Weird Games Thread

You know the drill, post games that are weird and bizarre.
Extra points for games that are tripping balls, pics related.

PS1 had the best weird games.

This game is kind of not that good, but It's entire selling point is it's ridiculously bloody.
You can customize the blood. Make it so there is a ton or a little, and change it's color. You can even make the blood change to rainbow colors.

I never beat it but i kind of want to just because it's weird. You play as some guy who was decapitated and had his head put on a android body.



where the heck is TheSkyMayBe?

Anyone got the Mega link to the weird games folder? I lost that shit.

Weird, dark and old video game collection [6/29/2016 and Shocking Truth nuSystem Shock A Shit]

Mario games, the one by that Nintendo company, are pretty weird. You play as a fat Italian guy and eat mushrooms to grow big and have to fight firebreathing turtles.

Nano Breaker was actually produced by Koji Igarashi, the guy behind Symphony of the Night, and was deliberately made to be as gory as possible because Koji figured that's what western audiences wanted out of their games

wat. One's generic fantasy/adventure and the other's a zany sci-fi TPS. They'd only be seen as strange today because the market is terrified of high fantasy.
I'd list ecco the dolphin instead as anyone having gone into that blind gets quite a shock when it shifts dramatically into the bizarre.


this is a game.


Cho Aniki series

You should had put epilepsy warning.

I still think of how weird this game was, and difficult, many moons later.

I somehow got ahold of Mr. Domino as a kid and I gotta say it's worth playing. I spent countless hours working on the perfect playthrough of that game and it is truly a surreal experience

Lost in the Static is a pretty odd game. Everything is static, but it somehow still works. Ignore this guy's accent, it's the only video I could find.

I wouldn't really call Rez weird, but it's still worth a play regardless especially with the new port running on basically anything.

there are no flashy cuts in the video.

this game is weird and bizzare


Rez best game of that generation



yes i know it's fanmade

Alright list, but there are really only 4 worth playing.

aside from the main character getting boss tier weapons it doesn't seem too unusual for the era
the physics and animations, on the other hand…
