no idea how to dot product. i need a drawing.

Can post GDscript code if anyone willing to messround with it. because honestly these controls sucks.

I mean, it's not that big of a deal, right? I did keyframe it, but it's not like I did it out of memory - I used videos of people running as references.

I find it pretty amazing tbh

God damnit i want to post a webm but shit doesnt work.

That is a highly context-dependent question without a straight answer. Do you generate the data exactly once, then iterate over it exactly once? More than once? I so, are you sure you need to sort it? Can you perhaps change your generation to generate it sorted? Do you do the occasional insert/remove? Lots of them? Do you iterate every frame? Do you search sometimes? Every frame? Lots of searches each frame? Maybe a self-sorting structure is suitable (tree or whatever, but only if you're not iterating)? Can you somehow re-use partial results? If all else fails, do both and benchmark. With realistic data. Also, remember the 10% rule. If this is part of asset loading or some performance-irrelevant system (input, inventory, UI, etc) literally who cares? Do what's easiest and optimize when you can prove that you have a performace bottleneck.

pls respond


You made some typo there man.
Desperate. Your turn.

I fucking love this place sometimes

If anons made games like they do memes…

We would see thousands of hidden easter eggs saying "Hitler did nothing wrong."

fucin post god damnit

I feel like those green lines would be massively more aesthetically pleasing if they were extruded outwards with some beveling tbh

I think they'd be less like easter eggs and more like just sort of nonchalantly having them pop up in the background or conversation without drawing any attention to them and such inclusions having no real impact on the gameplay. Just sort of there and accepted in the world, maybe with the slightest one-line explanation. Ancient charms believed to ward off vermin, rodents in particular. Casual swastikas here and there. Or being an inevitably important or pivotal piece of gameplay.
Or literally one thousand four hundred and eighty-eight easter eggs where all but one say "Hitler did nothing wrong" verbatim, with minor differences in presentation.

I appreciate the feedback user. I'll experiment with your suggestions and post results.

Well the main problem is that you're probably moving with physics.

That's fine, but it can cause some unexpected stuff like the slope things. I don't know about Godot, however in unity you can change the material properties of the plane you're standing on to reduce sliding.

OR, you can apply the normal of the ground you're standing on to your rigidbody's velocity

OR you can probably just fiddle with the physics of your rigidbody until it stops

Did we finally scare off the Holla Forums devs? Good riddance.

Are you using
move_and_slide(your_velocity_vector, up_vector)

I'm unsure if I explained my self well enough but looking forwards, I do like that design currently tbh

this thing triggers me because it reminds me of halfchan (4leaf clover) more than anything else

it's double infinity though

Are you Changing The Gameâ„¢?

I am indeed using move_and_slide() The way it works is simply by moving it's location to where the player is looking at (which makes it stop if you ever look above or under).


That's not motherfucking Travian, is it?

They pay actual artists, while anons are usually just some autist with a dream



I mean, the protagonist in mine IS a chick, but I get the feeling they'll be bothered by other things. Not by intention, they just always are. That, and the words nigger, faggot and kike are used a fair number of times in the context of shitposting in-game.

I'm not so sure about bevelling, but maybe it would create better results with a Depth map.




So an ideaguy-off? Yanderedev should've worn a skirt and joined.

Speaking of Yandev - anybody got a compilation of his autism handy? I keep hearing about his shenanigans but never actually seen anything but that Cuphead video.

he can't into enums and bools




wait a second i had to do a double take

is he storing info using a fucking string?


Are we really so bad that he groups us with cuckchan?

the really autistic fuckers here are really are bad

oh shit this can't be real

From a certain point of view. I think the better way to interpret it is that he can't handle any hostility whatsoever.
Also nice dubs.

I mean, I have some fucking spaghetti code in places but jesus fuck.

To the average normie, both 4chan and Holla Forums are "dens of evil". They don't differentiate between the two. To them, the notion of anonymity just makes them think that every board is child rapists and doxxxxers. Because, of course, if you were a good moral person, you wouldn't need to be anonymous, isn't that right? Nothing to fear, nothing to hide?

I only come here for unfiltered honesty. The only part where that fails is when anons arent always honest with themselves

gamezard comes to mind

The thing is, if you just take the criticism and move on, even the most autistic fucks will eventually forget about it, now if you have a bitch fit you will be marked as a lolcow forever

I don't know who that is

I don't know about that, I've had the brunt of it for awhile now and to start with I didn't have a bitch fit as it were

I come here because things I say in one thread or one board will not be used against me in another thread or board. I don't have to worry that if I screw up a joke or something, I'll be belittled for it forever. It's why I despise socializing IRL.
Also these threads are comfy as fuck.

The problem with that is that not all criticism is valid. Some people spout uninformed opinions that they have no right to even spout. Telling these people to go fuck themselves should be ok.

you'll know him when you see him

was he that one guy who kept on trying to promote his stupid open world game?

I agree. But unfortunately that goes out the window once you actually have a game associated with you.


Well you'd have to really massively sperg out ala Cuckdev level tier autism to really cause ripples that can be felt across multiple boards.
With a name attach to it, of course.

I think that having a history is useful if you are generally trying to improve your self which I try to do thus is why I prefer allowing people to keep track of me so that I can have a history online

I have a good hunch who you are tbh


yea i posted stuff i was doing here once and this is what came of it. ended up dropping the project

why'd you drop your project?

To add to that, certain things are very subjective, mainly when it concerns graphics styles. I've heard both good and bad things about mine, more good than bad and I decided to just stick with it and make the game, and get

Hence why, if anyone finds the dumb shit I've said and done in the past, I'd hope that "i was a retarded sperg" is a good enough excuse.

We're gonna make it, user.

I have social media now, which is mostly just me responding to interesting vidya discussions I see, and that's all well and good. My bigger concern is my past sperginess before I got my shit together, which I pray won't come back to bite me too hard.

rust dev made some comment to the effect of "is my stuff really as bad at that guy's?" mixed with a loss of momentum as i started to move away from what i was comfortable doing.
i have a rather large folder of abandoned projects.

i remember that thread. really though you shouldn't treat stuff like that as too big a deal.
half the time it's just banter and the other half who fucking cares just make your goddamn game and improve as you go.

Bullshit. Post some screens of your game and I'll give you objective crits.

I fucking hate relativists more than anything.

it depends if someone or a group hates you or not, you'll be fine if you're actually liked but the moment there's an excuse to really lay into you then that's it, have to get a new identity and all that. worst of all is the second-hand aftermath of it if, people who heard about it make what you did out to be even worse and no amount of explaining or being honest will help fix that ripple effect because disgustingly enough no one gives a shit, over the years I've had of this kinda bs I've had about 3 people with honest intentions actually let me explain my self. doesn't even matter if you actually did something bad either, they'll make it sound as bad as possible cherry picking your words and giving half truths.

the reaction to people having an identity here is the reason why everyone hates someone who does but it's still your fault for it because reasons.

garry is a fucking hack from those two imagines I can tell a higher level of bloody quality because it isn't just straight up stolen assists like his trash game is. if you take things at a slower pace I think you'll be able to complete your projects, just don't give up on them entirely even if it doesn't look as good as you want it to. it's still experience and practice that every dev needs, garry most of all.

i'm actually working on a new project so its fine.

oh look it's my old model Elliot Rodger

As a game: uninspired/10
As a tool for practice: good-enough-if-you-are-learning-something/10

Try adjusting floor_max_angle.
To get the vectors of the camera facing right and forward, do this:
var right = camera.get_global_transform().basis[0]var forward = right.rotated(Vector3(0,1,0), PI/2)

weed does the opposite and makes me a lazy fuck

I appreciate you making this. I don't know what the fug it is though. It might be a more understandable if I had experience with drivers and control bones. I'm watching some videos on fk/ik switching to try and form a basis with which to grasp your process. The bone constraints are legible to me with my current understanding of rigging. Using shape keys and coding their use is also an area that I'm clear on. I haven't used dampening, drivers or control bones so somewhere in there I get lost. I also have difficulty seeing the relationship of the elements in your infographic. Your text explanations make a lot more sense to me. I was able to rig a pair of glute bones like a previous post (yours, I believe) clearly described. The logic in is well enough defined that if I were more experienced with drivers and such I think I could implement it easily. I'm not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth, just know that if you feel like expounding on the subject or have anything further to add don't hesitate or think it's being ignored. I, for one, will benefit from it and I'm sure others will.

Well it does indeed assume basic rigging but the damped tracks and whatnot for arms is very subtle. Its to smooth the rotation from your hand to the shoulder. Something that a rigger should know a rig is for. Its not for absolute beginners. If you have questions though id be happy to help.

Started working on fire again

It looks off, the middle part seems to move out really far, and I think the upper parts should have their own wiggle, with each sections wiggle being smaller and faster the higher it gets. Also, increase the speed.

Is this any better?

Delete the old rig, generate the new rig, and reparent without affecting weights? As long as the bones have the same names/hierarchy it might work

A lot better. I kinda feel like you could increase the speed a bit more, but I think that speed gets the point across.

I feel like I need to tweak the colors a little bit, still

Changed the worldgen a little bit, made some pseudo-tiles for the draw code, and created a few particles for the fire to make it look more convincing

download the fps controller and study it, is for kinematic bodies, just change move() function


Wiggle and colours look good but the tongues need a bit of work. Fire is teardrop shaped so the middle tongue should be the tallest and the outer ones the smallest.

What did he expect though? You wouldn't go to an asylum for a rational discussion either. Not only is pandering to an audience retarded in the first place, but pandering to the most blunt, mischievous and radical gameplay autistic mongolian cloth weaving audience in existence is pretty much the last thing you should do. I mean this /agdg/ is perfect for honest crictism while developing, but once i finished my videogame i will probably head over to reddit to market my shit to morons who gobble up shit like candy and become rich so i can dev all day without being a wagecuck

He posted on twitter, it's a matter of belief. But I can't see why he would lie.

They technically could, as they have the greatest degree of complexity. But that's like saying a machine is the best machine because it has the most parts and does the most things. It could cook you breakfast, drive you to work, and cure cancer at the same time, but it's much more likely that something is going to break down before that happens. And even that's assuming that everyone involved in the production was highly skilled and knew exactly what they were doing.

It's been bothering me lately that there seems to be a large divide between internet artists and professionals. Not just because they're not doing it for different reasons and see different results for it, but because it seems like the professionals have learned things that internet artist haven't, and it worries me that there's knowledge out there that's hidden. Half-assed DeviantArt anime and game art tutorials are a diamond dozen, and produce similarly half-assed, diamond dozen results. Despite the much, much better results I've seen from the people who praise Loomis, I've yet to see them produce industry-quality work. Where do you learn to make concept art for major movie or game studios? It can't all be grinding through self-critique. There must be art schools that aren't just postmodern snowflake "art" factories, right?

That implies that there aren't people who make a living doing it. Most stories I've heard about practices like that happen on DeviantArt and porn sites, probably because the stakes of DeviantArt are only egos, fangames, and furry porn. People who get paid real money for art are on sites like ConceptArt or ArtStation. Come to think of it, maybe it's worth asking the people there how they learned. Would they actually help, or just give smoke and mirrors, coupled with a paywall?

Even the people at the very top had to be that at one point or another.


It's a doggy dog world out there, user.

It's true, though. If you think you're going to follow a tutorial like that and produce something that will compete you in a doggy dog world like this one, you're soarly mistaken.

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

this hits close, i just learned to do enums

I need some help.
Pic related.

I have my Stick Vector, which is connected to my input and points in the direction I want to move in (red vector)
I also have a Vector that always points in the direction the slope I'm standing on goes (blue vector)

How the fuck do I cross my Stick Vector with my second vector?

I tried doing Quaternion.LookDirection(blue vector) * Stick Vector but that only seems to work in some situations

There's something I'm missing here and I can't understand what it is. Can anybody help?

Dude, you have no idea how many times he sperged out when people analyzed his code and went "wait, you're doing that? It's better to do this." He can't even read a fucking stacktrace. In fact, I'm fairly certain he doesn't even have a design doc that isn't "milk Reddit with Patreon."
I mean, I understand having some messy and poorly optimized code, but fuck me, at least I try to make it better.

Cross? That usually refers to producing a vector that's orthogonal to both input vectors and its length is a volume of a prism that they together outline. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

probably trying to make his dumb plane roll as mentioned in previous threads.

Well all you have to do is rotate up vector against front vector of the plane.

As said by the other user, I'm trying to rotate red by blue, shouldn't have said cross.

How is this done? As previously mentioned multiplying the quaternion of blue by red doesn't work

You create a quaternion rotation out of your rotation axis and desired angle (that's usually just stick X position), then multiply your other vectors by it.

My game works on MESA drivers which only implement OpenGL 1.1, as well as a "Radeon FireGL" driver that implements OpenGL 1.3. Other than that I don't have other machines that have drivers below 2.0 installed. I haven't tested my program on Win95, maybe you can test it for me?

That's what I'm doing. It doesn't seem to be working

Then you must be doing it wrong.

Your setup: a triplet of cardinal direction vectors for your airplane.

Pick up roll input, put it in a variable, normalize and calibrate. Create a quaternion from forward vector and the variable. Apply to the other two vectors. Same algorithm applies for pitch and yaw. Or you could opt in for realistic simulation and apply force at wingtips depending on input value.


I don't think anyone said it's easy. But frankly, recreating a song, especially one you love, is gonna be harder than writing something nice on your own, just because with the song you love, you're always gonna be unhappy with something, at least in my experience.
Just take the chords from the song and try writing your own melody. That was probably the second song I wrote that I didn't come to hate later on.
That was about three years after I picked up writing music.

I'm staring at musescore blank sheet and feel lost.

Try putting some notes down.

I guess I'll simply try to copy this song using some sci fi chord progression, some basic melody, a simple bass, maybe two strings and some percussion.

still is something I haven't done before, so is not easy.

i've made a thing that converts a 2D array into a 1D array and then into a list

Writing music is like writing anything else, it's long stretches of frustration followed by short bursts of free flowing creativity.

Try working the other way, make a random melody and build chord progressions off of that, that way you can have a consistent motif throughout a song/score/album but can make it feel fresh by reharmonizing it. If all else fails play random notes and hope something sounds good.


Ah thanks, i was afraid i would have to redo the weights on everything, i will do it after i finish managing my release on steam

But that's the non-swastika edit.


Ganbatte user-kun!

You're closer than when you started user! We believe in you!



Here's the proper one.

Thanks user, but I was just shitposting.

Better than starting 126 projects over the course of 6 years and finishing none.

Man, that webm reminds me of early GamerGate. What a blast that was.

Uh huh.

That puts you above Yandev, because you actually fucking learned it instead of having a shitfit over people telling you what you were doing wrong.
YanDev wasn't an idiot because he was a shit coder. Every coder starts out as a shit coder. He was an idiot because he couldn't sort shitposting from constructive criticism and he refused to improve in the face of facts. He was a narcissist who thought he was better than people because he was actually making something (which, to be fair, is true to some degree. He was making something and actually making progress despite his flaws), and used that as a crutch. Were some anons abusive? Sure, but that's to be expected here. To post here (especially with a tripcode), you have to learn to sort out good posts from bad, and good criticism from bad. Ignore the bad criticism (or tell them to fuck themselves) and heed the good advice. YanDev lumped it all into one bucket and considered it all abuse and snapped because he hadn't lurked long enough to learn the ropes.

Fucking ACS man, the only thing I used for is on my test map for spawning the enemy as testing purpose and that's it, meh I could try changing the map ACS from numbered to named ones and see if it fixes it. Also I will be going for SP only since the last the time I tried this ACS script it performed awfully bad in MP and I dunno how to fix it tbh.

Oh great even the periscope function is broken, through it is not a surprise since this script also comes with a changed control, hopefully I can fix it somehow since I need this shit.

is there anything that crashes blender harder than weight painting? its has been 4 crashes already just this afternoon

Hey AGDG I've been feeling pretty inspired lately, and I think that making a simple 2d game would be a great outlet for what I'm trying to do, I'm pretty comfortable financially and I've worked on big projects in the past, completion isn't an issue, but getting started sometimes is.
I'm going to bounce some ideas off of you ok
So I got the idea for my game just the other week, it was close to thanksgiving and I was at my inlaws, and I've never realized this before, but literally everyone in my family is black except for me, really confusing. For reference I'm Jewish, and all through my childhood I had this victimhood complex about it, however I usually go on POL and feel better about myself. Nonetheless, while grampa was cutting the turkey with a pizza slicer I was masturbating under my napkin at the table, everyone was in front of me watching micky mouse club house, and I was just strangley entranced by daisy duck. Peeking back over my shoulder i think gramppa saw me and my meat, so he came over and asked for my recipe, I said that you need to throurougly beat the dough and he said "hmm my daddy said you don't need the beets if you replace them with brocolii" and I said wow grandmpa that's so fucking intellegent. So i stood up while both my dickey and mickey on the screen completely chaffed and red (Mickey because he was gluing some plyboards together) I went to the turkey and ripped it open between the legs, crawling up the ass I ended up crawling out from Mickey Mouse's ear hole, I could hear millions of Tahnksgiving families screaming and I thought 'oh my god this is my chance' so I covered the tv in woodglue so no one could see, and molested daisy.
In short my game is sort of like the Bee Movie but also GTAV


pretty good, but do you really think jerry will sign off on that? bee movie is for kids, I don't think full-detail dismemberment would be the way to go

Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our games, especially since they're so well programmed and all.

Whatever you do remember to add Dinosaurs


Thanks, not like I can quit now even if I wanted to due to sunk cost anyway.

I hope you have a better holiday season than me anons.

truly, it is anons vs. the world

Yeah, I'm imagining it would be like a open world version of Conker that is a little like Mario Odessy.
That could be pretty nice.
Worlds would all be satire of other popular games.

I was wondering what you'd been up to. What happened?

i've been doing the same 10 projects for over 4 years now
at least i make sure all my shit works as individual components that i can just slap onto new projects

add a mountain, call it skyrim 2, and its done


I almost want to give up coding, it is so fun to learn once you know enough to learn more by yourself, but i feel i don't have that kind of time anymore.

weight painting should't crash your shit

I've been working on editor tools for my next game over the past few weeks, was hoping to finish the map editor in 2016. Yesterday when arriving at work I slammed my own pinky with the car door. Now I have to wear this bulky splint thing to immobilize the fractured finger, and it still kinda hurts a lot. Could be worse I guess. I just hope that it won't take too long to heal.

Will we be seeing a dark and edgy sequel to Speebot with realistic graphics and cover-based shooting?

my shitty breakout is 99% complete.

pls rate.

Some real interesting videos you have there mister cuckchanner.

ayy kek.

rigidbody sync working as intended

it's a feature

You just need to make them spin fast enough so they look like they're standing still.

Anyone know of an open discord server that helps people learn UE4?
why does it have to be a discord server?

Sure thing, just go on this site called "reddit", and search "unreal engine", or "game development". I'm sure they have an official discord you can ask questions in! dont come back

Those are some impressive numbers. Considered it checked.

Rerigging complete, im glad its over

Not sure why you guys are bashing Reddit and Discord communities dedicated to learning technical shit. A lot of them have actual devs of the programs in question. I had a Fortnite dev help me out with the inventory system - he explained a lot of things that I would've taken much longer to figure out by myself.

Im just not good learning by reading. I process things much quicker when I have somebody helping me. I feel retarted but its the fastest way to learn for me. And there aren't enough videos to get me to the point where I can self-check and troubleshoot my problems. I need a helping hand.

I know you guys don't care, you have your own problems.

Try Game Dev League discord channel. They're very helpful. Just be patient and polite and someone will help you. I know what you mean by learning best when taught - I have the same problem. If you need to learn UE4 in particular, look up Unreal Slackers.

There's the Unreal Engine forums and answer-hub. There's also some unofficial IRCs.

Thanks guys, I appreciate it.

Not sure why you're here and don't fuck off back to there you fucking faggot.

Didn't mean to quote the swastika guy, that was when I wanted to post it but beat me to it.

Sorry for invading your safe space, you literal fucking autist.

clever inventory pic

Anyone else dealt with having a constant influx of application responses saying they went with someone better? It's starting to get to me.


Okay so I went with the simulation on both the server and the client, but with corrections. I expected less divergence between the client and the server, to be honest - I thought PhysX was more accurate than that. That being said, correction doesn't produce any problems at all! I expected it to spaz out and go apeshit.

I think it'll be okay, and it already looks more-or-less fine with minute movements, I bet it will look even better when I add easing for the rotations.

I would like to extend a general, unconditional fuck you to shoulders everywhere.

This is why I stick to animation and coding. Fuck dealing with deforms, man. Hats off to you for doing it.

Looks fine to me. What's the problem?

Messing around with Vulkan tutorial and the top version stood out to me as being a bit weird. Can someone explain why it would be preferable over the bottom version? My hunch is that it creates a reference once which is used for checking queueCount and queueFlags, whereas the bottom version needs to lookup the array index twice. Or is it just a workaround for using the more 'modern' for style?

i thought the "we'll call you" thing was just a joke?
nobody ever calls me

Oh no, they're automated emails saying "thanks for applying, but fuck you there's someone better. We'll also rub it in by saying we'll totally keep you on record in case there's an opening."

I've had Amazon contact me three times over the past 2 years for an interview in NYC (I'm in fucking Ontario)

pic related is how I programmed it, in my opinion you should just use a normal for loop instead of using a "modern" for because it's truly just reinventing the wheel so that you can feel like there is some kind of advancement. I mean is there anything wrong with just using an array? Maybe because I am not a C++ programmer with my brain wired on C++'s syntax, but I seriously don't see a point as all it does is make your code harder to read for anyone who isn't up to speed on "modern" programming.

At least in C#, enumerators are syntactic sugar that appear on any IEnumerable object, where T is the collection type. They're basically a contract to ensure that you can create a state object that checks all the objects in that collection, and returns it.

… Amusingly, the C# performance guidelines from the MSDN specifically say to prefer for (classic) over the foreach enumerator, even though it's a first-class language feature, and LINQ is built on top of it. Wild.

At least that's how it is over here. I assume Vulkan is doing the same meme with it

dude whispering at the end ruined my boner. thanks.

I honestly just want people to stop reinventing "structured programming" constructs because it just makes your programming skills less transferable to other languages as the syntax diverges for no discernible reason. Vulkan exposes a C API and I have had no trouble writing Vulkan code using normal C constructs, so it's probably just your tutorial being weird. In the tutorial I followed they just use a normal for loop, this tutorial was also in C++ but they did not use an "auto" which, I still have no idea what the semantics of that thing is.

Auto is still useless, in my humble opinion; so I'd recommend you don't use it.

so it just derives the type from what you first initialize it too? this sounds like a really bizarre "anti-feature" in that it could only cause serious bugs and confusion reading from type uncertainty.

It's done at compile time, rather than runtime, though, at least from skimming the MSDN

I get that, i'm just still astounded that people are copying the second-worst feature of python (implicit typing) into other languages. Isn't there such a thing as learning from a mistake?

Again, using C# here, it is somewhat useful depending on your context. Like I said, foreach isn't terribly useful since IEnumerable doesn't even expose the collection size by default, but when you have shit like IDictonary.KeyValuePair as an auto generated type, it's nice to just slap down something like "foreach (var ITEM in myDict)" and go from there

still not really getting through to me why not explicitly knowing what type your variable is, is a good idea. besides you can just create such a function yourself by accepting a function pointer- such as: void my_foreach(item_t i, dict_t d, (void)(*func)(item_t, dict_t, …));


Truly the spookiest story of our generation.


what is it honey =/= what's wrong

Anyways, do these have enough visual contrast? The only problem ones seem to be ice wall exterior with ice floor interior (4 down, 1 over), and maybe the steel floor and barrier walls (near bottom left)

wow, so this is the power of bloat.


Holy shit this is a neat idea

asking what's up isn't exactly asking what's wrong tbh although it does lead into that with how that's lined up but I chalk that up to who ever writing it not knowing English as their first language

That's not mine. Sorry for the confusion. That's just well done work that showed me how shit my shoulder deformations are. I'm still fighting with my mesh.

You're a brighter man than me. I'm about to dump this shit and make a Thomas Was Alone clone.

Unity mobile games will always be at least 12mb if i remember correctly just due to the engine packing all kinds of shit you can't turn off, even if your game is completely empty. Still better than UE4 though, and honestly, i've seen basic shit apps that have over 100 mb and people still download it in the millions. If few mb is still too much for you i recommend trying godot or something.

How millennials are
If you think any of these things are good for society then you must be an white man in your 60's working for goldman sachs or retarded

That is pretty cool, I can't really think of many games where the core premise relies on changing the rules of the game. I remember playing a flash game called Tower of Heaven that did something similar; except that the player has no control over how the rules change and it simply got harder as the rules piled on.

I wish I could remember the name of the game, but there's one where the idea is you play the game as it's being developed, while the "developers" show up as giant eyes floating around. You can connect to creatures and mess around with their code to do stuff like turn them into companions.

is that really you? you have improved a lot since your nigger drawings

Why the hell are they giving you an offer in NYC when they have an office in Toronto?
If they've asked for an interview multiple times, that's generally a good sign. Perhaps the team they want you to work with is based in NYC? I wonder.

(0,2), (0,3), (2,2), (2,5), (4,0), and (5,1) are the only problem intersections I see are (assuming bottom left is (0,0)).

Every time I think the rock-pushing 2D puzzle genre is dead I always end up surprised.

I don't mind the rest of your post, but man, did you need to tip your fedora at the end?
The headlines that really caught my eye in that collage was "Are Millennials Killing Their Bosses?" because it actually outright accuses them of murdering people.

i mak e

g a me

man go w a


Part of what turns me off about C++ is that I feel like I'm in a tug of war between "traditional" C++ and "modern" C++11/14. If I can't trust the new recommended way of doing things from the people that make the language, it doesn't inspire a whole lot of confidence. I guess it's part of learning something that's been actively worked on for so long.

I've been making a roguelike for the past few days. Pretty fun stuff but man is it easy to get sidetracked. I can see why people spend years working on their shit.

Do you have much to show or is it in the "not even a prototype yet" stage. If there's anything to see I want to see it.

I've spent last three months improving engine's ability to handle mid-frame events instead of working on the actual game. Given that a lot of shit can happen mid-frame, on a scale from 1 to 10, how much of a pure unadulterated autism with no purpose is it?

I mentioned in the previous thread I was going to start working on a mobile game which is based heavily off "Block Lives Matter". This is my first solo project and I have gotten the shooting and movement somewhat to how I want it, with the movement, I aim for the rolling cube, but I want it on a grid so it only moves in a straight line and doesn't fuck about with getting on an angle, along with the fact that moving the cube is done with holding a movement key down rather than a press (which is what I want to get working) so when the player presses "W", they move forward 1 "tile". Once that is accomplished I can get it to work with swiping and tapping.

.mp4 related is my current progress on it, about 5 hours total work over 2 days so far.


It is physics for now, just so I can see how it will look when moving, when I get more into it, I will remove it and replace it with something that works.


I plan to make a simple 100% skill based mutliplayer FPS so my first idea was a one shot game where every player dies in a single hit, leading to the one with the quickest reaction and best aiming winning the fight, no luck or unbalanced weapons. However i thought that this instant reaction dependency probably might be really frustrating for players with a shittier ping, and probably a little too simple for normies who need some more variety. I don't want to make a quake or unreal tournament clone either. Any idea what would be a simple but fun fast paced FPS that's not cloned to death yet? Ideaguys with unique ideas welcome too.

Not much to show yet. I still have loads to even begin like inventory, items, proper turn system etc.
Plus there's stuff I'm not sure about like how the line of sight works.

Why would someone shoot something so fucking cute?

you should re-think that

Because we have the urge to hurt cute (i.e., neotenous, defenseless) things

So, InstaUnlagged?

I meant the useless quantity type of thing, you know having several weapons that are basically the same with slightly different reskin and damage, which normies gobble up like hell. Look at counter strike.

Fuck me, there goes my unique idea. Actually i am kind of surprised that i did not know about this considering how much i've played Quake.

I didn't realize that this project wes still in development?

The user developing it stopped by recently to inform us that he's not dead and it's still going.

bless him! tell user he's awesome.

i just spent 2 days reworking my inventory system even though the changes haven't really improved anything other than making it less spaghetti code. in the long rung it's still a good idea though, otherwise if i touch it at a later time without the changes it will feel like i'm trying to learn moonrunes

Implement this guy's vision algorithm. He covers a few common RL vision algorithms, their pros and cons and his is generally very good

Basically it works by using octants arcs for line of sight. At 45 degrees, the arc of a circle changes from favoring X, instead of Y. So by using octants you basically have 8 mirrored operations.
As for how it works, it draws a line from (0,0) to 45 degrees and from (0,0) to straight right. It iterates the columns and flags tiles appropriately. When it files a light-blocking tile, it then iterates or breaks depending, and it also shifts the line angles

Whats the best way for an artfag who has zero autism for coding to put together a game?

Whats the best engine to work with if you just can't grind through coding shit as your mind doesn't work that way?

Most engines can hold your hand, because they already have systems in place to make it easy. Unity, Unreal, Game Maker might not be a bad place to start out, but I know some anons have strong feelings against certain engines for business reasons.

That said, you need a good sense of logic for any kind of programming. What do you trouble with in particular?

No, I'm fine with logic. I just hate writing code or kitbashing code. As an art fag I take things and I refine them down. Like carving things until I get them how I want. Coding doesn't work that way so I struggle with it.

Hello future engine dev

mele fps with 1-3 hits with ranged items dealing less damage. something with ninjas

Take a look at how Divekick essentially did the same kind of idea for fighting games. See what you can gleam from the gameplay.

Actually, coding is a lot like that, you just have to git gud enough at it first. When you get good enough at programming, you can start looking at the code and seeing the abstract structure of the code in your head. You can then get a working product up very quickly, and refine it into what you need. This is usually referred to as "iteration", but it's the same basic idea as constructional art (that is, building art iteratively, starting out with basic forms and iteratively adding detail), in that you want a working program at all points and you build more features and detail into it without breaking it. It's tedius and awful because you aren't used to it. I'm a professional programmer trying to learn drawing and I'm going through the same thing (it feels slow, tedius, and unnatural, and any amount of improvement involves mountains of practice and study). Most people don't notice when they spend a lot of time on something they really love, because they do it from usually a young age and it doesn't feel very long because it's fun, yet you still can get hours of practice a day for years without even noticing that it was actually study and practice going into it. When something doesn't immediately click for you, it feels like work, and it feels unnatural. It's possibly to learn to love it, and (despite what some people say), you can get very good even if you don't start at a young age, as long as you're willing to work at it.

So your options are

* use a braindead-simple engine that holds your hand the whole way, like GameMaker (and this is not a bad option at all, if it does what you need it to do)
* pay somebody else or find somebody who will program your game for free
* practice until you "get" programming (this can take a very long time to really get good, but you can be reasonably good enough to produce good stuff in as little as a month or two, if you're fine with your code being shit and are willing to learn and refactor it as you learn)

If you're doing 2D, Game Maker is the absolute best place to start. It's far from the best engine, but it does make getting started easier than any other engine (other than very specialized ones like RPG Maker that restrict you into a specific game style). Unity is probably your best bet for starting in 3D, but note that it is a much harder plunge than 2D, and if you haven't made any 2D games, you probably want to do that first to get the basic concepts solidified without having to worry about an extra dimension of collision, design, and all the vast amount of work that comes with modeling and texturing everything.

I'm a programmer, and the way you describe art is how I view programming, and the way you describe programming is how I view art.

Made the ice a little paler and now it sticks out from the water and the ice blocks.


How strange. I think it's just the way some people's brains are wired. What we see as building you see as destroying and vice versa

Same, i hate coding, but if i gotta do i will do it.
In the end what matters is creating my dream game.

I can enjoy both the programming and art.
I just wish I could enjoy making the music.

How I am supposed to "view" it is beyond me.
There has got to be some fundamental bit of logic I am missing.

Anyone have any good resources on RGSS2 (RPG Maker XP scripts)? I want to see if I can do a full on overhaul of the engine for a game I want to make.

Here's how I view everything.

generally my process is



god damn it

What did I miss?

Same, me too.

I did a (then) decent sounding bit of music back in 2011, lost my source files so I don't know how I made half the sounds and melodies, and it devastated me enough that I quit for several years. I haven't even gotten back into composing yet

A team based fps where everyone has auto-aim and auto-fire. Players can soak up ~3 seconds of continuous fire from one opponent. Skill revolves around outmaneuvering the opponent's team to either attack them from behind or set up a 2 vs 1 situation.

Recently started a rapid prototype for something. Might start posting here for motivation. The code's really bad right now, but I'm trying to get to a playable state before I get to a not-shit-code state.

Basically had the same story here. But I still have some of that music from back when I first stated four or five years ago. It sounds better than what I can do now. I even enjoyed composing it. But today everything just sounds wrong somehow.

I have no idea how you even improve. I listen to musicians and I get this:

Maybe they are right and I have just been over-thinking it.

See if you can find some midis or what have you of melodic metal. It tends to be highly technical in terms of composition and stuff, so you get good melodies, chords, and time signature changes.

For an extreme example, look at Dream Theatre. They're all over the fucking place for scales and timing and it still sounds great

sure thing
I'll try whatever at this point

I'm not sure if I want it to look like the first video, and acting as a fully scrolling block - I could have it replace the white gradient arrow tiles I have now, that were also "too similar" - or I could have it like the second video and be a full-tile block that prevents movement and moves objects to the right if they're above it

working on getting basic texturing working in the engine, that way things look less stupid

The world may never know.

The ice looks much better, but the other ones I mentioned are still an issue.

Guess it's working
Not quite sure how I made it work tbh so I might need to check if it's working right

Don't jump the gun and start new threads too early

Oy vey the goyim must wait for page 13, else it will be anudda shoah.

t. cake kike

Thanks user that looks pretty good.

We're gonna make it, boys


New Thread:

yeah bots are pretty useful, although they used to work better before they increased the char limit.

He is also an ugly Jew.