Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/

Any progress is good progress, take it easy unless you gave everything up to become a gamedev and your savings are being drained every day edition

>Beginner's guide: >>>/agdg/29080
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Hat is boned and textured, now pants
I know, i know the materials are shit, i am doing them all at once later when all is done since i can reuse some in different pieces, or maybe i will do them in Unity

okay, hello? how the FUCK do I get absolute position of a UMG widget on the viewport in UE4?

Nah it's not boned, it looks alright, you just need the front to droop a little bit.

Does anyone have that graph of all the recommended books for each part of gamedev?

No but you want Loomis' Fun With a Pencil, Animator's Survival Guide, a learn [language] online tutorial relevant to your engine and the documentation for your tools.


these are really good

These should be enough to get you on your feet.

Lol, you got me you fuckers. I'm still going to ask for that damn graph though.


sorry i don't have it

I guess you mean this one.
Make sure to buy every book.

remember to drink white tea while programming, makes your brain save energy


Thank you, I'm grateful, my dude.

but wouldn't you need to expend more energy while thinking? if you're saving energy then you can't think as hard

why would you have to think "hard"? the turtle wins the race in programming

Thanks, user.

not turning your nephews into programmers to make your dream game 4u?

user, unless an actual drug, it's not going to do jack shit. Maybe some caffeine will help you stay sharp, but that's about it. Work out, eat healthy and do stretchies.

Fuck this, it's time to upload some useful stuff.

isn't the tortoise and the hare a bad example because in the original tale after the tortoise won the race the hare left town and a fire killed everyone because they relied on the slow tortoise to put out the fire?
so in parallel they tortoise would be a poor choice because if they had to rely on him to hack into the mainframe to steal the garbage file with the davinci virus to expose the plot to sink a computer controlled ship for ransom from a corporate villain, the movie hackers would have been half as long because they caught the tortoise before he could hide the floppy disk.

Books are fucking worthless.

There where 2 times that books ever came through for me. 1 was the opengl super bible basically pointing me in the direction to start rather than actually providing any information. The second was opengl insights which coincidentally had an algorithm that was doing exactly what I was spending forever trying to figure out.

The last book in is actually useful if you ever want to pick up PS3 homebrew.

I hate learning through books, reading makes me really sleepy, i prefer to work on stuff until i get it right

New thread when?

Page 13, as usually.


nigga i made the thread a few hours ago

Do you listen to music for programming zen? My productivity increases when I listen to ambient drum and bass.

Is it true that wearing thigh-high socks makes you a better programmer?

please stop

Only if you also post pics of you wearing them here.


the other one

as a formerly major faggot I'm pretty convinced that wanting to be a trap is so popular on imageboards because it lets you revel in your lack of ego and confidence like it's a part of your identity and not emotional damage. There's comfort in someone else taking charge.

People, by nature, desire to be lead.

I think this comic might be more accurate.

Those Knuth books are breddy gud for their own sake, if you have even the slightest interest in the subject matter.

Knuth is highly respected for C++ shit

If you happen to be a C# fag, I would recommend anything by Jon Skeet or Eric Lippert, articles or otherwise. The former is one of those autists that know the language intimately and only every uses it, and the latter worked on the MS C# compiler and language specs so he knows how it really works

So what, are you only a minor faggot now?

It's only relatively speaking so only a minor faggot now that you showed up.

Hans Passant, Marc Gravell and Reed Copsey are other faggots that crop up on Stack Overflow as well

yeah kinda, I've got a girlfriend now, I'm generally more healthy both mentally and physically so I'm quite a bit less of a faggot, although it's fun to indulge in sometimes.

Wearing tight-high socks is bad for your legs. It's true, look it up.


Anyway, my OpenGL shit is coming along slowly.

This is plausible. My local pharmacy sells socks for diabetics(?) … it's basically just loose socks that don't constrict

Knuth is highly respected in general.

I remember that, holy shit. Feels like it was so long ago.

I still need to come up with a "thief" tile that takes the player's tools. Chip's Challenge had the thief/spy tile.

Based on my game's lore, it could be either a cat or a goblin, but I have no idea what to do here

I was thinking about remaking Trouble in Terrorist Town in UE4 and releasing it for free.

No wanting to be a trap is popular on imageboards because no girls post on imageboards so it's the closest thing to feeling companionship from the opposite sex for people here.

It's also a feeling where you can attention whore and some people will respond positively to it. Which is a powerful motivator for people who have nothing going on in their lives.

This entire thing makes me want to vomit. But I know I can do it all!

You're both wrong. Its popular to be on trap on imageboards because its a jewish psyop done by jewish anons. Same with gurofaggotry and pizzashit. Go outside of Holla Forums a little. You will find imageboards being liberal shitholes of degradation and sodomy.

When you compare it with what the rest of the internet is pushing as normality, trapfaggotry is almost "normal" by comparison.

So true. It's ok to shit on terrible games once in awhile but staying here turns you into a disgusting degenerate. Specially if you like to consume the weebshit.


That image is bullying



help me /agdg/, can anyone here actually make a living developing vydia if they have no resources?

Gonna shill this conference talk once more for those of you who have lost motivation to make a game but still feel like you need to.


user I sincerely hope you're trolling. I'm getting kinda tired of the Jew meme

not you, I accidentally tapped your post id

unless you're a fucking savant, I doubt it. You need resources. I'm using placeholder assets myself and hoping to attract outside funding once the core gameplay starts looking alright

code a trap simulation

yes it is

thinking about it, this is correct, they're still massively twats who really aren't worth the effort you put into them and will disregard you and your needs over theirs. woman aren't much better.

Pic related

what a awful design

I am burning through my savings, if everything goes well i will be able to make a living through patreon until the game is released
If it fails i can go to Gensokyo or Japari Park
Just kidding, my brother will help me out if it goes to shit until i find a new soulsucking job and go back to dev on free time only, actually it would be better to just an hero

Some bullshit about how it's an implementation detail, and how it can pack values across different systems. Fuck that noise.

Ain't that some shit.
I actually do need it to be a class rather than a struct, but it seems weird that I can't just get a fixed number so I know how shit something else

don't generalize women like a tard, user. I'm not speaking from a feminist perspective, just personal experience. They're all different, even if their outward behavior is similar. They use mimicry to fit in, that's why they seem samey. My girlfriend is old 4chan blood and you would not be able to tell if you met her.

looks just like 99% of other monster girl designs to me

isn't basing your opinion on personal experience just as bad as generalizing?

at least it's not a fucking animu gurl in a costume tbh

No, not really. Because generalization is done out of ignorance - basing opinions on personal experience is done out of observation.

yeah it is because personal experience is subjective and usually results in generalizing from it

It only results in generalizing from it if you do so. I don't. You seem to.

What looks better for a "quicksand" tile? This allows certain objects to fall through, but nothing else can enter them. Objects can only enter from the top and move downward.

What I was thinking is making it a special "objects only" tile and have them behave normally (but slower), so you could eg push rocks into it. The top one looks more visible.

that's not much of an argument and also everyone generalizes to a degree, it's what humans do tbh

Why do I feel like I've read this post before? Do you bring up your girlfriend being from 4chan every time you see people discussing women on the site? Because I swear that I read a post by probably you on some other thread or board (maybe Holla Forums I forget) bringing this up recently

Yeah I brought her up a couple /agdg/ threads ago in a similar argument. I don't generally talk about my personal life unless it's applicable - and when people talk about women on Holla Forums its generally angsty shit. So I guess the stars align and I say the same kinda thing when that happens.

Ah, went with a darker version of the top, in the 0-50% brightness range. It'll just be a restrictive floor tile, then.

Also, for simple scrolling tiles, I found a neat little hacky way to greatly reduce the amount of texture space it takes up. So instead of 16 32x32 tiles per animation, I can get away with one 32x64 region if it's a looped/scrolled animation and just step by 1 pixel, instead of 32 units

I have no clue who made this but they are insane.

What's up with that Black Book PDF? My browser lags for a solid second when I try to scroll.

I like the old diamond design more, these look like they're plastic.


I need my gems to have an obvious "up", and take up most of the frame. It also can't be a tall rectangular shape because it's too similar to the source

Reposting because I didn't find a solution.

I have an object that is being controlled by a speed and a 3d vector direction. The player inputs set a pitch and yaw.

The direction vector is controlled

object up vector * pitch

object right vector * yaw

This works perfectly fine for horizontal movement but when it comes to vertical movement the object is unable to do loop-de-loops or anything like that. The image shows the problem.

How do I solve this? Is the only solution to not control it by a direction vector and multiplied axis inputs?

Is there some other simple input method I could use that would work better?

So if I want to implement a pathfinding algorithm for getting between two points on a hex grid, would I want to use something other than Djikstra's? I understand that it's basically just a refined brute force technique, wouldn't I basically be iterating through every single hex on my world map? (Upper limit would *probably* be around 22500 hexes)

Djikstra's algorithm is significantly slower than something like A*. You could run a benchmark of the two, A* and Djikstra's, and see if the performance hit you get with Djikstra's is worth the fact that it's actually the shortest path.
How often are you going to be calling your path-finding algorithm?

Probably because the input crosses over 0 at one point and this causes it to fuck up.

You actually talk about your personal life a fair amount, I saw those posts as well. I'm sure your girlfriend is a waste of skin like you

Yeah, but how do I solve this? That's what I am stuck at.

Well, is your function able to handle negatives or does it just go into decimals between 1-0? Because it looks like the latter if you can't do a flip.

Or alternatively its rejecting negative values for the forward vector because it thinks you should be moving forward.

Depends on if you want the upper limit to be possible in the first place. You can do a simple check to see if the manhattan distance is smaller than your maximum search range before you actually do the search. Then your worst case scenario becomes a maze from one corner of a box of that maximum range to the other corner.
Probably, but not always. In anything realtime such as an RTS, the answer will be yes no matter what. But in a TBS game, djkstra is good becausse when you select a unit, you do dijkstra's and you immediately get information about enemies and tiles for drawing an overlay with information (unpassable tiles, enemies, etc.)

It's a 3d normal vector. It can handle negatives.

Velocity direction is the actor forward vector + control direction.

At one point in the loop you're technically facing and moving backwards and that seems to be whats causing your problem.

So what's a solution to that? I'm a dumb nigger.

Probably by changing forward vector to an absolute value thing since its additive. This way it won't cancel out when it goes opposite of the control direction. I don't really know what I'm talking about but I hope this helps you diagnose the issue.


Every time the player moves the hex they're hovering over when trying to move a unit, so not literally every single frame, but considering how many tiles one can cross in half a second with a flick of the mouse, I could end up with situations where it gets calculated several times per second.

I suppose I could cheat by having it not actually figure out the path until the player doesn't change what hex they're hovering over until a half a second has passed. That might make for an annoying feature though.

Is there such a thing as a manhattan distance for hexes?

Yes, but how it's calculated depends on how you implemented the hexes.

Suck off a shotgun.

I'm just using a staggered X,Y coordinate system, if that's what you mean by implementation.

whatever, user. Do you feel the need to be mean online because you feel angry you can't get anyone to love you?

Yeah, that's the most important part of how you implement it. For staggered, some pseudocode would be:
float dy = y2 - y1;float dx = x2 - x1 + (dy % 2 != 0) ? 0.5f * hexwidth : 0;dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

Also as a note to what you said in
There is no reason to recalculate it every time you move, only every time a new unit is selected. While doing Dijkstra's you calculate the distance to the current position for every tile nearby, there is no reason to throw that information away and re-calculate the exact same thing every time you move your mouse.

When you take a hit in an action game, should the sounds and effects be good, or be annoying/unattractive to make you feel bad from getting hit?


Still need to work on those trees

[Heut' ist mein tag intensifies]

fucking dancing hilter wizards

Is it time to summon Hitler, Yuri?


good shit


Work on each axis independently, and when you get to the Y axis, just swap the values and treat it as an X value? That works with some math operations to avoid lim/0 shit

Good. Being hit is already bad enough without stupid sound effects.

Just some stuff. Not happy with everything yet, but good enough for now I guess.

I think it looks just fine.

I have no idea how to handle complex animations (eg changing color or layer depth over time) in an elegant way, so I keep my shit simple and hardcode it if I have to.

make it lewd, petreon suckers love that shit

its pretty scare, I suck at graphical designing and AI programming is pretty intimidating
I can do a solid game design though

I wonder anybody ever tried something like 4x strategy or something?

it looks pretty good user, congratz, what engine are you using?

All the color changing particles are just an animation on a sprite sheet. And layer depth is just sorting a list of objects based on their Y-Coord and drawing them like that. Hardcoding is death if you want to finish anything other than a week long game dev cycle.

"Custom" "Proprietary" "Engine" built on Monogame™

Fuck. That's simple, why didn't I think of that?

I'm using XNA myself, because I'm too lazy to upgrade from VS 2010 C# Express, and also I can hit WinXP. Monogame doesn't seem to support it, and FNA needs me to upgrade VS because it uses a later version of .NET

Just keep in mind, if you want things to float you'll have to have some sort of Z coord. Things are sorted by their Y coord, but drawn by a combination of their Y and Z coords.

Monogame has a lot of advantages, and install base for XP is getting very small. XNA has a lot of bugs too which are fixed with Monogame.

Oh, that's good to know. I haven't really encountered any. I'm mostly staying with the 2D stuff and not using the content pipeline, just loading from a directory on game start up. My game isn't remotely complex enough to have to do more than that. What sort of bugs are there?
(seriously, my exe and assets take up a whopping 156 kb so far)

Also, how do you manage different monster behaviors or scripting? Like say you have bats that do one thing, or skeletons that do another, are they distinct object types, or do you just use delegates?

Yeah, according to the Steam hardware survey, less than 0.25% of a percent of users actually use WinXP. Of course, that's only people that use Steam, but it's probably safe to assume people use Steam and other non-Steam games too.

I had a lot of issues with vertical syncing and locked timesteps, both causes issues and skipping. Sound issues in general, and worst of all having to have Windows Media Player installed/enabled for sound to work without crashing.

I do things a bit weird. Each enemy/player is a "Character". A "Character" has a "Controller", whether that's AI or just User Input. All the specificities of how the AI interacts with the world, its health, abilities, etc are handled in an XML that looks like pic related. (Don't mind weird/bad naming conventions)

And all of those XML variables obviously already exist on a Controller object, then? Like you're not doing anything dynamic and crazy. So basically it's:

Seems pretty straight foward to me. Why XML and not say, JSON? I haven't used either extensively, but the latter seemed more compact (though fussier).
WMP is definitely a thing, so I probably will move to either FNA or Monogame before my final release, thank you.

No, I feel the need to call those who always turn the conversation to themselves faggots.

MoM user here again, this time with a video showing off the fire tome changes as well as changes implemented to the overall "fire" mechanic system. Due to these changes, I was able to introduce new features such as cooking!

floor tiles are abit samey tbh

You more or less got it. The only reason I use XM is that XML serialization is supported natively, and JSON isn't. I might convert everything over later.

I'm liking it so far, can you cast water and fire magic to make steam to boil cook foods another way?

You can't do that, unfortunately, since each magic spell is allocated to their own Tome. That being said, spells MAY alter under certain conditions!


Oh, I can!
Its C O M B I N E



Chinese is the most commonly used Steam/OS language, at 65%+

Oh hey by the way, this isn't related to anything but, I happened to read the other day that for performance reasons in C#, you shouldn't have more than 64 members to a class. This includes constructors, fields, properties, and methods, etc. It has something to do with how the CLI inlines methods and shit into bytecode.

Also this is the most corporate thing I've ever seen

I knew this would happen… Do you guys have any tips for rigging clothes in Blender? I used automatic weights, should i just paint weights until it gets right or is there a better way?

Patreon wants to ban lewd and lose half of their creators, social justice authoritarianism kills everything
I don't really think they will suicide like that, but you know… blue hair dye kills brain cells, you never know…

Breddy good so far

Make the oil puddles spawn smaller additional circles around the big one, so the oil spill looks more natural

I could try that, thank you for the suggestion!

I have to throw away some of that data though, right? How do I figure out which data to keep?

I pirated FL Studio 12 to try and make music for my planned first game but I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. This shit is so fucking complicated and most tutorial videos on YouJewb are an hour fucking long.

Is that a statement or do you have some kind of request?

youtube tutorials are a fucking travesty to begin with
when I want to check out a tutorial, i don't want to have to pause a fucking video as I go between listening to the instructor and actually trying what was just shown

They're an hour long for a reason, there's a lot to learn. Take it slowly.
Basically, you have the channel rack, where you have all your instruments. With the right click menu, you can add plugins, or "instruments". No idea if you have the same shit I have, but Sakura and Sytrus are ones with a lot of presets that might be good for experimenting.
In [View}, you have the option to see a playlist. That's where you can drop all your patterns (you can select different ones or make new ones under the time panel thing). It lets you break the song down into as many or few pieces as you want. Most people write individual instruments as patterns and combine them in the playlist. I prefer to break it down into song sections.

It helps to listen to what kind of song you want to make and try to somewhat imitate that. That's how I started, at least. Just screw around, write chords, add melodies, see what sounds nice.

And I'm not sure if you actually know how to write music or not, but if you don't, then learn what chords and chord progressions are, learn the Circle of Fifths and basically, read a book, nigger.

This day was great.

Use shape keys to shrink your model under the clothes?

How do I make pressed keys override each other in Godot? Right now my character moves in 4 directions but I want the movement to be less clunky. When the player is going up or down they can go left or right while up/down is still pressed so that the movement is better but the player can't switch to up or down when going left or right.

I tried changing the code but it always just ends up overriding each other so in the end one of them won't be able to switch directions seamlessly. I think at this point the only way to fix it is to change how the Input itself works, but I don't know how to do this.

suggestion: get better music. seriously.
the music you're using is really annoying and doesn't really look like it fits the setting

hum, never used it, i will google it, thanks

Actually, its perfect for that area considering its a haunted forest. Whats not perfect is that it plays even during the combat, but I am just using it as is for the videos.
Me neither but it's what I plan to use. Maybe this short video will help some. Also Brackey's/Sebastion Lague's Youtube tutorial series "Making an RPG in Unity" has a much more in depth demonstration of the process. If unity is your engine and C# is your language, that is.

Thank you very much

This makes me happy.

m-maybe I should work on it again then knowing it will work fine on a sourceport made for older computers. I guess I will op in for single player mode only because of muh turrets

that'd do it. textures really pull it together

Are there any talks where PS1/N64 era devs talk about how they did their graphics? I always see it with comador64/dos/pixel games but never anything beyond

Daily reminder not to cut corners.

Tip for anyone making character clothing in blender, found this recently, it helped me a lot
Instead of using "automatic weights" use "weight transfer" from the main body to the clothes, this video shows how, and the post below explains how does it work on currently blender, since it changed from the time the video was made.

MoM-user did a few models styled like Ocarina of Time that looked very authentic. If he's still in this thread he can probably give you pointers.


Depends on how often the player should be getting hit, if it's uncommon and serious to get hit then it could be unattractive.

Haha fixed


Is that a hole in his pants?
Do you think he poops through it without taking them off?
Do you think he ever stains them when trying to poop through the hole?
H-how would his pants hole smell, I wonder?


one of the girls will be a slavsquat master and will be very fond of liquid potato




So, the only thing that's allowed is STALKER mods and Stalker ripoffs?
I'm a slav, can I keep working on my pixelshit RPG, please?


W-what have i done?

That fucking retard standing that close to a tanks dangerzone without even fucking hearing protection.

If that nigger ain't deaf, he surely couldn't hear for a few days.

reddit tier

I'm sure you think /k/ Ivan (pbuh) was reddit tier too you faggot.

oi, those slavs sure can squat


nothing personal kid

you mean
*loads in shrapnel*
*gets paradropped behind you*
psssh, notin persnl ked

Так держать, товарищ! Наша Родина сильнее всех, победа будет наша!
Destroy filthy westerns.
You want join EU? You want gay right? We war you.
Don't mess with us or you end like UKRopaine chochols.

Just finished the very basis of my map editor. from now on it's configuration of the automatic mesh generator and stuff like automatic grass/tree placement and lastly being able to manually paint texture and objects.

The question is, do I keep it all into the map window, or do I keep trying to hold the Inspector hostage and put all controls there?

To me, it feels that things like editing the base texture, or rotating multiple vertices should be done in the Inspector, but not only this is pretty hacky (I have to keep forcing the selected object to be my map), there would be little to be done in the map window



Pic related.

That's cutely flattering in a way, even if she is hopelessly off-base.

Shiggy-ru Miyamoto


Now add the pretty grass on top of it

because i didn't change the materials yet

Is this the programming equivalent of "You need to be able to master perspective, still-life, and shading before you can make your tumblr-tier cartoons"?

Btw, why not link the original? Are people so paranoid that they can't acess some sites now?

That's actually not enough. If you want to use Unity you need to write your own assembly Engine first. If you want to use Unreal you also need a degree in arts and chinese citizenship.

Horrordev here, should i go with 1(less fog and darker) or 2(brighter but more fog) ? I'm trying to create a scary atmosphere. No need to comment on the models they're from the unity asset store, i'll make better ones later on.

First one.

Second one


Third one.

I used to get that kind of thing, sometimes. This one time I was playing doom 2 and someone looked over my shoulder and said "is that your game?"

Granted this is what my last project looked like at the time, so I guess you could make that mistake if you've never played doom.

Please test my HL2: EP2 level, it's due for a contest in 36 hours. I made it in a week, so it's quite rough, but any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

To play the map, extract the archive to "$SteamDir\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2\ep2", then launch Half Life 2: Episode 2, and type "map slimebridge" into the developer console.

You will probably need to have Half Life 2 and Episode 1 installed, or you might get some missing textures.

Materials have nothing to do with using a retarded amount of faces, what the fuck.

seatbelts on the driver's side actually kill people at high speed crashes because they go across your left shoulder and tend to tear a very important artery or something that's in that position making you bleed out. ofc not wearing it doesn't really make a difference since you'd die at those speeds without a seatbelt anyway.

Tetra posted on his tumblr after 4 months.

"Edit: I’ve received some legal advice this morning and we’ve decided to put up a fight after all.

This post was originally about me getting evicted, which was to happen over the next week. Sadly, due to the crazy situation I’ve been living in, this isn’t the first time and probably not the last we’ve been threatened in this way, and I never know which one will be the real deal.

Sorry for sounding so grim before, but this is the reality I live in."

Dynamically scale the fog based on the amount of light in the room?

I hope he means legal action just for his house, not legal action against Yoko Taro. Because although that'd be kinda funny in a way, I just want to see him finish his game already.

I wish that retard would just chill out and come back.

I thought the same thing at first, but it's pretty obvious from context that he's talking about his house.

It isn't. You only consider hexes on the rim, and even then you'd use a priority queue in practice, if you're making games you move costs are probably integers so you don't even really need a heap, just an array.

Wait I read this as against Yoko Taro
Whats happening with his house?

He's been in debt for a long time, I've heard stories about his mother having debt but also his government being corrupt pieces of shit giving everyone debt. Not sure which one's true.

oh, you mean the polycount, its a subdivision modifier, its not even applied, calm your pussy

His mom has debt, he refuses to get a job to support himself because the government will take away some of the money he earns
Fucking retarded honestly, I don't know how he got his mom's debt, but I know for a fact that you don't inherit debt if you refuse the inheritance.


Are you some kind of expert on slav law? Because you shouldn't assume the laws in your country apply to every other country out there.

the clothing and the body clip when i rig the model and move anything, what do?

Protip: The people who make charts like these have never read the books on them, they just put in absolutely everything they ever heard something good about. That said, SICP and Intro to Algorithms are great books for the fundamentals, SICP in particular.

Removed shades for now, the skin and face looks a thousand times better, but the leather now looks like shit, i think i will recreate it as a leather-like material instead of simply using leather textures
Well i will fine tune after exporting to Unity, time to make shoes

Hey Holla Forums I'm kinda rather desperate atm, any discord or irc that would help a rookie quickly trying to do something in Unity?

the game jam discord is still up, but kinda dead.

That's a shame, could really use some help.

Thread is still bumpable, if you need anything specific, you can ask here, pretty sure someone can help out.

you could always post here?

Most certainly, I gotta wrap up another thing first, juggling some projects atm.

Hows my crappy programmer art look? Its supposed to be a sentai style hero.

Pretty solid map. Could us a bit more detailing/refining with the scripted events (didn't understand the random civilian running out), but it's good overall. I got lost after the gunship fight but I figured you have to go back up to where that control room was (the little tram you punt across somehow drifted away, but you can easily swim across).
I found some worldleaks that probably have to do with areaportals in screenshots 1 and 3. In screenshot 2, I can't walk through it (should be a force field here)
Keep it up!

So I had a bit of an idea at work today

I imagine it having a central hub, and you visit nearby areas to fix them, sort of like Digimon World 1. Your party could only carry so much food, which limits the amount of attacks you can do, so eventually you will have to return to town to rest. But you could explore areas in any order, and if you have the right party, you could get to high level areas early if you know what you're doing.

This isn't an immediate project, so it is just ideafagging

WIP for portals, Y/N?

They are obnoxiously bright and flashy for a floor tile. Take it down a notch.

Hi Guys,

Does anyone have the tileset edges tutorial image from a while back? I lost it and haven't been able to find it.

It was the one that showed you how to generate edges that didn't look jagged and showed you all the types of sprites you would need to achieve it.

You can kinda tell what it is. The few colors also helps clarity. I've definitely seen a lot worse.

Basic, but fine.
I thought it was a chibi Proto Man at first glance, so it works.

No, no one has your homework already done for you. Get back to work and ask questions regarding specific things while showing parts you already have working, people are not going to figure out how to mod something just so they can tell you exactly how to do your assignment.

Thats probably the greatest compliment I could imagine getting.

Subtract the velocity vector from the force vector.

welp more people logged back in not much but thought that people could go there to beg for free stuff/ collaborate or rapid shitposting


W-well. I'll just throw a coin.

Already happening, which is why more fog makes the scene brighter because the light is scattering within the atmospheric fog. I just wanted to know which of the two looks scarier.

Is there an IRC instead?

Another try, but it feels like it's missing something.
It's just a fucking portal why is this taking so long to figure out

That looks a lot better. You might want to consider getting rid of the swirly pixels, and alternating/desyncing the size changes of the two stars.

user, the simplest stuff always take the longest. I just spent an evening drawing my character sitting.

It's almost as if we have an OP with informative text in it.

The source had 4 frames of spinning animation. It was pretty ugly, but they actually rotated while the star pulsed. I don't know how to animate the spinning very well, since I mostly rely on 8x8, 16x16, or 32x32 circles to guide stuff like the arcs. The little orbit bits were to include a spinning theme to it

Does zscript have any documentation? I'm having a lot of trouble just trying to know what functions an actor has.
I'm trying to make a projectile that can be fired straight and then split into other two projectiles with another mouseclick and I'm completely lost.
I really don't understand why would someone create a whole scripting language for a game and leave its documentation as a secondary thought.

Okay so I adjusted and repurposed the purple swirl to be a "mischevious faerie" that will take your tools away


I haven't even started making my doom mod and I already want to kill myself.
I'll make a fucking script for saving/compacting/playing the .pk3 since I can't take SLADE's bullshit anymore


That's GZDoom for you m8. Are you on Windows? You can at least use GZDoom Builder bugfix edition which might work better, I'm stuck with Slade 3 for map making. At least for me it doesn't shit all the time when I am using for Decorate editing.

Don't look into his OpenGL mess, trust me. I stopped working on my shit for several months because of exactly this shit, god damn modern rendering my ass.

t. doom modder pro on loonix

I didn't even know GZDoombuiler had a script editor, I'll look into it, thanks.

I know your pain. I have to grapple with compatibility for GZDoom AND Zandronum 3.0 at the same time while working on my shit. Once I'm done with these projects, I ain't working with two sourceports ever again

Same here m8, maybe I will learn Python for real this time so I can get a tonk game working on Godot instead. I only decided to go back to my project because there is ZDoom32 which uses OpenGL 2.0 not that it matters for my GPU that I have but god damn does Graf fuckery triggers my autism.

We could have had a decent Sourceport with all the features and shit but nooo Graf has to fuck it up as usually. Man I cannot wait for his Vulkan mess, does he even read a OpenGL book or what.

This is going to be bad, from my experience with it, I've managed to make something that works, although it's pretty unprofessional in how it works. Considering that Zahl probably has the same graphics skill level as me I doubt this will look good.

Why do people really want to port Doom to modern graphics API's? I haven't been able to understand since you just end up with the shiny lights and shiny normal mapped walls, with still really low poly maps. It just looks weird…

You mean the Dynamic Lights? It's still fucking broken and the Shadow maps looks like crap. Still has the same bleeding issue as it got introduced the first time, which is around 2007 so over a decade and still not fixed. The only supported light types are spot light one and that's it, no cone light support at all or hell let alone a textured one.
no such thing, there is only diffuse texture support and nothing else. For maps? Diffuse only, models? Diffuse too. And you don't even need Vulkan for that.
There is no mention of any other supported texture types.
And the latest support model format is .md3 which is over 18 years old.

OpenGL 2.0 is a fossil, not worth the time. t. Graf. Graphical wise those Doomsday dev seems to get their shit together, apparently they even added .FBX and .MD5 support. Look here:[]=normal
Too bad Doomsday doesn't has any Decorate or ACS support at all or else I'd use that instead.

Ha, he got 20 years experience on application programming. And he worked on his shit for 12 years. 12 years later and GZDoom hardly made any improvements when it comes to anything graphical related. Oh wait he did something. Bloom.

You mean that he hasn't added normal mapped walls or something stupid? Whenever I play these "old id games in HD" it just feels like the developers thought: "Hey, let's just add in these things from the new OpenGL!" without thinking about whether it would look good… and he hasn't even done that?

Also porting it to Vulkan is a total waste, first of all I don't really think that it actually has graphical effects not available in OpenGL, its entire thing is optimization for modern GPUs- which isn't even needed for a Doom level, and in fact is fundamentally a fools errand because Doom is using BSP trees which modern cards are not optimized for because it involves considering and rejecting things in terms of each individual wall, instead of batching together shit to be rendered like what modern GPU's are optimized for. Not that it matters with the poly counts of Doom.

Those screenshots look only slightly better than the shitty lighting engine in my last game, which only supported static spot lights and only needed OpenGL 1 with non-power-of-two texture support to work.

I really think the second makes for a more frightening atmosphere. So many scary games rely on darkness for their horror, but scary things should be scary regardless of the amount of light. The fog creates a more surreal atmosphere and lets you know you're out of your depth in a way that isn't as cliche as plain darkness.

Hollow Knight did this pretty well in a few areas

Looks like you guys want it more. Lmao


Exactly. No bump maps, no normal maps, nothing nada 0. Its only the diffuse texture type and that's fucking it. That is what's pissing me off so much. Fucking OpenGL 3.0 as a minimum in order to use his shitty port and he doesn't even bother adding bump mapping support, if he did then he would at least have a excuses for that. Now he is talking about adding a Vulkan render because he knows his shit. He didn't even made jokes about adding PBR support, let that sink in.

And that's the thing, he cares only about the newest shit without using it at all. Imagine this you are buying a Nvidia SLI GPU and the only games you play doesn't even support SLI at all and are from the 90's only. But hey at least you got a SLI GPU so that's something I suppose so.

I would say you are doing it better. You got a fucking static lightning working + shadows, How long did you even worked on that engine? 1 year? And you are doing already better than what Graf does.

Fucking hell, just kill me already I am sick of this bullshit, god damn.


14 months to make that engine however the lightmaps were actually completed in about a week of work after tetradev made me add them in. Of course its not done in any kind of "good" way since it bloated the level files and make the engine take up more texture memory (like twice as much), but it did work and people ran it on fast enough graphics cards that nobody noticed. Looking back on it I should have used texture compression, or some sort of more compacted internal format, and used GL_ARB_multitexture instead of literally drawing two polygons on top of each other. This is actually why disabling lightmaps increases the framerate if you don't have a fast enough card, because it literally cuts the polycount of the level in half as well as the texture memory.

Figured out how to make an IK and FK compatible rig by using an FK/IK driver on a bone that blends based on its Z location. Now I can make animations with both types of movement wonderfully.

Also added hip rig controls and made a nice bra.

You better post some tutorials and material sometime man, you seem good at this


Im having a hard time myself finding documentation for some blender shit. The hip rig is just spineBottom with a Damped Track constraint aiming at some bone below and spineMid with another Damped Track constraint pointing at some bone above. Then since I don't want this to always be on, I add a driver to the influence of both damped track constraints to be 0-1 based on the Z of an "enableHip" named bone's position. So when I animate and want to switch between the hip rig and normal rotate bones, I animate and key the enableHip Z position.

So for example if the enableHip Z position is set to 0 world space, the influence of this hip rig is 0. If I move the bone 0.5 up, the influence is then 0.5. Then I just lock the bone position from 0-1 so the bone turns into a useful slider of some sort. It's hacky and dumb but that's Blender for you. This is really useful for arms and legs so you can do easy "swing arms" (forward kinematics) and then you want to smoothly keep the hands on a point in space while the rest of the body is moving (inverse kinematics).

slowly continuing my foray onto windows network programming- the next step is to implement "say" which will make the server echo text back to all of it's clients.

I'm not really sure how exactly it all works, since I just started, but luckily the windows sockets API literally just copies a ton of UNIX functions to do what it does, and it also seems to be somewhat separated off from the rest of winAPI, with it's own special routines and a departure from normal winAPI style.

After "say" I can implement the basic movement commands: "+forward","-forward","+back","-back".

I've been working diligently to translate my decaying mental state into a game. It's like a cross between LSD and Goat Sim.

Been like two weeks since I started trying to unwravel minecraft's source code, still haven't figured out how to fully implement a class for loading json files, or how to read from a file in general.
Made me realize just how much python spoils me.

that looks like it will be really popular

Yeah, it's pretty much a meme game :-/ Although it does have some depth if you explore enough, not entirely "le XD so randum". The environments change based on your player's mental state. i.e. if you are scared it may start raining spiders, happy may have rainbows appear, etc.

Jokes aside it does look like a fun game to play, so keep up the good work- it looks like you've made a lot of content in your project so far

smart use of premade assets

Is this the Birdemic of games?

Thanks for the encouragement, right now it is a bit of a slog as I fix the bugs to get a beta release out. Hopefully people find it amusing, I've wasted probably 40+ hours just playing it (And 1000s programming it)

Yeah there's just no way to generate that much content alone. Lets me focus on making gameplay, level design, AI, and 1-off characters. Not cheap though, I've spent a few hundred on the asset store.

It's so much worse than you can imagine. I seriously get physically ill playing some levels, since you can change the game speed, toggle yourself as AI, and the emotions can mess with everything (music, events, textures, etc.).

Try sending the demo over to he's usually into playing weird games and has had a blast playing LSD simulator and the like


Cool, will definitely do that. Definitely should appeal to anyone who liked LSD.

I'm finishing up my walking on walls script but I've come to a standstill. Everything works perfectly, except that I can't have my character walk on perfectly vertical surfaces like pic related.

The more my Stick Direction Vector and my normal become perpendicular, the shorter my actual Movement Vector becomes.

Any tips on how I'd fix this?

That behavior makes perfect sense, it's exactly how the maths work. Suppose you want to project the blue vector onto the black plane. Your result will be the yellow vector, which goes from the point on the plane closest to the blue vector's origin to the point on the plane closest to the blue vector's end (recall that distance to a plane is always along the normal vector). Note how it's almost always shorter than the blue vector, and the closer the blue vector's direction is to the normal, the shorter the projection will be. If the blue vector is the normal, the projection is the zero vector. You'll need to change your design, because everything you're doing right now is working exactly as designed. I'm going to hit the books a bit to see if I can cook up a solution.

Luckily the problem seems to be pretty basic so I won't have to change much of the rest.

Maybe I could rotate my Stick Direction by multiplying it with a quaternion?

Surreal is exactly what i want to go for, fog/steam it is then. I guess i will look through some silent hill gameplay in order to find good examples of using fog for spookness. Thanks for the input.

I'm pretty sure that's a working solution, but I'm not comfortable with quaternions so I don't know how to build it. You'd need a rotation that maps your stick input vectors (x, 0, 0) and (0, y, 0) onto vectors that are perpendicular to the plane's normal. Then you have to experiment with rotating it around that plane normal to make controller input feel right, requiring the (0, y, 0) input to map onto something that has a positive y component and the x component as always 0 is probably a good condition. Otherwise you could be moving into really random directions.

Last (0, y, 0) should be (0, 1, 0). Negative y should of course be mapped onto a negative outcome.

Not quite sure what you're suggesting here.

So far I'm doing pic related and it seems to work unless I'm going in a specific direction

Okay this doesn't work if the rotation values are negative which I suppose is what you were trying to tell me

Well at least you put some effort into your code so that fast GPU can handle it.
Damn man you are working fast, 1 week and you got already a result. Well I wish good luck with your effort on your engine man.

Weird thing that's happening.

Quaternion.FromToRotation(new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1), new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -0.9));

The two Vectors stay exactly the same, however in one situation this returns

(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

And in another it returns

(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Basically the results changes when my camera goes from being behind my character to being free, however the values are the same for both cases. Anybody know what the fuck is happening?

Both are valid results.

If vectors are facing exactly opposite directions, then there are an infinite amount of "smallest rotation" quaternions possible. (The same applies if the vectors are facing in exactly the same direction.)

Think about it: If you have a vector point at x=1, and want to rotate it to x=-1, then rotating it half a circle around either the Y axis, Z axis, or any other axis that's on the YZ plane would work.

If you want the behavior to be predictable, then you need to detect this edge-case and determine the rotation direction manually.

How do I make a prefab appear in Unity? Not only are there no tutorials about prefabs that are not yet in the scene, but they have several mutually conflicting solutions from which none seem to work:

This doesn't work, as "The name 'assetDatabase' does not exist in the current context":
Object prefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Apple.prefab", typeof(GameObject));

This also doesn't work, as "The name 'Apple' does not exist in the current context":
GameObject newApple=(GameObject) Instantiate(Apple,transform.position,transform.rotation);

the dirtiest solution, which is the easiest, but ugliest, is to create an "PrefabGenerator" class, name does not matter.
Create a empty GameObject and add "PrefabGenerator" to it.
Create as many "public GameObject myPrefab" variables as different prefabs you have in the "PrefabGenerator" class.
Drag the prefabs to the variables to the GameObject in the scene with the "PrefabGenerator" script.
When you need to instantiate a prefab:
Object prefab = Instantiate(prefabGeneratorInstance.myPrefab);

That assumes that the class instantiating the prefabs have a reference to the GameObject in the scene with the "PrefabGenerator", which I called "prefabGeneratorInstance"

I am sure there is a 'correct' way to do so, but I'd have to research it

also, AssetDatabase is a Editor class, so it does not work in playtime, it is for EditorWindows and the like
I think

You intantiate it as a prefab.
You're currently geting "does not exist in the current context" because you haven't defined the prefab in your script.

You can reference it in two ways. One, make a public variable
public GameObject Apple
Then, from your editor you drag the prefab onto the variable in the inspector.


You can load your prefab at runtime like it explains here

I guess you could do a mix of the two and have an object, then using Resource.Load to load every single prefab in a folder at runtime and adding them to the object, while assigning them their filename as a "name" in the meantime.

This would basically create an object with all your prefabs where you could call them like this["originalFilename"]

Although I might confusing c# with Javascript so maybe it would be different from that

Thanks for the help, although I still haven't got this working. Now I have "public object apple;" in the variables for the Appletree script, and "apple = Resources.Load ("Assets/Apple.prefab",typeof(GameObject));" in the DropApples() function, but the value of apple remains null.

Hey, user, would you mind taking a screenshot of your rig, and adding comments to the picture, explaining how the rig works and what part does what? I suspect my current struggles with character animation partly come from my rudimentary IK setup. I can make it look pretty good, but I spend about 30% of my time fighting the armature. So far I just have a simple humanoid armature with IK targets and poles attached to the shoulders and hips to let me animate limbs move in local space instead of the whole scene.

Make sure DropApples() is running in Start() and right after it run Debug.Log(apple) to make sure something is happening

Post the debug

DropApples() runs when an NPC arrives to the tree and calls it from its Harvest() function. Currently there's nothing in the debug unless I'm trying to instantiate the apple, which wouldn't work when it's null anyway, but if I try to instantiate it there are other problems too.

I'm fairly sure you should always load your assets in Start(). You only need to load apples once even when you have to spawn multiple apples, you're always going to refer to the same prefab.
So move that shit into Start() and then add a Debug.Log after it to see what it gives you

What could be happening in that case is that the Instantiate function is running before the prefab is actually loaded. However that's hard to say.

Don't run Instantiate until you know Resources.Load is loading something

Also it should be public GameObject apple

Moving it to Start didn't do anything, but switching to GameObject did cause new errors.

Right, sorry, my bad.

Apparently you actually need to have a folder called Resources and then put your prefabs in there or the thing won't work.

public GameObject apple;apple= Resources.Load ("Apple", typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;

Also you don't need to have .prefab at the end


It works! Creating objects through the script was the latest hurdle in my game, so now I it should be smoother sailing for a while again. Thanks!


I've come to the realization I don't like programming nearly as much as I tried to convince myself that I did.


Thanks for testing it.
There's an elevator that's supposed to trigger (I fugged up the inputs) and bring you back to the start so you can leave, so you didn't miss much.

Unity Asset Store: The Game

I don't get it

Boys only want a Darcula theme, and it's fucking disgusting

What changes the player's mental state?

Shape keys are incredibly useful

Okay when I get home.

That hat looks like meat.

i will remake it later, the leather texture looks bad, maybe i will just use materials

I love you

polite (((advertisement))) for "/mu/ makes albums" bandcamp :^)

All code is beautiful. Preferring code that compiles is just a social construct

>Marble Floor Steel Floors make the player immune to any sort of harmful effect, except lasers

Does this look okay? I feel like it's missing something.
Also, your character is a witch, and this feels pretty industrial, but I suppose that's okay since the premise is that you're going into Grabbler Goblin's bank vaults



Save progress

It's supposed to be a spellbook, but couldn't quite get the feeling right. I like the idea of the disk-colored one, but it's more obvious what the brown one is

Thanks, one day I have to go back into that codebase and fix it, because I know that I could speed up the engine by a ridiculous factor with some basic shit. I actually thought it would be much harder than it actually was.

You have separate vertices for lights, rather than just using the level geometry? Is that normal?
That actually makes a lot of sense

Are the tiles going be sharply delineated like that? If you're not going for a seamlessly repeating pattern, maybe throw in some edges and bolts or something.
For the general look, maybe try different shades for the different directions of ridges, or with a little shading under every ridge. You could also try flipping things around and have the main body be darker than the ridges.
Right now they're very low-contrast and flat. You can't really mistake them for anything other than metal floors, but they're more like symbols for metal floors than metal floors themselves, if that makes any sense.
I don't know if I agree with industrial working that well in a bank. You'd expect them to be a little bit more fancy, but if that's the art style you're going for, it might be a little hard to convey.

i made a mistake while weight painting and had a vertice on the other leg very slightly painted, it almost drove me crazy because i could not find it

Try flipping the perspective so you're looking at the pages instead of the spine and see if that makes the floppy-colored book more readable.

well the idea is that the lighting values are calculated at these points and then used to generate a texture, which is then superimposed upon the normal textures. The light texture is pretty low resolution and so I use bi-linear filtering to make it smooth. So, there are no extra vertices, and all lighting calculations are done when compiling the level.

I'm going for whatever works. The original game had sort of a mishmash of objects and styles. I did speak with the creator already and while he's okay with it being mechanically similar, he does want my stuff to be more visually distinct, which is reasonable.

Here's an example of their stuff versus mine, and how an identical level would look

It's not a bank, it's a vault. He's a greedy notjew goblin, and goblin creatures are usually tinkers in most fantasy settings

Eh. That typical metal floor pattern still feels like it'd be there to keep construction workers from slipping rather than being resilient to attack. When I think vaults and banks, I think sleek and heavy. Maybe flat-looking squares with bolts in the corners or something, possibly with some shine to it.
Also, the metal tiles look more like walls or blocks than floors, especially if the bog-standard floor is going to be no floor, solid black.
At least in a game like this, it isn't too hard to change things around later. You might have a lot more trouble in other genres where the design will completely fuck over any semblance of harmony you might have achieved in placement.

But if you just want readability, then what you have works, at least for the time being. Just make sure the first introduction to the tile type forces the player to walk on it and that any items you intend to have on the floors will actually read well and don't blend in.

Here's the steel tile with actually inverted bevelling, a little color, and with/without some shimer

Please be patient

Steel walls and steel floors. I think I like how it looks now

Breddy gud. The greens on the ground look a bit too grassy. A less organic green or bluish-green would help if you want green floors. The blue one is the best of the lot, has that cartoony and cute sort of thing going down. Kind of like the pastel that the nips like to use in their cutesy platformers, doujinsoft or otherwise.
Now the bevels look a little too abrasive and contrast a little too much, especially when compared to how low-key the friction ridges are. Like slightly gnawed and chewed cables running across the place. Somehow, it still looks nice. Genuinely nice.
Might actually be too cute and friendly for conniving and divisive not-jews.

If I didn't have to get lost in a hurry, I'd take a crack and trying to refine those tiles.

I've decided every control happens in the map window, now there are 4 tabs for each type of thing.

In the map tab, you will do things like select the currently being edited map, and maybe auto-link maps, so that they automatically spawn/despawn when you get close, very low priority

In the vertex you will be able to control all selected vertexes at once, like when you select multiple objects, you can set them all to the same Y position through the Transform control in the Inspector. This tab will serve a similar purpose

In the edge tab you will configure how the virtual vertexes will behave, things like spline curves and whatnot

In the Face tab you will set the FaceProperties object and configure it.
It will have things like base material, mesh generator (simple flat, river, earth path, etc) selector, detail (add objects, gpu grass, etc) list selector, etc. Most of the work will happen here, both in terms of how must is left to code, and in terms of how much it will do to the final product

For some reason, the FaceProperties selector didn't show in OBS, possibly because I recorded the Unity Window rather than a piece of the viewport

Blender saves stuff automatically once in a while, take a look into your temp folder. Anyways, you should press ctrl+s every few minutes from now on.

Yeah blender works better when you ctrl+s. Always ctrl+s.

Still needs more refinement obviously, but I feel like a darker color makes the barrier walls pop out more

Redid my water; I think it looks passable now

It does look worlds better, especially the top-level waves. I think the undercurrent looks a bit odd, but I don't know what to do to make it better. Maybe make it horizontal and try to align it with the crests of the surface?

Well the crests are bobbing up and down, while the refraction underneath is just moving up constantly.
Here's another where I have one that goes up and another that goes down

Events + collectibles + cat style. i.e. riding a spider will increase "Scared", collecting a messed up duck will increase the "Glitched" emotion, wearing a halo will increase "Zeal", etc. The level then changes based on the percents of each trying to mix the events/music/skybox/textures to match.


It looks better, but it still looks off. I think it's because the curve is just staying straight as it moves up, and it doesn't deform at all, unlike the surface waves.

Here's a useful guide that I made with literally all my knowledge I've got to make good rigs. I'm a complete amateur but I've been rigging daily for the past 3 months. This is not the same rig I used for my wedding Shinobu, this is a new rig I made that is far far better than the original. Blender documentation is scattered and forums are dead, I would have died to have found a guide like this. Hope it's of good use.

I didn't want to release my model because that's my hardwork and well it's just my taboo.

I owe you my life, user. You're amazing. This image will live on in future /agdg/ threads, and in a way in my own game since you just massively increased my animation speed and quality.

Great. Blender is slowly becoming a good piece of software. It already runs faster on Linux than Wangblows and lots of cool features like a new PBR renderer. At this pace though it will take them a decade to reach Maya and maybe 5 years to reach Cinema4D.

if you don't know what to save stuff as just use the current date, also when saving as…, press the + or - keys to add/modify numbers of your filename

Page 13, ladies and gents.
New thread.