Geopolitcal Simulator Games: Are you hardcore enough to play them?

You are not one of them casuals, user, are you?

I really like this game. It's very hard to exploit and be gamey in that game, especially on harder difficulty. You will always have difficulties in that game, especially if you try to do something unexpected. It never becomes too easy, because admittetly the calculations are a bit fucked and suddenly you are in huge debt again or a project costs more than you thought.

Funny story:

I wish that game didn't force you to manually order invidual policemen during riot control or make you control the soldiers. The military part is so shit in this game and the AI can't really be trusted to take control, because I watched a LP where the general made peace without your consent.

See. This is how the greek parasite always survives, on the back of someone bigger.

I was honestly surprised it worked. I didn't even know we had an alliance.


Can't let you go, pay debts

Jokes on you, Germany. I actually achieved a 5% budget surplus.

It's pretty frustrating to ask for a debt reduction though. Basically you can ask them and if they don't accept them, you can't ask again for like another half-year. So either it's a very modest reduction or you get banned from asking.

What is much worse and actually screws you over, if you ask for a reduction of interest payment.
Normally it works like this. If you improve your economic condition, you get higher rating and everyone automatically adjusts the interest ratings down.
But if you are so bold to just manually ask for reduced interest payments, they actually lock you in that for a year or half a year.
You are much much better off, just waiting and improving your economic condition and take what they give you.

Nah, for some reason they never attacked me. I literally have no idea why they didn't. I was honestly very scared of losing my save due to that.

God damn, I wish some fucking piratefag, would just fucking crack an up to date version of the game.

I want a good Geopolitical Simulator, but I can't find one. There is only shitty ones.
The best one yet was Superpower 2

This is a good one, user.
As I said, only the military command sucks, but everything else is bretty good.

I thought the idea of manually liberating cities was really clever, but the game itself looks terrible and the military is a goddamn joke. Is it possible to play multiplayer games of it? Wouldn't mind the nuclear holocaust some anons would produce.

It would be extremely boring in some cases.
Take Greece for example. If you nuke Athens, then the country is fucking done. Greece would never recover from that population loss.

Also the military system would give an extreme advantage to knowledgeable players who know how to exploit the AI.

Oh and the game seems like a game that would be extremely prone to lagging in multiplayer games.

Is that..?

Anyone have a torrent for the game?

I have to wonder what the game’s creators were thinking making a LITERAL FUCKING JEW the “advisor” of every nation. They’re probably leftist faggots since you will still be assassinated with 100% public support (never mind there are no other hints toward supporting ethnonationalism anywhere else in the game).

The game has 100% chance of russia declaring war to europe. That's alone is propaganda.

being close to reality

do you enjoy lag

Fuck off game!

but a-user, this game is based on reeeeality, it is very realistics

(((Pure coincidence)))

Public support never made any sense. This game really is catering to the leftmost leftiests, you can't pass any right wing or centrist idea unless you're under a military dictatorship, legalizing funs basically sets a ticking clock to the moment a commie walks up to you and kills you because how dare people have the right to bear arms (wasn't the game made by a french, too).
The only two ways to have legit fun is to either go full communist or playing as a rogue state (had this really great game where I started in Niger with my terrorist party and created Islamic Cascadia in Western Africa, literally every other nation hated me but were still willing to trade). And the worst part of it all is that beneath it there's a game that would be pretty damn great if it had extensive mod support for ideologies and plenty more decisions.

Don't mind me. I'm just having some fun.

Sounds fun, care to share a torrent OP?



To be honest you have to work a lot on getting assassinated, and by that I mean do anything that doesn't cater to the masses with less than 100% approval rates.



don't bother with torrents, no one is willing to crack the game

Ideologies don't make sense in the game. For example if you are extremely nationalistically right wing, you can't pass socialistic reforms like giving people money for having kids, even though that is one of the most common right-wing proposals in many western countries.
The far right are willing to use the instruments of the state to their full extent to support their agenda.

Also you are wrong, because as Greece I taxed porn 250% to pay for my less popular reforms. The Greeks (and probably other countries) LOVE taxing porn companies. I got so popular with that.

Also I always put protection for the head of state up to maximum just to be sure to not be assassinated. Not sure if that does anything.

That's practically welfare, it's okay because the right-wing doesnt not meddle in private bussines (and people private bussines), unless the game calls facism right wing.

This is equivalent to calling subsidies welfare
You are dumb

Yeah, because Front National and the Golden Dawn are totally not socialistic.

I hate these fucking games that look fun but the fucking second that you do anything that some fuckhead doesn't like whoops game over. Just like that retarded Democracy game where you could be running a fucking police state with the maximum possible spending in police, surveillance, and military and a fucking commie will still find a fucking way to plant a goddamn bomb where you are giving a speech that he somehow sneaked past the George Orwell nightmare.

I am just mad that I can't have a gold standard or that the game doesn't really reflect the bureaucratic nightmare that is real life and that I can't have 10% GDP growth from just cutting regulations alone.

Or that ethnic and religious minorities aren't properly modeled.

I am surprised anyone even plays any of these stupid games. That in Democracy game I was talking about you can remove all welfare put all that money into the school system and lower tax rates on businesses and pretty much destroy unemployment and make your country the smartest and most wealthy in the world that way and you would still have to tax everything because the game thinks you are doing too well and just has your stock market crash every fucking month to the point where you have zero unemployment and zero crime but GDP continues to plummet until you can't even pay for anything anymore because it is completely realistic for your stock market to crash every month and people still use it for some reason.

The Democracy game sucks. Play Geopoltical Simulator 4.

It sounds just as bad what with the usual bullshit of having any right wing policies at all ending in commie terrorists somehow getting past all of the security that a government official would have and killing them.

Ever since I funded my Intelligence Services to protect me fully and stayed on 100% popularity, I had a pretty easy time making Greece into a dictatorship.

But you have to watch out, the game can very easily screw you over.
For example your entire cabinet are persons. They all have an opinion on you.
Sometimes, especially in the beginning, when you try something too big, even if you later balance it out with 100% popularity, they just randomely hate you more than you'd think they would.
They also all have hidden traits.

If you are a super autist, who is fine with always making meetings with key persons to make sure that they are happy, then that is the game for you, but honestly that micromanagement is kinda insane, especially if you want to min-max the game and play optimally.

But at its core it's fun. And once you figure out some tricks that give you free popularity, you don't have to be super autistic about meetings.

I am very curious if it's important, if the commander of your personal guard hates you. The game doesn't tell you this and say if they are less likely to protect you or something.
It's really not transperent at all and there is no real insight into the game mechanics, which is great for immersion, but frustrating if you try to figure out who just killed you.

What gun legalization should do in a geopolitics sim should be something along the lines of

Nah. Consumerism, obesity and TV & Internet more than offset that.
People are way too docile to rebel.

In the old days, when there was no tv, no internet and people actually went out in the public square in their free time, then yeah maybe, but not today.
It's no surprise that revolts, rebellions simply just don't happen anymore in the modern age. People are docile.

Which again is a big part about what pisses me off about these games. I mean most governments in the real worlds don't even have an approval rating of 20% how the fuck am I getting assassinated with an approval rating of like 85% in the modern day?

The approval rating isn't a real life approval rating. It's more immersive if you think of it as "how likely the general population is NOT to rebell against me".

When I exploit porn tax to get more approval, I should only get approval from people who care about that, so conservatives. It wouldn't make sense for the Left to magically like me, because I tax pornography 200%.

So it really isn't an approval rating in that sense.

It's still retarded for people in a country that isn't undergoing a disaster where there is no power or food to try and assassinate the leader of said country every other week.

It really doesn't happen though. I can vouch for that.

Nuke yidsrael

best geopolitical simulator is Shadow President for DOS

just needed more events to spice it up

What's it like? How detailed is it?

Can I also play other countries? I don't like playing as evil countries.

If you balance it out with other shit then people are fine with it. What I noticed is that as long as I was taxing companies and not individuals everyone would love me, even though there's no real negative repercussion for doing just that.

You still need a negative side to the reform so that it doesn't get the opposite problem (also called the Civilization Syndrome) where eternal warfare is the only possible solution. Tropico manages democracy better than these titles by virtue of understanding that it's all promises to be fulfilled rather than ideals to strive for.

No, you don't understand. Taxing porn is fucking awesome. People love it. The parties love it. Everyone loves it. It's literally free popularity with no downside.

The trick to subsidize industry and then immideatly de-subsidize is much harder to pull off and even impossible early game, when you are in debt, because people get mad, when you don't have a balanced budget.

Taxing porn gives you the popularity to cut spending.

This is the most unrealistic aspect of the game by far.

It makes sense in theory, because the Left likes it, because it helps to discourage exploitment of women and the right loves it, because of conservative values.

It's really only unrealistic that you can do it over 100% and that it gives you this much popularity.

When it comes to geopolitical simulators games
Is game called "Rogue State" any good ?
It got good reviews the the premise is interesting.

That sounds like bullshit, shooting guns isnt even that important for the ordinary infantryman
Dunno, assuming that there is a finite amount of capital in the country that would mean that you just basically relocate resources from one industry to another.

All you need for wide scale rebelion/uprising is food shortage and or entertaiment shortage (like widespread paupetirazation causing masses of people to lose their ability to use entertaiment)
Basically as the romans said Bread and Circuses.
As soon as steady supply of one of those ceases and state wont be able to provide it then people will rebel in favour of aybody who can promise those things.
Look at major rebelions in history, most of them happened becaues of shortage of food

Will I like this if I like Victoria 2?

I love Victoria II, so … maybe?
The game is completly different. If you like military more than balancing your budget and enacting social policies, then you will not like this.
The micromanagment of the military is horrible. You can't really fight a war properly. It would probably a be a nightmare with bigger countries.

Also it doesn't really model ethnicity very well. So you can outlaw Islam for example, but it doesn't do much.

Yup. Everything you said is exactly right. Even the Arab Spring coincided with very high food prices/food shortages.

It's funny that we Germans out of all people actually voted in the Rebels, instead of the Rebels taking us over.
Kinda funny, especially since we had some rebellions, military coups (a very short one) and a socialist revoltution before that, but that obviously influenced the voting patterns of the population.

I dont know if thats a trait of german psyche or what but it seems like germs always seek out autority figure to led them. Eg. Kohl, Merkel, Funny mustache man etc…

Not really. You are confusing a few things.

Germans love harmony and have very conservative mindset. Conservative mindset, not conservative politics. It's not that we love authority, what we love is Ordnung - order. Ordnung muss sein.

Now when you say that we have a love for authority figures, then that kinda implicitely means that we love dictatorial leaders with a cult of personality, which is honestly not true.
Hitler was the exception, because he really upped the Cult of Personality, but even if the NS-Regime would have continued, the Cult of Personality would have neded with Hitler's Death. I think other people are much more prone to Cults of Personality, than Germans.

Merkel, Kohl, Adenauer, those people all don't really have a cult of personality. It's just that Germans are afraid of change. They don't see the potential in change and risk as much, so they rather want to continue things as they were. I think the reason Hitler was elected, was because he basically offered Germans a way out of the Chaos and back to Ordnung.

So we like authority figures only indirectly, through our love for order.
Also what many people do not know, but Germany wasn't historically part of the West. We didn't have quite the same Enlightment ideas and thinkers as the "West" had, when that period took place.

wrong, it oppresses women by not allowing them to sell their orifices.
Unless of course the women don't want to shoot with gay porn actors (^:

what if it oppresses the oppression of women?

subsides, welfare, they are both a economical state intervention, dummy

they didnt had a protectionist economic agenda? if yes then they are not right wing, since there would not be free trade.

And yes, there are American instructors who have assisted or observed other nations (as in actual countries, not "moderate" rebels) in training. There is a noticeable difference in base skill level from recruits in countries (especially as those who like guns are the most likely to join the army).

The rebellion threshold wouldn't be static, but the right to keep and bear arms should be one of many things that impact it.

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