Buy Mario Odyssey

This game reminded me of fun. In an age of forced politics, moral outrage and shit Mario was there being a fun ass platform game.

Do you feel a comparable feel to the feel i am feeling?

Other urls found in this thread:

is it linear obstacle course after linear obstacle course with the sole exception of each world's hub?

lotta secret stuff i like. Like wearing a costume that attracts birds or posesseing a goomba and walking it around the open world to a waiting female goomba and such. I can see why journo mode adds blue arrows for some stuff but its really fun. Feels like 64, sunshine and galaxy all had a baby instead of something reinventing it again.

Though kappy makes me hope kirby has this level of scope. but we know it wont.

Back to Reddit you go.

It happened to me, it will happen to you someday user.

or perhaps he plays the game for the gameplay and anything else is secondary.

You better not be a storyfag or i swear i will bully you so hard mark will have to step in.

Holy shit, you are a fucking idiot OP.

Get out of here you fucking nerd


What the fuck have you been doing for years where you haven't had fun?


The festival should have been the end of the game. I knew that the moment it was happening. There was nothing the end could do that would be better than that one moment.

true, but kill la kill starring bowser from the devil may cry series was okay.


I do. Been playing through Ocarina of Time for the first time and I have been having way more fun than I expected.

Yeah, Odyssey is essentially the joy of video games in condensed form. Power moons feel like a weak incentive at first, but the variation in ways to get them is so great, you're essentially secret hunting, and playing for the sake of playing. Nowadays, games are too often bells and whistles that must reward gameplay for it to feel worthwhile. Odyssey's gameplay is pure fun in and on itself.

Sounds about right.
Aaaaand you lost me. You've been joylessly playing vidya for years? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Please kill yourself, and this is coming from someone who doesn't touch mario games

I feel that joy whenever NISA doesn’t get a game to fuck up.

Did you play Wind Waker? that game is significantly more interesting if you beat Ocarina first.


Mushroom Kingdom>New Donk City>Hat World>Mexico World>T-Rex World>Beach World>Snow World>Lake World>Food World>Tropical World>Samurai World>Moon>Forest World>Darker Side of the Moon>Cloud World>Dark Souls World>Dark Side of the Moon

"Years" is hard to believe, but "A year", i could certainly buy. Hell, last time I had any real fun with vidyo was Snake Pass, and that was at the beginning of the year. Truly fun new games are a bloody rarity.

But it's the best Mario since 64. Not as good as 64 as the levels prioritize fun to the detriment of challenge, the camera is somehow worse than 64's, and the movement is awkward although this might just be because of the absurdly tiny sticks and blue joycon.

Surely you haven't played all of the amazing gen 4/5/6 games yet. There's enough great games already out there to last a lifetime.

You didn't buy your switch did you?


Challenge isn't fun. You don't have fun dying over and over. But you shouldn't play a game for fun, you should play it to become a better person, through challenge.

I never denied that user, that's why I stated fun NEW games. I suppose I have a different mindset when playing old games versus new ones. With old ones, I always have in the back of my mind the lingering thought of "I wish they'd make more stuff like this nowadays", but when something new and fun comes out, I'm genuinely surprised, I just expect anything new to be a letdown in at least some regard.

There's a solid ~3 really fun games released ever year, and while you wait for those titles, you dig through your backlog. I feel genuine joy playing some new (to me) game at least once a month.

This game's strongest feature is that it completely goes against the standard open-world model and instead crams everything interesting into a tiny space. Even the Sand Kingdom and the Moon manage to not feel barren.

Not when you're a NEET, no.

Ah thanks I was trying to remember why I had marked this game off my list.

Have you played penis inspection?

I don't even think a NEET is capable of burning through every good gen 4-5-6 game in a lifetime, assuming you take shitposting breaks.

Yes, and I didn't need to buy a Switch for it to happen, feels good.



Fuck you, you can't make me waste money on a Switch.


I actually hope its real
That shit looks comfy as fuck, any confirmation yet?

What game did it for you?

Its real, US and Canada only.

I'd love Odyssey 2 with a much bigger New Donk City tho. At least 4 times bigger.


What does 'comfy' mean?

This meme has gone too far
If Mario eats cereal does that mean he has to poo it out? Asking for a friend.

I don't think the US understands the sheer luck they have when it comes to Cereal products. You have so much choice, so many different styles and tastes you can choose from, and it's all just you.

No other country in the world has that choice for cereals.
I moved to the uk a few years back and if I go to a tesco there's rows over rows of shitty muesly cereals that looks inedible and maybe 4 brands that actually don't make you want to kill yourself.

God this place sucks

But that makes no sense mathematically, user.
Here, I fixed it for you.

Cereal is a food exclusive to stoners and children.

EDF and The Quest

Very fucking nice, I hope the cereal quality is actually decent.
Even if I don't find it at a retail American import store I'll probably just import it via Internets.

What if I'm both?


And now video game systems as well.

Comfy is a codeword for Shit.

That and lack of the monsanto shit and corn syrup, i remember a US friend having to get dr pepper from mexico and the uk because the US version changed the recipe to be basically diluted cough syrup with carbonisation.

It looks more like it's YOU who's too induced into politics, not the videogames themselves.

I think persona 5 is an absolute blast.
I also grinded the shit out of my characters in Fire Emblem Echoes before doing any battles in chapter 4. Steamrolling through the game with my OP characters felt like pure euphoria.
I also had fun playing on gamenight with Holla Forums


Yeah, god forbid someone wants to enjoy their saturday.

I'm not from Murica, I live in the Baltics. Here, we have brand-name cereal imported over, no Captain Crunch or Froot Loops, just Nestle stuff flavored like Lion bars and chocolate chip cookies. But that stuff is retardedly expensive. You have a huge box with a tiny 200 gram bag inside, that costs 3-4 euros, whereas you can get the same amount of off-brand stuff in bags like pic related for 99 cents, or 2.30 euros for 500 grams.

In 30+ years of Mario and Zelda, it was only in 3 CYE that they crossdressed. Clearly this is not political but was a technological limitation with old hardware.


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Please stop.

I hope so. Those are the best parts of Mario games.

Of course he is, he blog posts on reddit and goes to reddit, but he is also just having a good time on a saturday morning.


I'm a NEET and I still have entire systems I haven't gotten around to touching. Gotta check out the Amiga some day.

this is some real quentin tier logic. He's not allowed to do something in the comfort of his own home because others disapprove?

No, the attention whoring is what pisses people off and instead of circle jerking they giving him a lesson to enjoy a saturday if he wants to, but he should keep it to himself cause nobody cares.

Confirmed for neurological infant. Your utter lack of comprehension of why the image is utterly terrifying proves that you are identical to the person therein. You will never create anything that anyone remembers. You will be forgotten as just another ant in the maze of generic drudgery. Your name is worthless even to your closest friends.

i already addressed that part.

holy shit, how fucking high and mighty you must feel.

Played the agme and couldn't continue for more than a few levels. The controls are just shit compared to 64. There's no weight or momentum, the camera is fucking garbage and the combination moves that allow you to do parkour shit are so telegraphed and stiff they might as well not exist. Add this to the fact that it's on an overpriced console that essentially forces you to buy a decent controller in order to play it. Game is garbage and so is OP.

Five years or so ago, your behavior would have made me really sad. What makes me sad now is that I don’t care about helping you get better anymore; I just know you have to die for society to fix itself.

1. He eats garbage cereals like froot loops while smoking like a pleb.
2. He's a redditor.
3. He's a manchild.
4. He's an R&Mfag
5. His life is so pathetic that reliving childhood saturday mornings are his highlights.

All of these are forgivable to a degree except for the fact that he thinks this is a proud achievement. He's basically your typical attention whoring lolcow. Like many in vid-related.

Holy fucking shit, the mods deleted JUST those posts. I know Mark’s a kike, but fucking HONESTLY?

If they're so forgivable maybe you would be happier consorting with people like him. Fuck off to reddit newfag.

Among others apparently. I can understand deleting political shit, but that's just cereal mockery.

Again, you're on the highest horse around.

He's a redditor, all those things are endemic to them. And fuck you, froot loops are fine.

Go buy more froot loops, faggot.

Fuck you. Froot Loops is shit. Sam can shove his nose up his ass.

I said to a degree.

Oh fuck, I thought you were shitposting the game.

my apologies, carry on.

You're right user, your intellect far surpasses mine. I should just give up, you are so superior to me.

No worries. OP’s spot on with how New Donk’s ending felt for me, too.

Who cares?
Strike one.
Where do you think we are?
Who cares?
Where do you think we are?
That's not what an lolcow is. He just seems like your typical depressed millennial who's trying to make the best of the hand he was dealt.

Everyone shut the fuck up and realize that you're literally being kiked into arguing about cereals.

This. Oreo O's and Cookie Crisp are the superior cereals anyway.

Damn it Mark. Now we'll never have another decent cereal bashing.

So you didn't notice that they censored the cover of the game? Nintendo's fans just don't give a single fuck. You can censor anything.

Gee, who could be behind this post?

Manchildism is only prevalent in Nintendrones.

This. These fucks would eat shit as long as it has the Nintendo logo on it. They're no better than NeoFAG's Sonyggers.

Because the game has an easy mode that you don't have to turn on? Is it too hard for you to resist easy mode that you just avoid every game that has it?

Nigger what? Best OST coming through.

You're posting on a board owned by a fat jew who loves weeb big bang theory, and you're going to sit here and bitch about some random faggot's choice in cartoons?
If you don't have a wife and kids by the time you're 21, you're a fucking manchild. Surprise surprise, that describes just about everyone here.

The joy of a challenge in vidya is beating it and then bragging about it because everyone else is too much of a lazy scrub to know what you can get when you achieve 100%. But thanks to Googletube and super guides, now everyone will damn well know.

Also fuck you all. Eating cereal on saturday and watching Rick and Morty is based. Suck on it altrightfags!

Fuck you're so wrong



You're gay as fuck. Also Mushroom Kingdom is shit. Only thing worthwhile about it are the stronger boss paintings. Its not even aesthetically pleasing. Just HD SM64 and endless green wasteland with a few trees. Even Ruined Kingdom's endless purple mist background was more pleasing.

nu/v/ in a nutshell.

He's from reddit. There is no gradient. Fuck off back.

That describes almost everyone in the west. The fuck do you live where this is the norm? I mean it'd be nice if most people had that, but that hasn't been the case in a long time.
Also, are we not allowed to make fun of pretentious cartoons anymore? Get the stick out of your ass.

Jesus fuck so many newfags in this thread. No mere chance it's a Nintendo thread either.

Nope. Making fun of shit redditors like now is almost impossible without a fanboy army forming up. Its worse than the Steven Universe craze.

Correct, which is why claiming it's a phenomenon unique to nintendo fans is fucking ludicrous.
Make fun of whatever the fuck you want, but never forget where you are.



Filtering is the redditors game. It's been shit since day 1.

What the Hell is even going on anymore? Seriously fuck all of you. Also, Sonic Forces was better than this pile of crap.

No, filtering is how you completely ignore the redditors. Go fuck yourself.

Yes and when you ignore shit it spreads retard. Eat shit.

If every user had a proper filter list in place, we could literally make their posts invisible. They would effectively be shadowbanned. Your mind is too small.

I'd fuck that Morty.

For example: I'd fuck [x]. Easiest filter in the world.

Sounds about right.

No we couldn't. You allow that shit to spread here and they'll just move to different topics and fuck the place up worse. You can't filter people. Only specific opinions they have.
You can't expect faggots here to spend hours removing every trigger word they don't like. It's better to tell people people who use them to fuck off instead of assuming a tumblr mentality that never works.
You're is to young. Lurk more retard.

Yes you can. You clearly don't understand the power of language.
All it would take is a stickied thread with a list of words that would effectively shadowban them. It would not require hours of work on every user's part.
ESL fucking mongoloid confirmed.

You very obviously can't. We did that with the 4am threads and that went to shit until Mark nearly pruned them from existence.
Post your list then faggot so I can debunk wy half of the words are probably used by people who have been here longer than you. Terms and phrases evolve. Nobbody's going to want to create a list of phrases that redditors occasionally use and there's no fine line on what words are and aren't pure reddit. You have no clue what you're on about.
DnC shill confirmed. Again eat shit.

Shut the fuck up, Paco. Filtered.


That's the most hilarious thing about it.

Funnily enough I could now spread whatever reddit bullshit I wanted with 1 less person to call out any of it. The sooner the mods remove filtering the better. It was initially meant for spam but that's obviously not our job to deal with.

You don't seem to understand that if we make you invisible, you won't be able to consensus crack or troll like you do. You're utterly afraid of a concerted effort to filter you, and we know why.

I feel like that when I play several games, recently finished Raiden V and it was very satisfying. I also enjoyed Gothic 2 a lot and am currently blasting through SNES Sparkster. I feel like you don't play many games OP, you sound very young and casual.

And you don't seem to understant that when you make me invisible I can endlessly call you a retarded nigger who hasn't been here for longer than a weekend without you being able to defend your points. If I wanted I could talk about how great Fallout 4 is and you wouldn't be any the wiser while the majority of people who have been here are. Stay retarded ignorantfag.

Next, you'll claim that Loony Tunes was indoctrinating kids into crossdressing in the 40s because wearing female clothes has always been in comedy routines.

Are you responding to the right person? I literally can't make sense of your post.

Uhh but the Looney Tunes had some pro-American WW2 propaganda cartoons. And I believe that the good guys lost that war therefore its kike propaganda as well.

I really am enjoying the post game of this. It's definitely one of the best games in the last 10 or even more years.


He said Mario and Zelda had crossdressing, thus are clearly Jewish ploys to indoctrinate the masses, despite crossdressing being a comedic thing in almost every culture.

Hell, Japan is very open about that kind of shit and crossdressing from either gender is seen as a fairly ordinary aspect for social events.

I'm shocked that a country produced media that stated they didn't want to lose a war.
Russian cartoons and movies glorify communism, but they're still incredibly good for viewing.

The whole political debate is a misdirection. The thing we should be concentrating on is this game is the most dumbed down Mario experience ever.

Haven't played it, wouldn't know, but the majority on Holla Forums who have seem to like it, and Nintendo doesn't shill on western sites as much as the other guys, so it might actually be anons having fun.


It's okay, it definitely succeeds in capturing the feeling of fun. However, the main issues are: post-game it becomes very grindy, most of the game is real fucking easy (thankfully there are a few challenging sections at the very, very end), and there just aren't enough kingdoms and a lot of them aren't very big. I did 100% (all costumes, 999 moons, etc.) it in less than a week though, so maybe I ruined my own experience

I also have a feeling most 8/v/ users at this point don't have a job or the money to actually purchase a Switch and this game, so most of the "you're a casul op lel" is negated :)

But they do nonetheless. You're fooling nobody.




Not an argument.

It'll tell you it doesn't mean what that user thinks it does.

Shilling is a jewish invention. It shouldn't be allowed at any level.

keep telling yourself that


I'm not impressed.

post something more impressive from previous marios

Nigga are you high?

Mario Odyssey is almost GOTY
too bad for it that Hollow Knight was released this year.

It really just isn't that impressive, look at it again. I haven't played the game yet but will soon. There doesn't seem to be any fall damage, so the first roll on the ledge isnt very mandatory. The zap up the building seems mostly automatic, and then it's just a hop to the next one. Seems like it'd be something very easy to pull off when you know the mechanics. But then again, like I said I haven't played the game yet. Plan on getting a Switch with Zelda and Mario soon.

Is it really that good? I keep hearing faggots here praising it.


Pirate it and find out.

Do you like Metroidvania style games? If yes, then you will like it. It really is a very good one.

Buy it third party. People to seem to forget how jewish Nintendo is.

You're pretty fucking stupid. There's late-game moons in Odyssey that are very difficult to get. There's plenty of bragging rights to be had you fucking failure, finishing the story just isn't one of them.

The objective is speed, and while there isn't fall damage, if he wasn't rolling then a high fall would cause mario to be paralyzed for a couple seconds upon landing.
It really isn't "just a hop", he built up enough speed to make that gap. You can't do a normal jump and get there. Rolling at max speed requires careful, repeated timing of the button press that increases your speed. And if he did it at the wrong angle then running against walls would slow him down.
You're watching a speedrunner who makes the mechanics look easy because he's practiced for hours upon hours and saying "there's no skill there at all, it looks so easy!" Because the player MAKES IT LOOK EASY. Because he is skilled.

I liked Odyssey, it was fun. And the mechanics are the best 3D Mario mechanics we've ever had. Only way it could be better is if captures were 100% optional, for every single moon.
As it stands, I'm glad to have played it. It's really been rewarding to get better and better at the game with each playthrough.

Where is the hat porn

That's basically Mario 64 which was done that way to reuse assets and experiment with the possibilities of 3d since 3d at the time was still new. Still ended up being better than most other 3d platformers generations after.

Can we just continue talking about the game and not what you like to eat for breakfast? Honestly this game is fun as hell and i haven't enjoyed a Mario game in ages since it got stale for me since the "New" series my only nit picks is lives are replaced with 10 coins and that you can't truly capture all enemies.

The game's shit so it doesn't matter

damn right

gtfo redditor

>It's a box.

People like you deserve the shit you get through out life.

mario odyssey feels untouched by the ravishes of time that have been trying to drag video games through the mud of 'entertainment industry'.
i dont feel quite as terrible all the time knowing that theres still people out there with the budget, know how and passion to make games that meet the standards i was raised on.

Of or pertaining to warm happy feelings, often of Nostalgia, or of a humble, cozy, Homestyle life. Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon are particularly Comfy. This cereal can be considered comfy because it speaks of 80's and 90's advertising, back when the prize was actually in the box, and Sega-fags bragged about their superior version of the Aladdin game.




it's the feeling user gets when the part of the brain that is stimulated by human contact accidentally trips on for the first time in months.
normalfags call it nostalgia

Gotta give Sega one thing though.
The Game Gear was awesome. I still have mine from when I was a kid. It's like the AK of the handheld world. You could drive a fucking tank over it and it would still work.

actually it's motion controls

I thought it was generally understood that the manufacturing of them was done on the cheap and ended up using shitty capacitors that degraded well before they expected to. Gameboy usually work pretty good today, but GGs I've seen seem to have sound/screen issues directly from this.

I know the feeling man.
That level was amazing, and they nailed it perfectly. Especially because the music kinda sicks with it and it feels all-round great.

So what's the gameboy then? This one survived being fucking bombed during the gulf war.

One neat detail I noticed in the game:
When Mario gets near one of those radios (or the musicians in Donk City), if you wait a couple of seconds he'll start dancing.
On neat bit though, is that at first the dancing animation seems kinda slow and suddendly it changes speed. Why?
Because the animation is syncing with the music being played. Try it, get near a radio, and watch him. He'll take a second to sync up and them dance to the correct rhytm.
Also, vid related. It goes with anything.

in other news the sky is blue
Mario is the biggest nintendo cashcow and they treat him with the reverence he deserves
the day Nintendo makes a non fun Mario gave will be the day vidya finally dies


the game boy is the Schwarzenegger of vidya
not only did it last more than a decade and survived gulf war bombing
it's also one of the only old school console with third party add on THAT ACTUALLY WORK
my only regret is that it's succesor the GBA did not live as long a lifespan

Gamecube as well, It has a lot of game in it's library. sadly it suffered some design flaws like the disc tray


It's a pile of shit with no games.

Its ok to like a Nintendo gamr.
Its not ok to pretend like its the next best thing after sliced bread.

its an oasis in an ocean of sewage. its fine to like it more than bread

Plenty of oasis out there with half the shilling this gets that will be remembered and played for more than 4 months.

But user, the ending was better than the festival

thats fine too

The standards for what's great shouldn't be lowered just because everything else is shit. Odyssey is a fun game, but it's hardly the pinnacle of video games.

Aside from AAA theres plenty of good stuff out there.

who is lowering standards?

There really isn't compared to Pre 07.


once you get a feel for the controls you'll see

See what? I played the games and the controls are shit compared to 64.

Why would there be fall damage if people will always find a way to circumvent it anyway? In 64 and Sunshine, you can land on the ground from a higher platform without receiving damage by diving when you're near the ground while you're falling.

It's ok to like nintendo games
It's not ok to like nintendo because they're jews just like everyone else

shill thread.

We don't just sage and move on here sir, we get digits. Observe.


The cereal Amiibo just gives you coins and hearts. Nothing special.

Is this funny because I’m suicidal?

You dumb bastard.
Pauline is the mayor because being the princess of the city wouldnt feel urban enough.
Is mario feminist because princess peach is the ruler of the mushroom kingdom?



There's your problem. Tesco don't have shit. That's why I switched to shopping at Sainsbury's

Modern nintencucks everybody.

i can always appreciate sonic games for their cheese and music but i think sonic fans deserve a better game.
does forces have a good soundtrack?

It is now. Peach does the stronk woman who don't need no man routine while Mario gets recast as alt-bowser who is also harassing Peach. The dam really broke on SJW influence in Nintendo games with Odyssey.

I just wanted to discuss Super Mario Odyssey.

Odyssey is proof that there's always a reason to wake up every morning. If we weren't meant to experience happiness, this game wouldn't exist.

Mario games have been like toys that excite you no matter how old your mind is. They're love letters from the devs to the player. They have no interest in anything other than keeping you engaged and focused. Odyssey did this for me unlike any other game since Mario 64 - that's something amazing

This is the fanboyiest post I've ever read. Odyssey hasn't done anything better than 64 except add more fluff.

Oddysey is undeniably a good game, but it's not anywhere near as good as people are making it sound.

I had a ton of fun with it, but it's funny to see that every criticism people had for Donkey Kong 64, they're now praising Mario Oddysey for.

Oddysey is an undeniably mediocre game. Like every other Mario Nintendo's put out in the past decade.

I feel like Im the only one that fucking hates Mario Odyssey

Its hours of the most mediocre item hunt imaginable, you don't unlock anything with challenging gameplay until after you've beat the game, but by then I was too burnt out playing scavenger hunt the game. Not only that but the new more difficult challenges you unlock also need to be hunted down. I don't want to waste time looking for what might be good, and what might be just another moon that I need to groundpound out of some dog's asshole

shit game

Banjo Kazooie?

It's not the greatest, I thought it would be groundbreaking even my normalfag brother who cried for joy when he got the game even feels let down. The movement and combo-ing jumps and shit was real good but I felt level design was shit in a lot of levels.

BK's works with the collection hunt shit in mind and limits the level size just enough for it to not be a tedious chore. Odysee's just a fucking chore like much of Banjo Tooie.

Grim Dawn
I just sat down and played it for 4h straight. I don't remember last time I actually didn't worry about everything and just played the game.

Every time.


I will murder ever single one of you motherfuckers.

Jesus, fuck off. You have done no contribution to this thread outside of using buzzwords and namecalling. If you didn't like the game, then that's okay, but what purpose is there to further post here if you don't like this thread?

I'm contributing. You just don't like what I have to say. Stay mad faggot.

Reported for shitting up the thread from your very first post.

Galaxy 1&2 were more fun for me tbh

It's the Y button too dipshit, no speedrunner is gonna waggle when there's a button available.



You forgot your bait tag, Mein Fuhrer

I don't even know why, but the thing just got to me.

Nah you're not the only one (though I wouldn't go as far as to say I "hate" it). The fact that those few hard levels give the same reward as simply groundpounding a sparkly area in the same level makes the power moons effectively meaningless. For example if I can get 400 moons from doing hard or easy levels then that 400 number has no value and 100% is the only thing that really has value.
I also hate how wall jumping removes your hat jump because it's an inconsistency in Mario's movement that you have to keep in the back of your head. Mario should feel natural (which he otherwise does), not have me keeping track of logical exceptions
Most of the dress-up moons just being a glorified key to a moon rather than having some challenge that made you feel like the thing you were dressed up as was also a severely missed opportunity.

In the end the game felt like a whole lot of sideshow attractions trying to get my attention for 2-3 minutes before moving on to the next one without fully exploring the previous. In that sense it works pretty well for a handheld game you play on the train to and from work, but for those of us who aren't Japanese or autistic enough to play our Switch in public it feels underwhelming.

I will say though that speedruns have been quite entertaining because they already, by nature, strip the moons of their value and so the focus is on routing and execution.

100% runs are not gonna be popular as they involve several hours of farming and resetting the same area for coins. That's all I have left to do, I've already got the gold sails.

Fuck off cunt. I was discussing the issues with the movement mechanics from the very first post. I went on to discuss meta shit with sage and broke no rules. Seriously if mods want to ban me for discussing a bad game in a bad light while breaking no rules then let them. If you atually want to discuss the game than do so. The only crime is that the mods thought your retarded ass meta shit was less relevant to video game discussion than mine was.

agreed, you explained it better than I could
you used a good word there, sideshow

I feel like the majority of this game is sideshow, and the actual good stuff is tucked away like how sideshow stuff would be in another game

As an example when I was playing this game I felt like I was doing absolutely nothing for the longest while, and then when I was finally presented with some challenge in I think the snow level first, it was to my surprise I actually started failing a lot, not because it was difficult, but because I had no idea how to actually play the game. It had been so easy and mundane before hand, that when the game actually expected me to use some semblance of ability…I just didn't know how, I hadn't been trained at all. Then that one tough challenge would be over and I would go on to breeze through things until the next tough area. The 2d levels are the biggest offenders of this, each one is completely meaningless in every respect, you simply run to the right, doing nothing, it isn't until post game where one or two 2d sections require some sort of skill or timing to beat, but once again, the tools to train you to do it just aren't there. The game feels like an absolute mess for me to play, bumping around getting moons for free cheapens the more difficult moons to get, and when I actually want to compete and do a more difficult moon challenge, I need to hunt for it. I do not want my mario game to be like my zelda/metroid game

But hey that's just me

I know right? I had to return my NES Classic and SNES Classic because several of the games had "password" options right on the main menu where I could skip straight to the last level. Some even had "cheat" codes (clearly added for the likes of Polygon) that trivialize the entire game!


I don't care for Mario 64 style games. They aren't fun to me.

someone's a bit bitter about life.
comfy is a feeling of being happy while alone. That's all.

It's funny because life has suffering in it and people think the best way to deal with it is to be sad and hateful, as if that's how you deal with it.

Comedy is laughing at tragedy, and through that you overcome it and life becomes better through your own perspective.

Oftentimes the situations you find bad aren't really as bad as you think and that most of your suffering is self inflicted. You're the obstacle to your happiness, so if you make peace with yourself and change what you can to make a better future, you can be happy.

Happiness doesn't come by having a lot of shit, it comes through overcoming yourself and holding yourself to a better standard every day. You're suicidal not because you you hate the world, but because you hate yourself. That's fucking dumb, you don't deserve that sort of treatment, get out of your own way and live.

The only major problem with DK 64 is the tedium of having to switch characters constantly. There's more good about the game than there is bad, and it gets more shit than it deserves.

That's not a very broad statement at all haha, nope.

more an implication that the last ten years have been pretty shit for vidya.

2007 was ten years ago.

I'de just say DK64 is a game that's not for everybody and is for the people who genuinely love collecting shit. If they removed Gloomy Galeon or at least cut down a lot of the underwater segments in it I'de probably replay the game a lot more than I already do.

It's the best Mario since 64. I'd not buy a switch for it, but it's a must if ever picking one up.

So you haven't played it?

I've got all the moons and killed hardmode bowser. I've played it.

That was Galaxy. Odyesee is the best Mario since 3D world or Galaxy 2.

check them

Galaxy was a disappointment. The levels were all over the place, had none of the tightness of 64, and none of the challenge. It relied heavily on a gimmick. Odyssey has a little more challenge and much more interesting levels, but still nowhere near the focused and cohesive experience of 64. But it was clear they want to go back to what made 64 work, and it was definitely a step in the right direction.

Did people seriously argue on Holla Forums over eating fucking cereal?

It probably had the best bossfights and setpieces of any of the Rare collectathons. Level design, I don't think was as bad as Tooie. I'd have to play it again to say.

And Odyesee's shit was? Shit you're ofyten just running in Odysee not doing shit. Galaxy has a lot more interaction in more of it's gameplay than Odysee.
Be real here. No Mario game has had a modicum of challenge once you learned the controls. Which is why no game has surpassed 64 which objectively has not been surpassed in controls since.
Galaxy kept the gimmicks fresh. I was tired of possession after the second world.
And failed spectacularly.

Mad Jack is still my favorite boss of all time even if the "weee" shit from Tiny Kong got annoying when you played it. Devs definitely overlooked how annoying that would get if you did it over and over again. Fungi Forests boss was some of the most tense shit even if it was a repeat of Angry Aztec's. When that platform started dropping you would begin to sweat and it was the shit because of that.
It's better by far. Tooie's character switching was much worse because the character switch platforms usually only had 1 or 2 per level and in were annoying places. If they removed Cloud Cuckooland from that game nearly 25% of my issues with it would be gone.

There is so much to pick apart from your posts but i'm so tired. Just so you know, you are a fag.

I'd be curious to play a DK64 romhack that just lets you pick up items as any character. See how much that alone improves the game.

You've probably forgotten that some of 64's stars were moderately difficult. It'd be worth doing a 100% run as a refresher as it's legitimately hard relative to what we have today after 21 years of decline.

Every Mario game has some stars that are moderately difficult. Even Galaxy had one or two.

I don't remember any in Galaxy. It was what disappointed me the most, the drop in difficulty between 64/sunshine and Galaxy.

Luigi's purple coins.

I've 100% the game more than a dozen times and have played just about everyworth while Romhack for the game. The only stars you could attribute as difficult are some of the 100 coin stars.

What the other user said. Purple coins were fucking hell. Especially the rocket/mine galaxy that had an autoscroller where you couldn't miss a single one.

I did all those and don't remember them being more than disappointing.

Whether you believe the soundtrack is good or not, following Sonic Team's pattern, it's the best part of Forces.

Why do artists ruin their own work like this? I've never understood it.

It's a level


Like Sonic Mania?

It's more you can easily box yourself into dying if you don't know the line you're supposed to take.

Confirmed for never played that shit. There's nearly no room for error and you have to plan a route ahead of time. As far as difficulty in Mario games go that shit's on another level.

I 100%ed it and I don't remember ever getting stuck on anything. I remember it as a disappointment. Perhaps you are just bad at video games?

You do realize you only need 100 of those, right?

you only need 100/150 coins to get the star. Looking at the level, I remember doing it on my second go, and I think any retard should be able to figure it out on the third, or fourth at most, if they've gotten that far in the game.

You just have to do the map in a big circle , and come back into the middle on the way back. You leave yourself a path back the start and you're done.

Mario galaxy and Mario galaxy 2 were piss easy. I got 120 stars in both, and also with Luigi in Galaxy 1 and was so dissapointed when it was all over. There was some good shit at the end, but not nearly enough.

That's actually my big problem with Mario games. Some of them do have challenging content, but its usually at the end of the game, meaning I have to play through so many levels that are boring as shit before I actually get to anything that's at all fun.

Name a harder star in Mario 64.

I do. And It's still more challenging than the majority of the game and just about anything in 64. What's your point?

nova donkgrad was a realy fun and refreshing world

this is fucking cancer, posters who have been banned shouldn't have ALL their posts deleted, also just generally don't be so fucking powertripping niggers mods

It was me. And I was criticizing the game by bringing up the movement mechanics while discussing meta shit about how cancer filters are while saging. The mods issued a 24 hour ban because I was hurting some (1) Odyssey fans feelings and he reported me saying I was just shitting up the thread. Keep in mind I had 21 posts in the thread and I even repealed the ban saying I didn't mind if I was banned as long as he was banned as well because he wasn't contributing anything either. Basically the mods are retarded. Nothing new.

The problem with DK64 is that not only was the platforming terrible for most of the characters but every way to progress involved switching to the right character for the right gun to hit the switch or to use the right pad, or the meh minigames.

Galaxy is lame. No challenge, no exploration, condensed and constrained worlds that you just go through in a straight line of platforming setpieces that get's old after 40 stars. 3D World is lame for similar reasons.


8/v/ is overmoderated. It really showed yesterday when Finland appeared and reminded everyone we used to produce board culture back when we could funpost.

I don't see how an example of a 2D Mario game, which is supposed to be linear platforming setpieces, helps you when I'm talking about 3D Mario, especially when the franchise has Mario 64 and Sunshine under it's belt. The open world meme for those two games are very annoying, but those games gave you way more freedom as a platformer then anything Galaxy provides. Galaxy is supposed to be this epic adventure in space, but when you strip away gravity gimmick it's the equivalent of going to corridor to corridor of the same set pieces of platforming that get's boring very quick and offers little else. To accompany this feel, the game is so constricted that more then half the time you don't have free camera control.



It's like the sun came out at midnight and put a spotlight on me for a while. Felt fucking good

Ohhh, I see. You're upset that it doesn't give you achievements on your Xbox Live profile. Got it.

We are arguing our opinions and both trying to justify why we hold these opinions. "what I like is more valid than what you like, because" is exactly how most of these discussions go and both debate it out why what we like is more valid then others. What is the issue? Can't hold up your opinion?

Galaxy was a streamlined departure of what came before. Some like it, some don't. I don't like it at all. Not to say they aren't fun, I beat both Galaxy games completely.

Wrong thread faggot, prepared to be bullied.

Okay, I made that post before reading the rest of yours. Epic troll friend xD +1

Maybe 64 was a poorly focused departure from what came before.


what was the pic anyway?

lol cmon faggot.


Right. Ignore the derails and derails that keep happening on some threads where they are nowhere seen for once by mods while our """glorious""" useless fatlord keeps playing video games even when he sucks at it.

Right, but you were also just replying with buzzwords and namecalling. Most of your low-quality posts were only replies to other people that contained straight-up desperate denial and negativism instead acting normally, saying you simply disagree in an educated way and giving your opinions. You called me a "modern nintencuck" just because I'm against of "depth"? Dude, what kind of "depth" will there be with a simple penalty added or not falling damage where people will find a way to bypass it anyway like how it's possible on 64 and Sunshine?

Your posts deserved to be deleted because it makes the entire thread look bad. None of this shit would happen if you hadn't further replied this thread you don't like. Next time, please attempt to act like a normal person and acquire the basic ability of ignore, the greatest emotion of the emotions that a human could gain that can miraculously prevent war and flamming.

No further replies will I post about that since this is off-topic. Case closed.

The difference is that sunshine and 64 make you find a way to bypass it, where as in odyssey you don't have to worry about it. Sure, it's a "minor" detail, but it still adds to the game and its world.

I wouldn't even call it purely a minor detail. Pressing B while you're falling adds extra momentum forward which can flub a landing if it needs to be specific. If you've ever seen experts play 64 they often do a B press id way through a jump instead of a long jump because it's almost as long. There's actually a video that goes in depth on this and describes the nuances between the Z jump and the B dive. Wish I could find it.

It's funny because Mario Odyssey has a higher punishment for unprotected long drops because of the longer stun time. Why would skilled 64/Sunshine players need to care about a couple points of health?

My guess is you never played 64 before and you're lying. Stun times in 64 on soft surfaces put you headfirst into the snow/sand/whatever which was incredibly longer. And hard surfaces drops half your health if I recall correctly and still has a stun time and kills all momentum.
Because the punishment for dying is all your coins are reset. Which is a lot of progress if you're going for that star.