Does anyone know how of any methods to quickly achieve credits in this game?

Does anyone know how of any methods to quickly achieve credits in this game?
Unlocking heroes takes like forever and I want to play as husbando Darth Vader.

Also Star Wars thread I guess

who could be behind this post?


Pay $2000 or play 4200 hours straight.

Just use the force op! Ha ha if only right? Good news though, you can unlock Darth Vader for only a few dollars if grinding isn't your thing lol ;)

I'm aware of this and I find it be retarded on EAs part.
Is there anyway to bypass it?

I wonder what advice Todd Howard would give?

dubs thread?


Then why did you buy the game still?

Are you DSP?

Try looking for a cheat engine table.

Go back to Facebook

I'm not going to let EAs bad business practices ruin my fun.

Where can I get that from?

If you're having fun, why are you asking us to minimize the amount of time you are playing the game?

nigger just use google or something

Even if it's bait, you're a fucking idiot.

I'm not going to waste that much time just to play as someone I want to use



Lets go over this shitshow
Am I missing anything?

You got me good with that one

Spend money
Buy a origin account with someone that did the leg work
Buy our game! Signed EA


you forgot that OP is a faggot and to sage.

Fork over the cash then, goy.

I'm trying to turn this thread into a shitting on EA thread, get something fun out of it instead of just sagebombing.

to be fair, I think we have enough threads expressly for shitting on the Eternal Ashkenazi at the moment

Fuck I'm laughing my ass off now
I'm not too retarded to buy this shit game, I just wanted to get a reaction out of this board, pls forgive me and don't bully

you didn't really need a pretense to be honest, most people on this board are overjoyed to tell you why their least favorite company fucking blows

This should be an enforced global rule for so many reasons.


The didn't eat up Wolfenstein 2 because of Bethesda's shitty practices.

Go suck EA’s cock on another website.

Vidya has already crashed. We're just experiencing it in slowmo while confusing the initial boost in momentum as a long-term upticking trend.

Since EA started making absolute fucking garbage and WUZware their stock has gone up literally 1000%. Just letting you know that this is the future you paid for.

user, there's a lot of things we joke around.
But there's a line.
Buying EA games is way, WAY beyond that line.

Never do that again.

Kinda related, but I remember an user here a few months ago who claimed to be working at EA. Most of his info checked out, but I distinctively remember him saying "EA is trying to mend their ways and go back to being beloved by gamers everywhere!"
Anyone got a screencap of that?

EA always says that. Microsoft says it about PC gaming every year. It's just PR. They don't care.

Bet you MS cares now that the XBox is all but dead. Sadly no one is dumb enough to fuck their profits over by making their game a Windows Store exclusive.


If you liked being robbed so much user why didn't you just say? Refund the game, and then go back in time to turn your dad gay so that you were never born. in the event that this is not bait

Who the fuck is this? Is Ironman a stormtrooper now?


Were you expecting good armour design from nuWars?

Why do they all have googly eyes on their chin?

Diversity that's why, shut up you bigot racist sexist nerd Star Wars isn't for men now.

Because you own nothing goyim!

That's just a meme. In reality, unlocking Vader takes 40 hours.

Unlocking every single skin is not to be rushed, just an endgame goal to keep you active. And it's intended to avoid the Evolve scenario, when you've unlocked everything in a week and feel no further drive onward.

But let's go back to our regularly scheduled wankfest and pretend the only way to use heroes is by paying thousands of bucks.

I'm ashamed in you user. You can bait better than this, if only you'd apply yourself.

Here's a good way to avoid the Evolve scenario: make a good fucking game.
Unreal Tournament 2k4 is old as fuck and still has people playing it. WITHOUT A FUCKING CASHOP/UNLOCK SYSTEM.
What's the endgame there? Where's the goal?
Fucking christ on a pike, I hate this industry.

I guess nothing can be said, that can't be said 4 times uh? Repeating yourself over and over won't make your point any stroner. What you wrote is actually:

Which is not an argument. Lots of games succeed at what they do, with wildly different formulas. And there's plenty of successful games that come with unlockables, which is why Battlefront has too. Oh shit, I see a 5th repeat incoming.

Love it when shills bust out the "what the image is/says.jpg" images they get from their shared office folders in a desperate attempt to fit in.

Unlocks do not make a game better, that's my point. They pad out a game and only make it sucessfull because of retards.
Compare LoL with Dota.
Which one is more "sucessfull"? The chink-owned one, because it has unlocks and people get a sense of accomplishment when they unlock something.
Is it a better game than Dota?
Try question, all MOBAS are shit.
Let's entertain that yes, if only because each player has more weight on the match outcome, aka: your skill dictates the result more often.

If you want another example: take Destiny 2. Imagine the devs, in an effort to save it, padded out the endgame with 3 new dungeons with new gear and emotes/cosmetic crap, BUT you must run them 15 times each to earn special currency that you then spend on lootboxes giving you a chance to win what you want.
Would it be a better game? Not really. More of the same really.
Would it be more "sucessfull"?
Undoubtly so. Everyone knows retards would flock to it like moths to a flame and if it had a "don't wanna run the same dungeon over and over again? Fork over 20$" it would be even more sucessfull because people can run the dungeon once, pay for the crap they want and feel like they achieved it.

To be more specific, I'm honestly worried about this trend because you can't deny it works when it comes to generate profit:
Then toss in a cashop and either you get player numbers that won't drop because people will play it FOREVER to pass over the middle boring part to get to the fun one since they liked the start so much or straight up idiots financing this crap to speed up.
Instead of looking at the future, I'm looking at past games and the trend is there: that tedious part gets larger and larger every year and the "fun-hook" at the start has been reduced to the minimal they can get while still luring people.

Heck, Destiny 2 was so focused on this shit it even forgot to make the end-game fun. Then again, who gives a shit, they already have their money when players get there.
This kind of bullshit used to be present at E3, scripted trailers and hype manufacturing, you know, things OUTSIDE the game itself.
If you weren't a retard, you'd pick the good stuff from the bad and carry on.
But now, the hype has been incorporated as a gameplay mechanic to make players WANT to buy their cosmetic crap.
Look at the new Battlefield, you actually get objectives to SEE OTHER PEOPLE OPEN THEIR LOOTBOXES.


Taking bets, how will they fuck this up?


DICE dies. Chalk another one up on the list.



A friend of mine called the FO Troopers the "Nike branded Troopers."

Because fuck making an actually good game that's fun to play, we have to psychologically entrap people. When you have to trick people to do something they're doing for leisure, you're doing it wrong.

Yes user, I too believe that Gangam Style is the greatest song ever made and that Avatar is the best movie.