Holla Forums makes a RPG maker game #4 Trap fairy edition

There are some things that need fixing, will post in the post after the "how to" with github.


The basics
The rest is completely up to you.

Everything else is in the first/second/third/fourth anchor post of the thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


Current version of the game

RPG Maker VX Ace magnet

Side stuff

One user made a side-story to the game, you should check it out it's really fun.

DLC packs for RPG maker by the courtesy of one of the anons, they're graphic packs, so if you need a sprite or a tileset, look through these before asking


Install Git.


Install a GUI. I recommend Tortoise git because it's FOSS, but you can pick something else. You don't need a GUI, but unless you are comfortable in the command line you will want one.



At this point I'll mainly be giving you keywords to plug into a search engine along with the name of your software and "git" so you can get specifics. Bold means it's a word that will make the search engine give you back something that's at the very least in the ballpark of what you want. If I don't mention a setting, just leave it at the default.

Figure out how to use your software to clone an existing repository. Pick somewhere on your computer for the directory, and for the URL use the following


Hit "ok", "do it", "confirm" or whatever else your software has that creates the local copy. It will now download from the remote repository and give you a local working copy. Those files are on your computer now. You just created a fork! Congratulations.

Whenever the remote repository, aka "the git", is updated you can pull from it. That just means you download any files added, remove any files removed and change and files that were changed. Basically you update your working copy on your computer.

Figure out how to use your software to preform a pull, set the remote you are pulling from to "origin", and set the remote branch you are pulling from to "master".

Confirm, hit OK, or whatever and your local copy is updated. You may notice that this happens really fast. That's because you are only downloading the changes, not the entire file, as was the case with mega.

If for whatever reason your software doesn't have a pull feature, preform a fetch from "origin", and a local merge. This is functionally the same as a pull'.

Using the https link means you will need to create an access token. So lets get into how to do that.

When logged into gitlab/gitgud click the Icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. That will bring up your profile. There's a list of links on the left side, and there should be an option called Access Tokens. Click that and it will take you to the Personal Access Token page.

Make sure API is checked and read_user is unchecked. The name can be anything. Set an expiration date more than one month in the future. I have mine set to December 31. Click "Create personal access token" and you will be brought to a new page. Copy the token and save it somewhere safe because you will have to create another one if you forget it.

This token acts as your password. When you push to your remote repository we'll get to that it will ask you for a username and password. Put your username in the username field and put the token in the password field.

Coming up next, how to commit changes and additions, push to the remote repository, and preform a pull request.

Committing save a version of your project that you can go back on later. That's why git is called "version control software". This is great because if your current version is broken beyond repair you can revert to an earlier commit where it wasn't broken and resume from that point onward.

Search for how to commit changes using your software. It's good practice to commit frequently. Firstly you should check for modifications to the files, how exactly that is done differed from one piece of software to the next. Use a search engine for your special case. Some options to note.

Message: Put whatever you want in here. It's most commonly used to say what you did since the last commit, but you can just fill it with keyboard mash or shit-posts. It doesn't matter.

Branch: Sometimes you don't want to commit straight to the master branch. Sometimes you want to play around with your local version in a closed off and safer environment. While branches themselves aren't complex, there's a lot that goes into using them effectively. Here's the official documentation on branches. You can use a search engine to figure out how to do these specific things in your GUI.


A push pushes your commits to the remote repository. Commits are on only your computer until you push them. A push only pushes commits, and won't save non-committed files or change, so be sure to commit before you push.

Set the local branch to "master" and the remote to "origin". If there's an option for a remote branch, pick "master" as well.

Confirm your choices. You will most likely be prompted for a user-name and password. Put in your gitgud username and the token you created earlier as your password. If you encounter any problems, use a search engine. If that doesn't work, come here and explain what you found and why that didn't work.

A pull request is a message that says "Hey, I finished up here, now put this thing right here into the main branch". For the start, you should have your remote origin master, and the url is the same as before,


The "end" is where you want them to stop pulling from. For example if you send a pull request and want to keep working before the pull request is accepted, you set the end to where you know it's stable and then keep working. To figure out what exactly to put there use your specific software's wiki/howto's and a Search Engine.


what's the rush, OP?

Sorry for that user. It's mostly my schedule and the fact that I might not be able to post the thread later on so I decided to do it now hoping that it won't be a problem


Random user who saw only parts of the first topic so far here. Good on you OP for not caving and trying to get this up and running. I'm interested in seeing how the trainwreck is coming along at some point.

Well if King jew or a Vol read this I hope they'll just lock the thread until the other one is at page 13 or something

Next time just wait, it takes some time before threads hit page 13.

Alright, I fucked up a bit. I'll be more patient next time.

I think I've got my git stuff set up. I'm going to start adding my maps and changing all my variables. I'll use 121-140 for both.

I just tried to push. Did I do it right?

Well, being that I'm assfaggot and I can't see any new forks or said forks being updated, I'd say no.

Ok, I was doing the wrong thing, now it says I'm not allowed to push code onto the project.

1. Make sure you made a fork
2. Make sure you have credentials on your profile.
I don't see any new forks, so you need to create a fork and push onto that instead.

Ok I forked it and I think I pushed my changes. Do I have to request to merge them with the original?

Yes, if you want the changes to be in the master fork of the game, and to allow others to build off of your changes.

Damn anons you are actually doing something

Is there so much custom content in the files already or did you niggers never hear about Runtime Packages?

I think some faggots added a little too much music

Anyone have the archive of the first thread?

There's a lot of custom content already. And music, that's why the file is so big. We already have three big dungeons and two small ones alongside with a fuckhuge world map location and some side locations.

The very first one? It was a complete mess and nothing happened in it.

Fair enough. I just wanted to see how/why this whole thing started.

I forgot to put it in the OP, but you'll need RTP to play this game.

You can download it here:

97% of the filesize is audio, but over half of that is from whoever put fucking uncompressed wavs in there. Here those songs are as oggs. I'd replace them myself but I don't know where they're used in the game.

That was me, sorry. My current version of the game has the compressed versions of those files in ogg but merge conflicts are keeping me from pushing it.
They are in the Anika Coustoms Piano, which is a submap of Mount Anika if someone wants to do it without me waiting to fix my shit.

Alright. Submitted the merge request. It should bring the file size down a bit once the main branch is updated.

Muganon here, fixed versions of the mug and the spa stuff should have been in this link I posted last thread, here, if they're not merged in by now: my.mixtape.moe/owebfp.7z

Anyway, what if we put together an online design/ideas/changelog document for the game? Is there any alternative to Google Documents we could use for that?

The point was that there wasn't supposed to be a design document and that it was supposed to be anons just adding stuff they want.

I'm even unsure about the git idea itself as it kind of moves the center of activity away from the thread but I guess it's just far easier to merge stuff that way.

I've seen worse.
Trust me.

There will have to be some structure to adhere to, however, especially with how strict RPG Maker is when it comes to distributed work like this. Chiefly, though, what I'm thinking is a place to put down ideas and to note what everyone's doing where those notes will last longer than a post in a thread will.

It's telling me there's conflicting files for system and mapinfo now when I try to pull. Is that just me?

I submitted two merge requests. The first one I dismissed because it had conflicts, and the second after I did a hard reset to the latest version of the remote, and then just fixed the audio files and the map they were associated with, and was told on my end that there weren't merge conflicts.

Also, consider the following: Handling switch/database numbering conflicts by having anons reserve switch/database slot spaces, with what chunks of the database each user has being listed in the document. What would be perfect would be if we could handle maps the same way - then there wouldn't be any conflicts at all…

The biggest problem we'll run into, or are currently running into rather, is the fact that the data is stored as a binary file. Git isn't made to merge binary files together like it can with text files.
For example, let's say we have the following list
1. Bob
2. Alice
One person reserve slot 3, and one person reserve slot 4. They edit their slot and we get two lists
1. Bob
2. Alice
3. Carlos

1. Bob
2. Alice
4. Dan
Then when merged together it should give
1. Bob
2. Alice
3. Carlos
4. Dan
And it does, if we were working with text files. However, because in RPG maker they are binary files I'm not sure that's possible. Instead we would get a merge conflict.
That's not to say we shouldn't do it. We absolutely should as there are other benefits. Just that merging isn't as painless and it would be if RPG maker stored it's files in a different format.

We could put a text file in the directory to mark what's planned on being used. Before you even start using a switch, write down that you want to use a block and make sure that the text file gets updated or post in the thread. And unless there's a limit to the number of things we should make the max number for everything huge and give everyone plenty of headroom.

Merges still have to be done manually, but that way there isn't this problem of having to reorganise added switches/database entries when merging.

Wasn't the whole point of this being a sporadic game jam anons added onto?

We might be able to do this for maps too by making a bunch of empty maps and editing the ones we reserve instead of adding new ones.

How does everyone feel about adding a simple temporary portal that takes user past the cloaked figure in the tavern to the portal hallway? It would just be for testing purposes, but it would be convenient for everyone to have for testing.

This is a genuinely good idea.
If everyone else is up for it, how many maps should we add for the first batch? 10 seems like a nice round number. If we start getting low we can add more.

I’m actually working on adding an event right into the wall next to the bouncer that can be accessed from either side and hits the switch to move him out of the way. It’s definit the sort of thing that would be useful for testing purposes.

That would be perfect.

You can walk through walls and objects during testing by holding ctrl. F5 is the button to instantly kill enemies and or F6 restores health, I may have those backwards. F1 lets you toggle music and fullscreen, and F9 lets you toggle switches and variables at will.

This doesn't work very well at all.
Here's why:
RPG Maker VX Ace editor stores files in the rvdata2 extension.
Gitgud cannot read these files, and if it detects any change, it'll replace the entire file.
In essence, this means:
1. Bob's area is connected to
2. Alice's area.
3. Carlos wants to connect his area to Alice's area.
4. But Dan finishes his area first, and naturally it gets added to the game first, which gets connected to Alice's area.
This means that fundamentally, Carlos is working with a different entire version that Bob, Alice and Dan would have. Because Dan and Carlos built off the same version, when they created their maps the IDs were the same. Reserving IDs might solve this problem, buuuut…
Carlos and Dan also have different Bob and Alice areas. In addition, any database changes and etc from the addition of these maps would cause even more problems, not just a few teleports being misplaced. The database refers to literally everything but actual map data and events. Often the dumbest things are linked together. For example, last night when I changed Gold to Good Boy Points, said system file changes fucking overwrote title screens and etc.
Any NPCs, doors, teleports, and etc that might exist in Bob's area that was modified by Dan might both reverted and be changed to fit better with the translation to Carlos's area, which in turn fucks up Dan's teleport.
In essence: reserving maps does absolutely fuck-all.
In addition, having empty maps also means that when you merge, you're overwriting either filled maps with said empty maps, or filled maps with different teleports to the same map but with fucked up teleports.

Actual possible solutions:
1. Moving the project to RPG Maker MV. (RPG Maker MV stores database files in JSON format, I.E. Gitgud can actually open it in its own text editor.)
2. Allow a SINGLE user to work on anything at a time. I.E. if a user is working on the database anyway, and if you're with maps working too, don't modify the fucking database until you merge.
3. Prepare for the worst, continue on what we are doing and instead just make sure we don't dump compilations of maps and events, and database changes when changes are in progress, as that seems to make bugs.

Turns out I fucked up all my transitions because I added them then someone added more maps before I uploaded it. I just made a merge request to fix it.

Maps up to 75 are used, I added up to 100 for now. I was thinking of doing blocks of 5. Again unless there's a limit, there's no reason not to give everyone lots of room.

I don't follow what you're saying about overwriting maps. I suggested making empty maps so we know what ID we're using. Unless we're redoing someone else's map we won't be overwriting anything. Stuff that changes the system files can't be merged together and yes it's going to be a pain in the ass occasionally, but most of our editing should be in map files. I think we should just stick with VX.

How easy would it be to move to RPG maker MV? So long as we don't have to restart from scratch I would be fine with moving my work over to a new version. Making it play nice with git is a pretty big advantage.

First off: We would need to resize all resources by 25%.
Second: All plugins would need to be given equivalents. (This is much easier than it seems because literally only 1 NPC uses plugins.)
That's it.
There is a converter here: pastebin.com/DFHK5f5R

Well, it would be easier to do sooner rather than later. Is anyone in this thread diametrically opposed to switching to a new version?
If everyone is OK with switching I can handle resizing resources on my end to hold us over until people update with their own higher resolution versions. You just mean scaling the images, right? Maps wouldn't need changes, right?
We should find the plugin equivalent before we do the switch.

I'd be up for it, as long as the converter can properly automate the database/map stuff. We really do have to sort out these issues with how the databases are handled.

I didn't understand what you were saying with Dan's and Carlos' conflicting edits at first. I get it now, but the problem there was that they were both editing the same map at the same time. That's going to be a problem no matter what unless we coordinate what we want to do beforehand or only allow one person to work at a time, which is no fun. Redoing work isn't fun either but edits to other people's maps are going to just be transitions at first. Later on we could coordinate to make things fit together.

I didn't think it would be that easy to convert. I'm worried it might fuck with events somehow.

We can convert on a different branch. If it doesn't work it doesn't work, no harm done. If it does work we merge it with the main branch and people just start using MV to open the project files.

I'm going to try to convert it now, and I'll report any problems I come across. It'll appear as a new fork on the Gitgud page.

So when I resize the resources by 25% that an increase in 25% right? Just making sure so I don't completely mess it up.

UI fucked, some images don't show up; mass-resize would fix it.
MP3 cannot be read by RPG maker. Convert to ogg/m4a.
Everything else seems OK.

If I remember correctly, RPG Maker VX Ace's resources are all 75% the size of MV's. So increase RPG Maker VX Ace's resources by 25% to make it work I believe.

I can start converting MP3's once I'm done with the images.

Currently increasing all the images by 25%. Should be done soon.

Note that MP3 is a lossy format, meaning that converting MP3 files to another format will reduce their quality. It'd be better to convert from a lossless format, like FLAC or WAV, if our files are available in that format (which they generally should be.)

I think it's actually 1.5 times bigger. Tiles should be 48x48.

I double checked. Yeah, it's 1.5.
Time to redo a bunch of stuff…

Is the MV version online ?

Once we resize images and I convert the MP3s to wavs I'll try to get the version online.

Here is a magnet link for MV I think.

I just finished expanding out Teagan's dialogue options a little in the interdimensional tavern. Should I post that up now, or wait until the MV version is up and port over the changes myself?

I've finished resizing the graphics.
Starting work on converting over MP3's.

Post it now. A database change is not hard at all.

WAV doesn't seem to work. I'm investigating it now.

https :// forums. rpgmakerweb. com/index. php?threads /adding-custom-music-to-mv.47275/
Only ogg and m4a work as audio formats!

Don't worry, I'm converting everything to ogg

Are regions a thing in MV? I don't see a button for it. Almost all my events used regions.

Alright. As far as the expanded dialogue goes, I gave her a slightly smoother introduction after Gondola gets her attention, and then laid a little groundwork after that for potentially using her to either give the player hints or hand out quests.


The R button, (right of, and near A B C where the tileset selector is) gives you region selection.
Regions shouldn't be different, but do tell if you notice any events being broken.

It's currently at 69% on mega.

Here's the link.

Wait, regions? I think I've gotta look that up.

You can have a parallel processing event that gets the region at the players position and do things depending on the region the player (or an event) is in. You can also have encounters vary by region.

It seems animation sheets didn't need to be changed.

It seems that all text that used old text code crashes the game.
I'll be going over all text anyway and revising it with Yanfly's message plugin. Expect a update in a hour or so when I've gone through every fucking text box in the game.

Protip: On future versions, if there is a Type error: undefined, it's because I forgot a text box. Report where you were and etc and I'll find the text box, open it, and then press 'ok'. That's all it seems to take to fix it for now.

Here is the MV gitgud link.
It'll eventually be up.

For fucks sake
There is no RTP for MV, right? Well, that means that the final file size is around 800 mb.
Even when I finish i
Anyway, I did some work fixing bugs on this version.
–Todo list
-KYS Faggot animation is broke.
-Party Hard animation is broke.
-Iconset is broke, need new one.
-Figure out what assets from the RPG Maker VX Ace RTP that need to be transfered to MV.
Other than text rarely being broken and some now defunct script calls, everything else is practically the same as before.

While the animations seem fine, when you open them up in a database they're all over the place. I think MV uses different ratios or fucking whatever, but animation is broken.

So I guess due to technical problems we moved from VX to MV? I'll have to download the new version sometime later, I have never used it before.

It was, although I guess nothing has changed for now expect for the RPG maker version and better organization.


Any new locations since last thread?



There's trap castle. If anyone wants to player it is like to know if it's too difficult or easy. It has no encounters, only traps and puzzles.

can people with legit steam copies get in on this?

To do what?

I went into the files for MV's char gen and made one of the eyes and eyebrows file transparent pic related is the result.

In case we need some non-upscaled faces.

Of course they can, you just have to download the file. But we've switched to MV now.

I have opene the thing in MV but everything no sprites?

Surely you jest. The entire game is segments like these. How is that example any different from the meme game?

1) You're an idea guy, nobody is taking requests here.
2) Your fetish is not a meme.

1) I never asked for someone to take my request. I was just thinking of things that could be neat, to try and convince myself to add stuff too
2) You're a newfag if you didn't get it.


well there 0 point to spotuign that shit outta ther if your itnention wasnt to get some faggot to make it into game


This is the converted custom files
This is the RTP

Could this style of cooperative game development serve as a functional model for anons making vidya in the future?

So far the system of recruit anons and then fuck off to a sekret club to make the game has failed every time we tried(RIP Anton and Coolpecker)

Only one way to find out

As long as money isn't involved and they are only made for fun, it could work

Money always ruins things

It's working as for now, but the thing is, this is mostly because RPG maker is so fucking easy to use. Maybe we would be able to make something more complex with Game Maker later on or something? I think it could be possible with coding too but it would be far slower since not all anons here know how to code, after all existence of such threadss basically means that if an user gets bored then some other user could pick up on his ideas and work to make something. And not only that, but we surprisingly have a lot of talented people here so everytime someone doesn't have the resources to do something, he can ask for help.

I am currently trying to fix the game so that it is playable without crashing every scene

Aren't Anton and Coolpecker still coming with updates from time to time though?

Nevermind I give up

How fucked is it?

Actually I was probably just retarded, I think I entered an area which didn't exist yet
Game seems to work fine by placing >>13850848's converted files into RPGMaker MV\NewData\ & Anons Adventure folder, but makes sure to rename images to img

Nevermind, there are files missing which aren't in that user's converted stuff causing crashes

Here's some assorted artwork from fucking half/pol/.

Anons are just superior people to normalfags, it's time that anons stop our mopey self hatred.

If anons could organize properly we could culturally take over the goddamn world, i'm 100% sure of it.

I guess even the cucks can do something good once in a while. But I agree, anons are mostly intelligent and talented people who need guidance and some self-improvement as well as just some self-control training myself included, as well as learning how to not let their emotions get better of them.

I'd say the average user is an underachiever with an IQ around 115-120.

that requires going outside and fuck that

When you organize, you stop being user. The last anons who used memes to culturally take over the word were the Jews.

Anyway, I'd like to join in but I'll be busy until after Christmas so I hope it doesn't all fall apart before then. Keep up the good work.

and then normalfags would start flocking to the cultural epicenter of the world and turn it to shit like they always do.


no, faggot
I don't want to go outside unless I really have to

You have the audacity to call a man a faggot when you can't even squeeze your vaginal flaps out of the front door.

But the video games are inside, user.


Sort yourself out user


Even though we're shitposting I kind of wish it to be true, I feel more connected to the people here than I do to any other group in the world and I feel that many anons would feel the same.

What's stopping us?
It's time to dehumanize and face to bloodshed.
On a more on-topic note, we could easily be fucking over kike businesses like EA if we organized more often.

So the MV version works perfectly fine?

Nope. There are files missing which cause crashes. I guess I could convert them over from the VX build but ehh, maybe later
Until then I can upload a version which works as far as possible and with a few background music changes in starting area

Sounds like he’ll on earth, or Columbia, whichever comes first.




(nice digits and ID)
I agree.
Love you anonymous.

>real life equivalent of lol threads


That's because it's one of the only places on the internet where you can be as honest as you like. Our society is built around lies and half-truths, so people naturally want to be honest with others.

>>real-life equivalent of lol threads
>real-life equivalent of 4am threads

Personally, if we look back on these threads a year from now and experience anything other than the urge to cringe, I'll count it as a success.

I'm waiting for the MV version to be fixed up more before I start messing with it. Hopefully those missing files don't languish too long before someone converts them over.

Is this the backstory of the game or one of the endings of the game?

It's the unreachable Avalon

I was gonna upload update until I realised that it was 500 mb what the fukc

Well I uploade it anyways

*Placed in converted img and audio files (files still missing btw)
*Changed music in starting outdoors and mountain

If we've got the entire RTP in there then we should take out anything that's not actually used in the game, especially any music files that aren't used in the game.

There is no MV RTP.

More accurately, the ability to separate out the RTP was removed by the devs because 'lol, high-speed internet'.

I just kind of want to see this song in the game, with the first pattern removed.

Right, so we take out whatever resources we aren't actually using. There were a lot of music files in the RPG VX Ace RTP that I could see having just been copied over.

The issue is that we can't take out the resources from any playable or editable builds- because many of the RPG VX Ace RTP that was copied over was copied over because the game crashed without it.

So VX Ace vs MV is basically smaller file sizes vs improved git functionality, then?

Nothing's stopping us from a Last Epilogue.


Does MV support the old graphics sizes at all, through GUI options or scripting or whatever? Locking out your old userbase who want to use their old stuff with the new version is really scummy.

MV does have a lot of DLC that we could pirate, instead… As a way of driving the company bankrupt like in the text adventure DLC to spite their scummy business practises if for no other reason.

Actually, I might have some of that DLC from a Humble Bundle I got at one point. I'll go check now.

Wait, no, it's actually just VX Ace DLC I've got on Humble Bundle. Not much of it, either.

Damn this is a good thread
Keep it up anons. If I knew fucking anything about RPG Maker games besides how to play them I'd try to contriboot. My hats off to you lads.

Well, since the MV version of the game is still undergoing repairs, I might as well post up the last little thing I worked on for the VX Ace version of the game.
It was made based on the latest copy of the game on the VXA git. The Trap Castle still had one transfer in it that led to the wrong map, right at the castle entrance, so I fixed that, and then the only other change was to Teagan's dialogue. Now, if the player hasn't picked up the quest to free the princess from the Trap Castle by the time Gondola opens Teagan up for conversation, she'll drop a small hint on where to go to find the questgiver.

Apparently, some guy named Shaz wrote some programs that can convert XP/VX/VXA project files to MV's format, and a script that allows 32x32 tiles in MV. The process is a bit obtuse, but if you guys are willing to keep upscaled copies of the graphics in the project folders alongside the 32x32 graphics for the actual exported game we can have our cake and eat it too.

Topic: forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?threads/change-tile-size.46748/
The script itself: pastebin.com/EG0WPHFb

Also, IGG appears to have v1.0.1 of MV bundled with the DLC.

Into the trash it goes. Just couldn't keep the gay agenda out it, now could you neo/v/?

Nigger it was a joke

We could include a side quest where user comes across a remote island on the world map and turns it into his own outer heaven.
user has to find all the boards spread across the world and convince them to join him, by completing a fetch quest for them.
There could also be a normalfag invasion led by reddit you have to fend of at some point

If you complete all of it you get a better ending like

Mapanon's world map could actually be a good side campaing for this.


Git Out

My fucking sides

I knew a guy who based his life motivations off Planescape Torment.

He plans to fight for an eternity in the Blood War?

nothing wrong with throwing ideas, even if.

user, eventually you'll get traps and guys needing to fuck something.

Hey, mapanon here. I'm going to work on some more maps I was thinking about doing a coast, volcano dungeon, and a space station and I'm posting in advance so if anyone is currently or planing on working on similar maps you can say so and I'll do something else


It's incredibly easy. You have to be a literal retard to not be able to figure out the basics within 20 minutes.

Ok seems like none of the crashes are fixed so I'll take it upon myself to find the remaining missing files and complete it

This is as far as I got without crashing to "undefined" errors, which I have no idea how to fix. Also, I didn't actually find the original files, so I replaced them with placeholders or similiar files (in case with sound and battle bg). If this gets too complicated, should we restart?


Have been watching this thread since yesterday. Why did you guys make the switch to MV in the first place?

I tried to download the game but when I got it, I only had a picture with the little dragon and other files for the game but any .exe on.
Can ye help me please ?

something something github/gud

at least i have gottened rpg maker now :DDDDDDD

Your link is wrong

Why can't this be real Oh yeah I forgot about the jews


The guy who runs the gitgud claimed it would be easier to incorporate new additions to the master copy of the game, due to the way MV stores game data. That said, given all the problems we’re running into, I’m wondering if it’s really worth all the trouble.

I think another user who was working on it said that undefined errors are tied in with dialogue formatting somehow.

so what the status? is this ded?


VX Ace:
+Older, more DLC content to base our own content off of.
+Older, more support and more users are familiar with it.
+Older, lotsa tools and older fan-made resources work.
+/- Needs RTP, but said RTP reduces file sizes considerably.
-Git really fucking hates the file format the game stores files in.
-Editor is objectively worse than MV's.
-Scripting, plugin support, and customization is also objectively worse than MV's

+Fags are making plugins out the ass for this version.
(this is due to MV going much heavier on plugin support. Some fags have created ingame goddamn editors and debug menus as simple .js plugins, skimping around the restrictions they DID provide.)
+Said plugins are MUCH easier to implement and configure than previous versions
+Newer DLC may/may not have content
+Editor is extremely good, supports many things and the devs are still adding on to it. Also, jap bug for pirates is no more.
+Git really likes the json file format.
-Doesn't need RTP, because it fucking includes it in the base game, increasing file sizes.
-Less content than Ace to work with
-Objectively worse base sprites and etc to work with.
-Tileset is identical but more limited than Ace.

We're probably going to stick with Ace, and continue to go through a painful merge process. MV's file sizes are fucking insane and I live in Ameri-stan so my upload speed is a shit 150 kb/s.

People might have been busy during normalfaggiving. I was away and finally got to try the MV version. I've gotten a bunch errors because or missing graphics. Are there any unsolved errors or is it all missing files or wrong formats that we'd have to hunt for?

Missing files primarily.
When I was looking through everything, I noticed that Ace had only ogg files, so when a event called 'battle1.ogg', it didn't settle for 'battle1.m4a' instead.
Also, with graphics Ace had People5-8 missing, so I added and resized the sprites. There might be more missing that the original project got from the RTP.

Holy shit. Fuck you for making me so hard.

Maybe I'm missing something but can't you just rip the ones from VX Ace and use those?

I was considering base sprites, i.e. what came with MV.

for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT USE MV
MV is an absolute cluster fuck

I think at this point we're cancelling the plan to switch to MV anyway. What's so bad about it?

I've been working on adding codec conversations to the VX version before we decided to switch. So should I continue since we're going to continue using VX?

Is this the Windows version of Holla Forums?

Another perk to MV is that since its games run via HTML5, the game will be perfectly cross-compatible between operating systems on it.

You could port 'em over, in any case, or just write the scripts for them by themselves if you're particularly concerned about porting.

>>>Holla Forums10950379
This could be a class

fuck. I've been caught up in \c[3] etc
I'll fix it

also fix receiver

>>>Holla Forums10950379 is full of good ideas. Pic related.

THis is fucking great holy shit


Fucking hell
>>>Holla Forums10950379

>halfchan refugees are welcome but must go through initiation sewing their mouths shut for half a year, living in a dumpster full of rotting fiveguys burgers, to remind them of their misdeeds - afterwards are treated as second class citizens
>Holla Forums builds monolithic central computer that eventually develops into an AI, named tay

this pleases me.

If you want any form of scripts, forget it. MV uses Javascript instead of the traditional RGSS. It necks a lot of features or combines them for "simplicity" and there are essentially no resource guides around. It blows. It'll take a hell of a lot of effort to switch over to an inferior engine.
Basically, XP is the GOAT. We should've started in that first. But there's no point in switching now.

Also, these look fantastic. Are the portraits animated by any chance?

Nigga what? The amount of plugins developed for MV (that work) already rival that from previous versions. Javascript is a positive, not a negative. Also, it still uses Ruby as a scripting engine, as you see here.
It's just that plugins run off of javascript.

come on now

I for one welcome our communist gangster computer god.

has anyone actually thought about what kinda RPG this is going to be?

because I'd kinda like it if it was like FFX-2 or bravely default where you level up outfits/jobs rather then just the characters tbh I'd like a system where you had to level up your characters, your job/outfit and your weapon

so say you want a healer but your party is also very light on damage as is you could give a part member the healer job/outfit but also give them a chainsaw and bam you've got a class which converts damage into healing to you and your party

Great summary.
I just wanted to say that trying to do a collaborative project with an editor that stores everything in one big binary file will lead to tears sooner rather than later, so switching to the version with text-based resources is a really, really good idea. It's best to bite the bullet and get this done before more content gets added.
You guys are doing really well, keep up the good work, anons.

thinking about it, I'd love it if fucking everything could leveled up tbh and you can do some interesting management on that like say if you want to level up health potions on someone you could get it to a point where it'd also restore magic but if you level into health potions too much other potions will have reduced affect on that character.

accessories could also use some leveling system to but also something that's more fusing accessories together, say you had a +2 fire charm, +2 ice charm and a +2 earth charm if you leveled them all together after afew levels they'll merge into one another to make a +1 fire ice earth charm or something.

you could also have spells level up separately along side element leveling up and you could have it so that if you cast a spell and apply an element to it it'd change that spell into a more specific spell, so say if you cast a healing spell and you apply earth to it it'd heal poison as well as health.

another thing is with summons instead of the summon replacing the party for a turn or afew turns what have you you could have them be a side addition to the party, so say you've got a gunslinger who's using flintlocks that casts summon greater being using fire element, it could summon a giant gun which shoots every after other round for alot of damage and applies extra fire element to spells.

I realize I've gone full idea guy but I needed to rant abit tbh

I mean its interesting but from the perspective of an outsider it doesn't seem like a good item for a group project as every item would need extra programing for user's to program. It's just seems like a lot of work for something that should be for the everyman Holla Forums user.

I just want a more in depth rpg tbh

I can't blame you, be the change you want in the world.

that's not how this goes

Are OP and/or GitAnon still around? If not, then we need somebody to make another gitgud and make an executive decision so that we can get this shit moving again. Watching nothing get done while the thread waffles back and forth on this is getting annoying.

I don't know what they are up to, but I'm fixing it.

OP here, I kind of left the thread alone because I didn't have MV and I was unable to get it on a laptop which I'm bound to because of being sick.

As I said I don't know if git was such a good idea seeing how it seemingly dried the thread of updates As for the version swiitch, seeing how many problems it brings and how FUCKED the game seems to be as well as many anons are already working on VX stuff I would personally advise against doing it.

I think it would be really cool to add that sort of functionality in. I was thinking earlier today about how with the class switching mechanic we've got it'd be cool if you leveled up each class separately and then could use skills from every class you've leveled up enough.

inb4 we go full Last Remnant

I found an extractor for RGSS archives. I figure the git could host the extracted map files, database, and custom content, then anons use them to build a fresh archive to work with and extract again to update the git. No crippling overwrite issues that way, although I don't actually know if it can be used to rebuild the archive because I'm too retarded to compile it.


I've basically been holding off while I wait for the MV port.

also a nice option

…and I find a much better one five minutes later. Fuck.



A real man's dream.

We could use a morale boost it seems, if you have cool oc you should post it even if it's unfinished and just a preview like this user

Also I think the change to MV is a good move for the long term, we didn't have an end in sight and the game is probably going to be really long so preparing for the long haul seems best even if the updates slow down for now.

There are still things to fix but it just works.

At least that's resolved, guess I will have to download MV.

60 hours in ms paint to make a better splash screen.

Any updates ?

Everyone wants to move to MV because it plays nice with git out of the box (JSON files instead of single huge archive). Nobody wants to use the simple VXA solution I found here because I didn't get Satan trips. Despite moving to a "friendlier" platform, development stalled because old format custom content and DLC won't work with MV. I got depressed a little and wrote this blogpost. There you go.


If custom content from DLC is an issue, I'd be more than happy to make custom assets like tilesets and icons. Just let me know what you guys want and I can throw some stuff together.

How about another poll to decide if we go
MV with git
VX ace with git (and this user's solution )
VX ace and fuck git and bruteforce everything over mega.
Because right now it feels like nobody is sure what we're going to do and is waiting for something to happen.

Not everyone is going to want to install and learn how to use git just for an rpgmaker game. It's smoother to update things with git but if someone just wants to download from git, add their stuff, then upload to mega we could still do that. The important question is MV or VX ace. I haven't gotten around to installing MV yet but it sounds like it's mostly fine after getting all the right files in the directory.

From what I've seen, polls don't really work all that well for deciding shit on Holla Forums. We just need one user who's willing to do the work on maintaining a git for this, and then we can use whichever version they'd rather maintain. And at the moment, that would seem to be and RPG Maker MV.

I just finished downloading all the relevant files, myself, so I'm going to try messing around with it and see what I can accomplish.

Git is trash, let's delete it and relace it with downloads (and only include the stuff you added). Also, what do we do now that the game is fucked? Try to unfuck it? Seems like no one is up to the task. Use the last VX version? Maybe. Restart over? If anons really like what they put into this, it's gonna be problematic.

I'd be in favour of MV if we could resize all the assets (via waifu2x, I guess) and if we could manage the filesize properly (which git would really help with), but if it's really fucked and we can't properly transfer over to MV then we might as well revert back to the VX version.

Nice try.

Current MV version of the game

It's not fucked, but :
Some maps/events have small errors, all of them are missing images,music or sound. Its not hard to fix at all.
Class changer character is broken
Some customed tilesets need collision to be set

There is no issues if you want to create a new map.

I've gone through every events, I fixed every missing resources probably

The fastest boots better be called "Nigger Legs" or else I'm gonna be really disappointed.
Also, add Terry Davis and Ebola-chan as companions.

Not enough games have the option to shit. How can your character go for months on end without crapping their pants?
Add an option for PC to grab a cloth like material and relieve their poop-o-meter.

We can easily make his sprite, but we need a good tileset to match. Anyone have a Windows XP tileset or something? We could combine it with the pre-existing temple tiles to complete the look.

If nobody else has taken it by the time I get home, I’m going to make the next map past the fork in the road. It’s going to be a crossroads where user enters from the west and one of the exits leads back up to the Regular Town map. I’ve also got an idea for an Ace Attorney-themed sidequest, but I’m going to try working out a full script for all the dialogue on it before I even start on anything else for it.

Alright, I finished making that map I promised in . It's a decently-sized crossroads/rest area. Whoever adds onto it from here, feel free to edit the road sign accordingly.

I also made some minor additions to Teagan's dialogue in the interdimensional tavern, and added in two Teagan-related variables in preparation for future content. TeaganChat is just to open up more dialogue options later, while TeaganFriendship is for a potential recruitment quest.

Do you guys think it might be a good idea to toss in some sort of Notes document that we could fill with little reminders about open questlines and what certain switches and/or variables exist for?

not a bad idea at all
every post that's added by other anons marked with a time stamp and all could be really useful

I had another idea, why don't we get /agda/ to make a game engine for shit like this? set them some goals

I can't think of much else that's actually important it'd need but do you think they'd like that kinda challenge?

Godot already exists, though.

Godot isn't made by anons I don't think

Why spend months making a new engine?

Godot hits all the criteria you mentioned, is open source, and has a really good 2D framework. Whether it's made by anons is irrelevant (and I'm sure at least one user has contributed to the master branch).

And it looks like placed more codec conversations into the master copy on the git for most of the maps up to the eel boss in the water dungeon while I was working earlier. One of the two variables I added in takes up the same spot as one that he used to make the codec work, so I moved mine further down the list.

If I understand the process correctly, that first link should be the necessary JSON files to merge to the git to fix the issue. If I accidentally left something out, here's the much larger full download instead.

the label of having it our own engine tbh

Yeah, only the JSON files are needed.

Ah, so even if an user doesn’t have git installed and doesn’t know which specific files were altered by any changes he made, he could still cut file sizes down significantly by just uploading the data folder, rather than the complete game? And any new image files, music or other resources if he added those in, of course.

I think the best way is to upload the data folder, I will check with WinMerge what files are changed anyway.

Currently downloading MV, I will check out what you guys made and maybe add something on my own once I see it.

If anyone has a problem finding a MV download, I can upload it. Just reply

Ok working on updating game

The face is a bit small, I'll fix it eventually

I'm trying to make a 'cutscene' like when the villain and his small boat are first revealed, but it just won't trigger. I have even copied the whole thing to try emulating it

Maybe set the trigger on auto-run or parallel

maybe post a screenshot of your event?
It's hard to guess what might be wrong blindly.

The event in the forest needs the "cutscene start" switch to be set to on, did you make sure to change that?

A lot of stuff came in the way so I took very long, but it's very much finished except I can't figure out how the event only triggers once. I tried variables and switches but it just doesn't want to work

That's not quite the right link to use, user. There should be a dropdown menu to the right of the file you want to share, similar to picrelated. Select 'get link', and then copy and paste that link to share the file.

Is there any good alternative to Google Docs for collaboration ?

Made dialogue a bit better and made the event one-time only! my.mixtape.moe/nusufs.rar

It requires me to make an account, so I'll use mixtape.moe instead

It's missing "user's Brother" face image



Any things worth adding to the OP in the next thread? Also from what I understand we're working on MV now? I got a little lost, what is even the newest version now

do you actually play as a trap?

Up to date version is this user's git

This is a good point. We need to add an option to select user's gender and gender identy at the intro to be really inclusive

There’s a magnet link for MV at . Also, you should probably note for any anons that don’t want to install git that they can cut down on file sizes by just uploading the data folder and any images and/or sound files that they want added in, rather than the entire game file.

To prevent further confusion we should probably start replying updates to the anchor post in the thread again
I added codec conversations to Gondola Village, A CIA codec image for future use and fixed the cutscene in pirate cave a bit.
I sent a merge request to

Toilets as save points?

I can see it now.

It could be combined with this idea
If user build an outer hea/v/en it could have a place for gondolas to live peacefully.

Then we'd just need a gondolasaved variable and fill it with more gondolas as it increases.

t. ideaguy

You know, I just realized, you created that Holla Forums codec image by taking an existing Holla Forums picture and flipping it so it was facing the opposite direction, right? As a result, the eyepatch and shrapnel horn are on the wrong eye and the Holla Forums on his shirt is backwards. I didn’t think anything of it until I saw that Vivian also has the clover in her hair instead of the bow, but now I’m left wondering whether or not user is actually talking to the real Holla Forums and Vivian in those codec calls.

Also, I’m probably going to wait until another map or two gets added in first, but would anybody be opposed to me adding in a new Party Room map to replace the current one? I remember the user who made it didn’t seem too opposed to the idea of expanding it out and detailing it a bit more before, and I really liked the idea someone else floated by of making it a little interdimensional club where the various party members could sit around and hang out together.

Will there be a Planet Killer?

I'm gonna shill again for putting together a public design/ideas/reference/guide document. I think that should be linked in the OP.

How do I import VX maps? I'm going to claim mapanon's snowtown.

The script : pastebin.com/wjA7fRyH


Speaking of conversions, when we switched over to MV, someone forgot to add futuristictiles.png back into the indoor tileset in the database, which caused a few things to disappear from the House at the Edge of the Forest map (and possibly one or two others). I added that back in and gave proper collision to a few of the futuristic parts that were being used in the House map.

I took the liberty to add some plugins and upped the screen resolution to 1280x816.
Tell me if there are any issues.


Has anyone done something with that town yet? If not, what's gonna happen with it?

The point is that you can put whatever you want there user.

Regular Town? I don't think anybody's doing anything with it at the moment.

Buildin next area

top lel

I did not ask for this feel user.
Where did the old good times go?

You've got a strange idea of dead, my friend.

Let's be honest, it wouldn't be surprising after all this time.

user, don't delude yourself. /ani/, /baphomet/, /ebola/ and most of the rest are long gone.

We must protect Gondolas smile.

The woman with the cross necklace must be /christian/ in case you were wondering.

Thats all i know of

I think that the girl laughing at Holla Forums getting gassed is /liberty/.

I'd wager that AJ Styles is /woo/. The sun is definitely /argentina/ and the red raccoon is /fur/.


The blonde in the lower left is the /polk/ lemongirl, the mink-haired girl in the middle is /kind/, the white guy behind Holla Forums is /m/, i assume the wifebeater/ribbon combo is /trap/ or some shit. The one laughing at the Holla Forums cat looks a little like whatever the /s4s/-tan was; Keksandra, i think.

Are people really so new?

/baph/ moved of site and Ebola still gets the occasional post. That image is fairly new because it has Marburg-san with her, who was only in the news last month.

Should mark hotwheels and codemonkey on his lap. There's also some things that aren't boards. I think I see "The Gay Community" guy.

Don't forget to link your addition to the game to the OP, user.

OK done

That user forgot to add the end credits to the game at the end of his map, so I stuck them onto the eastern exit of the crossroads and added his ID into the credits.

Ok thanks

Maps only:
Full game, if you need a reference:
New maps start after ID 77. I think it's based on the Northern Crossroads build.Contains Mapanon's Snow Town with a plot involving cucks and single mothers using some kind of creature that removes your thoughts and emotions. Also has stuff to collect and the first instance of other redanons in the game. There's a place for a dungeon in the church so feel free to make a dungeon for the town, I even made a switch for it in the full build. I included a few small fixes for previous maps in the map zip by the way.

Whats this

It's my addition to the game in the OP.

Yeah uh looks like it overwrites some scnes.
You also forgot to include music and sprites.

I'll try fixing it by renaming maps etc

Nope, mapsinfo.json doens't let itself be read and won't unfuck itself no matter what I do it, have fun anons.

Yeah, you can't just throw it in like that. It's supposed to be for the master copy, it has a lot of switches, some monsters and a few variables too which might clash with anything in newer versions. Thanks for reminding me that I needed to upload the OGG file, I clean forgot.

You need to include the Mapinfos.json file with your map only download, or the game won't know about the maps with new ID's.
The map only download also doesn't include your database changes like the enemies you added or the boat pass.
Just upload the whole data folder in the future it's like 5 mb.
Also your first 4 maps (snow town-white hare inn) and some of the enemies conflict with ID's from the poo in the loo update so it's going to be a pain to merge since all the transfer events will be messed up.
I'm working on it and will upload it to my git fork when I'm done but it will take a bit.

Generally speaking. Before we moved to MV somebody had the idea to premake a bunch of empty maps for the map ID's to avoid conflicts and that got kind of lost in the switch.
We should do that again.

Here we go.
It's possible I missed one of the switches or transfers and it goes to the wrong ID, but i hope I got everything.

Seeing as the snowy port and snowy town maps are linked to mapanon's world map, I suppose either now or next thread would be a good point to ask this. Do we have any thoughts on how mapanon's world map fits in, setting-wise? I had one fairly simple idea myself, (pic related,) but haven't really done anything towards implementing that idea aside from a single throwaway line of dialogue that can be easily changed.

I just assumed we'd use the world map as a regular world map for the game eventually. I figured Pic related could easily be modified to fit the areas we already have since it we have mostly forests and grasslands but I haven't really thought about it to much.

To be honest the snow town exit didn't lead to the world map in the version user posted.
It lead to user's room (66,8) but user's room doesn't even have a 66,8 so I thought it was intended to go to the world map and went ahead and changed it there and added the CIA dev teleport and snowy port exit there, too (snowy port didn't have a transfer event north) so it's possible snow town user had something different in mind for that and I misunderstood.

If I recall correctly, it was retconned because it didn't fit the nature of the project. I guess we could modify it into a JRPG parody and add it somewhere in the game, maybe when user aquires a bootleg CD.

Also, can we go back to the previous resolution? Startng town has black borders, mountain is looking very weird and the battle sprites seem far too small.

I kinda like using the world map as a parody of DLC like we're doing already. Making it a whole other world user can go to as soon as he unlocks interdimensional travel that's filled with sidequests he can complete for useful rewards feels fitting.

Spa boss fight is bugged, you fight some ordinary mooks and after the fight you get stuck and can't move.


Did a few balance changes and increased Hill's area: my.mixtape.moe/fviatl.rar

God damn it I uploaded the fix for that in the last thread why hasn't it been merged in