Zero Escape Thread

Been playing the PC version of the Nonary Games. I liked them, but what the fuck did they do with ZTD?

First of all, the graphics and animations are garbage. Second, why'd they make Junpei fill the role of Santa/Aoi with the edgy teenager bullshit? Is this a Junpei from a different time-jump?

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I played these games because I thought I was going to get a murder mystery game mixed with puzzle solving and light combat. What I got was a Newgrounds escape game mixed with a graphic novel. Still fun, but I'm depressed that they're not better.

This is what happens when you try to go for normalfag tier telltale game with no budget neither experience. I think I read somewhere they had issues during development and it almost got canned a few times, so is obvious the result was rushed.

About the characters and the story, it's obvious they got tangled in their own bullshit and the story got to a point it was bananas. It still has some good points but holy shit it had so much magic bullshit to explain shit it simply made no sense. The ayy lmaos was just too much

Uchikoshi spoke about how Telltale were one of his favorite companies in an interview on ZTD. It was a hint on how much of a shitshow it was going to be in presentation. That and how bad of a writer Uchikoshi is


>ayy lmaos
Fuck you. Fuuuuuck you. Fuck. Whyyyy
The first game's true ending was perfect with how–excuse the irony–alien it was mixed with sadness and the desire to FUCKING SAVE HER.

What he do



VLR was fine. I think they tried to explore a reason to keep going back to the other endings.
Plus best girl is a robot and she falls apart and dies in your arms.
Sucks that Junpei finally found Akane and she's a shell of her former self. I knew it was him the moment I saw his last name, and that everyone was on the fucking moon in the future.

Should I play the Vita or DS version of 999?

the weakest of the three by far


Aren't some of the puzzles kind of fucked on screens you can't turn upside down?

He physically jumped back in time to before the game even started and didn't think of stopping the game so "they could all meet", despite the fact that they mostly forget what happens thanks to the amnesia injections. This ends up creating the VLR timeline where Radical-6 spreads across the globe.


That is an understatement.

*Blick Winkle



I still think it's retarded a little girl couldn't solve a Sudoku puzzle.

I can't, and I'm 28. Maybe logic puzzles aren't for me.

Sudoku is a puzzle where you fill in all the spots until you have every spot filled, the rule is there cannot be any repeat of the same number. No math required.

Now that I think about it, I did like the shift theme, and the Luna end was pretty good. K and Ol' Junpei were also good parts of the game.
phi also a cute



You forgot to mention

And I can type all this without worry of spoilers because no one could possibly guess anything about what I said and it's so stupid it transcends context

Probably the best thing to come from all this was watching others' reaction to the big reveal.

I did like the one detail during the standoff, it was hilarious. It's like they knew you'd try to do that after the reveal on a replay.


also 999 > vlr > ztd

Just stop playing them after 999 m8
They only get worse

Code Geass
Code Geass R2
Code Geass: Akito The Exiled

Fuk u user the transporter room is the best puzzle in the series

ztd made me hate junpei and akane so much that I'd rate vlr higher than 999.


Code Geass more like Code Gay-ass
Also, fuck this series past the first game. Maybe even the halfway point of 999

Good twink material.

Hey Holla Forums, look behind the bar


Because Zero's motives are complex.

Use a DS emulator if you can't put the thing on a flashcart


We're your expectations not met? Oh well, life is simply unfair.

There are multiple reason for why ZTD was unsatisfactory but I think it still has some value. The problem is that you're stuck in a point in time between the two other games and your goal is to make sure none of the interesting stuff in the future even happens.

The fragment mechanic was cool because it perfectly mirrored both the memory loss as well as the feeling of jumping between timelines.
Unfortunately, much of the story was already set in stone in a way where the questions are always gonna be much more interesting than the answers.

It's nice that it addressed the futility of time travel in a split timelines universe, which is a question VLR dodged entirely. Trying to change the past by preventing the outbreak was an entirely selfish endeavor by Sigma and the others, which is cemented by the "good ending" decision leaving the group's alternate versions to die for something they had no part in. The ayy lmao technology was kinda awkward but it was an important inclusion to make sure that the events of ZTD had to happen in some form. It's essentially just a way around the "But what if Brother wasn't born/didn't get sent back in this timeline, how is he still here?" question, which is typical for time travel stories.

What they really fucked up were the characters. Junpei is too edgy and shouldn't have been part of the experiment. Akane is not nearly assertive or cold enough, by this point she has been "Zero" for ten years and according to the director, Akane is supposed to have the strongest ESP/SHIFT powers. Sigma is supposed to be an old man but only occasionally even comes close to acting that way. Sigma and Phi also more or less mastered "shifting" in VLR, yet they don't utilise it at all in ZTD and instead Junpei and Carlos lead the charge on the timeline adventure. Diana was a delight. The entirety of Q-Team just feels completely out of place, Eric in particular is really frustrating to watch. They completely neglected to show what happened to Santa, Clover or Alice.

Brother causing the outbreak to stop nuclear holocaust could be an acceptable twist but it feels very weird.
The implication is that he goes on to create the Myrmidons for the sole purpose of creating Dio so he can infiltrate the game in VLR to place bombs to encourage Sigma and Phi to train their ESP to go back in time to ZTD and make sure Brother is born.
The events of 999 also only happened because of Brother, meaning the entirety of Zero Escape revolves around Brother trying to make sure he is being born.

The highlight of the game is definitely hearing Diana speak those words we know from VLR into the radio, revealing their meaning. In my eyes the pandemic ending is the "canon" ending that feels the best

ZTD was the result of a fan poll getting some traction in social media. So it was given a mininum budget and was completely rushed. As it is apparent that only the Sigma route was was written by Uchi and the other routes were done by other people. Which is a shame as I thought VLR set up this great premise of a finale. I remember playing VLR and almost fantasizing about the third game involving some really meta shit with a villain that could also jump timelines.

all the games in the series are prime examples why gooks should never every write a story. those manchildren haven't grown out of their anime childhood phase at all.


Not really. If I recall correctly, it was don't to create a timeline where Radical 6 wasnt spread because of some issue. There was a chart that helped explain.

You don't understand.
Yes, that's the whole point of VLR, to go back in time and change the future. But it completely neglects to address the crux of the issue, for the most part.
Even if Sigma can prevent the Radical-6 outbreak, nothing changes. There will still be timelines where the outbreak does happen and the timelines where it doesn't likely existed already anyway. The only difference is that the Sigma (and Akane and Phi) from the Radical-6 timeline get to live in a world without the pandemic.

VLR presented the issue in a Back to the Future kind of way (which ZTD actually references directly), meaning that if Sigma can go back in time and prevent the outbreak, everything will be fixed. In reality, everyone he left behind at the end of VLR is still living in a broken post-pandemic world, including Clover and Alice who were essentially transported like 60 years into the future.