Red Dead Redemption

Are ya'll lookin' forward to Red Dead Redemption 2? I just replayed the first game in preparation. It feels like a slightly more polished Bethesda game. The world is beautiful, but the immersion is ruined by a lack of encounters and shitty writing. It feels like it was written by a group of self hating liberals, or maybe a group of american hating spics.

All of the """likeable""" side characters ooze liberal agenda, what with the every american character being a back stabbing coward, conman, drunk, degenerate. And of course the mexican characters are allowed to be patriotic/nationalistic and are generally painted as well meaning individuals aside from the antagonists. The native american quest line was so heavy handed I had to skip the dialogue because I have heard it literally hundreds of times in my life. The dialogue through out the game is actually pretty weak and bland, which was fixed in Undead Nightmare by being a parody of itself.

The gameplay is fun but extremely easy. Of course it is bogged down by analog stick aiming. I cannot praise this gameplay though. There is no challenge to it at all. And the karma system was absolutely pathetic. Anyway I just came to say DO NOT look forward to this game. I know I don't need to tell you but I have a feeling RDR2 is going to be a white hating libcuck shitfest with crappy gameplay and characters who constantly shit on american. Expect Trump jokes and lots of niggers.

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I was very disappointed with the game and the story seems all over the place. Mexico could honestly be entirely removed and the story would barely change. You spend 8 hours in a new area, chasing the same train over and over again until you're told to fuck off and return. It's such a poorly paced game. I barely remember the story.

how? It has a lock on aim.

Fun bit of trivia for you. If you actually make it so you have to manually aim your guns like a real man the game will actively sway your aiming reticle AWAY from targets.

Ah yes definitely. You spend so much time doing favors for characters who don't do shit for you, especially the mexican government who end up trying to kill you anyway. The protagonist's goals should have changed to justify going to mexico and doing all that shit for random people.
I meant that the potential gameplay is ruined because of the autoaim. I don't play many console shooters so I don't know how they could have changed it, but because of autoaim and the way the aiming system works, there is no challenge to it. If it was released on PC without auto lock on it would be really great.

I love anything Spaghetti Western so RDR was fucking great.
Christ I even liked Red Dead Revolver and that game sucks ass.

RDR2 will probably end up being shit with Take Two being involved and all, but there's still hope.

You forgot the part where the mexican you help win the revolution cheats on his fiancee and is shown in a newspaper of years later as the same kind of tyrannical ruler that the guy he replaced.
But yeah, the story was weak. You are supposed to feel sad when killing this Dutch guy because he was your mentor or some shit, but the player never gets to know him to actually empathize with him.

it just puts focus on things other than pointing and shooting. I'll be honest, there's enough of those kinds of games and I welcome the change. The game play is nothing special but it's at least a little refreshingly different. Just a little.

yeah but we don't live in that reality and it's pretty much been confirmed a never ever game since like 2011.

if you aren't "getting" a mechanic, you might be at fault. It locks on for you, and if you don't realize this after two hours of play, you're the problem.

Did you even bother to read my fucking post at all you retarded faggot?
I said if you disable the autoaim it will actively try to throw your aim off.

I misread it, calm down

NEVER! I demand an apology cake complete with frosting!

I disagree, there are plenty of random encounters and the writing is one of the best things about the game. I don't like Marston's character, though, he's not only a fucking retard for believing that the Feds are gonna keep their end of their bargain, he's pretty dim on the politics of the situations he gets himself into. There are some pacing problems, too, like how Marston just can't say "no" to any of the people he's asked for help, which leaves the player running around the map and doing pointless filler missions before you can get on to the next major plot point.
Not sure what you mean by this, I got the impression that all of the main characters are supposed to be exaggerated caricatures of established tropes and their supposed antithetical presentation. For example, Bonnie MacFarlane presents herself as a strong wymyn who don't need no man, but is constantly asking Marston for help. Another example is Irish, who's a lecherous drunk because "lol Irish people sure do love alcohol" who is originally implied to be a worthless and unreliable partner, but who turns out to keep true to his word in the end. Then there's the snake oil salesman, whose capitalistic pursuits are only successful thanks to the effort and endeavor of the common man (Marston), who manages to provide Marston with valuable intel and resources during his hour of need.
As far as I can recall, there's only a single character you find in the main story who shows a sense of patriotism, and that's the young Mexican girl named Luisa. She's in love with the supposed leader of the Mexican revolution, who you later find out is a yellow-bellied coward who only wants to take advantage of the benefits that leadership can bring. Aside from that, practically everyone you encounter tries to kill you, which says more about the hostile environment than it does about political ideology. Some of the side missions deal with philosophical questions, but they don't really force the player to consider the questions being posed on a deep level, they're more thematic than anything else.
It gets old fast, the game can be fun in short bursts but if you're looking for a deep and engaging, mechanically challenging game with a Western theme, then you won't find it in RDR. The presentation and atmosphere are by far the best thing about this game, but you don't need to actually play it to experience those things. Go watch that shit on YouTube or something.

Hell no. I loved the first one, but nuRockstar is just using the brand as a front for their online gambling. Mark my words, the singleplayer is an obligatory addon to a multiplayer focused "game" targeted at cocksucking streamers and 12 year olds.


Never played it.
PC when?

I can pull up an article of the left-leaning version of you saying RDR is misogynist if you want.

I didn't see the newspaper bit but I remember when he couldn't even remember his gf's name but it was so tongue in cheek compared to the other questionable/racist characters that were borderline preaching to us. Aside from the store owner who hated jews but that was undead nightmare which was mostly humorous.


Rick and morty tier

What kind of GameFAQs-tier post is this?

It was a mediocre game that had awful gameplay and nice atmosphere. Given how far Rockstar has fallen since it came out, I'm guessing nobody on Holla Forums gives a fuck about the sequel. Of course, just like GTA V, it will probably make more money than the bestselling movie of 2018 despite being a downgrade in almost every respect.

cake with frosting you say?

Mate he's Mark, Mark is just looking for another cake to eat in a sitting


How topical/politically preachy was GTAV? Were there any ebul wasist white men who are also antisemetic misogynists, have fits of rage and are addicted so coke/opiods? I thought GTA4 was bland as fuck and have no desire to play GTAV for any reason other than it's a best seller than many normalfags have played and are willing to talk about.


I’m imagining an oiled up fat man barging into a synagogue reciting the “boss of this gym” exchange

Makes fun of pretty much everyone. It's not preachy, no GTA ever is, possibly the most fair parody of modern society in any kind of medium to date.

That's the plan!


Ah, guess I'll give it a pirate after all.

glad to see there is at least one other user who sees through the (((bullshit))) about this game

This fag gets it.


You probably wonder why the same shit happens in every GTA game.

>>>Holla Forums


The problem with the horseshoe theory is that it's real. It's telling you niggers' only defense is "b-but horseshoe, you can't say I'm like the SJWs !"

I hope they really do expand more on the switching between characters on the fly that they were supposed to have in GTA V in RDR2. Make it into a Magnificent Seven game where you basically in real time switch between your characters and place them strategically to get through shoot-outs and whatnot.

The horseshoe theory is retarded and an intellectual dishonest argument to make simply because the whole hidden premise of it is that authority is bad and "democracy" is good. Which in itself is false premise based on current year lies and indoctrination that democracy somehow is above all else and serves as this entity which gives people power to rule over their destinys. Which it doesn't, real democracy will never exist and it's about the same shit as communism, an illusion to hand your power and resources over to an enemy of your people without you question it, because how can you question something so holy as the democracy?


authority is bad. That's the fucking point.





Not our fault you had shit parents.

In what way am I being "disingenuous"

Not my fault you're a spineless cuck.

Don't forget to hand your guns over to the sheriff, the senate said so, so you have to.

Hey guys I don't know if you're aware of this but there's two whole boards dedicated to talking about politics

Crazy right?
You can go there to talk about this stuff

>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums

Every board is Holla Forums


Sorry user this is a video game board, you talk about video games here

You can read this from the top of the page where it says "Video Games", not "Politics"
It's an easy mistake to make, it's understandable!

Where did I say that fag boy? And electing someone is far better than someone self appointing or being born into it. Keep sucking that gov cock though.

Wow user, great discourse you're presenting here.

This site is either Holla Forums and people who aren't Holla Forums. And half of the latter are faggots. Sick of it tbh.

Funny how you don't screech this shit when it's off topic anime and furfag shit, or "learning japanese". Only when it's politics which are a part of the thread from the OP.

I'm sorry user, it's still against the rules.
I hope you can understand :)

I do you dumb nigger. Fuck off back to Austria.

People get tired of talking about shit they have no control over. They're just exhausted.

Are you just blind or stupid?

>STILL sagebombing a vidya thread because continued discussion exists and (((You))) don't like it

Its probably going to be poz'd to shit. Don't get your hopes up.


Oh I didn't know that by talking about hitler and the horseshoe theory on a vietnamese anime shitposting forum you were saving vidya
Thank you for all you do

Red dead isn't even good.
It's GTA with half of the shit in it removed, horses instead of cars and cover-based shooting + the cinematic faggotry that was a major downside of every 3D era GTA and that absolutely murdered the series when 4 came out.

Uninhibited liberty is equally so my friend. The key is balance, something that apparently many people have forgotten over the years. Authority is necessary on a primal and fundamental level, lying to yourself about it changes nothing. However, said power must be tempered to allow Human progression and function. Something our American Forefathers seemingly understood for why else put a government in place yet legally allow the citizens to disband it at any time?

And thank you for being an unending bastion of what is and what is not acceptable to talk about on our lowly, undeserving imageboard. You're truly doing G-d's work.

Nigger it's because we are all off topic.

feels good knowing this is gonna make money regardless of it being good or not

You better not be airing that shite in Britain, lad.

GTA V has pro-illegal propaganda. The segment with them and Trevor is totally and uncharacteristically one-sided and paints them as just innocent mariachi players being harassed by rednecks.

It paints the mexicans as good for nothing, lazy and uneducated and the border patrols are typical rednecks
Don't be a little baby

Its worth noting that anarchy, the far left in the other direction and libertarianism the far right in the other direction are very similar as well.
But if you made a double horseshoe that showed that it would lead to people to believe that centrists politics were good and that not true at all.
The situation really is the main determinate of what kind of politics should be used, and so long as the situation changes then so should the politics

If you disable the games sound would it be called red deaf redemption?

The mariachi band is painted as hard workers trying to get by, Pedro.

The Mariachi Band doesn't say anything, once you arrest them the mission ends and they're gone.
During Mission 2 you arrest one guy that isn't illegal, and the other two that are don't say anything.
During Mission 3 you go on a vengeance for the first guy you arrested in mission 2.

The two people you do the mission with are a man from eastern europe that speaks russian or something similar and a redneck.
It's satire, mexicans aren't portrayed in any way, you're just used to getting offended by anything that isn't 100% on your side that you're not able to tell what's what anymore.

And that's without talking about the missions where you have to help a "typical" ghetto black couple, where the woman refuses to do any work and the man is a meth addict and neither of them finds anything wrong with it.

Or the mission where they straight up tell two women chanting "we are women, we are strong" to shut the fuck up and spend the rest of the game painting them are the most annoying people on earth.

GTA pulls shots on anyone, if you actually get offended by any of this shit then you're a fucking idiot.

If that were true, the mariachi band would have turned out to have drugs hidden in their instruments and shocked Trevor. Instead, the game never has them having done anything wrong. It's one-sided which stood out as being very unlike GTA.
You really like the pro-illegal propaganda in the game for some reason, Pedro. I wonder why.

Get the fuck out, shill.

It's like you didn't even read my post and just went for the most convenient stupidest shit you could say

You confused me with someone else fucktard, never mentioned it before that post


What the fuck are you talking about? What characters are liberal? How is it American hating at all?

Because it's the fucking WILD WEST, that's the whole point. Of course they're going to focus on people like that when that's the entire setting.

Marston gives them shit for being dumbasses who just have bloody revolution after revolution that results in nothing. They were portrayed as being incredibly stupid and naive.

Shit now I am curious, what`s your opinion about all this, user?

If you set out to make the definitive Wild West game, what would your game have that RDR doesn't?

I'd probably add canoes or rafts or some other comfy way of travelling down water. Also, I'd set it earlier to make it seem more authentic. I mean, Jack is a kid in 1911, which means that at the end, when he's an adult, it's already post WW1.

Don't be a cunt. Everyone on this board already sympathizes with Holla Forums to some degree. I'm pointing out to you that you don't need to prosthelytize and galavant on your high horse. That's the reason everyone gets tired of you faggots, you don't know when to turn it off.

Stellar political analysis

< And electing someone is far better than someone self appointing or being born into it. Keep sucking that gov cock though.
Explain teenagers torturing animals for fun.

confirmed microtransactions
let go

Fuck off you newfag reddit nigger.

Welp I fucked that up. Does anybody else miss being able to type sage in manually?

I miss having to type noko.

Nah, all horseshoe theory says is that authoritarians on both the left and right use authoritarian measures. It's true and denying it just makes you look like an ideologue who gets mad when anyone says anything negative about his side.

bandying about authoritarian like its a bad thing is just stupid. hierarchy is natural and authority is inevitable

Authority =/= Authoritarian

RDR2 is confirmed lootboxes

gr8 counter argument


How is it not? Stop being a faggot.

Shill post chain, with insults added in because he forgot to actually act like he belongs here. This is a marketer thread designed to drive up interest in something literally no one is talking about.

The posts are too well thought out to be instantaneous, and the interjections here

were added in to make the conversation seem authentic, while not being at all natural, when in fact everyone knows that there's always some guy who'll call you a dumbass for liking Rockstar games because there's always endless arguing here along that line.

The game wasn't being talked about, but that doesn't mean you need to fucking hire marketers so it is. Get the fuck off of the board and do something better with your lives you useless pieces of shit.

I was going to buy your game from the start, but now, that's up in the air, with a heavy lean towards "no", because when you fucks decide to market something like this hard and on here of all places, it's going to be shit because you're definitely not confident in your product.

what does it address exactly? Authority and hierarchy are inevitable. If horseshoe theory signifies that there is authoritarian qualities in both the far left and far right, what is it ultimately saying? That authority is ultimately bad.

authority is necessary for the continued existence of anything.

the fuck are you talking about faggot

Again only this time slower: Not all authority figures are authoritarians. Honestly you sound like some far left cuck "all authority figures are authoritarians man!".

define what you mean, so far you're just delivering supposed contradictions and presumptions about others views

Also horseshoe theory is about more than just qualities. The fact is far left authoritarians and far right authoritarians, while different in what they want to get done, both want it done the exact same way: government control leading to some kind of forced purge of the "privileged" class.

There's no such thing as lefty anarchism, as the left stands for collectivism. If you lived in a ancom society you would be allowed to make money, and form your own government because no roolz and shit, but you'd also be killed for it because it clashes with collectivism.

Nigger, how much more simple does it get than "not all authority figures are authoritarians"? People in a position of power are not all authoritarians. I honestly don't know how I can make it more simple for you.

I was until
so yeah you better have lower expectations user

I don't see anything wrong with relocation of problem groups or creation of new homes for them nearby to minimize the damage of long distance relocation.

make up your mind

there is, the paris commune, but it didn't last because no centralized authority (spooky authoritarianism)

I see what you mean, but you aren't saying anything that actually matters.

Show me where I said to the contrary?

Enjoy our false dichotomy then. Authoritarians on either side get the bullet.

>Enjoy (((our))) false dichotomy then.
I have been

whoa, calm down with the authoritarianism. how's your wifes son, sargon?

Apparently everything makes you an authoritarian in your authoritarian mind.

You still haven't shown me where I contradicted myself. Wanting authoritarian control over the world around you isn't just a "quality". Honestly you seem mentally retarded and your whole logic seems based on misunderstanding of basic concepts.

By the way, you can stop pretending you want anything other than gas chambers and a race war. You're not fooling me Mr. le Moderate Authoritarian.

I remember jack shit from this game's story. I haven't played it since release, and all I recall is that Marston meets an Irish guy, goes to Mexico, and then the government shoots him at his own home.

I'm not a moderate, and I don't care for killing any groups. You seem to know my own positions better than I know them, that's some impressive skill you have there.

because the story despite wanting you to take it really seriously doesn't know how the fuck to pace itself.

Okay, you want to put them into re-education centers. That's the pc term for death camps these days right?

no, I want relocation or balkanization. you know you can just ask me instead of thinking you know better than I do.

Oh so THAT'S the new pc term for death camps then. Well thank you for keeping me up to date.

Not him but
Go back to ACAB posting on Holla Forums you neurotic half wit lmao.

How did this thread just get bumped? Did someone post then delete it immediately?

Friendly reminder that Bonnie is best gril and Marston is an idiot for not leaving his whore of a wife.

Well she's forced to act tough because it's her farm and her father is too old for this shit.


I'm sure than under any other circumstance, Marston would have fucked her good and hard, but seeing how he is an actual good family man, and he actually loved his wife, I think the way things happened are alright. Bonnie deserves better than a wanted man anyway, if she ever got with Marston her whole farm would have been burnt to the ground to the ground by the government or something of the sort. I hope she lives canonically happy