Deep sky derilicts



I tried it for a bit. Seems alright and the combat is a little more involved than DD I find, what with the card mechanics. You're right about the art direction though.

Artystle reminds me Hellboy, but Hellboy isn't what I would call a well drawn comic.

I agree but it misses the distinctive character outlines and color combos that make that style work. As it stands now is just a bunch of grey generic humans with noserings.

It looks to me like someone tried to copy Darkest Dungeon

Remember, every resource to pandering and sjw are resources not put on game-design, so the product won't never achieve it's full potential

I hate the unnecessarily overblown idle animations. But that's a pet peeve of mine. If we compare Darkest Dungeon's animations, they are much more subtle, just the way I like it.

That's exactly what it is, especially if it gets an android release and is locked into mobile aspect ratio.

Tell me about the card mechanics. I tend to not like them.

Items have cards associated with them, like a Burst Fire or Aimed Shot card that do different things. By equipping your dudes you can build a deck from which they are drawn every round. You can influence this with certain classes/cards or by spending energy (= Light in DD). It's basically a mixture of regular RPG equipment and cards because the items themselves also have modifiers attached to them.

Fuck that, then

Shut up, nerd.

artstyle looks like a dumpster fire.
Why is everything repulsive?
Why is combat using GRIDS grids on small maps,

He's right, you know.

It's even more shallow than DD so reddit twitch crowd phone tacticians will probably love it

Look like another fucking tablet game like Darkest Dungeon.

it actually manages to be worse somehow
whilst darkest dungeon was rng shitfest masking as baby's first tru h4rdc0r3 gaem it at least tried to do something different with the otherwise unintuitive turn based combat and the whole torch risk/reward thing where the darker it get the stronger the enemies get but so is the chance of getting good loot ;this one simply adds CCG mechanics to the turn based combat


I'm not going to even pirate it because of that. If you're going to sell it as turn based at least make it turn based tactical like xcom or final fantasy tactics.
The art looks like trash too.


It really is shittier. UI is poorly designed and card tooltips are impossible to read if you don't equip the item they're on. A lot of stats and effects have no tooltip explanation whasoever; I still don't know what was recycling supposed to do for one. And CCG mechanics can really hinder any character, since enemies are always limited to a very narrow moveset but the characters might not see a single offensive card for several turns straight. It's much worse than in DD where at least you can try attacking or doing whatever in every turn.

Yuck. Tabletop games are turn-based because they have no other choice. Anyone who willingly makes a computer game turn-based is a fucking idiot.

cum on step it up

Not really sure, there have been a bunch of retards that cry about story and non-action gameplay lately.

whats wrong with minorities?

They drive up the price of gas

They need to go back, lest they become the majority and their nature is shewn naked for all to see.

>Implying that most video games aren't tabletop games in environments that allow them to do more stuff and make players unable to break the rules as they wish expect for cheat codes and mods.

I wanna feel your boobs


Looks like Darkest Dungeon but without the charm. Dear God why did they make the color scheme pretty much the same for everything? It doesn't look thematic, it looks incredibly boring.

It will scratch that offense itch, that's for sure.